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Centro Educativo Y.E.S.

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(Your English School) ANEXO 10%


TEACHER: Arlen Sánchez DATE:Thursday may 31st 2018 PERIOD: 2ND 2nd grade

Student’s name___________________________________________________________


Instructions: read the story carefully and complete the questions of the story

The big win

It is a beautiful, sunny spring morning and the sky is bright blue with little clouds, runners
from near and far are at the starting line, they are preparing for the big race.
A voice announces, the race is starting soon!
The animals take their places. The alpaca, runner number five, is still stretching. The other
animals wait for her.
“Hurry up, llama!” shouts the monkey. We don’t have all day!
“ I’m not a llama” replies runner number five. I’m an alpaca”
The announcer calls, get ready, get set…”

See you later” says the monkey to the alpaca.

¡go! Shouts the announcer.

Right away, the monkey disappears over a hill. The rhino thinks the race is hard work! At the back,
the alpaca is running very slowly.

Suddenly, the giraffe and the antelope crash into each other they trip and fall. They cannot finish
the race! The monkey, the rhino and the alpaca continue.

Complete the questions with the missing words. 4% 0.5% each

1. How was the morning?


2. Where are the runners?


3. What did the voice announce?


4. Who said: “hurry up llama” ?


5. What does the number five say?


6. Who disappeared over the hill?


7. What does the rhino think?


8. Who crashed into each other?

True and false. 4% 1% each one

The monkey is very far in front, so he stops to take a break. Why should I hurry? He asks.

“I can win very easily”

He decides to play some games on his phones. After a few minutes, the rhino runs by. He lies down
next to the monkey, he is very tired and cannot finish the race.

The monkey doesn’t notice. He takes a picture of himself. “ hello, beautiful” he says, talking to

The rhino thinks the monkey is talking to him. He is very embarrassed.

After a while, the alpaca passes them. The monkey is still looking at his phone.

The monkey thinks, I have a lot of time. The alpaca is very slow. Suddenly, he sees a message on his
phone: “the alpaca wins the race”


The monkey cries out at that same moment, he accidentally takes another picture of himself.

Instrustions: write T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false.

1. The rhino says: I can win very easily _________________________( )

2. The alpaca is very tired _________________________________( )
3. The monkey takes a picture of himself_______________________ ( )
4. The monkey sees a message on his phone _____________________ ( )

Complete 2% 0.5% each one

Instructions: write the right answer in each of the following spaces.

1. Who wins the story?

2. Who has a cellphone?
3. Who cries at the end of the story?
4. Write the names of the characters of the story.

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