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Indeterminate Leprosy: Histopathologic and

Histochemical Predictive Parameters Involved in
Its Possible Change to Paucibacillary or
Multibacillary Leprosy'
M. Denise Takahashi, Heitor F. Andrade, Jr., Alda Wakamatsu,
Sheila Siqueira, and Thales De Brito 2

Indeterminate leprosy is a valuable and The search for clinical, histopathological,

valid clinical concept which should be con- and immunological data which might fore-
sidered in conjunction with histopathologic see the probable polarity of the indetermi-
and bacteriologic data 2. 17 It is an early
( ). nate lesion has been the aim of early re-
and unstable form of leprosy and, though it search in leprosy. A positive Mitsuda skin
sometimes persists unchanged, it usually ei- test indicates, when the disease progresses,
ther regresses spontaneously or changes to a change to the tuberculoid pole 3.221 How-
( ).

one of the definitive forms in the leprosy ever, the absence of Mitsuda sensitivity is
spectrum. It occurs particularly among close not indicative of an inability of the patient
contacts of open cases of leprosy and is the to deal with the paucibacillary infection ( 2 ').
form of the disease more frequently seen in The present study was undertaken to in-
patients 15 years old or younger in countries vestigate possible clinical, histopathologic,
where leprosy is endemic ( 13 ). Clinically, it and immunohistochemical predictive pa-
usually manifests as a single or multiple area rameters which might be indicative of a pos-
of persistent disturbance of pigmentation sible change of indeterminate leprosy to-
and/or erythema with impairment of sen- ward either the paucibacillary or the
sation but without palpable thickening of multibacillary form of the disease.
the main peripheral nerves 4 ). Indetermi-

nate leprosy may be histopathologically de- MATERIALS AND METHODS

fined as a chronic dermatitis in which the Paraffin blocks and histological sections
striking feature is a neurovascular inflam- of 10% formalin-fixed, full-thickness biop-
mation 3 7 12 15 with secondary involve-
( ' ' ' ) sies taken from the skin lesion(s) of 51 cases
ment of dermal adnexa. In about 20% of of indeterminate leprosy were retrieved from
the cases, scanty acid-fast bacilli may be the files of the Sao Paulo Health Institute,
present in the perineural infiltrate, arrec- Brazil. All of the patients had changed, over
tores pilorum muscles, and in the dermal a time period which varied from 2 months
nerves themselves. to 24 years, either to paucibacillary (BT and
TT) or multibacillary leprosy (LL, BL and
BB). Diagnosis was confirmed by routine
' Received for publication on 5 March 1989; ac-
cepted for publication in revised form on 23 August histopathological examination according to
1990. Ridley and Jopling 20 and Ridley 15 in
( ) ( )

2 M. D. Takahashi, M.D.; H. F. Andrade, Jr., M.D.; hematoxylin-eosin (H&E)- and Fite-Fara-

A. Wakamatsu, Ph.D.; S. Siqueira, M.D., and T. De co-stained sections for acid-fast bacilli
Brito, M.D., Health Institute and Institute "Adolfo
Lutz," Pathology Division, Sao Paulo Health Service, (AFB).
Dematologic Clinic ("Hospital das Clinicas"), and In- Clinical records were examined and data,
stitute of Tropical Medicine, Sao Paulo Medical School, such as the number and morphological
University of Sao Paulo, sao Paulo, Brazil. characteristics of the lesion(s), the reported
Request for reprints to: Drs. T. De Brito and M. D. length of time for the lesions to appear, the
Takahashi, Faculdade de Medicina da USP, Depar-
tamento de Patologia, Av. Dr. Arnaldo 455, 01246 Sao Mitsuda skin-test results at the first clinical
Paulo, Brasil. examination and/or during the subsequent

59, 1^Takahashi, et al.: Evolution of Indeterminate Leprosy^13

progress of the disease and treatment, were serum) or nerve branches (positive control
registered. for anti-S-100 protein serum).
New sections from the paraffin blocks were Evaluation of the antigenic deposits was
prepared and routinely stained with H&E 0 when absent and + when present, and
and Fite-Faraco stains. The search for ba- referred to as BCG antigenic index; the
cilli in the skin biopsies was done in mul- number of positive antigen sites in different
tiple sections, using the Ridley and Hilson structures of the skin and cells of the in-
( 19 ) logarithmic index. The results were flammatory exudate were also evaluated
compared with the first registered search of (The Table).
bacilli, which was done usually in two or Statistical analysis. Age and other quan-
three histologic sections. The following his- titative parameters were analyzed by the
tological variables were analyzed in each Student t test after detection of similar vari-
H&E-stained section of the first biopsy and ance between groups. Correlation between
semiquantitatively graded: 0 when absent; events were analyzed by the Spearman rank
1 when slight; 2 when moderate; and 3 when correlation (C ) (8 24). Graphic representa-
marked: a) epidermal changes; b) perivas- tion used was the histogram, made up of
cular inflammation; c) dermal-nerve in- rectangles in which the base is the amplitude
volvement score was defined by the sum- and the height the number of patients in
mation of semiquantitative values of the each class. Qualitative variables were rep-
intensity of the perineural inflammation, the resented in contingency tables. In tables 2
presence of the inflammatory infiltrate x 2, Fischer's exact test was used; in con-
within the nerve branches, and the Schwann- tingency tables m x n, with levels in ordinal
cell proliferative response; and d) inflam- scale, Spearman's correlation coefficient was
matory involvement of dermal adnexa (hair applied.
follicles, arrectores pilorum muscles, su-
doriparous and sebaceous glands).
For immunohistochemical procedures, RESULTS
sections from paraffin blocks of skin were The main findings are shown in The Ta-
used. All antisera used were purchased from ble and The Figure. The average age of in-
DAKO, Copenhagen, Denmark. Rabbit determinate leprosy patients who, on sub-
anti-BCG serum (diluted 1:15,000) and rab- sequent evolution, developed multibacillary
bit anti-S-100 protein (diluted 1:2000) were leprosy was significantly lower when com-
used as primary antibodies overnight. Sec- pared to the patients changing to pauciba-
ondary antibodies included biotinylated goat cillary leprosy (The Table).
anti-rabbit IgG 1:1500 (Vector Laborato- At the first clinical examination, skin le-
ries, Inc., Burlingame, California, U.S.A.). sions were described as single or multiple
Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) areas of hypopigmentation and/or erythe-
1:1000 (Vector) was used at the amplifica- ma, with altered sensation both in the pa-
tion third-step of the reaction. ABC was ap- tients with multibacillary or paucibacillary
plied as described by Hsu, et al. ( 6 ) after evolution. No correlation was observed be-
proteolytic digestion with trypsin ("). tween the number of lesions as detected in
Negative controls included: 1) omission the first clinical examination and the further
of the primary antibody; 2) normal rabbit evolutive form of the disease (The Table).
serum used as the primary antibody layer; Twenty-two patients progressed to pau-
3) absorption of the BCG antiserum with cibacillary leprosy and 29 patients evolved
excess BCG antigen; 4) absorption of the to multibacillary leprosy. The length of time
protein S-100 antiserum either with excess between the diagnosis of indeterminate lep-
of BCG antigen or with sonicated Mitsuda rosy and the subsequent change to pauci-
antigen, with consequent maintenance of bacillary or multibacillary leprosy varied: 4
dermal nerve branches staining and total patients changed after 6 months, 12 after 1
suppression of Mycobacterium leprae stain- to 2 years, 12 after 2 to 5 years, 9 after 6 to
ing properties ( 24 ). 10 years, and 14 after 11 to 24 years. No
Positive controls included histologic sec- correlation was observed between these
tions containing either structures rich in M. lengths of time and the further evolutive
leprae antigen (positive control for anti-BCG form of the disease.
14^ International Journal of Leprosy^ 1991

THE TABLE. Indeterminate leprosy-clinical, histopathological, and immunohistochem-

ical parameters.
Total Paucibacillary Multibacillary P vs M
Age distribution
Mean (range)^ 29(5-55) 35(16-54) 25 (5-55) p < 0.01"
Sex distribution
No. males/Total (%)^26/51 (51%) 12/22 (55%) 14/29 (48%) NSb
Patients with unique skin lesion
No./Total (%)^ 26/51 (51)% 13/22 (59%) 13/29 (45%) NS
Patients with initial multiple skin lesions
No. with 5 or more/Total (%)^10/51 (20%) 2/22 (9%) 8/29 (28%) NS
Patients with positive (> 5 mm) Mitsuda skin test
No./Total tested(%)^4/13 (31%) 4/9^(44%) 0/4^(0%) NS
Patients within initial weakly positive (3-5 mm) Mitsuda skin test
No./Total tested (%)^1/13 (7%) 1/9^(11%) 0/4^(0%) NS
Patients within initial negative Mitsuda skin test
No. neg./Total tested (%)^8/13 (62%) 4/9^(44%) 4/4^(100%) NS
Evolutive positive (> 5 mm) Mitsuda skin test
No./Total tested (%)^7/24 (29%) 7/10 (70%) 0/14 (0%) p < 0.001+
Evolutive weakly positive (3-5 mm) Mitsuda skin test
No./Total tested (%)^6/24 (25%) 3/10 (30%) 3/14 (21%) NS
Perivascular infiltrate
Mean ± S.E.M.'^ 1.82 ± 0.1 1.77 ± 0.16 1.82 ± 0.13 NS
Total tested^ 51 22 29
Dermal nerve branches involvement
Mean ± S.E.M.^ 2.19 ± 0.32 1.72 ± 0.26 2.63 ± 0.33 p < 0.05
Total tested^ 46 22 24
Bacterial index
Mean ± S.E.M.^ 0.57 ± 0.10 0.32 ± 0.10 0.76 ± 0.15 p < 0.05
Total tested^ 51 22 29
No. bacilli sites
Mean ± S.E.M.^ 0.78 ± 0.17 0.36 ± 0.12 1.1 ± 0.26 p < 0.05
Total tested^ 51 22 29
Positive BCG antigen
No. pos./Total tested (%)^28/42 (67%) 10/20 (50%) 18/22 (82%) p < 0.05+
No. different BCG antigen positive sites
^ ^
Mean ± S.E.M.^1.43 ± 0.22^0.75 ± ^ 0.20 2.05 ± 0.33 p < 0.01
Total tested^ 42^20 22
3 Index: dermal nerve involvement + no. bacilli sites + no. BCG antigen-positive sites
Mean ± S.E.M. ^ 4.8 + 2.82^2.9 ± 2.22^6.9 ± 3.36 ^p < 0.0001
Total tested 38^20^18
Significance of these results were determined by using Student's t test, with previous determination of
distribution normality; + = Fisher's exact test used.
b NS = not significant.
S.E.M. = standard error of the mean.

Most of the patients were treated with Histological examination showed in-
sulfones, and statistical analysis showed no volvement of the epidermis by the inflam-
significant influence of treatment on the matory infiltrate in three cases only. In all
subsequent evolution of the disease (p > other patients, the epidermis appeared nor-
0.05). mal. The striking histological feature in in-
59, 1^Takahashi, et al.: Evolution of Indeterminate Leprosy 15

determinate leprosy was a neurovascular in- 14

flammation, with both histiocytes and
lymphocytes present in the inflammatory 11
infiltrate. To a lesser degree the inflamma-
tory exudate also encircled hair follicles, 8
sweat glands and arrectores pilorum mus-
cles. The localization of dermal nerves and 5
their involvement by the inflammatory in-
filtrate was much facilitated after S-100 pro- 2
tein immunohistochemical staining ( 5 ).
Bacilli were found in 34 cases (45%) of
indeterminate leprosy in almost similar fre- ^ ^
5^3^1^1 3 5
quencies in the perivascular (12 times), N 2 OF PATIENTS
periadenexial inflammatory infiltrate (11
times), and in the arrectores pilorum mus- THE FIGURE. Histogram showing, to the right of
the central boundary line, patients progressing to mul-
cles (11 times). They were detected in the
tibacillary leprosy and, to the left, patients evolving to
dermal nerves in six instances. paucibacillary leprosy as evaluated by the 1: 3 index.
Immunohistochemical detection of bacil-
lary antigens using the anti-BCG serum was
carried out in 42 patients of indeterminate
leprosy, and were positive in 67% of the ease. Noteworthy, however, was the fact that
cases. They were detected as particulate an- the age median of patients changing to pau-
tigen, and seen more frequently in the cy- cibacillary leprosy (34.95 years) was signif-
toplasm of isolated cells of the perivascular icantly higher (p < 0.05) when compared
inflammatory infiltrate (22 instances) fol- to patients evolving to multibacillary lep-
lowed by the arrectores pilorum muscles (15 rosy (25.24 years), an apparent contrast to
instances) and, finally, by the small nerve previous studies showing a benign evolu-
branches (12 instances). In nine instances tion of leprosy in infancy ( 13 20 ). The present
antigen was detected in the periadenexial study, however, did not comprise indeter-
inflammatory infiltrate, and in two in- minate patients who stayed indeterminate
stances it was present at the endothelial lin- or those in whom the disease resolved.
ing of the small dermal vessels. Control sec- Therefore, the differences of age observed,
tions stained with normal rabbit serum or in spite of being statistically significant, can-
antiserum absorbed with BCG showed no not be taken into account.
antigen deposits. Ridley ( 15 reported a paucibacillary

Some of the histopathological and immu- change of early leprosy cases with single skin
nopathological events may be grouped by lesions. In our study, no significant corre-
the high correlation to evolutive forms, as lation was observed between the number of
determined by the Spearman rank test, in skin lesions and the patient's disease prog-
an attempt to better differentiate the two ress. However, a positive and significant (p
groups of patients. A / 3 index can be es- < 0.05) Spearman rank correlation was not-
timated by the summation of the dermal ed between the number of skin lesions and
nervous involvement score, number of ba- dermal nerve damage (C = 0.3206), bacte-
cilli sites, and number of BCG antigen sites. rial index (C = 0.3611), and number of der-
This index, performed with our patients' mal sites where isolated bacilli (C = 0.3672)
biopsies, excluding those where one of the or antigen deposits (C = 0.3342) were found.
above values cannot be unequivocally de- These parameters proved to be important
termined, is shown in The Figure. to the evaluation of further progress of the
indeterminate leprosy patients.
DISCUSSION Statistical analysis showed no influence
At first sight, none of clinical parameters of the treatment on the subsequent evolu-
analyzed proved to be significant to predict tion of the disease. From the 8 patients fol-
further clinico-pathological change of in- lowing a "regular" treatment, 2 progressed
determinate leprosy to either the pauciba- to paucibacillary and 6 to multibacillary
cillary or the multibacillary form of the dis- leprosy. Two possible explanations for this
16^ International Journal of Leprosy^ 1991

might be: a) resistance to sulfones or inad- more dermal nerve branches, better iden-
equate absorption of the drug; b) the patient tified by anti-S-I00 protein serum staining,
did not follow the prescribed "regular" can be of further help to differentiate in-
treatment. Early clinical discharge was pos- determinate leprosy from a nonspecific
sibly the reason why from 12 other patients, chronic dermatitis. It should be noted that
7 evolved to multibacillary and 5 to pau- commercially available anti-S-100 protein
cibacillary leprosy. serum is raised in rabbits using complete
Histopathology confirmed that indeter- Freund's adjuvant and, consequently, it
minate leprosy is a form of chronic der- stains M. leprae similarly to anti-BCG anti-
matitis in which neurovascular features are serum. Therefore, before its use, a previous
prominent ( 3 . 7. 12 As was expected, careful
). adsorption of the S-100 protein anti-serum
examination of multiple histological sec- with lepromin or BCG is necessary. This
tions stained for acid-fast microorganisms procedure, done in the present study, re-
improved the positive diagnosis of leprosy. moves most of the serum antibodies to my-
Routine examination of the retrieved sec- cobacteria but preserves the specific stain-
tions from the files gave an 18% positivity; ing of Schwann cells and antigen-presenting
after multiple section analysis, the con- cells ( 23 ).
firmed diagnosis rate rose to 45%. However, In indeterminate leprosy, the bacilli and/
even a complete examination of multiple or their antigens seem to be able to lodge
sections may not reveal the presence of mi- in all parts of the skin. They do not appear
croorganisms. On these occasions, immu- to have, at first, a predilection for dermal
nologically based techniques should be of nerves alone. In our cases, bacilli and/or
value since they combine both specificity their antigens were more frequently detect-
and, chiefly, are not dependent on the pres- ed in the perivascular infiltrate than in the
ence of viable organisms ( 1,9,10 ). dermal nerves. Furthermore, no correlation
Antigenic analysis indicates that cell an- was observed between a specific locus of the
tigens detected in Al. leprae sonicates are bacilli or their antigen(s) and the further
widely crossreactive among mycobacterial evolutive form of the disease. This contrasts
species, and especially so with M. bovis with a substantial number of patients at the
(BCG) ( 9 ). It was on this basis that rabbit tuberculoid end of the leprosy spectrum who
anti-BCG was used as the primary antibody show no morphologically definable bacilli
to demonstrate both the bacilli and its an- within their tissues, except nerves. These
tigen(s) in indeterminate leprosy and their patients show a strong cell-mediated im-
evolutive forms. Monoclonal antibodies to mune response with consequent clearance
demonstrate specific M. leprae antigens were of bacilli and/or their antigen(s). Thus, the
used by Narayanan, et a!. ( 11 ). Mshana, et nerve is probably the main protected tissue
al. ( 9 ), using polyclonal antibodies, reported for M. leprae in human skin ( 16 ). Since M.
the detection of mycobacterial antigens in leprae is characteristically nontoxic, nerve
8 out of 10 (80%) indeterminate patients, damage appears as a result of an immune
although in only half of them were the an- reaction to the bacillary antigens.
tigens related to the host tissue response. In Early attempts to predict, on immuno-
our study, mycobacterial antigen(s) were de- logical grounds, the possible progress of in-
tected in 67% of indeterminate patients, a determinate leprosy patients relied on the
result superior than that obtained using acid- Mitsuda skin test ( 3 ). Our study confirms
fast stains (45%). Therefore, the immuno- that a moderate or strongly positive Mitsu-
histochemical techniques may enable the da skin test identifies, if the disease pro-
more precise categorization of suspected gresses, a change to paucibacillary leprosy;
early leprosy lesions. However, there still whereas a weakly positive or negative Mi-
remain a number of cases where acid-fast tsuda skin test is not of predictive value.
bacilli and/or their antigen(s) are not iden- Data from conventional histopathology,
tifiable, and the histologic diagnosis is then such as epidermal alterations, small blood
of a "non-specific dermatitis" ( 2 ). In these vessel damage, the extent and intensity of
instances, the finding of an aggregation of the perivascular and periadnexial inflam-
lymphocytes, either cuffing or within one or mation, the cell types in the inflammatory
59, 1^Takahashi, et al.: Evolution of Indeterminate Leprosy^17

exudate, proved not to be significant so far tochemical parameters to predict the prog-
as the prediction of the possible changes in ress of indeterminate leprosy patients to
indeterminate leprosy was concerned. How- either paucibacillary (PB) or multibacillary
ever, a significant correlation (p = 0.0001; (MB) leprosy, skin biopsies from 51 patients
C = 0.5458) was observed between the peri- with indeterminate leprosy were retrieved
vascular inflammatory infiltrate and dermal from the files of the Sao Paulo Health In-
neuritis. Dermal nerve involvement was stitute (Brazil). All of these patients had pro-
more accentuated (p < 0.05) in indeter- gressed to either PB or MB leprosy over a
minate leprosy patients evolving to multi- period of time which varied from 2 months
bacillary leprosy. This finding contrasts with to 24 years. Clinical records were examined,
previous observations which show nerve in- and new sections were cut from the paraffin
volvement in patients with strong immune blocks and stained by hematoxylin-eosin
reactions against bacillary antigens ( 10 ' ' 6 ' 18
). and Fite-Faraco stains; the avidin-biotin
A two plus (+ +) bacterial index by Rid- peroxidase technique was used with pri-
ley and Hilson's scale and/or the iden- mary antibodies to detect bacillary antigens
tification of few acid-fast bacilli in different (anti-BCG serum) and nerve branches (anti-
sites, and/or multiple antigenic sites in dif- S-100 protein anti-serum). A moderate
ferent skin structures and in macrophages (+ +) or strongly positive (+ + +) Mitsuda
of the inflammatory infiltrate, were found skin test was observed in some patients pro-
more frequently in patients changing to gressing to PB leprosy. Noteworthy is that
multibacillary leprosy (p < 0.05), reflecting even patients initially Mitsuda negative may
patients without an adequate response to evolve to PB leprosy. a) A 2+ bacterial in-
bacillary antigens. dex and/or the presence of bacilli, even
Dermal nerve involvement, the number though few in number, in various dermal
of sites where bacilli were found, and the structures; b) multiple positive antigen sites
number of antigenic sites marked by the as detected by anti-BCG anti-serum; and c)
anti-BCG serum could be evaluated as a dermal nerve involvement, when evaluated
whole in 38 patients. The summation of as single parameters, correlated with a pro-
these parameters (E 3) could identify 72% gression of indeterminate to MB leprosy.
of 18 patients progressing to multibacillary An index resulting from the summation of
leprosy. The I 3 index 6 detected patients the above three parameters identified 13
evolving to multibacillary leprosy (The Fig- (72%) of 18 of these cases which progressed
ure). Other summation indexes using dif- to MB leprosy.
ferent clinical and histopathological param-
eters were tested, but proved to be less useful RESUMEN
in differentiating patients evolving either to
multibacillary or paucibacillary leprosy. The Se recxaminaron las biopsias de piel de 51 pacientes
marked dermal nerve involvement, in con- con lepra indeterminada mantenidas en los archivos
del Institute de Salud del estado de Sao Paulo (Brasil),
junction with bacteriological and immu-
con la intenciOn de encontrar pardmetros clinicos, bac-
nohistochemical markers of low resistance teriolOgicos, histopatolOgicos, c inmunoquimicos, que
to the infection, are indicative of a probable pudieran ayudar a predecir el progreso de Ia enfer-
early downgrading progress of the disease. medad indeterminada hacia las formal paucibacilar
In conclusion, the use of the E 3 index, (PB) o multibacilar (MB) de Ia lepra. Todos estos pa-
in association with the Mitsuda skin test, cientes habian progresado a la forma PB o MB de la
which identifies from the beginning those lepra en un periodo que oscilO de 2 meses a 24 afios.
patients evolving to paucibacillary leprosy, Se examinaron los registros clinicos y se prepararon
might be of help in public health services nuevas secciones de los bloques de parafina las cuales
for predicting the potential evolution of cases se tifieron por las técnicas de hematoxilina-cosina y de
Fite-Faraco. La têcnica de la avidina-biotina-peroxi-
of early leprosy. Control and treatment
dasa se use con anticuerpos primarios para detectar
might, then, be accordingly provided. antigenos bacilares (con un sucro anti-BCG) y rami-
ficaciones nerviosas (con un sucro anti-proteina S-100).
En algunos de los pacientes que progresaron a la forma
In an attempt to find clinical, bacterio- PB de la lepra se observO una reacciOn de Mitsuda
logical, histopathological, and immunohis- moderada (+ +) o fuertemente positiva (+ + +). Un
18^ International Journal of Leprosy^ 1991

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