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Guide :

1. Category Column based on the first digit of ItemID (IF(), LEFT())

 E for Electronic
 F for Food and Beverage
 O for Others
2. Warehouse based on the middle section of ItemID (IF() and MID())
 A1 = AlphaSec 1
 A2 = AlphaSec 2
 B1 = Beta Sec 1
 B2 = Beta Sec 2
 G = Gamma
3. Inventory Sold is calculated
4. Total Price is calculated from Inventory Sold x Price
5. Selling status is based on Category and Total Price (IF(), AND(), OR())
 Electronic
>20.000.000 = Very good
>=5.000.000 – 20.000.000 = Good
<5.000.000 = Bad
 Food and Beverage
>3.000.000 = Very good
>=1.500.000 – 3.000.000 = Good
<1.500.000 = Bad
 Others
>3.000.000 = Very Good
>=1.000.000 – 3.000.000 = Good
<1.000.000 = Bad
6. Need to Buy Inventory (IF(), AND())
 Electronic (Ending Inventory less than 40)
 Food and Beverage (Ending Inventory less than 90)
 Others (Ending Inventory less than 20)
7. Supplier (IF(), AND())
 Electronic = Berry Berry Elec Co.
 Food and Beverage = Zapi Hut Co.
 Others = Cement Three Tires Co.
8. Maximum Total Price (MAX())
9. Maximum Total Price from Others Category which has Good Selling Status (MAXIFS())
10. Minimum Total Price (MIN())
11. Minimum Total Price from item ID ends with "1" (MINIFS())
12. Grand Total Price (SUM())
13. Average Total Price (AVERAGE())
14. Average Quantity Sold from Food and Beverage Category which has "i" in Item Name and has
Goodselling status (ROUNDUP(), AVERAGEIFS())
15. Total Inventory Sold for Electronic Category (SUMIF())
16. Total Inventory Sold for Others Category (SUMIF())
17. Total Price from Warehouse Beta Sec 1 which has ending inventory less than 40 (SUMIFS())
18. Total Ending Inventory in Alpha Sec 1 (SUMIF())
19. How many items need restock ? (COUNTIF())
20. How many items from Electronic Category need restock ? (COUNTIFS())
21. How many item from Electronic Category, Warehouse in Beta Sec 1 has goodselling status ?
22. Minimum Ending Inventory from Food and Beverage Category, doesn't need restock, from Alpha
Sec 2, and total price more than 4.000.000 (MINIFS())


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