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Ideology of Pelosi in CNN Town Hall Program Interview: Analyzing

using CDA framework

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The tragedy shooting gun in Santa Fe give big impact in America. Many people
discussed about this issue. The situation getting intense when American President, Trump,
proposed an arming teachers. There are many forum discuss about, one of them interviewing
with Pelosi in CNN channel. The objective this study is to find out what types of transitivity that
come out from her when she act as politician when discuss about the topic and also to know her
ideology during the interview. This research employed a qualitative descriptive research using
the model of Fairclough’s CDA. The data for this research is the utterances/text that contain
transitivity system and ideology. Based on the result, types of transitivity which exist in Pelosi’s
utterances are material process, relational process, mental process, behavioral process, verbal
process, and existential process. The dominance are material, relational and last followed by
mental process. Those types are often come up when politician deliver their ideas to public. The
result from investigating the Pelosi’s ideology that used CDA framework, it canbe concluded
that from her interview, she showed her ideology. The ideologies are rejecting an arming
teachers and supporting background check in gun legislation.

Keyword: CDA, Ideology, Transitivity


1.1 Background
The tragedy happened in educational field recently. On Friday morning, May 18,2018, a
17-year-old student armed with a shotgun and a pistol stormed Santa Fe High School, about 30
miles southeast of Houston, and opened fire in an art class, officials said. The gunman killed 10
people and wounded at least 10 others, including a school resource officer who was left in
critical condition, police said, before surrendering to the officers who confronted him. Of those
killed, eight were students and two were teachers. (The Washington Post). The tragedy triggers
many responds from every field, especially education.
The shooting gun became a hot issue in America, even the world since the victims are
students and teachers. It gave bad image toward education system, particularly in America.
Trump, American president, bring the issue to make policy about an arming teachers that train
teacher using gun. It brings pro and contra about his proposal. Many people try to discuss what
happen in the future about this policy.
One of politician from Democrat Party which is opponent from The president’s party,
Nancy Pelosi. She always brings up the issue about creating an arming teachers. She prefers to
strength checking background to get the gun legislation. She got invitation to attend in one
program television in CNN. In this research, the researcher focus on investigating ideology
behind her utterances, especially when respond about the issue. To know more further the
ideology, the writer use CDA framework mainly proposed by Fairclough that used transitivity
CDA theory proposed by Fairclough is called 3D theory because he believes that CDA is
consolidated as a three-dimensional framework where the aim is to map three separate form of
analysis onto one another: analysis of language text (written or spoken), analysis of discourse
practices (text production, distribution and consumption) and analysis of discursive events as
instances of sociocultural aspects (1995: 2). In order to know deeper about Pelosi’s ideology
mainly she is as opponent of the current presidents, the researcher conducted the CDA research.
1.2 Research questions
1. What are the types of transitivity process used by Nancy Pelosi in interview?
2. What are ideologies reveal from Pelosi using CDA framework?
1.3 The objective of research
1. To find out the types of transitivity process used by Nancy Pelosi in interview?
2. To know the Pelosi’s ideology in the interview based on CDA framework
1.4 The limitation of research
The limitation from this research:
- the duration of interview
- Since it different culture background with the researcher, the explanation about socio-
culture is just in surface.

2.1 CDA Freamework

There are actually numbers of theory contribute in the field of CDA such as the one
proposed by Sara Mills, Van Luween, Van Dijk, Fairclough, etc. Yet, each theory serves
different focus and the theory proposed by Fairclough is the most applicable to this research
because his theory mainly focuses on the economic and political interest since this research is a
type of political discourse.
CDA theory proposed by Fairclough is called 3D theory because he believes that CDA is
consolidated as a three-dimensional framework where the aim is to map three separate form of
analysis onto one another: analysis of language text (written or spoken), analysis of discourse
practices (text production, distribution and consumption) and analysis of discursive events as
instances of sociocultural aspects (1995: 2). Its concept is pictured below:
The three pillars analysed in 3D model proposed by Fairclough consists of textual
analysis, discourse practices and socio-cultural practices. In textual analysis, Fairclough claims
that a text possesses two fundamental social processes: cognition and representation of the world,
and social interaction. Further, as Sipra and Rashid’s point out (2013) that textual analysis is
strongly linked with the analysis of language used by people in real life. While the second pillar,
discourse practices, it deals with how text is produced and consumed. Simply, this pillar portrays
how the ideology is carried by the text producer(s) through the discursive practices in order to tie
their ideology reflected through text with the hearer(s) perception. The last pillar is socio-cultural
practices which reflect the ideology of the society. In a broader sense, this point explicates the
social condition carried by the speaker/writer which later surely impacts significantly towards the
text. These surely shape up how texts are produced and consumed.
Van Dijk (1991:118) states if social cognitions about different social groups and social
events rea similar, they are being monitored by the same fundamental interpretation framework,
that is, by the same ideology. Such an ideology features the basic norms, values, and other
principles which are geared towards the realization of the interests and goals of group.
In addition, Van Dijk (1998:8) gives more statement about the ideology as the basis of
the social representations shared by members of a group. This means that ideologies allow
people, as group members, to organize the multitude of social beliefs about what is case.
Ideology is used to articulate the power. Van Dijk (2006:117) claims that some ideologies can be
function as legilimate domination, but also to articulate resistance in relationships of power.
In developing ideology, Van Dijk (2006:734) proposes the overall strategies of what
might be called the ideological square. They are emphasize our good things, emphasize their bad
things, de-emphasize our bad things, and de-emphasize their good things.

2.2 Previous Studies

Ideology became the interesting topics of the study of critical discourse analysis. The
discourse analysis researchers had done some studies to uncover the ideological discourse using
critical discourse analysis. Here are some CDA researches on the topic of ideology that had been
done by Fauzan et all(2014), Kandil (2009), Hardman (2008), and Moety (2014)
Fauzan et all wrote an article with title “CDA of the ideology of Indonesian Metrotv
News report.”. They found that there is hidden message on any news program broadcasted by
MetroTV. The study employed a qualitative descriptive study using the model of Fairclough’s
CDA. Based on the research findings, it is concluded that MetroTV does not only provide any
information about the events in Indonesia, but it also develops an ideology. The ideologies of
MetroTV news texts are: 1) the mudflow in Sidoarjo Indonesia is not a natural disaster, 2) the
cause of mudflow was human error (gas drilling conducted by Lapindo incorporation), 3)
Lapindo should be responsible, while the state should not use public money for mudflow
handling, 4) the impact of the mudflow are: destroying the environment and the lives of citizens,
harming people economically, socially as well as culturally, and making people miserable, 5) the
mudflow victims do demonstration to show their disappointment, and 6) the compensation and
the realization of the responsibility of Lapindo incorporation disappointing. The finding of this
study reveals that Indonesian MetroTV develops the ideology by applying the strategies of
“emphasize their bad things” and “de-emphasize their good things.
Kandil (2009) wrote a dissertation entitled “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in American,
Arab, and British Media: Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis”. He found a comparison of
frequency data of occupation-related words and a detailed concordance analysis of the word
settlements. The data show that the occupation theme is highly emphasized by Al-Jazeera
corpus, downplayed by CNN, and receives more attention on the BBC than CNN. The analysis
of settlements shows that the word occurs in three themes: the Israeli disengagement plan, the
expansions of West Bank settlements, and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. A close
contrastive analysis of how these themes are represented in each corpus reveals different
strategies adopted by different news media to control for the positive or negative representation
of different participants in the conflict. The analysis also reveals some of the strategies employed
by each news website to control for the positive or negative representations of the different
actors involved in the conflict. The corpus findings are interpreted using some informative CDA
frameworks, especially Van Dijk‘s (1998) ideological square framework
Hardman (2008) finished his doctoral program at University of Nottingham by writing a
dissertation entitled, “Political Ideologies and Identity In British Newspaper Discourse”. The
thesis utilizes a novel analytical framework that modifies Critical Discourse Analysis by
incorporating theories of performed identities and metaphor with a “Discourse Historical”
approach to critical analysis. The findings show a series of strategies used by newspaper to
evaluate political leaders and their decisions in ways that serve the newspaper’s ideologies.
Differences in the linguistic strategies used to reflect stance in tabloid newspaper when
compared to broadsheet newspaper are also found.
Moety (2015) wrote his article about “American Political Discourse as Manifested in
Hillary Clinton’s Interviews: A critical approach”. Results of the study indicated that American
interview genre as exemplified in Clinton's interviews incorporates some characteristics of casual
conversations such as the use of fillers, informal or casual style, humor, vocatives, grammatical
incompletion, ellipsis, and deixis. They also showed that Clinton's discourse has certain specific
features. These features include the use of long, compound and complex sentences, the strategic
and manipulative use of personal pronouns and modality features, and the use of combination of
elements of political discourse with ordinary life and experience. In addition, results indicated
the use of power in the interviews. Finally, the analysis revealed Clinton's political and
ideological positions through the use of specific analytical categories. These categories include
lexicalization, implication, authority, evidentiality, consensus example/illustration, distancing,
polarization, and national self-glorification.

3.1 Research Design

In this study, descriptive-qualitative method was considered as the most appropriate
research design to be used. The researcher used descriptive design because it was the best way to
investigate what types of transitivity process found in the interview and how transitivity process
reflected the ideology of the speaker.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

The source of data was taken from CNN channel with Nancy Pelosi. The program was
taken from which was uploaded in 24 May 2018. The interview is about “House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi answers questions about legislation to harden schools and help
prevent future school shootings”. The data from this research is the utterance from speaker which
are contain transitivity system that reflect ideology from the interviewing. The utterances were in
the form of clauses. The entire clauses of transcribing from the speaker are used since the data
were needed to cover two research questions of this research. Referring to the first question, the
entire clauses were used to find the total number of transitivity process types occurred in the
transcript. For the second question, the analysis needed the involvement of the entire clauses to
understand the content of the speech so the implied ideology could be caught.

3.3 Techniques of Data Collection

In order to get the data, the researcher did some steps:
1) Searching the video and its script
The researcher got Nancy Pelosi’s interview about shooting in the school and did
transcribing. The scripts were needed to give valid data of the entire utterances.
2) In collecting the data, the researcher only focused on the first question. The researcher
collected the data in the form of clauses which contained transitivity process. The data
collection example like in the following:
Pelosi : : and just tragedy that befell your school
I'm speaking for myself and and um : most of my colleagues on the Democratic side.
we do not think that that is the solution.
E-e we do think
e-e that we had testimony today was mentioning to Chris early we had testimony today
from children from a wide range of a schools e-e what e-e had um : tragedies, or just even
communities that have had tragedies,

3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis

After the data had been collected, the data analysis was presented. There were some steps
in doing analysis:
1. identifying the data
The first step of data analysis was the identification of data. The data researcher
identified the collected data into the types of transitivity process based on Halliday’s
theory. According to Halliday (1985), there are six types of transitivity process, they are
material, mental, relational, behavioral, verbal and existential. The six different types
were marked by using different using different colors. This way was used to make the
process of coding became easier. The colors for each transitivity process were presented
in the following table:
No Types of Transitivity Process Colors
1 Material Process
2 Mental Process
3 Relational Process
4 Behavioral Process
5 Verbal Process
6 Existential
Table 1

2. After the data had been identified, the researcher classified each types of transitivity
process in the form of table. This step made the researcher could analyze the data easily.
No The Data Process
Ma Me Re Bh Vr
1 Please accept my sympathy
2 You may have lost
3 Befell your school

Table 2
From the total number of each type of transitivity process, the researcher also
used the result in the form of percentage. Here the writer presented the formula that was
applied to produce the percentage form:
N:Each number of transitivity types x 100%
Total number of transitivity types

3.5 Analyzing the data

The data analysis of this research followed Fairclough’s stage of analysis which is
consisted description, interpretation, and explanation. Since there were two statements of
problem in this research, the data analysis was also done in two main points:
a. for the first question, about the types of transitivity process, the researcher analyzed
the data by describing the patterns of transitivity process such as participant, process,
and circumstances. Then, the previous steps, identification and classification, were
considered as description stage because they were used to investigate the linguistics
feature of the text. The description stage was used to simultaneously answer the first
statement of problem and also serve textual analysis for revealing ideology.
b. For the second question, about revealing the ideology, interpretation and explanation
stages were used. The researcher did interpretation by relating the linguistics feature
of the text found from transitivity analysis to the interaction in which it later produces
the themes or concepts reflected from the interview. After getting interpretation about
the themes, the researcher proved it by examining the most apparent linguistics
feature from the types of transitivity process and also with help Van Dijk’s theory.
c. Making conclusion
The last step in data analysis was the conclusion.

4.1 Finding
Considering the statement of problems, there are two topics that are revealed in this part.
The first is about the types of transitivity process in Pelocy’s interview. It shows various types of
transitivity process and the frequency of occurrence. The second is about the ideology of
Pelocy’s interview.

4.2 Text Analysis of Pelocy’s Interview

This comes without no reason because it is Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar
widely considered to be the main foundation of CDA as well as other theories in pragmatic
(Wang, 2010). As stated by Morley (2000: 4) that Halliday’s SFG has been marked by its
recognition that all language take place in the context of social situation, regardless its form, that
the context contributes in shaping and establishing the nature and meaning of language used, and
language’s account conversely therefore include reference to that context of use.
The SFG proposed by Halliday actually consists of three functions namely Ideational,
Interpersonal and textual function which are bound up as Language Metafunction. However, the
function used in the analysis is limited to Ideational function since this function serves really
“Textual analysis” where it observes the component of the text. Furthermore, Wang (2010)
claims that transitivity represents the Ideational function in the text.
Ideational meaning at clause level is represented by the categories of activities reflected
by the verb in it. There are 6 major processes proposed by Halliday: material, mental, verbal,
behavioral, relational and existential. Below is the finding of the processes in Pelosi’s interview:

Types of Process Number %

Material Process 41 44.56
Mental process 13 14.13
Verbal process 6 6.52
Behavioral process 8 8.69
Relational process 24 26.08
Existential process 1 1.08
Total 92 100
Table 3
From the figure above, we can see that material process is the one used most, 44.56%,
followed by relational process, 26.08%, and the mental process, 14.13%. These dominant
processes are analyzed further below.

4.2.1 Material Process

Material process is the process of doing or physical action. The process is usually
signaled with verbs expressing an action, either concrete or abstract. This process is built up by
three components which are Actor (subject), material process (verb) and goal (object). Pelosi’s
representation of what should be done about gun legislation is conveyed through a variety of
material processes as in example:

Code To have passed The common sense

background checks
Mat Goal

Code To pass Legislation

Mat Goal

Code You Can report

Actor Mat

Code Get Training

Mat Goal

Code They Could train People

Actor Mat Goal

Code To buy Weapon

Mat Goal

Code Have to pass The background check

Goal Mat

Code Have passed The training

Goal Mat

Code We Passed
Actor Mat

Code We Have to do
Actor Mat

Code The localities Give The information

Actor Mat Goal

Code To pass legislation

Mat Goal

Material process can actually be said to involve “doing”. The application of this type of
process indicates that the speaker is intentionally hoping the listener to react(Fauzan et all:2014).
The finding shown that material process appears most frequently in Pelosi’s utterances and
percentage is the highest of all the process type. It shows that percentage of material process is .
From the example utterances, the process “pass”, “give“, “do“, indicate Pelosi asking the
audience what should they do if want get a gun legislation even she repeated the same thing for
several times.
From the table, we can see that the most-used actors containing in the interview, Pelosi
tended to use I, we, you. Those choices are not actually selected randomly. For Pelosi, the use of
actor I reflect the ideology that she is the best person to lead people, to change policy toward gun
legislation. While the use of actor we is believed to persuade the audience that either she had the
audience are in the same level and the same position to support gun legislation. Fairclough cited
in Bayu says that when pronoun “we “ is used by the leader as part of the led, it assimilates the
leader to “the people” possibly as a humbling tactic.

4.2.2 Relational process

As shown in the table that Relational process is a process of “being”, it actually
comprises of two modes, which are Attributive and Identifying. Attributive Relational process
defines the status of an object possesses or things it belongs to, while the second one shows the
value of two entities involved in the sentence.

Attributive Identifying
We had testimony That is the solution
There is secure This is a following
That is very important

Relational process in Pelosi’s utterances in the interview holds of all processes. Although
being less than of material process the percentage is far higher than those of other processes. All
the relational processes show America need solution about the accident.
According to Wang (2010), Relational process is a good choice of type process used in
spoken text because it functions to explain the complex relationships between some abstract
items because it sounds definite. Furthermore, the process accounts for a large proportion in
these addresses to elaborate the relationship between the existed ideas or traditional idea with the
speaker’s beliefs. In a simple sense, relational process can be employed as the process to bind the
paradigm or points of view the American citizens; they grasp a new paradigm the speaker holds.
This results to the new ideas built in the package of the interview will be more easily accepted by
the audience. Moreover, this strenghtens the claims and next-policies Pelosi has made and make
it seem sensible.
4.2.3 Mental Process
Mental process deals with the human’s sense such as feeling, thinking, recognising, etc. It
expresses affection, cognition and perception in Pelosi’s utterances within interview. Mental
processes largely distributes in the recovering audience’s from the accident. This process
involves three aspects which are Senser (the subject experiences the phenomenon), Mental
process (the action) and Phenomenon. For example,

Pelosi : I do not support arming teachers

Can you help us….
I don’t know in the end the NRA…
To see if somebody..
We strengthened it

Human’s sense is always tied up with the emotion. In this case, the function of human
sense employed in the mental process is also to tie the emotion of the audience. In line with that,
Wang (2010) also says that mental process as a process of sensing functions to appeal the
audience’s inner heart and connect them with the speaker’s political beliefs and ambition. Hence,
the audience’s emotion of promotion and willingness to devotion will be aroused. This can be
clearly seen that through this process the speaker aims to connect the audience’s emotion with
her emotion through the answer.
Mental process involves phenomena described as state of mind our psychological events
(Fauzan et all:2014). It expresses affection, cognition and perception in Pelosi’s interview.
Mental processes largely distributes in the recovering the audience from the accident and looking
forward to better future with safety like in the examples:

Code you May have lost

Sensor Men

Code You Know

Sensor Men
Code I Know
Sensor Men

Code You help Us

Sensor men Phenomenon

Code i Would not be supportive A arming teachers

sensor Men phenomenon

To encourage the audience, Pelosi used many mental processes to bring different effects.
She applied various mental process verb to different sensor. From the speech, we can see that
Pelosi mostly talk about against the arming teacher and things dealing with campaign and
checking background. Then, if we saw deeper on the interview, we would find that either
explicitly or implicitly, there are some things she strongly believes would work if the process of
making the deal ran well. This is undoubtedly inevitable to see that he is perfectly able to drive
the Americans to be in her side.
Based on the transitivity system, the material process was the most frequently used
process. The relational process and the metal process take the second and the third. This result
showed the same result from research by Yujie&Fengjie(2018) that conducted about Trump
speech which is same background with Pelosi, politician. The interview come up because of
some reasons. Besides because of the accident which is happened but also the interviewer ask to
another party from President of America, Trump. It will be there is political hidden meaning and
also the time of interview close by election for house. Pelosi can convey her idea through her
utterances, especially which is different from Trump. So, the politician usually choose more
objective and more persuasive processes to reach their goals. Bot material and relational
processes the best options for their political aims, because material and relational process
presented as the statement of reality from the perspectives of viewers(abdoel-noekty:2014 ).
Relational process is a method with objective evaluation and judgement. So the audience
will be more ready to receive the idea conveyed from the speaker. In recovering the audience’s
feeling unsafety and looking forward to a better future, Pelosi applied different of mental
processes to express different emotions. With the same tone, in abdoel-moekty(2014) also said
those process
The research findings of the ideology of Pelosi includes: Rejecting an arming teachers
and supporting background check in gun legislation. Those issue can be looked at the following
Pelosi :to have passed the common sense background checks legislation,
to pass legislation that if you know that someone is uh can be problematic, that
you can report that in (0.2) different aspects of it and i know that it may be regional. and
this is a -a following, a -a -a tragedy like this. All we wanna do is pray and for
your ,
but I do not support arming teachers and the rest

4.3 Interpretation Text

Discourse practice is the process of text production, distribution and consumption
(Fairclough, 1995: 2). This makes sense because a text is produced through discursive practices
where it will determine how text is produced. Meaning, How the Discourse practices contributes
towards CDA can be tracked from the text producer and text consumer. The discussion will be
focus on Pelosi.
a. Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Party
Nancy Patricia Pelosi is an American politician serving as the Minority Leader of
the United States House of Representatives since 2011, representing most of San
Francisco, California. She previously served as the 52nd House Speaker from 2007 to
2011, the only woman to do so. As Speaker, she attained the highest political office of
any female politician in American history. She is representative from Democratic party,
the opposite of Republic party. From beginning, she has already famous with her
proposal in gun legislation even she always repeat the same policy, background check to
whom buy a gun. She also mentioned that she does not agree with arming teacher after
the shooting accident. From this point, Pelosi is a politician from Democrat side which
fully support gun legislation with checking background and against arming teachers.
b. Legislation an arming teachers
The issue about legislation an arming teachers starting from the shooting accident
in Santa Fe school. Ten people have been killed and 10 wounded in a shooting at
a Texas high school that ended with a 17-year-old suspected shooter, a student at the
school. In the latest school massacre to hit the US, police rushed to Santa Fe high school,
about an hour from Houston, on Friday morning before 8am local time. Then, President
Donald Trump is doubling down on his support for the controversial idea of arming
school teachers as a protective and preventive measure against school shootings,
indicating that aspects of such a proposal could be "up to states."
"Armed Educators (and trusted people who work within a school) love our
students and will protect them," Trump tweeted Saturday. "Very smart people. Must be
firearms adept & have annual training. Should get yearly bonus. Shootings will not
happen again - a big & very inexpensive deterrent. Up to States."

c. The result Interpretation

After connecting the relationship between text and context of the situation and the
context of intertextuality, Fairclough (1989:147) says that the text interpreter came to the
conclusion to interpret discourse constructed by the text. The interpretation was conducted on
the four dimensions, they are: what’s going on, who’s involved, what relationships are at
issue, and what is the role of language( Fauzan et all :2014). The interpretation result of
Pelosi’s interview is shown as follow.
-What’s going on
Shooting gun in Santa Fe and an arming teachers became a sensitive issue which
are created pro and contra especially among educational participants. Trumps as USA
president, who are supported an arming teachers and also who are in opposite party with
Pelosi, was determine of his image by those issues. Thus issues not only being one of the
national terror but also they are about image stake.
- who involved
Trump and Pelosi are the politician that always have different opinion about the
government policy. In addition, they are from different party, Trump from republican
while Pelosi is Democrat.
- What relationship are at issue
The election for selecting house representative in white house is coming close.
The shooting gun accident happened several months before the election. Then, Trump
decided to create an arming teachers and it triggers pro and contra. As opposite party,
Pelosi came with her idea to against an arming teachers and strengthened background
check. Pelosi as Democrat politician, still has feeling about Trump winning election. So,
she tried made white house under control Democrat party through the election house
- What’s the role language
The use of language is crucial for image building. The audience follow what is
said by Pelosi’s utterances in CNN program in the form of her interview.
From the interview, we can see that Pelosi mostly about policy and this dealing with the
gun legislation. She even talked about her experience to reject a request to train teachers using a
gun. Then, if we saw deeper on the interview, we would find that explicitly or implicitly, many
things she strongly believe, she and her party can solve the shooting problem in America. She
persuade audience with that believe by giving them hope live with peacefully.
Since discourse practices function to tie the textual analysis and sociocultural analysis,
this pillar cannot be separated with the textual analysis done before. In the textual analysis,
Pelosi is said to have successfully persuaded the audience to join with her proposal. She
successfully employs the characteristic of persuasive text by constructing the text well through a
good strategy of Halliday’s transitivity well. Broadly speaking, the text is well built as a form of
discursive practice.

4.4 Explanation
Explanation is the analysis of socio-cultural practices, the analysis of the relationship
between discourse and practice of social context. Explanation aims to find an explanation for the
interpretation of the first stage (description) and the second stage (interpretation). At this level,
the researcher analyzed and tried to explain the trends in the relationship between text, discourse
complexity in practice, and also in the processes of social change. Fairclough (1989:163) states
that The objective of the stage of explanation is to portray a discourse as part of social process,
as a social practice, showing how it is determined by social structures, and what reproductive
effects discourse can cumulatively have on those structures, sustaining them or changing them.
The analysis shows the various political and ideological taken by Pelosi. For example,
based on Pelosi’s views show that she is a strong opponent of arming teacher which is mean
against other party, Republic, even she made a strong statement with mention twice about against
it. The views are quiet evident in interview. They are expressed both implicitly and explicitly.
From the interview, there are actually two major points on Pelosi’s interview which are
presumably to be her main ideology. Those two major points are about the gun legislation is
priority and against arming teachers. From beginning interview, it has already issue to be
discussed since it is as respond toward the accident happened in the school. The gun legislation it
has already to be priority for her and her colleagues in democrat but it step by step to do that.
However, she can finish it since she was not chosen as representative in house. She said it
implicitly like in the below:
Pelosi :….you know what this that's how the um after Virginia tech, that was the big
event at that time.
what was suggested that that we would have this program, this next program,
national how the how the localities give the information so that there is say a
database where people can check in to see if if somebody or should not have a We did that. Um We strengthened it, we gave it more money and we
recently gave it more money as well. Um the um the world has changed since
then. People are much more receptive um to having a gun legislation. You have to
have 60 votes in the senate,
remember that you have to 60 votes in the senate, and that is um a major obstacle
to getting many things done so-unless you think you can have 60 votes in the
senate. It's hard to pass legislation, but the -what was it look for then is what we
did, which was the um having the information of who had a gunner who shouldn't
have a gun and and that the next is a very important part of what we have now.
but it certainly is not enough. We only had (0.1) a time where we had two years
with a president obama, and it was a priority,
but we didn't win the election and so so we didn't get something else path
The second is against arming teacher that can be seen in her utterance. She said that
explicitly. However, she implicitly against her own president, Trump. Besides he is from
Republic, he also wrote in his twitter account with “Well-trained, gun-adept teachers and
coaches" (CNN:2018). So by bringing those ideologies, it is easy for Pelosi to persuade support
her. In addition, the election date came closer at the time. So, by using mental process, she
implicitly said her intention. Like in the concept of analysis discourse analysis Fairclough
(1989), a discourse is influenced by social (community) but discourse also affects the

Based on the findings, types of transitivity which exist in Pelosi’s utterances are material
process, relational process, mental process, behavioral process, verbal process, and existential
process. The dominance are material, relational and last followed by mental process. Those types
are often come up when politician deliver their ideas to public. It is also proven by some
previous research like Moekty(2014) and Fauzan et all(2014). Those processes are indicated the
ideology and also power toward the audience.
The result from investigating the Pelosi’s ideology that used CDA framework, it canbe
concluded that from her interview, she showed her ideology. The ideologies are rejecting an
arming teachers and supporting background check in gun legislation.

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi answers questions about legislation to harden schools and
help prevent future school shootings.

Chris : A community,
as we all know, once again made victim by a school shooting
this time it was santa fe, texas, the high school there,
we have alexis wilson with us alexis is a senior
She was in the school last week.
She was there during the shooting thank God for her and her family,
she survived.
but lexis you care about this in a whole new way after seeing what happened to your
friends and classmates,
what do you wanna ask?
Alexis : hi, um:: i'd like to ask where does the government stand on arming in training our
hmm (0.1), @ much the way we use air marshals on airplanes.
Pelosi : thank you, alexis
please accept my , um, sympathy for the loss of friends that you may have lost at the
Pelosi : and just tragedy that befell your school
I'm speaking for myself and and um : most of my colleagues on the Democratic side.
we do not think that that is the solution.
E-e we do think
e-e that we had testimony today was mentioning to Chris early we had testimony today
from children from a wide range of a schools e-e what e-e had um : tragedies, or just even
communities that have had tragedies,
and they were asking us um to have passed the common sense background checks
to pass legislation that if you know that someone is uh can be problematic, that you can
report that in (0.2) different aspects of it and i know that it may be regional. and again,
this is a -a following, a -a -a tragedy like this. All we wanna do is pray and for your ,
but I do not support arming teachers and the rest.
what some of the students would like to do though, is say, anyone who's going to be
armed should be trained.
And they came to my office last night, the kids from Florida and said, Can you help us
get training veterans know about weapons? maybe they could um :: train people who
want to buy a -a weapon
so that they um (2.0) then have to pass the background check, but at least have passed the
so I would not be supportive a arm - arming teachers .
Chris : /You feel that there's a little bit of an either or a problem
with how we're trying to approach solutions first, let's be honest. We haven't gotten
anything done.
What killed me when I had to go down to Santa Fe again
was it's getting so hard to look in the eyes (0.1) of kids like Alexis are happy to meet her
because she's a senior, she's gonna go on with her life that god, she survived and she's got
better days in front of her, but their families,
every time [they're never gonna]
Pelosi : [They never been same]
Chris : be the same and nothing gets done about it because it seems if there's an either or (1.0)
will you put arm guards in the schools now we don't wanna talk about it let's not talk
about hardening the schools,
but the building were now the building that you work in
(0.1) the point of entry there is secure you don't walk in with a trench coat with the
shotgun underneath your jacket and get it, [you know this]
Audience : [((clap))]
Chris: it doesn't happen.
/You know it doesn’t have of the equation talk about universal background checks,
talk about mental health, how to Identify them, the money for treatment,
but why either or why not make the schools safer? i know [it's a state issue]
Pelosi : [that is state issue]
Chris : but the free, you're gonna ask for money and that's where the federal government comes
You could offer the money to make school so that when you go there as a guest and you
walk in, of course they'll have multiple points of grass for emergencies.
but you're gonna be looked at when you go in that school and you're not gonna walk in
with. the gun under your coat
Pelosi : (xxx) omnimbus bill we passed just- just few weeks ago, we have one point eight point
eight (xxx) six billion dollars in there for this purpose for schools to make –to give them
an opportunity to secure them.
um and those schools have to make those decisions,
but it isn't. um The children should not have to(0.1) be worried about going to school as a
place um that- that violence can occur that doesn't mean they shouldn't take the
precautions, um whether it's through infrastructure or whatever else they may decide that
they need.
but I don't think you should consider it in any way, an answer to what we have to do to
have responsible background checks for people um who want to have a gun. That - Most
people most people in the National Rifle Association have had background checks,
they they um they um they know what they're responsible for, but I don’t know in the end
the NRA is against background checks. There are other things that we can do in terms of
public policy and also in terms of of mental health that is very important and all of
this,um but this is not um this is not a total smartest board, is is you have to get to
systemically stop people from having guns who shouldn't have guns in the first place.
And [that's why... ]
Audience : [((clap))]
Chris : [so let's go one question. It's got a really questions] that's about to graduate from high
school and maryland. michael, thank you for joining this .
Nevet : thank you
leader pelosi,
you've indicated the gun safety will be a top priority of House Democrats over the next
[two years]
Pelosi : [yes ]
Nevet : however, while you served the Speaker of the House from 2007 to 2011,
gun safety was not a primary concern of your caucus or your party and no meaningful
gun reform was passed.
as the American people cast their ballots for the house of representatives this november.
Why should we believe that your priorities will have shifted?.
Pelosi : well, let me just say this, that we did do something. So when we had the majority,
and this whole next program, you know what this that's how the um after Virginia tech,
that was the big event at that time.
what was suggested that that we would have this program, this next program, national
how the how the localities give the information so that there is say a database where
people can check in to see if if somebody or should not have a We did that. Um
We strengthened it, we gave it more money and we recently gave it more money as well.
Um the um the world has changed since then. People are much more receptive um to
having a gun legislation. You have to have 60 votes in the senate,
remember that you have to 60 votes in the senate, and that is um a major obstacle to
getting many things done so-unless you think you can have 60 votes in the senate. It's
hard to pass legislation, but the -what was it look for then is what we did, which was the
um having the information of who had a gunner who shouldn't have a gun and and that
the next is a very important part of what we have now. but it certainly is not enough. We
only had (0.1) a time where we had two years with a president obama, and it was a
but we didn't win the election and so so we didn't get something else path. But that's you
know we should have um we can now I'm gonna tell you this, but in my friend go from
maryland. I'm from [Maryland too]
Chris : [is there]
Pelosi : /I'll tell you this,
(pause) /and I tell this to the kids all the time\
(pause) /I would rather pass\
(pause) /the background check\
(pause) /in the Congress (1.0)right now today\
(pause) /than win the election\
(pause) [because it would save Doing it sooner [would save (xxx)]
Audience : [(clap)]
Pelosi : [would save (xxx)]
Audience : [(clap)]
Chris : /all right lets get to another issue here that's on people's minds last year, [president trump,
Pelosi : [ that usually ask
that’s question
Chris : @ well
Pelosi : @
Chris : /look. > we had two questions on the shootings because
(1.0)I don't know anything else that's consuming our culture with so much fear in a sense
of helplessness. And I heard my own kid, she's 15 years old, talking murder with her
friends about
/nonchalantly\ /okay.
well, /yeah, \this would happened at our school and I wonder who it would be and what
would I do, I guess I run this way and I wonder who be they're talking, who would it be,
And I'm sitting there
/what a failure as a parent.
/I feel like at a moment like that when my kid sees this as something that is likely that
as –you know as anything else that happens in life so obviously, the need is [but]
Pelosi : [let me just]
said this one thing may 29th is a day when the students starting in Florida students, but
starting across the country are going to have a national registration day and it is with your
17, but you're gonna be 18 by the election in november.
You can register to vote.
So while they're still in school, they're having this massive registration drive across the
So if you want your views to be heard and people to pay attention, if you /vote, you
/count and /your voice is much more important and if you don’t so I urge everyone to
vote, all of us,
but especially the young people to give um force their voice by vote
Chris : so,[the participating vote]
Audience : [((clap))]
No The Data Process
Ma Me Re Bh Vr Exis
1 Please accept my sympathy √
2 You may have lost √
3 Befell your school √
4 I’m speaking √
5 We do not think √
6 That is the solution √
7 We do think √
8 We had testimony √
9 Was mentioning √
10 We had testimony √
11 Had tragedies √
12 They were asking √
13 To have passed the common sense √
background checks legislation
14 To pass legislation √
15 You know √
16 You can report √
17 I know √
18 We wanna do √
19 Is pray √
20 I do not support √
21 Some of the students would like to √
22 And said √
23 You help us √
24 Get training veterans √
25 Know about weapons √
26 They could train people √
27 To buy a weapon √
28 Have to pass the background check √
29 Have passed the training √
30 I would not be supportive a arming √
31 They never been same √
32 We passed √
33 We have one point √
34 To make √
35 To give them √
36 Those schools have to make those √
37 Going to school √
38 Violence can occur √
39 They shouldn’t take the √
40 They may decide √
41 They need √
42 I don’t think √
43 You should consider √
44 We have to do √
45 To have responsible background √
46 The national Riffle Association √
have had background checks
47 They know √
48 They’re responsible √
49 I don’t know √
50 The NRA is againstbackground √
51 We can do √
52 Thatis very important √
53 This is not a total smartest board √
54 You have to get √
55 To systematically stop √
56 Having gun √
57 Shouldn’t have guns √
58 Just say this √
59 We did do something √
60 The localities give the information √
61 People can check √
62 We did that √
63 We gave it √
64 We recently gave it √
65 The world has changed √
66 Remember that √
67 You think √
68 It’s hard √
69 To pass legislation √
70 It look √
71 We did √
72 Having the information √
73 Shouldn’t have a gun √
74 The next is very important part √
75 It certainly is not enough √
76 We only had time √
77 It was a priority √
78 We didn’t win the election √
79 We didn’t get something √
80 You know √
81 We should have √
82 I’m gonna tell you this √
83 My friend go √
84 I’m from Maryland √
85 I’ll tell you this √
86 I tell this to the kids √
87 I would rather pass √
88 Than win the election √
89 It would save √
90 Would save √
91 Would save √
41 13 6 8 24 1

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