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Untitled document (5).

by Sara Cearns

Submission date: 20-Feb-2019 03:01PM (UT C-0800)

Submission ID: 1081085067
File name: Untitled_document_5_.docx (11.82K)
Word count: 1520
Character count: 7956
Paraphrase similar sent ences



T opic Sent ence

Concluding Evidence

Weak T ransit ion

Add quot at ions

Add quot at ions

Add quot at ions

Concluding Evidence

Concluding Evidence

Weak T ransit ion

New Paragraph

Concluding Evidence

Weak T ransit ion


T opic Sent ence

Add quot at ions

Add quot at ions

Concluding Evidence

Paraphrase similar
sent ences

Paraphrase similar sent ences

Untitled document (5).docx

25 %


Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Asti Jackson, Meghan
Morean, Grace Kong et al. "E-cigarette devices
used by high-school youth", Drug and Alcohol
Dependence, 2018
Publicat ion

"Abstracts", American Journal on Addictions,
Publicat ion

Int ernet Source 2%
Int ernet Source 2%
Int ernet Source 2%
Submitted to Ventura County Community
College District
St udent Paper

Int ernet Source 1%
Int ernet Source 1%
Submitted to Collin County Community College
St udent Paper 1%
Submitted to The Sage Colleges
St udent Paper 1%
Int ernet Source 1%
Submitted to CSU, Fullerton
St udent Paper 1%
Int ernet Source 1%
Jessica Liu, Bonnie Halpern-Felsher. "The Juul
Curriculum Is Not the Jewel of Tobacco
Prevention Education", Journal of Adolescent
Health, 2018
Publicat ion

Submitted to Grand Canyon University
St udent Paper 1%
Int ernet Source 1%
Kong, G., M. E. Morean, D. A. Cavallo, D. R.
Camenga, and S. Krishnan-Sarin. "Reasons for
Electronic Cigarette Experimentation and
Discontinuation Among Adolescents and Young
Adults", Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2014.
Publicat ion

Exclude quotes Of f Exclude matches Of f

Exclude bibliography Of f
Untitled document (5).docx




T his is a good start. You have clearly researched

this topic and you clearly care about the topic. T hat
said, there are a f ew issues here. While you

incorporate a lot of very strong evidence, you need
to make sure that you take the time to explain why
the evidence matters. You do that in a f ew places
that I have marked, but you need to do it throughout.
You also never want to conclude a paragraph with
evidence. Your voice is the one that needs to be the
loudest. Furthermore, you need to make sure that
you either include quotations of your sources or
that you use your own words when you paraphrase. I
have noted where you need to do this. When you
revise f or your f inal project paper, you will want to
do so with this in mind. I look f orward to your next


QM Paraphrase similar sentences | Format

T his section retains another source's sentence structure and only replaces certain words.
Paraphrase by writing the statement in your own words and adding a citation.

QM Paraphrase ideas | Format

T his section is very similar to another source or existing content. Paraphrase by writing the
statement in your own words and adding a citation.

QM Good | Unit y


QM Topic Sentence | Unit y

You need to make an assertion bef ore you ref er to evidence to support it. Your topic sentence
should be your own argument and T HEN you use evidence af terward.
Article Error You may need to use an article bef ore this word.


QM Concluding Evidence | Dev/Sup

Don't conclude with evidence. Make sure that you take the time to explain why this evidence IS
evidence. Furthermore, af ter you explain the evidence, make sure that you take the time to
connect this to your argument.

QM Weak Transition | Organizat ion

Weak paragraph transition:
Although paragraphs are separate, individual steps of your paper, it is important to clearly
demonstrate a logical connection between them. Generally speaking, the way your paragraphs
relate to one another displays how sound your argument really is. A paragraph that begins with
"also" or "in addition" of f ers a weak transition f rom the previous point, even though it may
develop a highly interesting and related point.

QM Add quotations | Format

T his section appears to be a quote f rom a source, but it is missing appropriate punctuation.
Direct quotes f rom a source must contain quotation marks so the reader understands they are
the original words of the author. Add quotation marks around this section and make sure to
include a citation.

Sp. T his word is misspelled. Use a dictionary or spellchecker when you proof read your work.

QM Add quotations | Format

T his section appears to be a quote f rom a source, but it is missing appropriate punctuation.
Direct quotes f rom a source must contain quotation marks so the reader understands they are
the original words of the author. Add quotation marks around this section and make sure to
include a citation.

QM Add quotations | Format

T his section appears to be a quote f rom a source, but it is missing appropriate punctuation.
Direct quotes f rom a source must contain quotation marks so the reader understands they are
the original words of the author. Add quotation marks around this section and make sure to
include a citation.

QM Concluding Evidence | Dev/Sup

Don't conclude with evidence. Make sure that you take the time to explain why this evidence IS
evidence. Furthermore, af ter you explain the evidence, make sure that you take the time to
connect this to your argument.

S/V T his subject and verb may not agree. Proof read the sentence to make sure the subject agrees
with the verb.
QM Concluding Evidence | Dev/Sup

Don't conclude with evidence. Make sure that you take the time to explain why this evidence IS
evidence. Furthermore, af ter you explain the evidence, make sure that you take the time to
connect this to your argument.

QM Weak Transition | Organizat ion

Weak paragraph transition:
Although paragraphs are separate, individual steps of your paper, it is important to clearly
demonstrate a logical connection between them. Generally speaking, the way your paragraphs
relate to one another displays how sound your argument really is. A paragraph that begins with
"also" or "in addition" of f ers a weak transition f rom the previous point, even though it may
develop a highly interesting and related point.


Missing "," Review the rules f or using punctuation marks.

QM New Paragraph | Organizat ion

Start a New Paragraph Here

Missing "," Review the rules f or using punctuation marks.

QM Concluding Evidence | Dev/Sup

Don't conclude with evidence. Make sure that you take the time to explain why this evidence IS
evidence. Furthermore, af ter you explain the evidence, make sure that you take the time to
connect this to your argument.

QM Weak Transition | Organizat ion

Weak paragraph transition:
Although paragraphs are separate, individual steps of your paper, it is important to clearly
demonstrate a logical connection between them. Generally speaking, the way your paragraphs
relate to one another displays how sound your argument really is. A paragraph that begins with
"also" or "in addition" of f ers a weak transition f rom the previous point, even though it may
develop a highly interesting and related point.

QM Good | Dev/Sup


QM Topic Sentence | Unit y

You need to make an assertion bef ore you ref er to evidence to support it. Your topic sentence
should be your own argument and T HEN you use evidence af terward.
Conf used You have used either an imprecise word or an incorrect word.

QM Add quotations | Format

T his section appears to be a quote f rom a source, but it is missing appropriate punctuation.
Direct quotes f rom a source must contain quotation marks so the reader understands they are
the original words of the author. Add quotation marks around this section and make sure to
include a citation.


QM Add quotations | Format

T his section appears to be a quote f rom a source, but it is missing appropriate punctuation.
Direct quotes f rom a source must contain quotation marks so the reader understands they are
the original words of the author. Add quotation marks around this section and make sure to
include a citation.

QM Concluding Evidence | Dev/Sup

Don't conclude with evidence. Make sure that you take the time to explain why this evidence IS
evidence. Furthermore, af ter you explain the evidence, make sure that you take the time to
connect this to your argument.

QM Paraphrase similar sentences | St yle

T his section retains another source's sentence structure and only replaces certain words.
Paraphrase by writing the statement in your own words and adding a citation.

QM Paraphrase similar sentences | Format

T his section retains another source's sentence structure and only replaces certain words.
Paraphrase by writing the statement in your own words and adding a citation.

QM you | St yle

Don't use "you" in f ormal college writing.

Missing "," Review the rules f or using punctuation marks.



QM Good | Format


UNIT Y Scale 5

SCALE 6 presents a cogent, thesis-driven analysis of or response to the text

SCALE 5 presents a thoughtf ul, thesis-centered analysis of or response to the text

SCALE 4 presents an appropriate, thesis-based analysis of or response to the text

SCALE 3 presents an inconsistent or illogical thesis-related analysis of or response to the text

which ref lects an incomplete understanding of the text or topic

SCALE 2 presents a simplistic, inappropriate, or incoherent thesis-tangential analysis of or

response to the text, one that may suggest some signif icant misunderstanding of the
text or the topic;

SCALE 1 presents an inadequate, thesis-irrelevant analysis of or response to the text,

ignoring the topic’s demands, unacceptable

DEV/SUP Scale 4

SCALE 6 elaborates that response with well-chosen examples and persuasive reasoning,

SCALE 5 elaborates that response with appropriate examples and logical reasoning

SCALE 4 elaborates that response with acceptable examples and sensible reasoning

SCALE 3 lacks elaboration with appropriate examples , lacking

SCALE 2 lacks elaboration with appropriate examples or elaborates with inappropriate


SCALE 1 lacks any appropriate pattern of development; may be inappropriately brief ,



SCALE 6 conf orms to an organizational pattern that f acilitates reader understanding, using
organizational patterns to demonstrate the relatedness of ideas and enhances the
power of the argument

SCALE 5 conf orms to an organizational pattern that f acilitates reader understanding, using
organizational patterns to convey the argument

SCALE 4 conf orms to an organizational pattern that f acilitates reader understanding, using
organizational patterns to illustrate the argument, f its

SCALE 3 deviates f rom an organizational pattern that f acilitates reader understanding, so that
organizational structures may detract f rom the argument
SCALE 2 lacks an organizational pattern which f acilitates reader understanding, lacking

SCALE 1 lacks any appropriate organizational pattern, unacceptable

ST YLE Scale 4

SCALE 6 displays a sophisticated style that ref lects aptly chosen words and rhetorically
ef f ective sentence variety

SCALE 5 displays a readable style that ref lects well-chosen words and ef f ective sentences

SCALE 4 displays a style that ref lects appropriate words and sentence variety

SCALE 3 displays a style that ref lects imprecise word choice and little sentence variety

SCALE 2 displays a style that ref lects at least one of the f ollowing: simplistic or inaccurate
word choice; monotonous or f ragmented sentence structure, inappropriate

SCALE 1 displays a style which creates a disconnect between sound and sense, one in which
language word choice and syntax obscure meaning, unacceptable

SWE CONV Scale 5

SCALE 6 exhibits mastery of the conventions of Standard Written English, masterf ul

SCALE 5 demonstrates competence in the conventions of Standard Written English,


SCALE 4 observes conventions of Standard Written English, acceptable

SCALE 3 may deviate f rom the conventions of Standard Written English by displaying
occasional major errors in grammar and usage or f requent minor errors

SCALE 2 repeatedly deviates f rom the conventions of Standard Written English by displaying
many repeated errors in grammar and usage

SCALE 1 consistently deviates f rom the conventions of Standard Written English., displaying a
pervasive pattern of errors in word choice, sentence structure, grammar and usage,

FORMAT Scale 3

SCALE 6 exhibits mastery of the conventions of manuscript citation and f ormat. masterf ul

SCALE 5 demonstrates competence in the conventions of manuscript citation and f ormat.


SCALE 4 observes conventions of manuscript citation and f ormat. acceptable

SCALE 3 may deviate f rom the conventions of manuscript citation manuscript citation and
f ormat.
SCALE 2 repeatedly deviates f rom the conventions of manuscript citation and f ormat.

SCALE 1 consistently deviates f rom the conventions of manuscript citation and f ormat.

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