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Abdominoplasty for reconstruction of recurrent

Dermatofibrosarcoma Protruberans (DFSP) of Ante-
rior Abdominal Wall
Sir, unremarkable.
On the lower ab-

44 yr old male patient
presented with recur- dominal wall was
rent mass over lower a mass measuring
abdomen progressively increasing 10 X 10 X 8 cm
in size and extending to penis of 2 over suprapubic
months duration. He was oper- area extending to
ated 15 years ago for similar swell- dorsal surface of
ing in left inguinal region, details root of penis [Im-
of which was not available. He had age 1]. Surface
no systemic symptoms; he was was hard, nodu-
well preserved with no comorbid- lar with areas of
ities. His general examination was ulceration. Mass
was freely mobile Image 3: The Defect
over anterior

Image 4: Advancement of flaps

Image 1: The mass in suprapubic region

Image 2: CT Scan Image 5: Final result, aesthetically superior re-

International Journal of Health Information and Medical Research Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Jan 2014 24
muscles of abdominal wall. There Dermatofibrosarcoma Protu- From 1Department of Surgical On-
was no significant lymphadenopa- berans (DFSP) is a rare, locally in- cology, 2Department of Medical On-
cology, Fortis Hospitals, Mumbai-
thy. There was old scar in left in- filtrative tumour arising from the
guinal region extending almost up skin. DFSP accounts for 2 to 6% of Address for Correspondence: Dr
to the mass. all soft tissue sarcomas, most fre- Ranjeetha Shenoy, Clinical Associate
A CT Scan showed 8.7 x 10.7 x quently involves trunk.1 DFSP in Surgical Oncology, #3308/1G, 13th
9.3 cm size lobulated in homoge- have potential to infiltrate deep main road, MCC B Block, Davangere-
577004. e-mail: rshenoys-
nously enhancing mass lesion in tissues and recur locally, and
anterior abdominal wall over su- rarely have distant metastasis.
prapubic region involving dorsal Wide local excision (WLE) with
aspect of mid shaft of penis abut- adequate margins offers the best
ting and indenting penile shaft chance of cure. Optimal margins
[Image 2]. Mass was abutting cav- of at least 2-3 cms are needed to re-
ernosa with no significant lym- duce local recurrences, Wide re- REFERENCES
phadenopathy. A wide local exci- section of DFSP (whether recur- 1. Fiore M, Miceli R, Mussi C:
sion with 2 cm margins and recon- rent or primary) with negative his- Dermatofibrosarcoma protuber-
struction with local advancement tological margins predicts a supe- ans treated at a single institution: a
flaps was planned. Intra op there rior local recurrence-free survival.2 surgical disease with a high cure
was mass extending to dorsum of Reconstruction of large and com- rate.J Clin Oncol 2005, 23:7669-
penis, dorsal vein of penis en- plex abdominal wall defects after
2. Khatri VP, Galante JM, Bold
gulfed by tumour hence ligated, WLE represent a challenging
RJ, Schneider PD, Ramsamooj R,
but Bucks fascia of penis was in- problem, and the options include
Goodnight JE Jr.Dermatofibrosar-
tact. In addition, the underlying primary closure, skin grafts, local
coma protuberans: Reappraisal of
deep fascia of abdominal wall was and distant flaps, synthetic and bi- wide local excision and impact of
intact. Wide excision was done, ologic mesh reconstruction. Ab- inadequate treatment. Ann Surg
which left behind a large defect dominoplasty as a means of recon- Oncol. 2003;10:1118–22.
[Image 3]. Using standard tech- struction has been reported after 3. Brenneman FD, Boulanger
nique of abdominoplasty, flaps traumatic injuries of abdominal BR, Antonyshyn O. Surgical man-
were advanced to cover the defect, wall,3,4 but rarely has been used agement of abdominal wall dis-
with primary closure of skin over post sarcoma excision. Using of ruption after blunt trauma. J
the shaft of penis, with excellent abdominoplasty is feasible for Trauma 1995;39:539-44.
cosmetic results [Image 4,5]. His- lower abdominal defects, like in 4. Okunski WJ, Sonntag BV,
Murphy RX Jr. Staged reconstruc-
topathology examination revealed our case. Good cosmetic results
tion of abdominal wall defects af-
it to be spindle cell sarcoma (prob- are achieved without the need for
ter intra-abdominal catastrophes.
ably fibro sarcoma, intermediate prosthesis or second operative
Ann Plast Surg 1996;36:475.
grade). On immunohistochemis- procedure.
try the tumour cells expressed CD Ranjeetha Shenoy1
34 and Immunonegative for S-100, Arun Behl1
confirming dermatofibrosarcoma. Boman Dhabhar2

International Journal of Health Information and Medical Research Vol: 1, Issue: 1, Jan 2014 25

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