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Web Services

Indra Aulia
The Problem
The Problem

– Our problem is: How to Share Data between Devices in a Network?

– Direct Connection between the Database and the Clients that need the Data is
normally not possible, due to security, compatibility issues, etc. (Firewalls,
Hacker Attacks, etc.).
– Direct Connection in a Local Network (behind the Firewall) is normally OK but
not over the Internet.
The Solution

– Solution of the problem is WEB SERVICE

– Web Services uses standard web protocols like HTTP, etc.
– HTTP is supported by all Web Browser, Servers and many Programming
Distributed Computing
It is standards-based, vendor-neutral, and language-agnostic. Very powerful but limited
however by its complicated way of utilizing the power and flexibility of the Internet.
– DCOM (Microsoft)
Distributed Computing platform closely tied to Microsoft component efforts such as OLE,
COM and ActiveX.
– RMI (Sun Microsystems)
Java based effort which doesn’t play well with other languages. The J2EE platform integrated
RMI with IIOP.
– Web Services (W3C)
Web services are more of an evolution than a revolution
What is a Web Service?

A Web Service is a standards-based, – Standards based
language-agnostic software entity,
that accepts specially formatted – Language agnostic
requests from other software entities – Formatted requests
on remote machines via vendor and
– Remote machines
transport neutral communication
protocols, producing application – Vendor neutral
specific responses. – Transport neutral
– Application specific responses
What is a Web Service?

– A Web service is a method of communications between two devices over the

World Wide Web, and makes it easy to share data over a network or the
– Web Services can be implemented and used in most Programming Languages
(C#/ASP.NET, PHP, LabVIEW, Objective-C, Java, etc.)
– Web Services uses standard Web technology (Web protocols) such as HTTP,
Web Services Technology

– Web Services technology used in Web Services:

 HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
 XML - Extensible Markup Language
 WSDL - Web Services Description Language
 SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol
 REST - Representational State Transfer
Benefits of Web Services

– Loosely Coupled
Each service exists independently of the other services that make up the
application. Individual pieces of the application to be modified without impacting
unrelated areas.
– Ease of Integration
Data is isolated between applications creating ’silos’. Web Services act as glue
between these and enable easier communications within and across organisations.
– Service Reuse
Takes code reuse a step further. A specific function within the domain is only ever
coded once and used over and over again by consuming applications.
Web Services Architectures
The simplest Web Service System

– The simplest Web service system has two participants:

 A service producer (provider)
 A service consumer (requester).
– The provider presents the interface and implementation of the service, and the
requester uses the Web service.
Web Services Architectures
A Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

– A more sophisticated system:

– A registry, acts as a broker for Web
– A provider, can publish services to
the registry
– A consumer, can then discover
services in the registry
Web Services 1.0 vs 2.0
The different “layers” a “SOAP
Web Service” consists of.

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