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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental


The Girl Scouts Encampment was held last October 7, 2017 at Barra
Elementary School. The opening program officially started at 7 o’clock in the
morning. Every second spent in this activity is a memory created. It is indeed a
privilege how one can witness, capture and collate the memories in this whole
day event of the scouting. GSP is truly a remarkable day for every scouter,
troop leader, school administrator, teaching staff, barangay official,
stakeholders and everyone who exerted immense effort, dedication and
exhausted every possible means for the purpose of the following:
1. Develop good leaders
2. Develop proper environmental values and attitudes towards the
3. Ensure pupil’s active participation and determined action in the
protection, preservation and rehabilitation of the environment and
the conservation of the natural resources.
At 7 o’clock in the morning, the scouters wearing their Type A uniform
were in the grounds for the opening ceremony that was initiated by a
rededication of the GSP promise and law of the Junior Girl Scout, Star Scout
and Twinklers. A Several special dance number were rendered by the active
and adorable scouters to amuse the audience. It was then followed by an
opening remarks given by Ma’am Ritchel S. Pepito, Master Teacher 1 and a
Grade 5 Class Adviser who moved the audience through the warmth and
sincerity of her message. Just as every child’s poor behaviour is not learned
overnight, new good behaviour will not be learned overnight. Hearing this
statement, GSP encampment is a good starter pack for every child’s character
Right after the message, it was then followed by the hosting of the
banners and presentation by contingent/patrol.
The whole morning session were both fun-filled and life-changing based
activities with the scouters performing the following:

Junior Scouts

 Adventure Trail
 Trail Signs
 Knot Tying
 Hand Signal

Star Scouts and Twinklers

 Nips Relay
 Sack Race
 Driving the Pig Home
 Ball Relay
 Lemon Relay
 Message Relay
 Star Went To Town

The Junior Scouts played a much bigger role since most of them are on the
higher grades. They are said to be the role models of those scouters that are
younger to them. One of the basic skills in life such as cooking was one of the
major highlight activities as they get the chance to showcase everything they
have learned both in school and at home.

The whole afternoon session was filled with exciting and cool games as the
junior scouters continued to perform the following:

 Peanut Relay
 Centipede Relay
 GSP Went To Town
 Message Relay
 Unified Sack Race
 Output making
 Friendship Bond

The program officially ended at 5 o’clock in the afternoon with the scouters
receiving their special awards and recognition for the games and different
individual and group activities they engaged in. Joining the whole day GSP
Encampment was an awesome experience which every participant will hardly
forget. Through this, they will grow towards becoming responsible and better
individuals. More than a brand or brag, this is their identity and purpose, to
become good and responsible leaders someday. This is what they are and this
defines what and who they will be in the future.

It is truly a labor of sacrifices and dedication.

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