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A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Jimma University in Partial Fulfillment
of Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Structural Engineering

Yosef Gemessa

May, 2019
Jimma, Ethiopia



A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Jimma University in Partial Fulfillment
of Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Structural Engineering

Yosef Gemessa

Main Adviser: Engr. Elmer C. Agon

Co- Advaiser: Engr. Menberu Elias

May, 2019
Jimma, Ethiopia

The work presented herein was carried out solely by the author under the supervision of Elmer
C.Agon in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Jimma Institute of
Technology, Jimma University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master
of Science in Structural Engineering

The ideas and results are original except where otherwise acknowledged or referenced and no
part of this work has been submitted previous to any university, college or other institution.

Note that the views expressed in this thesis are those of the author, and are not necessarily those
of Jimma Institute of Technology, Jimma.

YOSEF GEMESSA DADI __________________ _____________

Student Signature Date

Engr. Elmer C. Agon __________________ _____________

Main Adviser Signature Date

Engr. Menberu Elias ________________ _____________

Co-Adviser Signature Date

Final Thesis Report Page I


In this thesis a detailed theoretical development of the finite element analysis procedure and
structural dynamics is presented and discussed. This information is directly used to develop the
MATLAB code for the FEA program. Topics that are covered include discussions about
generating element matrices, boundary and loading conditions, finite element solution
techniques, and structural dynamics solution technique.

A two-dimensional finite element analysis technique using ABAQUS/CAE 6.13 is chosen to

explore the dynamic behavior of a beam under impact load. FE analyses were performed
implementing ABAQUS Explicit programming tool to predict the dynamic responses. Three
analyses have been executed changing different dynamic loading, harmonic, impulsive and step
load, simulation parameter displacement/time relations and MATLAB program choose the best
performing FE analysis model. The high accuracy definition is confirmed upon extensive
examination of the calculated structural responses of the FE model comparing with the
analytical results.

This thesis is concerned with the application of MAT LAB programing to structure whose
dynamic performance is affected by static loading. The influence of structural loading is
identified as important in dynamical terms.

This thesis covers several dynamic load types such as harmonic load, Impulsive load and Step
load subjected to cantilever beam has been outlined and the simulation of beam with respect to
time was drawn.

This observation has particular significance to the likelihood of success of model updating.
Indeed the major source of error in dynamic finite element modeling may well be the omission of
static loads. There are strong repercussions for schemes which use dynamic data for damage
detection. The methods for including load-effects in dynamic finite element models are outlined.

Finally, computer results were compared to analytical solution to check the validity of computer
results. The computer program results include both the steady-state response and the transient
response of the system. As a result, some disagreement, particularly at the peaks of the steady-
state response, is expected and the results enclosed in appendix C.

Final Thesis Report Page II


I would like to thank my supervisors, Engr. Elmer C Agon and Engr. Menberu Elias for
their guidance and support during my studies here at Jimma Institute of Technology. Working
with such respected and inspirational individuals has been a privilege and has confirmed my
interest in further studies in Structural Engineering.

Thanks to Jimma Institute of Technology for their financial support that has helped
me finalize this thesis report.

Final Thesis Report Page III

Table of Contents
DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. I

Abbreviation ................................................................................................................................... II

Notation..........................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Acknowledgments...................................................................................................................... VIII

ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................... II

CHAPTER ONE…………………………………………………………………………………..1

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1. Background and Problem Definition……………………………………………………….1

1.2. Statement of Problems ......................................................................................................... 3

1.3. Research Questions .............................................................................................................. 3

1.4 ResearchObjectives ............................................................................................................... 4

1.4.1. General Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4

1.4.2. Specific Objectives ........................................................................................................ 4

1.5 Significance of the Study ...................................................................................................... 4

1.6. Scope of the study ............................................................................................................... 5

1.7 Outline of the Thesis ............................................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER TWO………………………………………………………………………………….5

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................................ 7

2.1.FiniteElementMethod ............................................................................................................ 7

2.2. Structural Dynamics ............................................................................................................. 7

2.3 MATLAB Usage in Structural Dynamics ............................................................................. 9

CHAPTER THREE……………………………………………………………………………...11

3 FINITE ELEMENT THEORETICAL DERIVATIONS ...................................................... 11

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 11

3.2 Interpolation and Shape Functions ...................................................................................... 12

Final Thesis Report Page IV
3.3 Formulation of Element Stiffness Matrices ........................................................................ 14

3.4 Element Boundary and Loading Conditions ....................................................................... 15

3.5 Solution Techniques ............................................................................................................ 16

3.5.1 Gaussian quadrature ..................................................................................................... 17

3.6 Structural Dynamics ............................................................................................................ 19

3.6.1. Equation of Motion ...................................................................................................... 20

3.6.2. Formulation of Element Mass Matrices ...................................................................... 20

3.6.3 Dynamic Loading Conditions ....................................................................................... 21

3.6.4 Numerical Integration ................................................................................................... 23

CHAPTER FOUR……………………………………………………………………………….27

4 CASE STUDIES.................................................................................................................... 27

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 27

4.2 Harmonic Loading............................................................................................................... 29

4.3 Impulse Loading .................................................................................................................. 33

CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 41

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 41

5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 41

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 43

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 44

Abaqus modeling .......................................................................................................................... 44

A.1 Model.................................................................................................................................. 44

A.1.1 Boundary conditions........................................................................................................ 44

A.1.3 Modeling Structural steel beam .......................................................................................... 44

APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................... 46

MATLAB FEA PROGRAM ........................................................................................................ 46

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Main Program ............................................................................................................................... 46

APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................... 66

CONFIRMATION CALCULATIONS ........................................................................................ 66

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List of Figures

1. Figure 1.1: Review of numerical methods for structural analysis ..................................... 2

2. Figure 3.1: Q4 Finite Element Nodal Degrees of Freedom (Typical four noded
rectangular elements) ........................................................................................................ 14
3. Figure 3.2:Finite Analysis by Abaqus .............................................................................. 19
4. Figure 3.3: Harmonic Loading .......................................................................................... 22
5. Figure 3.4: Impulsive Loading .......................................................................................... 23
6. Figure 3.5: Stability conditions for the Newmark-β method. [Andersen, 2014] .............. 25
7. Figure 4.1: Case Study 1_cantilever Beam ....................................................................... 29
8. Figure 4.2: Cantilever Structural Steel Beam Created Finite Element Model Created in
ABAQUS Software. .......................................................................................................... 29
9. Figure 4.3: Harmonic Load ............................................................................................... 30
10. Figure 4.4:Finite Element Mesh ....................................................................................... 30
11. Figure 4.5: show elements labels created in ABAQUS .................................................... 31
12. Figure 4.6(a): Case Study 1-Displacement ....................................................................... 32
13. Figure 4.6(b): Case Study 1-Displacement ....................................................................... 32
14. Figure 4.6(c): Case Study 1-Displacement ....................................................................... 33
15. Figure 4.7: Cantilever Beam subject impulsive loading at free end ................................. 34
16. Figure 4.8: Impulsive Load created in MATLAB 2017A ................................................ 35
17. Figure 4.9(a):Case Study 2-Displacements....................................................................... 35
18. Figure 4.9(b):Case Study 2-Displacements ...................................................................... 36
19. Figure 4.9(c): Case Study 2-Displacements...................................................................... 36
20. Figure 4.9(d): Case Study 2- Displacements .................................................................... 37
21. Figure 4.10: Cantilever beam subjected to step load ........................................................ 37
22. Figure 4.11: Step loading versus time............................................................................... 38
23. Figure 4.12(a): Case Study 3-Displacements.................................................................... 39
24. Figure 4.12(b):Case Study 3-Displacements .................................................................... 39
25. Figure 4.12(c):Case Study 3-Displacements..................................................................... 40
26. Figure 4.12(d):Case Study 3-Displacements .................................................................... 40

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List of Tables
1. Table 3.1: MATLAB program using Gauss-Legendre rule .............................................. 17
2. Table 4.1: Structural Steel Beam Properties ..................................................................... 27
3. Table 4.2: Summarized Case studies ................................................................................ 28
4. Table 4.3: Instance Table .................................................................................................. 29

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DOF: Degree of Freedom

FEA: Finite Element Analysis

GDOF: Generalized Degree of Freedom

MATLAB: MATrix LABoratory

Final Thesis Report Page IX


Nodal shape function

Shape function
Strain displacement matrix
[D] Elasticity matrix for isotropic materials.
Modulus of Elasticity
Poisons Ratio
Natural coordinates for the rectangular element
Natural coordinates for the rectangular element
̇ Nodal Velocities
̈ Nodal Acceleration
Parameter for Newmark- method
Parameter for Newmark-β method
Thickness of the element
Moment of Inertia
Weightage values
Density of material
Jacobian matrix

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Final Thesis Report Page XI
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟



1.1 Backgrounds of the study

The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a numerical technique to find approximate solutions of
partial differential equations. It was originated from the need of solving complex elasticity and
structural analysis problems in Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace engineering. In a structural
simulation, FEM helps in producing stiffness and strength visualizations.

Finite element analysis (FEA) is a computational technique used to find approximate

solutions of field problems that are described by differential equations or by an integral
expression. The finite element solution technique helps in solving complex field
problems by numerical approximations of the differential or integral expression.
Finite element analysis has significant advantages when compared to the other numerical
analysis methodologies. It is very powerful and applicable in many engineering problems
such as displacements of a structural systems, stress-strain analysis, heat transfer and
magnetic fields. In addition, for individual elements different material properties can be
incorporated. One of the most important advantages of finite element analysis is that
there are no limitations concerning the geometry or boundary conditions. Different types
of geometry and boundary conditions can be accommodated easily. In addition to these
properties, it is easy to modify the problem and increase the accuracy of the results while
usually only at the expense of computational efficiency.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 0.1: Review of numerical methods for structural analysis

It also helps to minimize material weight and its cost of the structures. FEM allows for detailed
visualization and indicates the distribution of stresses and strains inside the body of a structure.
Many of FE software are powerful yet complex tool meant for professional engineers with the
training and education necessary to properly interpret the results.

Several modern FEM packages include specific components such as fluid, thermal,
electromagnetic and structural working environments. FEM allows entire designs to be
constructed, refined and optimized before the design is manufactured. This powerful design tool
has significantly improved both the standard of engineering designs and the methodology of the
design process in many industrial applications. The use of FEM has significantly decreased the
time to take products from concept to the production line. One must take the advantage of the
advent of faster generation of personal computers for the analysis and design of engineering
product with precision level of accuracy.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

At present many commercial software packages use the finite element analysis because of
the advantages mentioned above. ANSYS, ALGOR, ABAQUS, COSMOS/M and
SAP2000 are some of the well-known commercial software packages that are based on
finite element analysis. That is to say that the finite element analysis has wide range of
usage and is conveniently available for engineers and researchers. For research purposes, finite
element analysis is very useful to allow for examination of “what if” design scenarios. As
mentioned earlier, it has almost no limitation for engineering problems in terms of geometry and
boundary conditions. Because of these properties it is very powerful for researchers.

In this study, three types of dynamic loads are applied separately to Cantilever beam. The
finite element analysis is used to define the beam and determine the problem solution for
all loading cases. Furthermore, Q4 finite elements are considered during the analysis
and these elements are combined to form a mesh. During the dynamic analysis
calculation procedure a numerical procedure, Newmark‟s method, is used to numerically
integrate the equations of motion with respect to time.

1.2. Statement of Problems

Even though a lot of structures under dynamic loading can properly be designed as if the loading
was static, there are many important exceptions and it is very necessary that the structural
engineer is able to decide which/when loads should be considered static and which/when they
should be considered dynamic.

Previous studies do not consider development of a coupled finite element analysis/structural

dynamics computer program. If we use FEA as the time with structural dynamics application we
will get the best approximation to the real results.

Actually, with the obvious exception of dead loads, all loads are dynamic in reality as they have
to be applied to the structure in some way, and this would impose a time variation to these loads.

1.3. Research Questions

 How to develop FEA program for the cantilever beam structures incorporating
Harmonic, Impulsive and Step dynamic loadings?

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

 How to simulate beam structures subjected to Harmonic Loading, Impulsive

Loading and step loadings
 What is the effect of dynamic loading on Beam Structures?
 How to determine dynamic displacement response of Structural Beam with
respect to time?

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1. General Objectives

The general objective of this study will be to investigate the development Computer Based Finite
Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam
Structures using ABAQUS FEA software and MATLAB programming softwares.

1.4.2. Specific Objectives

The specific objective of this research will be:

 To Investigate Harmonic Loading, Impulsive Loading and step loadings Finite Element
Program for the steel structural beams
 To find the Simulation Pattern of Beam Structures Subjected to Harmonic Loading,
Impulsive Loading and Step Loading using ABAQUS FEA software.
 To find the effect Harmonic Loading, Impulsive Loading and step loadings on reinforced
concrete structural beam
 Dynamic Displacement response of Structural Beam with respect to time.
 To determine dynamic displacement response of Structural Beam with respect to time.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Study on ‘Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate
Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures’ is important for the following but no limited to.

 It helps to identify the most Appropriate Finite Element Analysis method to Develop
MATLAB Finite Element Programs of beam structures Subjected to different types of
Dynamic Loading.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

 It enables to identify a response of Structural Steel beam structures Subjected to

Harmonic Loading, Impulsive Loading and Step Loadings with respect to time.

1.6. Scope of the study

The scope this study covers the following:

 All models and analysis carried out by ABAQUS, whereas for Development FEA
programs MATLAB will be used.
 The application of FEA to the problem of Structural Dynamics analysis of Beam
subjected to Lateral Load
 Only Steel beam structures type will be covered; As Case Study three types of
dynamic loading on the steel cantilever beam will be investigated.

1.7 Outline of the Thesis

The subjects of the following chapters are presented below to give an overview of the
report´s outline.
 Chapter 2 – Literature Review:
In Chapter 2, a comprehensive literature review of current knowledge and recent studies are
provided from a broad viewpoint including a brief discussion about the usage of the finite
element method and structural dynamics. The literature review gives several examples that use
the finite element method, structural dynamics and structural dynamics combined with the finite
element method.
 Chapter 3 – Finite Element Theoretical Derivations:
Detailed theoretical development of the finite element analysis procedure and
structural dynamics is presented and discussed. This information is directly used
to develop the MATLAB code for the FEA program. Theoretical equations are
derived and explained in this chapter. Topics that are covered include discussions
about generating element matrices, boundary and loading conditions, finite
element solution techniques, and structural dynamics solution technique.

 Chapter 4 – Case Studies:

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

The capabilities of the MATLAB FEA program developed as a consequence of

this study are demonstrated. Four case studies considering a dynamic loading are
demonstrated on different structural beam configurations. Hand calculations (included in
Appendix B of this study) are provided for confirmation of the FEA program.
 Chapter 5 – Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations:
A summary of the results and conclusions of the study are provided. This includes a brief
discussion and capability of this study. In addition, recommendations about the study and its
expandability are provided.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟



2.1 Finite Element Method

Current and recent studies are provided from a broad viewpoint including a brief discussion
about the usage of the finite element method and structural dynamics. During the preparation of
the proposal for the aforementioned topic, literatures used were listed herein below:

Li et al. (2001) presented a quadratic finite element considering the principle that the local
displacement fields of the elements are compatible with the global displacement
field of the corresponding systems by using generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF) and
a quadratic finite strip with GDOF. They developed a global displacement field based on
quadratic B-spline functions and created local displacement field strips for the elements.
Therefore, they formed models for the finite elements and finite strips corresponding to
the GDOF by rearranging the local displacement fields of elements and strips to be
compatible with their corresponding global displacement fields. In their study, several
numerical examples were provided for authenticity, simplicity and versatility of the
element and strip in the analysis of thin-walled structures. The authors determined that
the finite element and finite strip with GDOF can handle inconveniences in the analysis
of beams, plates and other structures when the thickness changes. In addition to handling
such problems, the authors also determined that the finite element and finite strip gave
similar results with fewer degrees of freedom when compared to traditional finite element

2.2. Structural Dynamics

Incorporation of the dynamic response of structural systems into a finite element model is
a natural extension of the numerical time-stepping methods for dynamic analysis.
Recently, many studies have considered this kind of “coupling” of a FEA program and structural
dynamics models. A review of some of these studies is provided herein below.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Du et al. (1992) considered a three dimensional elastic beam with an arbitrary and large moving
base with six degrees of freedom by creating a general finite element structural
dynamics model. In their study, six degrees of freedom of the beam base may include
either a particular arbitrary motion of the base or the coupling of the beam with other
structures. The beam can be pre-twisted and has a mass center offset from the elasticity
center. In the study, the authors derived the equations of motion using the principal of
virtual work in the finite element analysis. To simplify the analysis, the authors combined
the beam inertia at the end nodes of each element. At the conclusion of the study, it was
determined that the model provided flexibility because of the combination of the finite
element method and arbitrary base motion variables that were used in multi-body
dynamics and a fundamental element to solve the dynamic problems of rotating beamlike

Cerioni et al. (1995) presented a finite element model that was capable of analyzing the
dynamic nonlinear behavior of unreinforced masonry panels in a biaxial stress field by
using a non-conforming quadrilateral element. The study derived the equilibrium
equations including the inertial and damping actions by a direct step-by-step integration
procedure in the time domain known as Newmark’s method.

The results were compared with experimental results in terms of displacement, velocity,
acceleration, strain and stress. The comparison of the results indicated good performance not
only for nonconforming quadrilateral elements but also time-dependent and nonlinear analyses.
In addition to these results, the model provided a very simple, computationally economicaland
convenient analysis of complex structural problems.

Mermertas et al. (2007) introduced a curved bridge deck to examine the dynamic interaction
between a vehicle that is assumed to have four-degrees of freedom and a curved beam. The finite
element method was used to model the curved beam assumed to be simply supported neglecting
any damping of the structure. The authors also applied a multi-predictor-corrector procedure in
conjunction with the Newmark method in the solution of the resulting equations of motion. The
authors determined the mid-span deflection of the bridge for different vehicle speeds and varying
radii of curvature for the curved deck.
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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

2.3 MATLAB Usage in Structural Dynamics

The usage of computer programs to use the finite element method and numerical time stepping
methods for the structural dynamics has become increasingly important in recent
years. Advances in computer technology allow even simple computer systems to model
very complex systems with ease and efficiency. A popular program in research studies is
MATLAB. This program can be utilized very easily to accomplish both a finite element
analysis and structural dynamics analysis due to its friendly matrix manipulations.
Several recent research studies have considered MATLAB and they are further outlined
herein below.

Kiral et al. (2008) presented a fixed-fixed laminated composite beam that was subjected
to a concentrated force traveling at a constant velocity to determine the dynamic behavior
of a beam. The authors used classical lamination theory in order to create a three dimensional
finite element model. In addition, the Newmark integration method to
compute the dynamic response was implemented in MATLAB. The dynamic
magnification, defined as the ratio between the dynamic and static displacements, was
determined from their study. As a result of the study, it was determined that the load
velocity and ply orientation may affect the dynamic response significantly. It was also
determined that if the total traveling time is equal to the first natural period of the beam,
the maximum deflection occurs at the mid-point of the beam.

Bozdogan et al. (2009) demonstrated an approximate method using a continuum

approach and transfer matrix method for static and dynamic analyses of multi-bay
coupled shear walls. The authors assumed the structure system as a sandwich beam and
thus wrote the differential equation whose solution gave the shape functions for each
story of the sandwiched beam. The system modes and periods based on the boundary
conditions and story transfer matrices, found by the shape functions, can then be
calculated. Using MATLAB, a computer program was written to solve numerical
examples to show the reliability of the method used. Results were compared with
previous work done in the literature that was in good agreement. The authors suggested

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

that their method is appropriate to use on a wide range of structural system applications.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟



3.1 Introduction

The primary objective of this study is to develop a finite element analysis program
coupled with a structural dynamics response modeling program to determine the dynamic
response of a structure due to a dynamic load. The use of the finite element method,
however, influences the dynamic response of the structure. A variety of finite elements
may be chosen for the analysis, each having its advantages and disadvantages. As such,
one element is not always superior to another with respect to any given analysis. Often, it
is the experience of the analyst that determines the appropriate finite element to be used
in the analysis. The purpose of this study is not to determine the appropriateness of the
finite element method chosen. In addition, there are also a variety of structural dynamic
response algorithms that can be used to determine the response of a structure due to a
dynamic load application. As such, it is also not the purpose of this study to determine
the “best” algorithm to be used for determining the dynamic response of the structural
system. Rather, this study seeks only to combine the theoretical development of the finite
element method with an approach for determining the dynamic structural response into a
seamless computer application that can be expanded for future use.

To develop the coupled finite element/structural dynamics program, an understanding of

the theoretical development of both topics is necessary. Finite elements are the basis for
modeling the structural system into a ```set of discretized pieces that can be assembled into
a set of structural equations. The structural dynamics algorithm can then analyze these
structural equations at discrete points in time due to a defined dynamic loading. The
combination of these two procedures produces displacements of the structural system as a
function of time. In the discussion to follow herein, the theoretical development will
center on these topics. Included in these discussions will be formulations of element
matrices, derivations of finite element method equations, dynamic analysis procedures

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

and solution techniques which were used while developing the coupled finite element
analysis/structural dynamics program.

3.2 Interpolation and Shape Functions

The finite element method, at its most basic form, is a set of interpolations or
approximations of a dependent variable with respect to an independent variable.
Unknown degrees-of-freedom (DOF) are utilized to ensure a single-valued
approximation for a set of conditions. An interpolating polynomial with dependent
variable and independent variable x in terms of generalized DOF can be expressed
in the form

Where X and a can be written as vectors

For linear interpolation n can be taken 1 and for quadratic interpolation n can be taken 2.
The can be written in terms of nodal values (known locations of x) of for known
values of x. The relation between and the nodal values can be written as

Where each row of calculated at the appropriate nodal location. From the
equations above, substitution produces

In matrix [N] an individual is represented as a shape function. In this study, the

bilinear rectangle (Q4) finite element is considered. Therefore, linear interpolation is
considered when generating the shape functions. That is to say that between two
points on a linear line for we can obtain

{ } , - [ ]

Inverting [A] and using equation 3.5,

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

* + [ ]

Equation 3.6 gives the shape functions of two points on a straight line which are called
Consider the general Q4 element shown in Figure 3-1. To find the shape functions of the
Q4 element, linear interpolation is made along the top and bottom sides to obtain side
displacement u12 and u43. Thus, in equation 3-6, and , so that

Linear interpolation is then made in the y direction between u12 and u43 as

Substitution of equations 3-7 into 3-8 yields ∑ which gives the shape functions
of the rectangular Q4 element used in this study as

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 3.1: Q4 Finite Element Nodal Degrees of Freedom (Typical four noded rectangular
A similar procedure is repeated for the DOF in the y direction. Namely, these DOF are
v1, v2, v3 and v4. Similarly, the same shape functions given in equation 3-9 are found for
the shape functions in the y-direction. Therefore, the same interpolation, or
approximation, is made in both the x (andu) and y (or v) directions.

3.3 Formulation of Element Stiffness Matrices

The principal of virtual work is used to obtain element stiffness matrix for the Q4
element shown in Figure 3-1. This is appropriate for commonly used elements, which are
based on interpolation of displacements from nodal DOF. The principal of virtual work
and where
Where [B] is the strain-displacement matrix. From equations 3-9 and 3-10
Substitution of equation 3-11 back into the statement of virtual work, equation 3-8,

∫ ∫ ∫

Equation 3-12 can be simplified to produce

Specifically, for the Q4 element, equation 3-13 can be written as

∫ ∫

For the case of two-dimensional plane stress analysis (as considered in this study),
[D] is the elasticity matrix for isotropic materials.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

[ ]

In two-dimensional analyses, the thickness, t, in equation 3-15 is commonly taken as


3.4 Element Boundary and Loading Conditions

Before the solution of the structural equations, both boundary conditions and loading
conditions must be prescribed for the system. Without boundary conditions the structural
equations will not produce a single unique solution for the prescribed loading conditions.
As such, the structural system will have rigid body motions. Without loading conditions
the structural equations will produce no displacements of the structural system. Thus, it
is necessary that both boundary and loading conditions be prescribed for the structural
system. These conditions are prescribed at particular DOF of the structural system.

Boundary conditions, or support conditions, can be arranged by providing the appropriate

stiffness to the related DOF to produce a prescribed displacement. For zero
displacement, the prescribed stiffness can be a numerically large number (several orders
of magnitude larger than the largest magnitude in the stiffness matrix) such that a
relatively small displacement at that DOF is produced. The boundary conditions can be
applied to any DOF on the structure no matter its direction. In the present study, only
translational DOF are considered in the finite elements (i.e., there are no rotational DOF)
and therefore only translational displacements are restricted with respect to particular
support conditions such as a fixed-support, pinned-support, or roller-support.

Loading conditions are prescribed in a fashion similar to boundary/support conditions.

The load can be applied to the any DOF. The structural system may be subjected to a
single loading condition or multiple loading conditions. As this study considers dynamic

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

loads, beyond the typical static load cases considered in a typical finite element analysis,
further explanation of the dynamic load is presented in Section 3.6.3.

3.5 Solution Techniques

Equation 3-17 is integrated over a rectangular surface as given in Figure 3-1.

Numerically, however, to integrate this equation is cumbersome and not efficient. Thus,
integration is achieved using Gauss Quadrature. Gauss Quadrature is a numerical
approximation of the integration by use of simple algebraic equations evaluated at
specific points. To use Gauss Quadrature, however, the element must be formulated in
the isoparametric space. The use of the isoparametric space specifies that an
isoparametric element is used rather than the physical element. Thus, the integrands in
the integration formulas are expressed as functions of S and T rather than x and y. For
the function ø = ø (ξ, η), the Quadrature rule is given as

∫ ∫ ∑ ∑

Where and are weighting factors for each Gauss point and . The weighting factors for
two-point Gauss Quadrature, are used in this study for the Q4 element, are taken as unity.

For the Q4 element shown in Figure 3-1, the individual isoparametric shape functions can simply
be determined from equation 3-8 by assigning and

Final Thesis Report Page 16

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Since the isoparametric Q4 element is not in the some coordinate system as the physical Q4
element, a mapping function is needed to relate the two coordinate systems. The Jacobian matrix
is used to accomplish this mapping. The Jacobian matrix is scale factor that multiplies to
produce the physical area increment and is expressed as (for the Q4 isoparametric

[ ]* + [ ]

Thus, the element stiffness matrix for the Q4 isoparametric element is calculated as follows;

∬ ∫ ∫

By substituting equation 3.18 into equation 3.16, the integration can be numerically calculated
using Gauss Quadrature.

3.5.1 Gaussian quadrature

To write a MATLAB program using Gaussian quadrature (Gauss-Legendre rule), first you need
to know the weights ci and nodes xi. A typical table of Gauss-Legendre rule looks like the
Table 3.1: MATLAB program using Gauss-Legendre rule

2 0.5773502691896257 1.0000000000000000
-0.5773502691896257 1.0000000000000000
3 0.7745966692414834 0.5555555555555556
0 0.8888888888888888
-0.7745966692414834 0.5555555555555556
4 0.8611363115940525 0.3478548451374544
0.3399810435848563 0.6521451548625460
-0.3399810435848563 0.6521451548625460
-0.8611363115940525 0.3478548451374544

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Following the determination of the stiffness of each element in the finite element mesh, the
system stiffness for each must be assembled. Based on the arrangement of the finite element
mesh, the stiffness for each element corresponding to particular system DOF is fed into the
system stiffness corresponding to the same DOF. This process, called the assembly process, is a
simply a mapping technique relating the DOF corresponding to each element to the DOF of the
After assembly of the elements into the system equation, the structural equation is then in the
form that can be solved. Guass elimination has been incorporated in order to solve the structural
equation for the given support (boundary) and different loading conditions. In Guass elimination,
equations are solved for the displacement, by reducing [K] to upper triangular
form and then solving for unknowns in the reverse order by back substitution.

Final Thesis Report Page 18

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 3.2: Finite Analysis by Abaqus

3.6 Structural Dynamics

An outcome part of this study is the incorporation of a structural dynamics response algorithm
into the FEM. These two coupled methods will produce a unified method by which to analyze a
structural system, using the FEM, under applied different types of dynamic Load(s) for specified
period of time. As result, the response of the structural system as a function of time will be
determined. The following sections explain the theoretical development of the structural
Final Thesis Report Page 19
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

dynamics methodology used in this study. Structural dynamics derivations and solution
techniques are outlined briefly. The equations are derived for time- dependent loads. This study
only considers undamped structures, thus, the formulation for damping is not presented and it is
taken as zero in all equations. The following sections introduce the theoretical explanations of
structural dynamics that were used in development of the coupled computer program.

3.6.1. Equation of Motion

The equation of motion is the basic and fundamental part of structural dynamics. All
formulations are derived based on the equation of motion in structural dynamics. The
equation of motion is generally given a\s
̈ ̇
The right side of the equation is the time dependent force, p (t). On the left side of
equation 3-19, m represents mass, c represents damping, k represents stiffness and u, ̇ , ü
represent displacement, velocity and acceleration, respectively (the overdot represents a
time derivative). The structure system, which has multiple DOFs, is of course considered
in this study. The specific number of DOF depends on the finite element model of the
structural system. As a result, all variables in equation 3-19 are matrices or column
vectors of size related to the number of DOF for the system.

3.6.2. Formulation of Element Mass Matrices

The formulation of the element mass matrix is based on the virtual work principal and is
similar to the formulation of the element stiffness matrix as discussed in Section 3.3. The
work done by externally applied loads is equal to the sum of the work absorbed by
inertial, dissipative, and internal forces for any virtual displacement. For an element
volume V and surface S

∫ ∫ ∑ ∫

Where and are prescribed body forces and surface tractions, and are
prescribed concentrated loads and their corresponding virtual displacements, is mass density

Final Thesis Report Page 20

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

and is the damping coefficient. Following section 3.3, the nodal displacements, nodal
velocities, nodal accelerations, and strains are approximated by
̇ { ̇} { ̈}
Substitution of equation 3.25 into equation 3.24 produces the virtual work expression

∫ { ̈} ∫ { ̇} ∫

The first integral in equation 3.22 provides the element mass matrix as

For two-dimensional analysis, equation 3.23 yields

∫ ∫

Following the procedure for assembly of element stiffness matrix into the system matrix,
the element mass matrix for each individual element is assembled in the same procedure.
The DOF for the mass and stiffness matrices are identical. Thus, from a numerical
perspective, the element stiffness and mass matrices can be assembled into the system
stiffness and mass matrices simultaneously.

3.6.3 Dynamic Loading Conditions

There are many types of dynamic loads from a realistic perspective. In this study, several
common idealized dynamic loadings are considered. Namely, these include the harmonic
loading, the impulse loading and the step loading. It should be noted, however, that the
MATLAB program written as a consequence of this study can handle any user-input for
the dynamic loading. The user only has to provide the value of the load at specified time
intervals, or sampling points. These three idealized loads are only chosen based on their
commonality in structural dynamic simplifications.
Harmonic loading is a function of the sine or cosine functions and its equation is in

Final Thesis Report Page 21

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Where p0 is the amplitude or maximum value of the force and its frequency is the
exciting frequency or forcing frequency. Figure 3-2 provides an example of a harmonic
loading. Examples of a harmonic loading includes wind driven loading on structures,
earthquake (highly idealized) loading, and vehicular motion on bridges.

Figure 3.3: Harmonic Loading

Very large force that acts for a very short time but with a time integral that is finite is called an
impulsive force. In general, an impulsive force is defined by

With time duration starting at time instant , also called the time lag. Figure 3.4 is an
illustration of an impulse loading. Examples of an impulsive load primarily include blast
loadings such as those due to detonation of blast devices.

Final Thesis Report Page 22

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 3.4: Impulsive Loading

Finally, another typical dynamic loading is a force that jumps suddenly from zero magnitude
and stays constant at that value is called step force. In general, the step loading is defined by

Figure 3.5 provides an example of an impulse loading that jumps to its magnitude at time 0
seconds as indicated below. Examples of a step loading include the sudden application of a full
load rather than being applied gradually over time.

3.6.4 Numerical Integration

There are several numerical integration methods for systems in order to integrate the equation of
motion as previously defined in equation 3.23. In all methods for the purpose of this study, initial
displacements and velocity are taken zero (the system is initially at rest in un deformed position)
and is known at all-time intervals . The main aim of numerical integration is analyzing the
system over time interval . Some of the numerical integration methods, that are called time-
sepping methods, are interpolation of excitation, central difference method and Newmark‟s

Final Thesis Report Page 23

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Interpolation of excitation uses recurrence formulas. It can be used for small Δ and for
linear systems. In addition, this method is suitable for single DOF systems but it is not
appropriate for multi DOF systems. Central difference methods are based on finite
difference approximations of the time derivatives of displacement, velocity and
acceleration. Solution at which represents the displacement at the step i+1 is
determined from the equation of motion at time step i. Furthermore, and must be
known to find the displacement at time step i+1, . Newmark‟s method, used in this
study, is a family of time-stepping methods based on the iteration of üi+1. A detailed
discussion is presented in the next section. Newmark-Beta Solution Technique

The finite difference approximation for Newmark- method are

̇ [( ) ̈ ̈ ]

̇ ̇ ̈ ̈
If and the Newmark-β Method is implicit and unconditionally stable. In this case the

acceleration within the time interval is presumed to be constant. If and

the Newmark-β Method is identical to the linear acceleration method. If and

Newmark-β Method is identical to the central difference method.( )=( ) is frequently

used, as it result in a unconditional stable solution, however the result is not especial accurate. In
Figure 3.6 the stability conditions for Newmark- method is shown, where .

[Gavin, 2014]

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 3.5: Stability conditions for the Newmark-β method. [Andersen, 2014]

For linear structural dynamics, if then the Newmark-β Method is stable regardless

of the size of the time-step, . The Newmark-β Method is conditionally stable if for

the Newmark-β Method is at least second order accurate; it is first order accurate for all other
values of
Formulating the Finite difference relationships in terms of the increments of displacement
velocity ̇ ̇ ̇ acceleration ̈ ̈ ̈ and nonlinear
restoring force ̇ ̇

̈ ̇ ̈

̇ ̇ ( ) ̈

Now, satisfying incremental equilibrium over the time step, h,

̈ ̇
Re-grouping terms, and solving for the increment in displacements,

[ ] [ ] ̈ [ ] ̇

Where and . Solving this linear system of equations4 for the displacements
are updated with,

Final Thesis Report Page 25

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

The velocities are updated with

̇ ̇ ̈

And the accelerations satisfy the equations of motion,

̈ [ ̇ ̇ ]

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟


4.1 Introduction
Case studies are provided to illustrate the capabilities of the MATLAB FEA program.
This code has one main program file, one input file and multiple subroutines to analyze
the structural system. Material properties, geometrical properties, boundary conditions,
loading conditions and more can be easily defined by the user in the input file of the
MATLAB code. The case studies all consider only two-dimensional dynamically loaded
beams modeled using a finite element mesh of Q4 elements. To confirm the procedure
and accuracy or the validity of the results, a basic example is solved by hand calculation is
attached as Appendix C of this study. Additionally, the main program and input file of the
MATLAB code is provided in Appendix B of this study.

Table 4-1 shows the beams properties that are used in the three case studies. E represents
modulus of elasticity; ν and represent Poisson's ratio and the mass density of the beam,
respectively. In the first case study, the beam is fixed at the left end and free at the right end
subjected harmonic loading. The second cases study considers the beam is fixed at the left end
and free at the right end subjected to impulsive loading. Finally, the third case study, the beam is
fixed at the left end and free at the right end subjected to step loading. The geometry of the
beams, boundary conditions and loading conditions are provided with the case studies table 4.1
and table 4.2.

Table 4.1: Structural Steel Beam Properties

Cross Section 300mm*.150mm
Length 3000mm
Source; Researcher

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Material Property
Modulus of Elasticity, E 200000Mpa
Mass density, 0.00000785 N/mm3
Poison‟s ratio, 0.3
Source; EBCS 2

Table 4.2: Summarized Case studies

Types of Cases Number of Number of Type of Beam Beam

Beam Elements Nodes Loading Length(mm) Depth(mm)
Case 1 Harmonic 300
Case 2 90 124 Impulse 3000 300
Case 3 Step 300

As seen in Table 4-2, three types of loading cases are considered. The system is undamped
(damping coefficient is equal to zero) for all cases. Because two-dimensional analyses are
considered, each node has two degrees of freedom in the x and y directions while the beam width
is taken as 150 mm for all cases.

The dynamic analysis duration is 10 seconds, the time step ∆t is taken as 0.1 seconds and
initial displacements and velocities for all DOF are zero at time = 0 seconds. With the
given time duration and time step, each case study has 100 time steps to solve in the
dynamic response analysis. The MATLAB FEA program has the capability to produce
movies of the displacements during the time duration of the dynamic loading. As it is not
possible to place a movie in a text format, select “snap-shots” have been provided for
each case study to illustrate the dynamic response of the structural system. These figures
serve only as illustrations as to the full capabilities of the MATLAB FEA program
developed as a consequence of this study.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

4.2 Harmonic Loading

A harmonic loading is applied to the first beam which is cantilever beam. The illustration
of the beam is given in the Figure 4-1. The applied load F represents the harmonic load as
it is applied at the right side of the beam. The material and cross sectional properties of the beam
are provided in Table 4-1 as Case 1.

Figure 4.1: Case Study 1_cantilever Beam

Figure 4.2: Cantilever Structural Steel Beam Created Finite Element Model Created in ABAQUS
load and boundary conditions used in ABAQUS simulation
Table 4.3: Instance Table

Table 4.3: Instance Table

Instance Name # Elements # Nodes Element type (# elements)
Cantilever Beam by Plain stress Analysis 90 124 CPS4* : (90),

 CPS4*:4-node bilinear plane stress quadrilateral

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

The harmonic load is a sine function and is illustrated in Figure 4-3. The harmonic load is
applied between 0 and 10 seconds with sampling points taken at intervals of 0.1 seconds.
The magnitude of the load varies between 8000N and -8000N.
x =linspace(0,10,1000);
plot(x,y),grid on
title ('Harmonic Loading');

Figure 4.3: Harmonic Load

As stated in Table 4-2, the beam, which has124 nodes or 248 DOFs, is constructed with 90
rectangularQ4 (CPS4) elements. Illustration of the finite element mesh of the beam is shown in
Figure 4.4 Figure 4-6 illustrates the simulation pattern displacement of the beam considering a
mesh of Q4 finit elements. Sub-figures (a) – (f) provide a representation of the movie generated
at discrete time intervals as indicated on each sub-figure.

Finite Element Mesh

Figure 4.4:Finite Element Mesh

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.5: show elements labels created in ABAQUS

Figure 4.6(a): Case Study 1-Displacements

Final Thesis Report Page 31

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.6(b): Case Study 1-Displacements

Figure 4.6(c): Case Study 1-Displacement

Figure 4.6(d): Case Study 1-Displacements

Final Thesis Report Page 32

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.6(e): Case Study 1-Displacements

Figure 4.6(f): Case Study 1-Displacements

4.3 Impulse Loading

An impulse loading is applied to the cantilever beam. The load is
applied at the free end Beam. The illustration of the beam is shown in Figure 4-7.
The applied load F represents the impulse load in the figure. The properties of the beam
are provided in Table 4-1 as Case 2.

Final Thesis Report Page 33

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Instance Name # Elements # Nodes Element type (# elements)

Cantilever Beam by Plain stress problem 90 124 CPS4* : (90),

Figure 4.7: Cantilever Beam subject impulsive loading at free end

The impulse loading, as shown in Figure 4-6, is applied between 0 and 10 seconds with
sampling points taken at intervals of 0.1 seconds. At time = 1s the impulse loading
immediately jumps to a value of 8000N. At all other times t, the loading is zero.

Final Thesis Report Page 34

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.8:Impulsive Load created in MATLAB 2017A

Figure 4.9(a):Case Study 2-Displacements

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.9(b): Case Study 2-Displacements

Figure 4.9(C):Case Study 2-Displacements

Final Thesis Report Page 36

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.9(d): Case Study 1-Displacements

4.4 Step Loading

A step loading is applied to the third case study. The 3000 mm long beam has a fixed support at
the left end and free at right end. The load is located 3000mm from the right side of the beam.
The illustration of the beam is shown in Figure 4-10. The applied load F represents the step load
in the figure. The properties of the beam are provided in Table 4.1 and Table 4-2 as Case 3

Figure 4.10: Cantilever beam Subjected to step loading at the free end
The step loading, as shown in Figure 4-8, is applied between 0 and 10 seconds with
sampling points taken at intervals of 0.1 seconds. As with the impulse loading of Case 2,

Final Thesis Report Page 37

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

there is no load applied before the time reaches 1 second. At this point in time, the value
of the load jumps suddenly to 8000 N and stays constant for the duration of time.

Figure 4.11: Step Load Graph

As stated in Table 4-2, the beam is comprised of 90 rectangular Q4 elements having 248
DOFs. Illustration of the finite element mesh of the beam is shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-12 illustrates the displacement of the beam considering a mesh of Q4 finite
elements. Sub-figures (a) – (d) provide a representation of the movie generated at discrete
time intervals as indicated on each sub-figure.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.12(a): Case Study 3-Displacements

Figure 4.12(b): Case Study 3-Displacements

Final Thesis Report Page 39

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Figure 4.12(c): Case Study 3-Displacements

Figure 4.12(d): Case Study 3-Displacements

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟


5.1 Conclusions

The primary objective of this study was to develop a MATLAB based computer program
coupling the finite element method and structural dynamics analysis techniques. The
primary reason for using the finite element method is its significant advantages in
engineering problems. It is a powerful solution technique for differential and integral
equations in complex engineering problems. When combined with a structural dynamic
solution algorithm, the capabilities of the two become very unique. Theoretical equations are
derived for both the finite element method and structural dynamics during this study.
Fundamentally, formulation of element matrices, integration techniques, boundary conditions,
and time-stepping methods are discussed and their equations are presented. These concepts are
used to develop the computer code. Several case studies are analyzed during this study with
different types of dynamic loads including harmonic loading, impulse loading, and step loading.
These loads are also applied to a cantilever beam, Displacements and deformed shapes are found
using MATLAB FEA program written as a consequence of this study.

This study presents a discussion of the finite element method for structural dynamics
applications. It provides a basic understanding of the behavior of structural systems under
different dynamic loads. The computer code, which is written in MATLAB, allows for
further flexibility not explicitly discussed in this study such as using different material
properties throughout the structure, a variety of geometrical shapes of the structure,
varying types of loads, and multiple finite element types beyond the Q4 element used in
the finite element mesh.

5.2 Recommendations
This study is open to development and further development is expected in the future.
Although currently it is limited to Q4 elements for beams, it can be expanded to advanced
finite elements and other types of structures. The MATLAB code is
written to be expanded to allow for the analysis of more complicated structural systems

Final Thesis Report Page 41

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

utilized more advanced finite elements and finite element formulations. Moreover, one
can develop this study in not only finding displacements, deformed shapes, stresses, and
strains but also other topics such as calculating fracture, durability or even reliability of

Although the computer code has good properties, it is also recommended that better
meshing capabilities may be implemented in the MATLAB code. The computer code
covers linear programming for now. Therefore, the computer program can be
incorporated with nonlinearity. If these modifications can be done, this computer code
can become a more powerful finite element analysis program. Work done in conjunction with
this study includes the incorporation of advanced finite element formulations beyond the Q4
element used herein.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

1) Amar, K.(2013), “Introduction to Finite Element Analysis using MATLAB and Abaqus”,
CRC Press.
2) Bozdogan, K.B., Ozturk, D., and Nuhoglu, A. (2009), “An Approximate Method
for Static and Dynamic Analyses of Multi-bay Coupled Shear Walls”, the
Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Vol. 18, pp. 1-12.
3) Cerioni, R., Brighenti, R., and Donida, G. (1995), “Use of Incompatible
Displacement Modes in a Finite Element Model to Analyze the Dynamic
Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Panels”, Computers and Structures, Vol. 57,
pp. 47 - 57.
4) Chopra, K.A. (2007), “Dynamics of Structures Theory and Applications to
Earthquake Engineering”, Pearson Prentice Hall.
5) Cook, R.D., Malkus, D.S., Plesha, M.E. and Witt, R.J. (2002), “Concepts and
Applications of Finite Element Analysis”, John Wiley & Sons.
6) Du, H., Hitchings, D., and Davies, G.A.O. (1992), “A Finite Element Structural
Dynamics Model of a Beam with an Arbitrary Moving Base – Part I:
Formulations”, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 12, pp. 133 - 150.
7) Kiral, Z., and Kiral, B.G. (2008). “Dynamic Analysis of a Symmetric Laminated
Composite Beam Subjected to a Moving Load with Constant Velocity”, Journal
of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 27, pp. 19-32.
8) Mermertas, V. (1998), “Dynamic Interaction Between the Vehicle and SimplySupported
Curved Bridge Deck”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.
162, pp. 125 - 131

Final Thesis Report Page 43

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

In this chapter a model is created in commercial software Abaqus. Abaqus is a widely used
program for analyzing complex structures in practice and will give results to compare the model
created in MATLAB.

Abaqus offers many choices regarding element types; geometry, boundary conditions and load
apply etc. and can be modeled to match the model in MATLAB. Though, Abaqus is not capable
of analyzing one dimensional reinforced concrete models, the comparison with the MATLAB
program will not be entirely fair. Thus, the boundary conditions, element type and apply of load
must be set up equally for both models.

A.1 Model
For the Abaqus model, a 2D model is chosen. This is done to compare the MATLAB script
against a model with a much higher complexity.
A.1.1 Boundary conditions
The boundary condition is fixed support, implying fixed support at one edge
and free at the second edge.

A.1.2 Modeling Structural steel beam

The complete model will consist of a concrete block and reinforcement bars. The structural steel
is modeled as a solid with h = 300 mm, t= 150 mm and L =3000 mm.
Element type
For the beamCPS4 elements are used. Further, these elements use reduced integration and
hourglass control.
Unit Set up
Item No Parameters Units
The numerical in put values into ABAQUS can be prescribed by the
following units

Final Thesis Report Page 44

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

1 Length of beam
2 Depth of beam
3 Thickness of the Beam
4 Elastic modulus
5 Load
6 Density of Material

The numerical output from ABAQUS prescribed by the following units

1 Displacement
2 Acceleration
3 Velocity
4 Stresses

Abaqus Model

Steel- Cantilever beam.cae

Final Thesis Report Page 45

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

The Matlab FEA program that was developed during the course of this study is provided
herein. First, the main FEA program (not containing the sub-routines since the FEA
program is still under development) is provided. Second, the general input file used to
setup an analysis is provided. Both of these files are Matlab script files and can be
executed in all versions of Matlab. To generate graphical output, the full version of
Matlab is required.

Main Program
% ***************************************************************************
% Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Program to Determine the Structural and Thermal Response of
Structural Systems
% Written By: Yosef Gemessa (Advised By: Engr. Elmer C.Agon)
% School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
% Jimma Institute of Technology
% **************************************************************************
% **************************************************************************
% **************************************************************************
% Begin Program
% Clear Variables and Settings
% Clear Screen
% Inhibit Warning Messages
disp('Finite Element Analysis')
disp('Written by: Yosef Gemessa');
disp('School of Civil and Environmental Engineering');

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

disp('Jimma Institute of Technology, Jimma University');

disp('Running Analysis .....');
% Begin Timer
% *************************************************************************
% Pre-Processing Section
% *************************************************************************
disp('Pre-Processing .....');
% Call M-File for User Input Data from fea_input.m
disp('..... Obtaining Input .....');
% Call M-File for Initialization of Variables from fea_initialize.m
disp('..... Initializing Program .....');
% *************************************************************************
% End Pre-Processing Section
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
% Processing Section
% *************************************************************************
disp('Processing .....');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Assembly Process
disp('..... Assembly Process .....');
% Determine Element Property Matrices (Constitutive, Mass, Conducitivity)
% Determine Gauss Quadrature Sampling Points and Weights
Final Thesis Report Page 47
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

[gauss_points,gauss_weights] = fea_gauss_2d(element_type);
% Initialize Global Index of DOF
index_global = zeros(edof,nel);
% Assemble System Matrices According to Analysis
ifanalysis_type == 'S'
% Static Analysis
disp('..... ..... Static Analysis .....');
disp('..... ..... ..... Building Stiffness .....');
% Loop Through All Elements to Determine System Matrices (Stiffness, Mass, and
% NOTE: Depending on the Analysis Type, Some Matrices Will Not be Generated
for j = 1:nel
% Call Sub-Routine to Extract Nodes for the j-th Element
[element_nodes,element_xcoord,element_ycoord] =
% Call Sub-Routine to Extract System DOFs for the j-th Element
index = fea_index_dof(element_nodes,nnel,ndof,edof);
% Save Index of DOF to Global Variable
index_global(:,j) = index;
% Call Sub-Routine to Generate Element Stiffness Matrix
% Call Sub-Routine to Assemble System Stiffness Matrix
system_k = fea_element_matrix_assemble(system_k,element_k,index,edof);
elseifanalysis_type == 'D'
% Dynamic Analysis
disp('..... ..... Dynamic Analysis .....');
disp('..... ..... ..... Building Stiffness and Mass .....');
Final Thesis Report Page 48
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

% Loop Through All Elements to Determine System Matrices (Stiffness, Mass, and
% NOTE: Depending on the Analysis Type, Some Matrices Will Not be Generated
for j = 1:nel
% Call Sub-Routine to Extract Nodes for the j-th Element
[element_nodes,element_xcoord,element_ycoord] =
% Call Sub-Routine to Extract System DOFs for the j-th Element
index = fea_index_dof(element_nodes,nnel,ndof,edof);
% Save Index of DOF to Global Variable
index_global(:,j) = index;
% Call Sub-Routine to Generate Element Stiffness Matrix

% Call Sub-Routine to Assemble System Stiffness Matrix

system_k = fea_element_matrix_assemble(system_k,element_k,index,edof);
% Call Sub-Routine to Generate Element Mass Matrix
% Call Sub-Routine to Assemble System Mass Matrix
system_m = fea_element_matrix_assemble(system_m,element_m,index,edof);

% End Assembly Process

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Boundary and Loading Conditions

Final Thesis Report Page 49

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

disp('..... Applying Boundary and Loading Conditions .....');

% Apply Boundary and Loading Conditions According to Analysis
ifanalysis_type == 'S'
% Static Analysis
% Call Sub-Routine to Apply Boundary and Loading Conditions
[system_k,system_f] =
elseifanalysis_type == 'D'
% Dynamic Analysis
% Boundary and Loading Conditions Must Be Applied at Each Point in Time During the
Dynamic Analysis
% See the Analysis Section Below
% End Boundary Conditions
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Analysis
disp('..... Solving .....');
% Based on Analysis Type
ifanalysis_type == 'S'
% Static Analysis
disp('..... ..... Static Analysis .....');
% Solve System Equations for Static Displacements
system_d = system_k \ system_f;
elseifanalysis_type == 'D'
% Dynamic Analysis
disp('..... ..... Dynamic Analysis .....');
% Call Sub-Routine to Solve System Equations for Dynamic Displacements

Final Thesis Report Page 50

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

% End Analysis
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ************************************************************************
% End Processing Section
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
% Post-Processing Section
% *************************************************************************
disp('Post-Processing .....');
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Plot Generation
% Plot Finite Element Mesh
If plot_element_mesh == 'Y'
disp('..... Plotting Element Mesh .....');
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Finite Element Mesh
% Based on Analysis Type
ifanalysis_type == 'S'
% Static Analysis
disp('..... Static Analysis .....');
% Plot Static Displacements
ifplot_static_displacement == 'Y'
disp('..... ..... Plotting Static Displacements .....');
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Static Displacements

Final Thesis Report Page 51

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

plot_handle =
ifplot_static_contour_displacement == 'Y'
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Displacement Contours
plot_handle =
% Determine Static Stresses and Strains for Plots
ifplot_static_stress == 'Y' || plot_static_strain == 'Y'
disp('..... ..... Determining Static Stresses and Strains .....');
% Call Sub-Routine to Determine Stresses and Strains from Displacements
% Plot Static Stresses
ifplot_static_stress == 'Y'
disp('..... ..... Plotting Static Stresses .....');
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Static Stresses
plot_handle =
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Stress Contours
Final Thesis Report Page 52
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

% Plot Static Strains

ifplot_static_strain == 'Y'
disp('..... ..... Plotting Static Strains .....');
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Static Strains
plot_handle =
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Strain Contours
elseifanalysis_type == 'D'
% Dynamic Analysis
disp('..... Dynamic Analysis .....');
% Call Sub-Routine to Plot Dynamic Displacements (Movie)
disp('..... ..... Plotting Dynamic Displacements .....');
% *************************************************************************
% End Post-Processing Section
% *************************************************************************
disp('Analysis Done .....');
% End Timer
analysis_time = toc;
Final Thesis Report Page 53
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

disp(['Total Time of Analysis: ',num2str(analysis_time),' seconds']);

% End Program
% *************************************************************************
% *************************************************************************
Input File
% *************************************************************************
% Finite Element Analysis (FEA) - Input File
% Written By: YosefGemessa (Advised By:Engr. Elmer C. Agon)
% School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
% Jimma Institute of Technology
% *************************************************************************
% ****************************************************************
% ****************************************************************
% Begin Input File
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Project Name
% Define Project Name
% NOTE: Automatically Saved Figures and Data Will Be Proceeded with the Project Name
proj_name = 'test';
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Analysis Options
% Define Analysis Type
% Analysis Type Options:
% Input 'S' = Static Analysis
% Input 'D' = Dynamic Analysis
% Input 'T' = Thermal Analysis
analysis_type = 'S';
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Input Finite Element Mesh Properties
% Input Element Type
Final Thesis Report Page 54
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

% Input 'Q4' for Bilinear Rectangular Element

% Input 'Q8' for Quadratic Rectangular Element
% Input 'CST' for Constant Strain / Linear Triangular Element
% Input 'LST' for Linear Strain / Quadratic Triangular Element
element_type = 'Q4';
% Input Node Coordinates (x and y coordinates) [Note Units => Length]
node_coord = [ 0.0 0.0 ;... x and y coordinates of % Node 1
100.0 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 2
200.0 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 3
300.0 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 4
400.0 0.0 ;... % x and y coordinates of Node 5
500.0 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 6
600.0 0.0 ;... % x and y coordinates of Node 7
700.0 0.0 ;... % x and y coordinates of Node 8
800.0 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 9
900.0 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 10
1000.0 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 11
1100.0 0.0;... %x and y coordinates of Node 12
1200.0 0.0;... %x and y coordinates of Node 13
1300.0 0.0;... %x and y coordinates of Node 14
1400 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 15
1500 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 16
1600 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 17
1700 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 18
1800 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 19
1900 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 20
2000 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 21
2100 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 22
2200 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 23
2300 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 24
2400 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 25
Final Thesis Report Page 55
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

2500 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 26

2600 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 27
2700 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 28
2800 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 29
2900 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 30
3000 0.0 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 31
0.0 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 32
100 100 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 33
200 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 34
300 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 35
400 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 36
500 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 37
600 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 38
700 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 39
800 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 40
900 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 41
1000 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 42
1100 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 43
1200 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 44
1300 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 45
1400 100;... % x and y coordinates of Node 46
1500 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 47
1600 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 48
1700 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 49
1800 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 50
1900 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 51
2000 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 52
2100 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 53
2200 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 54
2300 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 55
2400 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 56
Final Thesis Report Page 56
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

2500 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 57

2600 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 58
2700 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 59
2800 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 60
2900 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 61
3000 100;... %x and y coordinates of Node 62
0.0 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 63
100 200 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 64
200 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 65
300 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 66
400 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 67
500 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 68
600 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 69
700 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 70
800 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 71
900 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 72
1000 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 73
1100 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 74
1200 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 75
1300 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 76
1400 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 77
1500 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 78
1600 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 79
1700 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 80
1800 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 81
1900 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 82
2000 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 83
2100 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 84
2200 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 85
2300 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 86
2400 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 87
Final Thesis Report Page 57
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

2500 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 88

2600 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 89
2700 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 90
2800 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 91
2900 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 92
3000 200;... %x and y coordinates of Node 93
0.0 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 94
100 300 ;... %x and y coordinates of Node 95
200 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 96
300 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 97
400 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 98
500 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 99
600 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 100
700 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 101
800 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 102
900 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 103
1000 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 104
1100 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 105
1200 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 106
1300 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 107
1400 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 108
1500 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 109
1600 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 110
1700 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 111
1800 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 112
1900 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 113
2000 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 114
2100 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 115
2200 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 116
2300 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 117
2400 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 118
Final Thesis Report Page 58
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

2500 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 119

2600 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 120
2700 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 121
2800 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 122
2900 300;... %x and y coordinates of Node 123
3000 300]; %x and y coordinates of Node 124
% Input Nodal Connectivity for Each Element (CCW from Bottom-Left)
node_connectivity = [ 1 2 33 32 ;...%Element 1
2 3 34 33 ;... %Element 2
3 4 35 34 ;... %Element 3
4 5 36 35 ;... %Element 4
5 6 37 36 ;... %Element 5
6 7 38 37 ;... %Element 6
7 8 39 38 ;... %Element 7
8 9 40 39 ;... %Element 8
9 10 41 40 ;... %Element 9
10 11 42 41;... %Element 10
11 12 43 42;... %Element 11
12 13 44 43;... %Element 12
13 14 45 44;... %Element 13
14 15 46 45;... %Element 14
15 16 47 46;... %Element 15
16 17 48 47;... %Element 16
17 18 49 48;... %Element 17
18 19 50 49;... %Element 18
19 20 51 50;... %Element 19
20 21 52 51;... %Element 20
21 22 53 52;... %Element 21
Final Thesis Report Page 59
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

22 23 54 53;... %Element 22
23 24 55 54;... %Element 23
24 25 56 55;... %Element 24
25 26 57 56;... %Element 25
26 27 58 57;... %Element 26
27 28 59 58;... %Element 27
28 29 60 59;... %Element 28
29 30 61 60;... %Element 29
30 31 62 61;... %Element 30
32 33 64 63;... %Element 31
33 34 65 64;... %Element 32
34 35 66 65;... %Element 33
35 36 67 66;... %Element 34
36 37 68 67;... %Element 35
37 38 69 68;... %Element 36
38 39 70 69;... %Element 37
39 40 71 70;... %Element 38
40 41 72 71;... %Element 39
41 42 73 72;... %Element 40
42 43 74 73;... %Element 41
43 44 75 74;... %Element 42
44 45 76 75;... %Element 43
45 46 77 76;... %Element 44
46 47 78 77;... %Element 45
47 48 79 78;... %Element 46
48 49 80 79;... %Element 47
49 50 81 80;... %Element 48
50 51 82 81;... %Element 49
51 52 83 82;... %Element 50
52 53 84 83;... %Element 51
53 54 85 84;... %Element 52
Final Thesis Report Page 60
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

54 55 86 85;... %Element 53
55 56 87 86;... %Element 54
56 57 88 87;... %Element 55
57 58 89 88;... %Element 56
58 59 90 89;... %Element 57
59 60 91 90;... %Element 58
60 61 92 91;... %Element 59
61 62 93 92;... %Element 60
63 64 95 94;... %Element 61
64 65 96 95;... %Element 62
65 66 97 96;... %Element 63
66 67 98 97;... %Element 64
67 68 99 98;... %Element 65
68 69 100 99;... %Element 66
69 70 101 100;... %Element 67
70 71 102 101;... %Element 68
71 72 103 102;... %Element 69
72 73 104 103;... %Element 70
73 74 105 104;... %Element 71
74 75 106 105;... %Element 72
75 76 107 106;... %Element 73
76 77 108 107;... %Element 74
77 78 109 108;... %Element 75
78 79 110 109;... %Element 76
79 80 111 110;... %Element 77
80 81 112 111;... %Element 78
81 82 113 112;... %Element 79
82 83 114 113;... %Element 80
83 84 115 114;... %Element 81
84 85 116 115;... %Element 82
85 86 117 116;... %Element 83
Final Thesis Report Page 61
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

86 87 118 117;... %Element 84

87 88 119 118;... %Element 85
88 89 120 119;... %Element 86
89 90 121 120;... %Element 87
90 91 122 121;... %Element 88
91 92 123 122;... %Element 89
92 93 124 123]; %Element 90
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Input Boundary Conditions
% Input DOF Constrained
boundary_dof = [1 32 63 94];
% Input Constrained DOF Prescribed Values [Note Units => Length]
% NOTE: For Dynamic Analysis, All Prescribed Values MUST BE Zero (0)
boundary_dof_val = [0 0 0 0];
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Input Material Properties
% Material Properties
% NOTE: If the property is not being used, enter 0 (zero)
% Modulus of Elasticity [Note Units => Force / Length^2]
material_E = 200000;
% Poisson's Ratio [Unitless]
material_v = 0.3;
% Mass Density [Note Units => Mass / Length^3]
material_rho = 0.00000785;
% Define Material Analysis Type
% Material Analysis Type Options:
% Input '1' = Plane Stress Analysis (2-D)
% Input '2' = Plane Strain Analysis (2-D)
Final Thesis Report Page 62
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

% Input '3' = Three-Dimensional Anslysis (3-D)

analysis_type_material = 1;
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% Input Load Properties
% Static Loading (If Applicable)
% NOTE: If Static Analysis is not being considered, NO changes are needed
ifstrcmp(analysis_type,'S') == 1
% Input DOF Statically Loaded
load_dof = [31 124];
% Input DOF Statically Loaded Prescribed Values [Note Units => Force]
load_dof_val = [-8000 -8000];
% Dynamic Loading (If Applicable)
% NOTE: If Dynamic Analysis is not being considered, NO changes are needed
elseifstrcmp(analysis_type,'D') == 1
% Input DOF Dynamically Loaded
load_dof = 124;
% Input Load Time-Series File Name [Note Units => Force]
% NOTE: First Number Designates the Load at Time = 0 seconds
% Column 1 -> n = DOFs
% Row 1 -> n = Load at Time Increments
load_file = 'load.dat';
% Input Time Step of Load Time-Series [seconds]
dynamic_delta_t = 0.1;
% Define Newmark-Beta Parameters [Unitless]
% Average Acceleration Method => Beta = 0.25 & Gamma = 0.5 (Unconditionally Stable)
% Linear Acceleration Method => Beta = 0.16667 & Gamma = 0.5 (Conditionally Stable -
>delta_t / Tn<= 0.551)
dynamic_beta = 0.25;
dynamic_gamma = 0.5;
% --------------------------------------------------------------
Final Thesis Report Page 63
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

% Output Options
% General Plots
% Plot Element Mesh (Y or N)
plot_element_mesh = 'Y';
% Plot Element Mesh Options
% Display Element Numbers on Element Mesh Plot (Y or N)
plot_element_mesh_numbers = 'Y';
% Display Element Node Numbers on Element Mesh Plot (Y or N)
plot_element_mesh_node_numbers = 'Y';
% Static Analysis (If Applicable)
% NOTE: If Static Analysis is not being considered, NO changes are needed
% Plot Static Displacements (Y or N)
plot_static_displacement = 'Y';
% Contour Plots of Displacements (Y or N)
% NOTE: Must Plot Static Displacements to Plot Contours
plot_static_contour_displacement = 'Y';
% Plot Static Stresses (Y or N)
plot_static_stress = 'N';
% Contour Plots of Stresses (Y or N)
% NOTE: Must Plot Static Stresses to Plot Contours
plot_static_contour_stress = 'Y';
% Plot Static Strains (Y or N)
plot_static_strain = 'N';
% Contour Plots of Strains (Y or N)
% NOTE: Must Plot Static Strains to Plot Contours
plot_static_contour_strain = 'Y';
% Dynamic Analysis (If Applicable)
% NOTE: If Dynamic Analysis is not being considered, NO changes are needed
% Movie of Dynamic Displacements (Y or N)
movie_dynamic_displacement = 'Y';
% End Input File
Final Thesis Report Page 64
Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

% ****************************************************************
% ****************************************************************

Final Thesis Report Page 65

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Appendix B provides confirmation calculations or of the element formulation for the Q4
elements as well as a few select time intervals for the structural dynamics response of the
structural system. These calculations were done by analytical method and then compared to the
results developed by the Matlab FEA program as provided in Appendix B to check the validation
of Results.

Final Thesis Report Page 66

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

6 nodes, 12 DOF, 2Q4 element. Modulus of Elasticity, poisson ratio,

, Mass Density Thickness is assumed to be 150 mm(2D analysis).

Length of beam = 3000mm

Depth of beam=300mm

3 problems are presented. First two are static analysis and the third problem is dynamic analysis.

For a Q4 element

Final Thesis Report Page 67

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Shape functions are:

∫ ∫


[ ]

Final Thesis Report Page 68

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

Strain displacement matrix:

( )

( )


[ ]

( )

Final Thesis Report Page 69

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

Local stiffness matrix for element one(1):

( )

The stiffness matrices are same for both elements.

After mapping these two element‟s stiffness


0 0 - - - 8516.4 0 0
90659. 41483. 152014 83
341 516 .652
0 0 - - - - 0 0
622252 279725 127747 544450
7.475 27.5 2.525 55
68681. 127747 273791 - 68681.31 - - - - 618104 - 8516.4

318 2.525 20.88 618104 8 8516.4 239010 127747 136895 3.959 152014 83
98.9 2.525 60.44 .652
3.959 83

Final Thesis Report Page 70

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

- 264725 - 563180 1277472. 264725 127747 - 0 - - -

8516.4 27.5 618104 22.03 525 27.5 2.525 544450 559450 127747 544450
55 55 2.525 55
83 3.959
0 0 127747 - 0 0 - - - 622252

2.525 622252 239010 127747 135989 7.475

98.9 2.525 01.1
0 0 - - 559450 0 0 127747 - 622252 -

8516.48 622252 55 2.525 544450 7.475 279725

55 27.5
3 7.475

- - - 1277472. 0 0 271978 622252 103021 - 0 0

90659.3 6222527. 2390109 525 02.2 7.475 97.8 127747
41 475 8.9 2.525
- - - - 0 0 622252 559450 127747 264725 0 0
41483.5 2797252 1277472. 5444505 7.475 55 2.525 27.5
16 7.5 525 5
- - - 0 - 1277472. 103021 127747 543956 0 103021 -
152014. 1277472. 1368956 23901098. 525 97.8 2.525 04.4 97.8 127747
652 525 0.44 9 2.525
8516.48 - 6181043. 5594505 - - - 264725 0 111890 127747 264725

Final Thesis Report Page 71

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

3 5444505 959 5 1277472.5 5444505 127747 27.5 110 2.525 27.5

5 25 5 2.525
0 0 - - - 6222527. 0 0 103021 127747 271978 -
152014.6 1277472. 13598901. 475 97.8 2.525 02.2 622252
52 525 1 7.475
0 0 8516.483 - 6222527.4 - 0 0 - 264725 - 559450
5444505 75 2797252 127747 27.5 622252 55
5 7.5 2.525 7.475

( )

Final Thesis Report Page 72

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Fixed beam at the left end and loaded at the right end

Applying boundary condition: at the 1st and the 4th nodes, vertically and horizontally we should
the nodes to stiff.

Force matrix: we may apply the load at the 6th and 3rd nodes equally (8000N for each).

Final Thesis Report Page 73

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

( )

To find the displacements

Final Thesis Report Page 74

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Dynamic Analysis Calculations:

Fixed beam from the left end and loaded dynamically at the right end. 2Q4 elements are used

Undamped system,


Newmark-Beta method is used

Newmark parameters

Where: displacement
̇ velocity
̈ acceleration
P force

Calculation of element mass matrix:

∫ ∫

Final Thesis Report Page 75

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Where; N is shape function matrix and is mass density. Shape functions were mentioned while
calculating of element stiffness matrix.

( )

Substituting them into ∫ ∫ and after taking the integration, the local
mass matrix is

Final Thesis Report Page 76

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

( )

The mass matrices are the same for element 1 and element 2

After mapping these two elements mass matrices, we can find the global mass matrix;


Final Thesis Report Page 77

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

0 29.4375 0 0 0 29.4375 0 14.718 0 0 0

0 0 29.4375 0 0 0 29.4375 0 14.718 0 0
0 117.75 0 29.4375 0 0 0 14.718 0
0 0 117.75 0 29.4375 0 0 0 14.718
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.437 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.4375

0 0 0 0 0 29.4375 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 29.437 0 0
0 0 0 0 117.75 0 29.437 0
0 0 0 0 0 117.75 0 29.4375

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Initial condition ̇ ̇

Calculation Steps:

Final Thesis Report Page 78

Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

Equations of motion: ̈

Undamped system; C is ignored in all steps

For a fixed beam system stiffness matrix and mass matrix were found previously.

1) To find ̈ ; ̈
For t=0 force and displacement are zero. The system has 12 DOF

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

For the time=0; acceleration is zero.

( )

2) ̂

k and m were found previously. Replacing them into the equation:

( )

3) ̅ ̅ ̅

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics
Application of Beam Structures.‟

( )

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

( )

At the time step 0, there are no displacement, velocity, acceleration due to P(0)=0.

For each time step:

4) ̇ ̈
At the time step 0, there are no displacement, velocity, acceleration due to P(0)=0

The dynamic load is acting at the 6th node vertical and we have 12 dofs.

Force matrix at 0.1 s;

( )
Hence, the initial load, velocity and accelerations are zero
The equation yields

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

( )
5) by using gauss elimination

6) ̇ ( ) ̈

Initially both velocity and acceleration are zero, equation yields;

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

7) ̈ ̇ ̈

Initially both velocity and acceleration are zero

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

8) In this step; the calculated change of displacements, velocities and accelerations will be
added to previous displacements and accelerations.

̇ ̇ ̇

̈ ̈ ̈

Initially displacements, velocities and accelerations are zeros. So, for t=0.1 sec

̇ ̇

̈ ̈

They are found at steps 5, 6 and 7.

To complete the analysis, the steps 4-8 should be repeated for each time steps (time history)

Sample calculation for t=0.1 seconds as tabulated as follows;

Time Step t=0.1 second

DOF Hand Calculation Results or Computer Results
Analytical solution

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

As we can see above the displacement obtained computer result is confirmed by newmark

Comparison of Analytical and Computer

For case 1 in Chapter 4;


L=3000mm, depth=300mm, thickness =150mm

I=337500000, A=45000(cross sectional area)

Loaded at the free end: F=8000sin (t)

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

Time duration = 10 seconds,


Undamped Harmonic Loading

Equation of motion: ̈
̅ ̅
Assume system is initially at rest:
Particular solution: ̅
Complimentary solution: is a natural frequency determined from

√ √

Solution: ( ̅ Static Displacement from Exact solution can

( )
calculated as follow;

And the stiffness can be calculated as

Equation of motion: ̈ ̅

Assume system is initially at rest:

Particular solution: ̅

Complimentary solution:

Solution: ̅
( ̅ )
( )

Here we break up the response into the steady state response (at the
frequency of loading) and the transient response (at the structure‟s own

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

natural frequency). Note that the term po/k is the “static” displacement. The
dynamic magnifier shows how the dynamic effects may increase (or
decrease) the response. This magnifier is a function of the frequency ratio
β. Note that the magnifier goes to infinity if the frequency ratio β is 1.0. This
defines the resonant condition.

In other words, the response is equal to the static response, times a

multiplier, times the sum of two sine waves, one in phase with the load and
the other in phase with the structure‟s undamped natural frequency.


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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

state )


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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

This is a time-history response of a structure with a natural frequency of 2.66

rad/sec (f = 0.42 Hz, T = 2.36 sec), and a loading frequency of 1 rad/sec (f = 0.159
Hz, T = 6.28 sec), giving a frequency ratio β of 0.37593985. The harmonic load
amplitude is 8000N. The static displacement is 1.066667 millimeter. Note how the
steady state response is at the frequency of loading, is in phase with the
loading, and has amplitude greater than the static displacement. The
transient response is at the structure‟s own frequency. In real structures,
damping would cause this component to disappear after a few cycles of

Note: The displacement response shown compares the steady-state solution of the hand
calculation only. The computer program results include both the steady-state response and the
transient response of the system. As a result, some disagreement, particularly at the peaks of the
steady-state response, is expected and confirmed in the figure.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟


The development of the MATLAB computer program to analyze a structural system

using the finite element method incorporating structural dynamic response due to time varying
loads was accomplished. Several case studies were presented that illustrate the
capabilities of this program with respect to determining the response of the structural
system. In the current study, bilinear quadrilateral (Q4) isoparametric finite elements
were used to construct the finite element mesh of the structural system. The finite
element method was then integrated with a numerical time-stepping method, the
Newmark-Beta method, to determine the response of the structural system due to a
dynamic loading.

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Research thesis on: „Development of Computer Based Finite Element Analysis Program and
Models to Simulate Structural Dynamics Application of Beam Structures.‟

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