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Portfolio 2018-19

Extracurricular Experience

Describe the activities you have participated in. These might include sports, ASB, clubs, theater,
church groups, or other organized activities outside of regular school hours.
This year I participated in soccer.

On average, how many hours do you dedicate to your extracurricular life each week or month?
A week I had two games a week and practice was mainly everyday except saturday and sunday
from 4 to 6 pm.

Have you enjoyed your extracurricular experiences so far? Why or why not?
Yes I do enjoy the extra curricular activity because I got to play the sport I love with a great

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use to
participate fully in these experiences?
The skills involved with being on a sports team is more than just athlete skills like dedication and
responsibility but it also has to do with being a student first and making sure you are on track
with your grades. Skills for being a student athlete is time management, organization, and also

How might these skills be used in a career or college environment?

These skills will be very helpful in my career and college choice because they are career options
that will make my path more effective for being organized and productive.

What have learned about yourself so far by participating in extracurricular activities?

I have learned that I have to manage my time more wisely and keep up with my work.

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