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College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat

Department of Humanities

Subject: SEMINAR Code: 681 Semester: EVEN 2019

Name: __________________________________________ Roll No.___________
1. On which company did you give your PPT in the SEMINAR Lab?
_________________________________ _____________________________________
2. How effective was the PPT in acquainting you to the demands of the MNCs today?
Very effective ( ) Moderately effective ( ) Not so effective ( )

3. What was the topic of your TECHNICAL PPT?

4. Do you feel that the faculty members of your core technical department should also participate/
collaborate in the SEMINAR lab to make the Technical PPT sessions more effective?
YES ( ) NO ( )

5. Which of the following skills of yours do you think have improved while delivering the PPTs
thereby resulting in greater efficiency in Professional and Corporate communication. Tick the
appropriate option(s).

Speaking Skills ( ) Listening skills ( ) Time Management Skills ( )

Presentation Skills ( ) Public Speaking ( ) Effective Body Language ( )
Leadership skills ( ) Handling instant questions ( ) Team Spirit ( )

6. Which of the following English movies (shown in the Seminar Lab) did you chose as a topic for
your FINAL PPT/ VIDEO Presentation? Tick the appropriate option(s).

Interstellar Gravity The Imitation Game Hidden Figures

7. Do you think that your technical as well as creative skills were improved while preparing and
delivering the PPT on the techno-Sci Fi movie(s)?

I strongly believe so ( ) I moderately believe so ( ) May be ( )

Don’t think so ( ) No idea ( )

8. Your final feedback on the effectiveness of the SEMINAR Lab as a whole-

Excellent ( ) Very Good ( ) Good ( ) Average ( ) Poor ( )

Full Signature of the student with date:

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