Requirement List: SL - No Questions Category

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Team 6

Sl.No Questions Category

1. What are the dimensions of the ball? Geometry
2. What should be the length of the string? Geometry
3. What is the total dimension of the setup? Geometry
4. What kind of connection should be between the ball and the string? Geometry
5. Should there be a backup(length) of the string in the system? Geometry
6. What should be the orientation of the movement of the string? Kinematics
7. Should velocity of the moving ball be increasing/constant/decreasing? Kinematics
8. How much load should the string withstand? Forces
9. What is the weight of the ball? Forces
10. What should be the form of output? Energy
11. Should the movement of the string be frictionless? Energy
12. Should the system get a AC supply or DC supply? Energy
13. What kind of motors should be used? Energy
14. What is the material of the ball? Materials
15. Should the system be resistant from environmental effects? Materials
16. What kind/form of input and output should the system have? Signals
17. How many numbers of inputs have to be given to the system? Signals
18. Should the system consist of a display system to show the readings? Signals
19. If yes, what kind of display system should be installed? Signals
20. Whether the complete control unit should be inside the system? Signals
21. What kind of microcontroller can we use? Signals
22. What kind of sensors can be used? Signals
23. Which programming language is suitable? Signals
24. What should be the time period for the ball to complete its one cycle? Signals
25. Whether there should be a time delay between two cycles? Signals
26. Should the system have the backup of all the information from the Signals
27. What kind of communication must be there between user and system? Ergonomics
28. At what rate must the aesthetics of the system should be? Ergonomics
29. Should there be a lighting inside the system? Ergonomics
30. Is the direct intervention of the user allowed? Safety
31. Should there be a alarm system to inform if any error occurs? Safety
32. If yes, in what form it should be? Buzzer, light, led blinking, etc? Safety
33. What kind of production methods should be used? Conventional or Production
34. What should be the tolerance rate of the system? Production
35. What should be the quality rate of the system? Production
36. Should there be a possibility to test and change the values? Quality
37. On what standards should the system be produced? Quality
38. Which installation method should be used? Manual or automatic? Assembly
39. Can any part of the system be detachable if any error occurs? Assembly
40. Should there be servicing sessions for the system? Maintenance
41. If yes, how often should it be done? Maintenance
42. Should there be regular inspection going on? Maintenance
43. If yes, what kind of inspection should be? Manual or machine? Maintenance
44. How often the system needs to be cleaned? Maintenance
45. Should the system be recycled or can it be reprocessed? Recycling
46. What should be the storage capacity of the system? Recycling
47. What should be the manufacturing costs? Costs
48. Should we use the tools and machines provided by the college or if Production
required from outside?
49. Whether the system should be completely automatic? Operation
50. Should there be some backup devices, if any sudden error occurs so that Operation
the system remains to work continuously?

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