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The American Journal of Sports


The Effect of Early Whole-Body Vibration Therapy on Neuromuscular Control After Anterior Cruciate
Ligament Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Chak Lun Allan Fu, Shu Hang Patrick Yung, Kan Yip Billy Law, King Ho Holly Leung, Po Yee Pauline Lui, Hon Kit Siu
and Kai Ming Chan
Am J Sports Med 2013 41: 804 originally published online March 4, 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0363546513476473

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The Effect of Early Whole-Body Vibration
Therapy on Neuromuscular Control After
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
A Randomized Controlled Trial
Chak Lun Allan Fu,*y MSc, Shu Hang Patrick Yung,z MD, Kan Yip Billy Law,z MD,
King Ho Holly Leung,y MSc, Po Yee Pauline Lui,z PhD, Hon Kit Siu,y MSc,
and Kai Ming Chan,z MD
Investigation performed at the Physiotherapy Department, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong

Background: Despite rehabilitation training, deficiency in knee joint position sense, muscular performance, postural control, and
functional ability is common after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Whole-body vibration therapy (WBVT), which
is initiated from 3 months postoperatively, has proven benefits. However, the effect of earlier WBVT is unknown.
Purpose: To investigate the effect of early WBVT on neuromuscular control after ACLR.
Study Design: Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 1.
Methods: A total of 48 patients with unilateral complete isolated ACL tears were recruited. Single-bundle hamstring ACLR was
performed in all patients. After surgery, they were randomly assigned to either the reference or treatment group. Reference group
patients received conventional ACL rehabilitation, while treatment group patients received 8 weeks of WBVT in addition to con-
ventional rehabilitation, starting from 1 month postoperatively. Joint position sense, postural control, and knee isokinetic perfor-
mance were assessed before surgery and at 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively using the Biodex dynamometer, Biodex Stability
System, and Cybex NORM, respectively. Knee range of motion (ROM), stability (manual testing and KT-1000 arthrometer), and
functional ability (single-legged hop test, triple hop test, shuttle run test, and carioca test) were also examined. Two-way
repeated-measures analysis of variance and the Mann-Whitney U test were used for statistical analysis.
Results: There was no complication throughout the rehabilitation. All patients achieved full knee ROM and stable knee joints at 6
months after surgery. The WBVT group demonstrated significantly better postural control, muscle performance, single-legged
hop, and shuttle run (P \ .05) than the reference group, but there was no significant difference in knee joint position sense,
triple hop, carioca, ROM, and stability (P . .05).
Conclusion: Early WBVT started from 1 month postoperatively was an effective training method without compromising knee
ROM and stability. It improved postural control, isokinetic performance, single-legged hop, and shuttle run but not knee joint posi-
tion sense, triple hop, and carioca.
Keywords: whole-body vibration therapy; ACL rehabilitation; ACL reconstruction; neuromuscular control; function; physical therapy

Anterior cruciate ligament injury is one of the most common it has been clinically observed and reported that patients with
knee injuries.34 Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction ACLR still have deficits in postural control,19,21 knee proprio-
(ACLR) is one of the orthopaedic surgical interventions that ception,17,41,48 and knee strength23,25,39,52 after a period of
improve the mechanical stability of the knee joint.6 However, rehabilitation. The decrease in proprioception may last up
to 6 months60 or even 4 years after reconstruction.17 Muscle
weakness may also result in an altered gait pattern.29,39
*Address correspondence to Chak Lun Allan Fu, MSc, Physiother- These functional deficits are basically a neuromuscular con-
apy Department, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong (e-mail: trol problem that affects the ability to restore dynamic joint
y stability and functional movement patterns.10,44
Physiotherapy Department, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong.
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese Uni- At the early phase of ACLR rehabilitation, the exercise
versity of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. intensity is insufficient to increase neural drive and to stim-
The authors declared that they have no conflicts of interest in the ulate muscular hypertrophy because of graft protection.4 It
authorship and publication of this contribution. has been shown that muscle strength, proprioception, and
balance start to resume progressively from 3 months after
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 41, No. 4
DOI: 10.1177/0363546513476473 surgery.44 Therefore, rehabilitation during the first 3 months
Ó 2013 The Author(s) is crucial for later function. A recent randomized controlled

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Early Whole-Body Vibration Therapy After ACLR 805

trial (RCT) with 2 years’ follow-up recommended that both was used as the primary outcome measure. In a related
neuromuscular and strengthening exercises should be study35 (N = 20), the angular error when testing joint posi-
included into ACLR rehabilitation programs.42 tion sense at 60° of knee flexion improved around 50% in the
According to the American College of Sports Medicine WBVT group, which was similar to our pilot study. Group
(ACSM), loads of 45% to 50% of maximum intensity improve sample sizes of 17 and 17 achieved 81% power and 5% a
dynamic muscular strength in untrained patients.40 Exercise (level of significance) to detect a difference of 3.0° (corre-
during the early stage of rehabilitation (such as quadriceps sponding to 50% improvement) between the null hypothesis
femoris muscle setting, manual lateralization of patella, that the WBVT group mean was 6.0° and the reference
rhythmic stabilization) achieves \35% of maximum inten- group mean was 3.0°. With an estimated group standard
sity. Closed chain resistance exercises achieve a margin of deviation of 3.0° for both groups using a 2-sided, 2-sample
55% to 60% of maximum intensity.4 Despite the fact that t test and assuming a 40% attrition rate, it was demon-
open chain resistance exercise can produce 67% to 79% of strated that each group should recruit 24 participants.
maximum intensity,4 it is prohibited during the early stage
of rehabilitation because of the considerable anterior shear Participants
forces exerted on the tibia during knee extension. Other
dynamic or plyometric exercises like running, jumping, or A total of 48 patients who had undergone ACLR at Prince
hopping are thus not recommended for the same reason. of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, were invited to participate
A safe and efficient method for stimulating neuromuscu- in this study. Participants were patients who had ACLR
lar control in the early rehabilitative phase is thus needed to with a single-bundle approach. They must have been able
incorporate into current neuromuscular rehabilitation pro- to walk with a pair of elbow crutches independently by 1
grams to speed up a healthy return. This training should month after surgery and were excluded if they had the fol-
aim at improving joint proprioception, postural control, lowing histories: (1) concomitant posterior cruciate liga-
muscle strength, and functional ability. Hurd et al22 sug- ment, lateral collateral ligament, or medial collateral
gested that rehabilitation focused on neuromuscular stimu- ligament injury in the same knee; (2) previous operation
lation might improve proprioception and muscle strength. on either lower limbs; (3) medical problems that were con-
Liu-Ambrose et al30 showed that proprioception training tradictory to WBVT such as pregnancy, acute thrombosis,
alone after ACLR induced an increase of isokinetic strength. serious cardiovascular disease, pacemaker, acute hernia,
In turn, Bouët and Gahéry8 demonstrated that strengthen- discopathy, spondylolysis, severe diabetes, epilepsy, recent
ing exercise alone could improve proprioception. infections, severe migraine, tumors or kidney stones or so
Whole-body vibration therapy (WBVT) could be a potential forth,3 and neurological conditions such as Guillain-Barré
candidate for ACLR rehabilitation.35 The possible mechanism syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and postpolio syndrome;
for improving neuromuscular activation is the ‘‘tonic vibration and (4) prior experience of WBVT to avoid any training
reflex’’ and adaptation of the higher cortex.13,45 There is or memory effect. Cases with concomitant meniscal repair
emerging evidence that WBVT can improve balance, postural or partial meniscectomy were not excluded. This study was
control, muscle strength, and functional performance.45 To approved by the joint Chinese University of Hong Kong–
date, positive effects were reported in a number of studies New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics
on healthy patients12,33,49,54,56 as well as the elderly, postmen- Committee. Explanations were given, and consent was
opausal, stroke victims, and those with Parkinson disease, obtained from each patient before participating in this
multiple sclerosis, and spasms.32,50,55,56 It is reasonable to study.
postulate that there could be positive effects for patients A physical therapist assistant randomly allocated partici-
who have undergone ACLR as well. pants to either the WBVT or reference group by using a block
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no stud- randomization program (;
ies investigating the effect of WBVT during early rehabilita- seed number 2327) with a block size of 6.11
tion. The earliest that WBVT has been initiated is 3 months
after surgery.35 Better knee proprioception and postural Interventions
control were demonstrated. As it is beneficial to start neuro-
muscular training as early as possible, the objective of this Both the WBVT and the reference group underwent the
study was to compare the effect of early WBVT (starting same conventional rehabilitation protocol that was used
at 1 month after surgery) on neuromuscular control after by the outpatient Physiotherapy Department, Prince of
ACLR by evaluating knee proprioception, postural control, Wales Hospital, Hong Kong. The flow of participants in rela-
peak torque, and functional ability with a reference group. tion to time and assessments is summarized in Figure 1.
Joint stability was also assessed for its safety. Current research and clinical experiences were consid-
ered in the design of the conventional rehabilitation ther-
apy. It was composed of cryotherapy, magnetotherapy,
MATERIALS AND METHODS neuromuscular electrical stimulation, mobilization exer-
cise, stretching exercise, strengthening exercise, proprio-
Sample Size Calculation ceptive training, balance exercise, functional training,
gait re-education, and home exercise. Criteria for exercise
The software package PASS2008 (NCSS, Kaysville, Utah) progression were based on clinical conditions and the pro-
was used to calculate sample size. Joint position sense gression models recommended by the ACSM. Patients

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806 Fu et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Figure 1. Flow of participants.

were requested to use elbow crutches for partial weight- (electrotherapy, cryotherapy, taping, ROM exercise) until
bearing walking for the first 4 weeks after ACLR and to the impairments were resolved.
wear a protective brace for 6 weeks. Details of the protocol The WBVT was carried out on Fitvibe Excel Pro (model
are listed in Appendix 1 (available in the online version of 332015, GymnaUniphy NV, Bilzen, Belgium). The vibra-
this article at tion plates operated in a vertical direction. The frequency
The WBVT group started WBVT training at 1 month of that vibration was adjusted with a step of 5 Hz, and
after surgery in addition to the conventional rehabilitation vibration frequency ranges were from 20 to 60 Hz. The
program (Figure 1). There were 2 sessions per week for amplitude was set as high (4 mm) or low (2 mm). To avoid
a total of 16 sessions (Appendix 1). Patients were requested attention effects, the vibration therapy was performed in
to notify their physical therapist of any unattended train- another room so that the patients in the reference group
ing sessions in advance. Extra training sessions were allo- were not exposed.
cated before or after the missed session within 1 week so Three designated registered physical therapists who are
that all training was finished within 2 months. If patients experienced in ACLR rehabilitation were responsible for all
developed pain, swelling, or decreased knee range of the treatments. Before this study, these physical therapists
motion (ROM), they underwent other treatments were instructed with the standard ACLR neuromuscular

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Early Whole-Body Vibration Therapy After ACLR 807

rehabilitation protocol again to ensure the consistency of the (absolute value of the difference of the target angle and
whole rehabilitation program. A physical therapist assis- matching angle) was recorded.
tant supervised all WBVT sessions, and an exercise booklet
including exercise positions, training durations, and param- Postural Control Test
eters of each session in detail was given to patients to facil-
itate their training and to improve the accuracy of the The Biodex Stability System (with software version 3.1,
exercises (Appendix 1, available online). Biodex Medical Systems) was used to evaluate postural
control. Schmitz and Arnold53 showed that the Biodex sys-
Program Adherence tem was a reliable tool to assess postural control. It meas-
ures the deviation from the center of gravity of the body by
Attendance record sheets were completed by the physical providing 3 numerical stability indexes: overall stability
therapist in charge to document adherence to the program index (OSI), anterior-posterior stability index (API), and
for the first 3 months of the WBVT group. The patients medial-lateral stability index (MLI). The API and MLI
were requested to attend 2 sessions per week for the first denoted the sagittal and frontal plane, respectively, while
3 months. Whenever the patient could not make up 2 ses- the OSI signified the overall score in all directions. The
sions per week, they were asked to make an additional lower the score, the better the stability.
training session 1 week before or after that missed session. Participants were positioned with both feet on the plat-
Otherwise, it was counted as a missed session. Program form and in a comfortable position with knee flexion
adherence of 80% was defined as being adherent to the around 15°. The foot positions recorded in the first session
rehabilitation program. were used at all subsequent assessments. Each patient had
to maintain the static position with the platform progres-
sively decreased in stability from level 8 to level 4 within
Outcome Measures
25 seconds. There were a total of 3 trials, with a 10-second
All assessments of the outcome measures were conducted resting time between. The mean 6 standard deviation of
by another physical therapist assistant who was blinded the OSI, API, and MLI were recorded. Identical testing
to the treatments provided to the participants. To avoid procedures were performed with the eyes closed.35
potential corruption of the results because of fatigue, tests
that required more muscle strength were performed later. Isokinetic Testing
The sequence of the tests is listed below. Each patient had
10 minutes to warm up before the isokinetic test using Peak torque (Nm) measurements were taken with Cybex
a static bicycle. NORM (CSMI, Stoughton, Massachusetts) for both quadri-
ceps and hamstrings at speeds of 60, 180, and 300 deg/s.
Joint Position Sense Test The dynamometer was calibrated as part of the regular
schedule for testing as suggested by the manufacturer.
The Biodex dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems, Shir- The patients were tested in a seated position with the
ley, New York) was validated to examine knee joint posi- hips snugly against the back of the chair and flexed at
tion sense in a nonweightbearing position.14 The patients 70° to 90° in an anatomic angle. Stabilization straps were
were seated upright on the dynamometer with the seat applied to the trunk, waist, and thigh so as to stabilize
adjusted approximately 5 cm from the popliteal fossa. other body parts and maximize the knee torque. The resis-
The knee joint of the tested leg was aligned with the axis tance pad was placed at a level 1 inch proximal to the
of the dynamometer, and patients wore shorts up to mid- medial malleolus58 and the lateral femoral condyle as an
thigh. To eliminate visual input during testing, patients anatomic reference for the axis of rotation.16
were blindfolded, and an air splint was positioned around Before the commencement of each testing speed, partic-
the ankle to reduce cutaneous sensory input. The tibial ipants were allowed to familiarize themselves with 3 trials.
pad was secured to the posterior part of the ankle splint. The reconstructed limb was tested first. Verbal encourage-
The dynamometer extended the knee passively from the ment at a conversational level was given during testing.
starting position (90° of knee flexion) to the target angle (ie, Tests were performed before surgery, 3 months after sur-
30° and 60° of knee flexion) at 2 deg/s. This slow angular gery, and 6 months after surgery. The limb symmetry
velocity was thought to selectively stimulate Ruffini- or index (LSI) was recorded using side-to-side comparison:
Golgi-type mechanoreceptors in the joint and to minimize reconstructed limb/normal limb 3 100.
the contribution of muscle spindles.28 When the target angle
was reached, the dynamometer would hold the position for 5 Functional Tests
seconds, and the participants were asked to remember that
target angle. The dynamometer then returned to the start- Single-Legged and Triple Hop Tests. Both tests have
ing position and re-extended the knee joint passively. The good reliability; the single-legged hop test has intraclass
patients were asked to press a button when the ‘‘perceived’’ correlation coefficients ranging from 0.97 to 0.99,7 whereas
target angle was reached. This ‘‘perceived’’ target angle was the triple hop test has reliability coefficients ranging from
recorded as the matching angle. 0.81 to 0.97.43
Both knees were tested 3 times for each target angle. Both tests were performed 3 times with each leg. Partic-
The mean of the 3 measured absolute angular errors ipants were asked to hop with their arms on their hips as

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808 Fu et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

far as possible (maximal effort) from a predetermined line TABLE 1

and to land on the same leg. The best distance (in cm) Baseline Characteristicsa
among the 3 trials was recorded. The normal limb was
tested first, followed by the reconstructed limb.44 The LSI Reference Group WBVT Group P
was calculated for the hop tests. Sex, n .358b
Shuttle Run and Carioca Tests. The reliability coeffi- Male 14 18
cient of these tests ranges from 0.92 to 0.96.27 Both tests Female 10 6
measured the time taken to move across a 6.3-m flat testing Dominant limb, n .492b
area 4 times. In the shuttle run test, patients were asked to Right 20 17
run as fast as was safe and to turn on the reconstructed limb Left 4 7
toward the uninjured side at each end. For the carioca test, Meniscectomy, n .759b
participants were asked to use an alternating crossover step Yes 7 9
No 17 15
to move laterally as quickly as possible to one end and
Meniscal repair, n .371b
reverse direction to the starting position.23 Yes 11 7
No 13 17
Clinical Assessment Age, y 25.2 6 7.3 23.3 6 5.2 .363
(21.7-28.6) (20.9-25.7)
Weight, kg 66.7 6 10.5 66.5 6 12.8 .961
The KT-1000 arthrometer (MEDmetric Corp, San Diego,
(61.8-71.6) (60.6-72.5)
California) was used to assess anterior laxity of the knee.
Height, m 1.70 6 0.07 1.71 6 0.08 .683
A 30-lb load was applied to displace the tibia anteriorly. (1.67-1.73) (1.67-1.74)
The side-to-side difference was calculated by subtracting Body mass index 23.11 6 2.84 22.75 6 3.44 .717
the value of the normal knee from the reconstructed (21.79-24.44) (21.13-24.35)
knee.26 Anterior drawer, Lachman, and pivot-shift tests Days from injury 166.0 6 82.3 182.4 6 95.9 .565
were used to evaluate ligament stability by the same ortho- to surgery (127.4-204.5) (137.5-227.2)
paedic surgeon (K.Y.B.L.). Results of the clinical tests were
recorded as grade 0 for negative (no instability) and grades Data are expressed as mean 6 standard deviation (95% confi-
I, II, and III for mildly, moderately, and severely positive, dence interval) unless otherwise indicated. WBVT, whole-body
vibration therapy.
respectively. Knee ROM of all participants was measured b 2
x test.
using a goniometer at 6 months after surgery.

Statistical Analysis RESULTS

Statistical analysis was performed with the Statistical Dropout Rate and Program Adherence
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS, Version 19, SPSS
Inc, Chicago, Illinois). Baseline characteristics were tested The dropout rate ranged from 4.1% to 16.7% at different
using independent t tests for parametric parameters and time intervals (Figure 1). The main reason for dropping
the x2 test for nonparametric parameters. The time of base- out was personal time limitations rather than any adverse
line assessments of joint position sense and postural control effects. One patient discontinued physical therapy treat-
was at 1 month postoperatively, while the isokinetic and ment because of geographical reasons. Program adherence
functional tests were conducted around 2 weeks before sur- within the first 3 months was 83.2% in the WBVT group
gery because the ACL graft was unstable for testing at 1 and 84.4% in the reference group.
month after surgery. Repeated-measures analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) with time as the repeated-measures factor
for the outcomes measure was used to analyze the difference Baseline Demographics and Pretest Measurements
between the 2 groups. Tests of within-patient effect were
There was no significant difference in any patient charac-
utilized to find any difference between different time inter-
teristics and pretest measurements (Table 1) between the
vals in each group. Contrast with F statistics was used to
reference group and the WBVT group. The P values ranged
test for the difference at different time points in the post
from .107 to .961.
hoc analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test was employed to
compare for any difference between the 2 groups in the
anterior drawer, Lachman, and posterior drawer tests. A Posttreatment Group Measurements
P value of \.05 was considered statistically significant.
Participants who missed follow-up assessments were Joint Position Sense Test. There was no significant dif-
contacted by telephone within 1 week for reassessment. ference between the 2 groups with the test performed for
Those who missed assessments at 1 and 3 months postop- the reconstructed limb at 60° of knee flexion (overall P =
eratively were excluded from analysis. Otherwise, the last .08) and 30° of knee flexion (overall P = .057) and the nor-
observation carried forward method was used to replace mal limb at 60° of knee flexion (overall P = .638) and 30° of
the missing value at 6 months postoperatively. The degree knee flexion (overall P = .510) throughout 6 months of
of program adherence was expressed as a percentage. rehabilitation (Table 2 and Appendix 2).

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Early Whole-Body Vibration Therapy After ACLR 809

Results of Posttreatment Measurementsa

Baseline 3 Months Postoperatively 6 Months Postoperatively

Reference WBVT P Baseline Reference WBVT Reference WBVT P Overall

Joint position sense, deg

60° of flexion
RL 4.12 6 1.83 5.42 6 3.02 .111 4.48 6 3.20 4.45 6 2.00 4.77 6 2.93 4.07 6 2.17 .080
(2.99-5.26) (4.29-6.55) (3.27-5.69) (3.24-5.65) (3.60-5.93) (2.90-5.24)
NL 5.64 6 3.21 4.34 6 2.95 .189 4.58 6 3.48 3.77 6 2.65 4.96 6 2.57 4.54 6 2.79 .638
(4.24-7.04) (2.94-5.73) (3.17-5.98) (2.37-5.17) (3.75-6.17) (3.33-5.75)
30° of flexion
RL 5.13 6 2.41 6.63 6 3.28 .107 4.76 6 2.27 4.68 6 2.30 5.25 6 2.84 4.43 6 3.09 .057
(3.83-6.43) (5.33-7.93) (3.73-5.79) (3.64-5.71) (3.91-6.59) (3.08-5.77)
NL 5.52 6 3.40 6.06 6 2.56 .578 5.50 6 2.34 5.14 6 2.10 5.08 6 2.06 4.60 6 2.18 .510
(4.16-6.88) (4.69-7.42) (4.49-6.50) (4.14-6.15) (4.12-6.04) (3.64-5.56)
Postural control (index)
With eyes open
OSI 2.59 6 1.68 2.24 6 1.41 .473 2.18 6 1.44 1.86 6 0.98 2.09 6 0.90 1.62 6 1.00 .921
(1.89-3.30) (1.54-2.94) (1.62-2.74) (1.30-2.41) (1.66-2.51) (1.19-2.05)
API 2.06 6 1.72 1.64 6 1.20 .375 1.56 6 1.33 1.37 6 0.96 1.54 6 0.97 1.46 6 1.80 .780
(1.39-2.73) (0.97-2.31) (1.03-2.08) (0.84-1.90) (0.89-2.19) (0.80-2.11)
MLI 1.22 6 0.62 1.29 6 0.77 .753 1.35 6 0.84 0.98 6 0.49 1.37 6 0.90 1.01 6 0.62 .108
(0.90-1.54) (0.97-1.61) (1.04-1.66) (0.66-1.29) (1.02-1.71) (0.66-1.35)
With eyes closed
OSI 6.06 6 1.37 6.37 6 2.46 .626 6.03 6 2.23 4.69 6 2.01c 5.57 6 1.53 5.20 6 2.30 .013b
(5.16-6.96) (5.47-7.27) (5.07-6.99) (3.73-5.65c) (4.69-6.45) (4.31-6.08)
API 3.90 6 1.13 4.15 6 1.71 .588 4.70 6 2.20c 3.09 6 1.37c 4.20 6 1.58 3.37 6 1.62 \.001b
(3.25-4.56) (3.50-4.81) (3.87-5.53c) (2.26-3.92c) (3.48-4.92) (2.65-4.09)
MLI 3.89 6 0.97 4.09 6 1.48 .616 3.88 6 1.28 2.91 6 1.30c 3.64 6 1.03 3.05 6 1.42 .002b
(3.32-4.46) (3.52-4.66) (3.30-4.46) (2.33-3.50c) (3.07-4.20) (2.48-3.61)
Knee peak torque, Nm
60 deg/s
RL 84.1 6 30.1 79.4 6 30.4 .628 — — 120.0 6 34.9 139.7 6 32.4 .012b
(70.3-97.8) (65.7-93.1) (104.8-135.2) (124.4-154.9)
NL 140.6 6 40.1 142.8 6 30.1 .848 — — 147.3 6 34.9 153.5 6 26.6 .521
(124.6-156.6) (126.7-158.8) (133.2-161.3) (139.4-167.5)
180 deg/s
RL 62.9 6 22.0 55.8 6 27.9 .379 — — 90.0 6 22.2 98.9 6 22.4 .013b
(51.5-74.3) (44.5-67.2) (80.0-100.1) (88.8-109.0)
NL 94.5 6 20.2 93.0 6 25.3 .842 — — 108.8 6 20.4 116.1 6 24.9 .061
(84.1-104.8) (82.6-103.4) (98.5-119.1) (105.8-126.4)
300 deg/s
RL 46.5 6 22.8 39.2 6 17.3 .259 43.4 6 18.8 49.8 6 18.4c 56.8 6 22.9c 65.5 6 15.7c .005b
(37.3-55.7) (30.0-48.3) (34.9-51.8) (41.4-58.2c) (47.9-65.6c) (56.6-74.4c)
NL 65.9 6 17.1 59.5 6 16.3 .23 63.6 6 16.0 69.0 6 21.1 73.3 6 19.5 75.7 6 20.2 .053
(58.3-73.5) (51.9-67.0) (55.1-72.1) (60.5-77.4) (64.3-82.3) (66.7-84.7)
60 deg/s
RL 71.9 6 17.6 67.2 6 25.9 .511 — — 87.2 6 19.4 92.4 6 23.1 .045b
(61.8-81.9) (57.2-77.2) (77.6-96.9) (82.7-102.0)
NL 90.0 6 23.3 87.2 6 19.1 .687 — — 99.4 6 22.6 103.6 6 20.5 .151
(80.3-99.6) (77.6-96.9) (89.6-109.1) (93.9-113.4)
180 deg/s
RL 56.6 6 23.0 53.7 6 18.9 .66 — — 66.5 6 21.9 71.6 6 16.2 .070
(47.1-66.1) (44.1-63.2) (57.8-75.2) (62.9-80.4)
NL 68.8 6 20.8 71.3 6 16.8 .681 — — 76.1 6 20.2 81.3 6 14.5 .494
(60.3-77.4) (62.7-79.9) (68.1-84.1) (73.4-89.3)
300 deg/s
RL 42.1 6 16.9 35.0 6 18.6 .218 41.5 6 16.3 48.5 6 18.8c 51.5 6 13.9c 58.6 6 18.0c .014b
(34.0-50.1) (26.9-43.1) (33.5-49.4) (40.5-56.4c) (44.2-58.8c) (51.3-65.9c)
NL 57.8 6 18.4 52.6 6 14.5 .334 59.5 6 17.6 63.7 6 16.5 65.5 6 16.8 68.2 6 14.7 .082
(50.3-65.2) (45.1-60.1) (51.8-67.2) (56.0-71.5) (58.3-72.6) (61.0-75.3)


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Baseline 3 Months Postoperatively 6 Months Postoperatively

Reference WBVT P Baseline Reference WBVT Reference WBVT P Overall

Functional tests
1-legged hop, cm
RL 105.1 6 37.2 100.1 6 33.2 .661 — — 129.5 6 38.4 140.8 6 27.1 .022b
(89.1-121.0) (84.2-116.1) (114.5-144.6) (125.8-155.9)
NL 138.4 6 43.3 136.0 6 31.7 .841 — — 148.7 6 37.0 154.5 6 28.4 .331
(121.2-155.6) (118.8-153.1) (133.7-163.6) (139.5-169.4)
Triple hop, cm
RL 281.1 6 79.5 273.3 6 68.5 .741 — — 365.2 6 49.4 381.2 6 59.5 .345
(247.5-314.7) (239.7-306.9) (340.5-390.0) (356.4-405.9)
NL 401.7 6 90.2 408.5 6 78.2 .8 — — 416.8 6 80.7 423.1 6 69.56 .967
(363.5-439.9) (370.3-446.7) (382.7-450.9) (389.0-457.2)
Shuttle run, s 10.1 6 1.2 10.5 6 1.4 .36 — — 9.5 6 1.7 9.1 6 0.8 .036b
(9.5-10.7) (9.9-11.1) (8.9-10.1) (8.5-9.7)
Carioca, s 16.5 6 4.9 15.9 6 4.0 .658 — — 14.0 6 3.0 13.7 6 2.7 .758
(14.5-18.5) (13.9-17.9) (12.8-15.3) (12.4-14.9)
KT-1000 4.6 6 1.9 4.4 6 2.4 .74 1.5 6 1.1 1.4 6 1.2 1.4 6 1.2 1.4 6 1.3 .848
arthrometer (3.7-5.6) (3.5-5.4) (1.0-2.1) (0.9-1.9) (0.8-1.9) (0.8-1.9)
difference, mm

Data are expressed as mean 6 standard deviation (95% confidence interval). WBVT, whole-body vibration therapy; RL, reconstructed
limb; NL, normal limb; OSI, overall stability index; API, anterior-posterior stability index; MLI, medial-lateral stability index. Dashes indi-
cate that there is no assessment at that time interval.
P \ .05.
P \ .05, post hoc test.

Postural Control Test. Postural control was better in all the WBVT group also had better limb symmetry through-
directions with tests performed with eyes opened than with out 6 months of rehabilitation (Table 3).
eyes closed, and the WBVT group had better postural con- Functional Assessments. The WBVT group performed
trol in both testing conditions after surgery (Table 2 and significantly better in the shuttle run test (overall P =
Appendix 2). There was no significant difference in the .036; post hoc P \ .001). In the single-legged hop test,
OSI (overall P = .921), API (overall P = .780), and MLI both the reconstructed limb (overall P = .022; post hoc
(overall P = .108) for tests performed with eyes opened, P \ .001) of the WBVT group and the reconstructed limb
but the WBVT group performed significantly better than (overall P = .022; post hoc P \ .001) of the reference group
the reference group in the OSI (overall P = .013), API (over- were significantly better. There was no significant differ-
all P \ .001), and MLI (overall P = .002) for tests performed ence in the triple hop and carioca between the 2 groups
with eyes closed between baseline and 6 months postoper- (Table 2 and Appendix 2). Patients in the WBVT group
atively. It was noted that postural control significantly also had better limb symmetry throughout 6 months of
improved in the WBVT group for the OSI (post hoc P \ rehabilitation (Table 3).
.001), API (post hoc P = .001), and MLI (post hoc P \ Clinical Assessments. No complication was noted, and
.001) 3 months after rehabilitation but significantly all patients achieved full knee ROM. There was no side-
decreased in the API (post hoc P = .03) for the reference to-side difference between the 2 groups for the KT-1000
group. arthrometer with P = .848 (Table 2). For the clinical assess-
Isokinetic Testing. The quadriceps of the reconstructed ments, around 80% of the patients were grade 0, and 20%
limbs in the WBVT group had higher peak torques at were grade I in both groups. There was no significant dif-
60 deg/s (overall P = .012), 180 deg/s (overall P = .013), ference in anterior drawer (Z \ 0.001; P = 1.000), Lachman
and 300 deg/s (overall P = .005) than the reference group (Z = –0.374; P = .708), and pivot-shift (Z = –1.561; P = .118)
at 6 months postoperatively. Also, the hamstrings of the test results between the 2 groups.
WBVT group had higher peak torques at 60 deg/s (overall
P = .045) and 300 deg/s (overall P = .014) but not at
180 deg/s (overall P = .070) nor in the normal limb (overall DISCUSSION
P range, .053-.521). Three months after rehabilitation, only
the WBVT group had significant improvement in the quad- There were no complications throughout the rehabilita-
riceps (post hoc P = .002) and hamstrings (post hoc P = tion. All patients achieved full knee ROM and stable
.007) at 300 deg/s (Table 2 and Appendix 2). Patients in knee joints at 6 months after surgery. The WBVT group

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Early Whole-Body Vibration Therapy After ACLR 811

TABLE 3 proportional to the force generated by the machine and

Limb Symmetry Indexa thus absorbed by the resonator.
The proportion of training and resting time was
3 Months 6 Months increased gradually to provide more stimuli to muscle
Parameter Postoperatively Postoperatively
and higher training intensity for exercise progression.
Knee strength, N/m The training sessions lasted for 8 weeks because neural
Extensors adaptation and skeletal muscle hypertrophy take about 4
60 deg/s Ref — 81.5 to 8 weeks of time,24 and training periods of at least 6
WBVT — 90.8 weeks were shown to be more effective for remarkable
180 deg/s Ref — 82.8 physiological adaptations responsible for recurrent injury
WBVT — 85.2 prevention.59
300 deg/s Ref 68.2 77.4
Training Position. The protocol was composed of both
WBVT 72.2 86.5
static and dynamic exercises (exercises A-H), as it was
60 deg/s Ref — 87.8 demonstrated that electromyogram (EMG) activity of
WBVT — 89.1 knee extensors improved from 2.9% to 6.7% in static condi-
180 deg/s Ref — 87.4 tions and 3.7% to 8.7% in dynamic conditions18 and signif-
WBVT — 88.1 icantly improved in knee proprioception and postural
300 deg/s Ref 69.66 78.7 balance.35 Three general positions were used in this study
WBVT 76.0 85.9 (ie, high squat, low squat, and single-legged squat) because
Functional tests Roelants et al51 showed that the WBVT group significantly
1-legged hop, cm Ref — 87.1 increased EMG activity for all muscles during exercise in
WBVT — 91.2
these positions, ranging from a 49% to 365% greater
Triple hop, cm Ref — 87.6
response when compared with the reference group. Exer-
WBVT — 90.1
cises J to K were cool-down and muscle relaxation exer-
Limb symmetry index = reconstructed limb/normal limb 3 100. cises, and the target muscles were hamstring, calves, and
Ref, reference; WBVT, whole-body vibration therapy. hip adductor, respectively (Appendix 1).
Safety Issues. There is no safety guideline for WBVT.45
On the basis of previous studies, participants were
demonstrated significantly better postural control, muscle excluded as in the exclusion criteria to avoid possible dele-
performance, single-legged hop, and shuttle run (P \ .05) terious effects. The training frequency was higher than
than the reference group, but there was no significant dif- 20 Hz45 and lower than 50 Hz.46 All of the training posi-
ference in knee joint position sense, triple hop, carioca, tions in our study adopted a certain degree of flexion in
ROM, and stability (P . .05). the ankle, knee, and hip joints to avoid high transmission
factors to their heads.2 Also, to date, no major adverse
Rationale of the Parameters in WBVT effect was reported in the literature. The most common
side effects appeared to be erythema, itching, and edema
Mode and Training Intensity. The training frequency in in the lower limbs,13 but none of our patients had any of
this study increased gradually from 35 to 50 Hz with an these complications. The training positions in WBVT
amplitude of 4 mm. This was based on Hazell et al18 that were safe for patients who had undergone ACLR who
higher frequencies (ie, 35, 40, 45 Hz) resulted in the great- were limited to certain ROMs and types of exercise (plyo-
est knee extensor activities when combined with a 4-mm metric, open chain, and functional exercises) at the early
amplitude on a vertically oscillating platform. Indeed, stage of rehabilitation. All of our patients achieved full
Abercromby et al1 showed that the responses of knee knee ROM as well as good knee stability. We thus believe
extensors were significantly greater in side-alternating that WBVT was safe for ACLR patients using hamstring
vibration than vertical vibration, so it was also possible grafts within the range of our parameters.
that side-alternating oscillation can improve muscle
strength and postural balance with this protocol. Joint Position Sense
In addition, Rittweger et al46 demonstrated that a fre-
quency between 26 and 44 Hz was used for improving mus- Histological studies revealed that mechanoreceptors were
cle power and strength and that a frequency lower than located in the subsynovial layers and at the insertions of
20 Hz was for muscle relaxation. This was why the lower the ACL.15 Mechanoreceptors such as Ruffini endings,
limit was set at 35 Hz. The upper limit was set at 50 Hz Pacinian corpuscles, and Golgi tendon organs that were
because frequencies .50 Hz were reported to cause severe present in the ACL were responsible for the sensation of
muscle damage.46 joint motion and position.15,47 Removal of the torn ACL
The amplitude was fixed at 4 mm because it was the and thus the mechanoreceptors within it could decrease
highest amplitude that the machine could achieve. The joint position sense. However, this study showed that there
larger the amplitude, the more force is needed to maintain was no difference in joint position sense in any conditions
a posture. According to simple harmonic motion and New- as opposed to other studies, which demonstrated that the
ton’s second law, acceleration increases with increasing time needed for the re-establishment of ACL grafts was
amplitude at the same frequency and is directly around 6 months.5,35

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812 Fu et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

One possible reason is that the function for detecting kind of stretch-shortening cycle (plyometric properties)
joint position may be substituted by other mechanorecep- was shown to increase muscle strength.57 This can be
tors within the knee joints. Another reason is that the a solution to decreased knee strength in the normal knee
recovery period for the re-establishment of mechanorecep- after ACLR reported by some authors.20
tors and neural incorporation into the ACL graft is longer One similar study used localized vibration instead of
than 6 months. Ochi et al38 denoted that 18 months was WBVT9; the treatments were initiated at 1 month postop-
needed for neural incorporation into the ACL hamstring eratively and assessed at 3 months postoperatively. Both
graft. vibration therapies showed superior effects over conven-
tional rehabilitation programs (strength, balance, and pro-
Postural Control prioception training). A shorter neural adaptation period
through vibration is possibly the mechanism for increasing
Moezy et al35 showed that there were significant differen- muscle strength, as muscle hypertrophy cannot result from
ces for tests performed with eyes opened and eyes closed 3 days of training. With the enhancement of motor unit
(P \ .05). In contrast, our study showed differences for recruitment, the continuum of WBVT in our study should
tests performed with eyes closed only. These results were be the reason for a further percentage increase in muscle
reasonable, as balance was influenced by visual, vestibu- strength, as muscle hypertrophy takes around 6 weeks to
lar, and somatosensation systems. Blocking input from develop.40 However, the rate of neural adaptation between
any of these systems can result in decreasing postural bal- the 2 methods of vibration cannot be determined in this
ance.31 All indexes in our tests performed with eyes open study.
had better postural control when compared with eyes The main differences between our study and Brunetti
closed in both groups (P \ .05). et al’s9 were the training intensity (the present study
Better postural control in the WBVT group could be has a much lower frequency and higher amplitude) and
caused by the improvement in muscle performance and training duration (a total of 319 minutes in the present
neural adaptation. After ACLR, the mechanoreceptors study vs 30 minutes in the Brunetti et al study9). In Bru-
could lose feedback25 or diminish in neuromuscular excit- netti et al’s study,9 they directly applied localized
ability.52 Signal loss from mechanoreceptors may induce mechanical vibration to the area close to the tendon inser-
changes for the remaining receptor inputs. The altered tion of the intermedius femoris, rectus femoris, vastus
feedback mechanism may prolong muscle reaction time medialis, and vastus lateralis. The vibration was per-
and limit postural control.59 Patients who have undergone formed for 3 consecutive days for 10 minutes at 1 month
WBVT were shown to recruit a larger proportion of the a postoperatively, with a frequency of 100 Hz and ampli-
motoneuron pool and decrease the sensory threshold,36 tude of oscillation of \20 mm. Three months after surgery,
thereby reducing the muscle reaction time. In addition, the peak torque of knee extensors muscles in Brunetti
motor unit excitability was enhanced with increased motor et al’s9 patients recovered to presurgical levels (6% less
unit activity through descending pathways.36 than the nonoperated side), while those under conserva-
tive training showed a decline of 14%. Our study demon-
Isokinetic Testing strated that both knee extensors and knee flexors were
around 30% better in the WBVT group and 10% weaker
The improvement of peak torque in the quadriceps and in the reference group.
hamstrings at different testing speeds supported the
hypothesis that early neuromuscular stimulation through Functional Ability
WBVT can improve muscle strength at an earlier stage of
ACLR rehabilitation than conventional neuromuscular The hop tests were used to assess muscle strength,
training programs. There were many studies investigating dynamic muscle coactivation, and confidence, while the
the effect of WBVT on other specific populations.32,55,56 To shuttle run test and carioca test examined agility.23 All
the best of the authors’ knowledge, this was the first RCT patients demonstrated better functional ability after 6
to evaluate the effect of muscle performance using WBVT months of rehabilitation, with the WBVT group signifi-
and compared with neuromuscular training on ACLR cantly performing better in the single-legged hop test and
patients but not ACL-deficient patients. shuttle run test (Table 2 and Appendix 2). The LSI of the
The LSI was higher in the WBVT group (Table 3). The hop tests were .85% for all patients and were considered
WBVT group had minimal deficits, while the reference within the normal range.37 The LSI of the WBVT group
group had moderate deficits58 at 3 months postoperatively, even achieved .90%.
and these improvements were continued up to 6 months
postoperatively. Indeed, WBVT was demonstrated to be WBVT Versus Conventional Neuromuscular Training
an effective and time-saving method to strengthen knee
muscle groups in the lower limb compared with traditional This study, and other RCTs that focus on conventional
methods that usually aim at 1 muscle group. neuromuscular training and balance training,42,44 showed
This could be accounted for in the lower limb muscles, positive results in postural control and proprioception at
which work concentrically and eccentrically against the 3 months postoperatively. In addition, WBVT demon-
damping effect at each oscillation cycle of vibration. This strated significant superior knee strength compared with

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Vol. 41, No. 4, 2013 Early Whole-Body Vibration Therapy After ACLR 813

the reference group at 3 months after surgery and up to 6 advice; and Ms S.F. Leung for technical assistance. Special
months postoperatively. It is therefore advisable to start appreciation is offered to Ms M.Y. Ng and Mr T.C. Fu for
WBVT at 1 month postoperatively. their continuous support throughout the research process.

Limitations and Further Studies

This study did not document patient satisfaction, confi-
dence to return to sports, or effect of WBVT on the graft 1. Abercromby AF, Amonette WE, Layne CS, McFarlin BK, Hinman MR,
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2. Abercromby AF, Amonette WE, Layne CS, McFarlin BK, Hinman MR,
that investigated the effect of WBVT on healing of the graft Paloski WH. Vibration exposure and biodynamic responses during
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record a patient-oriented outcome score such as the Inter- 1794-1800.
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