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Durán López Francisco Javier March 20th, 2018

The Artificial Intelligence should be regulated

Technology has highly involved over time. In fact, almost everybody has a smart device in
their hands. So, one part of these smart devices is the Artificial Intelligence, it is like the
brain of the smart devices. But although it makes a big help to our lives, we should
regulate the rules of the Artificial Intelligence because it is a potential danger to the society
and it could make people be lazier.

Firstly, nowadays we think that we are far away from a war against robots, but the truth is
that it is a potential danger to our world. The technology and the computer’s capacity have
been duplicated almost every year and the Moore’s law backup this statistical data.
Thereby it’ll cause that in a few years they’re going to overcome the human’s intelligence.

There are many governments who consider that we are not in dangerous, they often
argued that it is a “science fiction tale”. It is true that we are not in dangerous now, on the
other hand as the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX say: “People should be concerned about the
arrival of artificial intelligence”, until we are in real danger, we will want to change, and it
will be too late.

Secondly, having many specialized machines for our needs will cause that we´ll be
useless, for example, young men won’t have learned how to drive because the cars will be
autonomous, in this way, we will forget how to do the most common stuff of today and It is
often argued that if we don’t know how to do it, we’ll know how to do better stuff, but it’s
not completely accurate, in order to be a productive society, we have to know the basic
actions of the human, how to plant or how to cook, these are examples of the human’s
activities that every year decrease.

Whit the input of this kind of technology, we have been benefited by solving problems that
the humans can’t. At the same time, the consequences aren´t entirely good. In this way,
we have to prevent and create rules for artificial intelligence, so that it can be regulated
and be more secure in the near future.

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