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Lesson Plan

Fusha: Lënda: Anglisht Shkalla: V Klasa: XII

Tema Mësimore: Situata për diskutim:

UK vs USA The teacher and the students discuss about
Kompentencat e të nxënit: politics and society using comparative.
Students will be able to:
- Use correctly and reinforce comparative
- Use vocabulary related to politics and
Burimet e informacionit: Fjalori me terma/ koncepte të reja:
Coursebook, Workbook, digital platform, biscuit closet cookie elevator garbage holiday
photos, ELP, interactive flashcards (TB), Extra lift pavement rubbish sidewalk subway
resources underground vacation wardrobe
Lidhja Ndërlëndore e temës:
This topic can be related to other subjects.
Metodologjia e ores së mësimit:
Brainstorming, group activities, pair activities, individual work, matching activities, gap filling
activities, questions and answers.
Organizimi i ores së mësimit:
Hapi i pare:
Start your class asking students to look at exercise 1 page 10 and Find pairs of words that
describe the same thing in American and British English.
Hapi i dytë:
Ask students to work in pairs and read the blog entry and discuss which option you think is
Hapi i tret :
Then listen to Jess talking to a friend and check their ideas with hers in exercise 2 page 10.
Përforëcimi i të nxënit:
Do some extra practice to check understanding with exercise 6 where they have to read some
more trivia facts about the USA and the UK
Vlerësimi i nxënësve:
Evaluation based on observations, answers, group work and home work.
WB Exercises.

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