Latihan Online Soal Un Unbk Usbn Bahasa Inggris SMP Mts Tahun 2019 (Versi 2)

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1. Amazing = Luar Biasa 19.

Dangerous = berbahaya

Extraordinary, wonderful Hazardous, risky, unsafe

2. Angry = marah 20. Dark –= gelap

Furious, mad Shadowy, sunless, black

3. Answer = menjawab 21. Decide = memutuskan

Reply, respond Determine, choose, make up mind

4. Ask= bertanya/meminta 22. Definite = pasti

Demand, expect, request Certain, sure, positive

5. Awful = mengerikan 23. Delicious – lezat

Terrible, dreadful, scarry Savory, delightful, enjoyable, tasty

6. Bad – buruk 24. Destroy = menghancurkan

Evil, immoral Ruin, demolish

7. Beautiful = cantik 25. Difference = berbeda

Pretty, splendid, gorgeous, lovely Contrast, dissimilarity, extinguish

8. Begin = memulai 26. Do = melakukan

Launch, start Execute, attain

9. Big = besar 27. Dull = bodoh

Huge, gigantic, vast, colossal, tremendous, Dumb, stupid, idiot

28. Eager = penuh hasrat
10. Brave = berani
Keen, enthusiastic, interested, will
Heroic, courageous, fearless
29. End – berakhir / berhenti
11. Break = hancur/rusak
stop, finish
Shatter, smash, crash, wreck, demolish
30. Enjoy = menikmati
12. Bright = cerah
Appreciate, delight in, be pleased
Shiny, shinning, sparkling, brilliant, colorful
31. Explain = menjelaskan
13. Bossy = suka memerintah
Elaborate, define, justify
Controlling, Tyrannical
32. Fair = adil
14. Calm = tenang
Objective, honest
Quiet, peaceful
33. Fall = jatuh
15. Come = datang
Drop, tumble
Approach, reach, arrive
34. False = palsu
16. Cool = dingin
Fake, fraudulent, imitation
Cold, frosty
35. Famous = terkenal
17. Cry = menangis
Well-known, renowned
sob, bawl
36. Fast = cepat
18. Cut = memotong
Quick, rapid
slice, slit, chop, crop
37. Fat = gemuk 56. Lazy = malas

Stout, chubby Slothful, idle, inactive

38. Fear = takut 57. Look = melihat

Fright, anxiety Gaze, see, glance, watch

39. Funny = lucu 58. Love = cinta

Amusing, laughable Like, admire, adore

40. Get = mendapatkan 59. Lucky = beruntung

Acquire, obtain Auspicious, Fortunate

41. Go = pergi 60. Make = membuat

Depart, move, travel Create, invent, form, construct, design, produce,

42. Great = bagus / hebat
61. Move = berpindah
Worthy, remarkable
Crawl, drag, shuffle, walk
43. Hardworking = rajin
62. Moody = berubah-ubah suasana hati
Diligent, Determined, Industrious
temperamental, changeable
44. Happy = bahagia
63. Neat = rapi
Pleased, joyful, cheerful, jubilant, overjoyed
Orderly, tidy, well-organized
45. Hate = benci
64. Old = kuno
Loathe, dislike, feed up
Ancient, aged, used, worn, old-fashioned,
46. Have = memiliki primitive
Own 65. Place = tempat
47. Help = menolong Area, spot, region, location
Aid, assist, support 66. Plan = rencana
48. Hide = bersembunyi Plot, scheme, design
Conceal, camouflage 67. Popular =populer
49. Hurry = terburu-buru Well-liked, approved, accepted, favorite
Rush, run, speed, race 68. Positive = positif
50. Hurt = menyakiti Optimistic, Cheerful, Starry-eyed, Sanguine
Damage, harm, injure, wound, pain 69. Put = menaruh
51. Idea – ide Place, set, attach, establish, assign, keep, save,
set aside, effect, achieve, do, build
Thought, concept
70. Quiet = tenang
52. Important – penting
Silent, soundless, mute, peaceful, calm
71. Rich = kaya
53. Interesting = menarik
Affluent, Wealthy, Well-off, Well-to-do
72. Right = tepat / benar
54. Intelligent = cerdas
Correct, accurate, factual, true
Smart, Bright, Brilliant
73. Run = berlari
55. Kill = membunuh
Sprint, dash, flee
Assassinate, murder, abolish
74. Say/Tell = memberitahu 80. Strong = kuat

Inform, narrate, reveal, declare Stable, Secure, Solid, Tough

75. Scared = takut 81. Strange = Aneh

Afraid, frightened Odd, peculiar, unusual, unfamiliar, uncommon,

weird, unique
76. Shy = malu
82. Trouble = masalah
Introverted, Bashful, Quiet
Distress, pain, pains, inconvenience, exertion
77. Show = menunjukan
83. True = benar
Display, exhibit, present
Accurate, right, proper, precise
78. Slow = lambat / pelan
84. Ugly = jelek
gradual, leisurely, late, slack
Hideous, frightful, frightening, shocking, horrible
79. Stop = berhenti
85. Wrong = salah
End, finish, quit
Incorrect, inaccurate, improper, unsuitable

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