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Combined Footing Design

Combined Footing ID: A2-B2

Column A (A2) 0.3m X 0.3m
Column B (B2) 0.3m X 0.3m
Load on Column A = 291.93 KN
Load on Column B = 508.6 KN
C/c distance between columns = 2.31 m
Distance of property line from the left face of column = 0 m
Bearing pressure of soil = 150 KN/m2
Grade of Concrete = 20 Mpa
Grade of Steel = 500 Mpa

Step 1: Size of the footing

Assuming the weight of combined footing and backfill as 10 per cent of the total loads of the
columns, we have the required base area, considering qc = 150 kN/m2,
Area of the base = (291.93 + 508.6)(1.10)/150 = 5.87 m .
Provide footing base of; Length = 3.35m, Breadth = 1.89m
Thus, provided area = 6.13m2

Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear

Considering the footing as a wide beam of B = 1 . 8 9 m in the longitudinal direction, the

uniformly distributed factored load = (291.93 + 5 0 8 . 6 )(1.5)/3.35 = 3 5 8 . 4 4 kN/m.

The critical section of one-way shear is at a distance of d + 150 mm from G (the location of
column B). The one-way shear force is

Shear force = (1232 – d – 150)508.6/1232 = (443.62 – 0.41d) kN

Assuming p = 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, the shear strength of M 20
concrete = 0.28 N/mm . Hence, the shear strength of t h e c r i t i c a l s e c t i o n =
(1890)d(0.28)(10-3) kN. From the condition that shear strength  shear force, we have
(1890)d(0.28)(10 )        – 0.41d, which gives d        mm.

Provide d = 500 mm and the total depth = 500 + 2 5 + 6 = 5 3 1 mm (assuming

cover = 25 mm and the diameter of bars = 12 mm).
Provide actual total depth = 600mm

Step 3: Checking for two-way shear

(i) Around column B

The effective depth along 3.35 m is 500 + 12 = 512 mm. The critical section for the two-way
shear around column B is at a distance of 512/2 = 256 mm from the face of the column. The
two-way punching shear force, considering the soil pressure = 358.44/1.89 = 189.65 kN/m2, is

Vu = 508.6 – (0.812)(0.812)(189.65) = 383.56 kN

As per cl. of IS 456, here ks = 0.5 + (300/300) but  1.0; so, ks = 1.0. Therefore,
shear strength of concrete = 0.25(20)1/2 (2){(300 + 512) + (300 + 5 1 2 )}(512) = 1859.26
kN > 383.56 kN. Hence, o.k.

(ii) Around column A

The effective depth of footing is 512mm.The two-way punching shear = 291.93 –
(0.812)(0.556)(189.65) = 125 kN. The resistance to two-way shear = 0.25(20)1/2
(2){(812 + 5 56 )}(512) = 1566.2 kN > 125 kN. Hence, o.k.

Thus, the depth of the footing is governed by one-way shear.

Step 4: Bending moments (longitudinal direction)

(i) Maximum positive moment

The maximum positive bending moment = 163.76 kNm at a distance of 1.08 m from the
column A. With effective depth d = 5 6 9 mm, we have

M/Bd2 = 1 6 3 . 7 6 (106)/(1890)(569)(569) = 0.27 N/mm2

It is very nominal. So, provide 0.12 per cent steel, which gives Ast = 0.12(1890)(569)/100
= 1290.49 mm .
Provide 12 bars of 12 mm diameter (area = 1357.2 mm ), spacing = (1890 – 25 – 6)/12 =
154.92 mm c/c, say 150 mm c/c.

(ii) Maximum negative moment

The maximum negative moment = 158.36 kNm at a distance of 940 mm from the right
edge. With the effective depth = 569 mm, we have

M/Bd2 = 158.36(106)/(1890)(569)(569) = 0.26 N/mm2

It is very nominal. So, provide 0.12 per cent steel, which gives Ast = 0.12(1890)(569)/100
= 1290.49 mm2.Provide 12 bars of 12 mm diameter (area = 1357.2 mm2), spacing = (1890
– 25 – 6)/12 = 154.92 mm c/c, say 150 mm c/c.

Step 5: Design of column strip as transverse beam

(i) Transverse beam under column A

Factored load per unit length of beam = 291.93/1.89 =154.93KN/m
Projection of beam beyond column face = (1890-300)/2 = 795mm
Maximum moment at column face
Mu = 154.93×0.7952/1.89 = 51.81KNm
Effective depth for transverse beam = 600-25-12×1.5 = 557mm
Width of beam = width of column +0.75d = 300 + 0.75×557 = 717.75mm
R≡Mu/bd2 = 51.81×106/717.75×5572 = 0.233MPa (low)
Provide minimum reinforcement: Ast = 0.0012bD
Ast = 0.0012×717.75×600 = 516.78mm2
Provide 5- 12mm dia. bars, area provided = 565.5mm2

Required development length = 50×12 = 600 < (795-25)mm = 770mm available

Hence OK.

(ii) Transverse beam under column B

Factored load per unit length of beam = 508.6/1.89 = 269.1KN/m
Projection of beam beyond column face = (1890-300)/2 = 795mm
Maximum moment at column face
Mu = 269.1×0.7952/1.89 = 89.99KNm
Effective depth for transverse beam = 600-25-12×1.5 = 557mm
Width of beam = width of column +0.75d = 300 + 0.75×557 = 717.75mm
R≡Mu/bd2 = 89.99×106/717.75×5572 = 0.4MPa (low)
Provide minimum reinforcement: Ast = 0.0012bD
Ast = 0.0012×717.75×600 = 516.78mm2
Provide 5- 12mm dia. bars, area provided = 565.5mm2

Required development length = 50×12 = 600 < (795-25)mm = 770mm available

Hence OK.

Step 6: Transfer of forces at the base of the columns

(A) For column A

The limiting bearing stress at the column face governs where the bearing stress = 0.45fck = 9
N/mm , since the column A is at the edge of the footing.
The force that can be transferred = 9(300)(300)(10 ) = 8 1 0 kN > 2 9 1 . 9 3 kN, load of
column A. Hence full transfer of force is possible without the need of any dowels.

(B) For column B

A1 = (750)(750) mm2, and

A2 = (300)(300) mm2

(A1/A2)1/2 = 2.5 but limited to 2

The bearing stress at the column face = 0.45fck = 9 N/mm2, and the bearing stress at
the footing face = 0.45fck(2) = 18 N/mm2. However, the bearing stress of 9 N/mm2 governs.
The force that can be transferred through the column B = 9(300)(300) (10 ) = 8 1 0 kN
>508.6 kN. Hence full transfer of force is possible without the need of any dowels.

Step 7: Distribution reinforcement

Nominal distribution reinforcement shall be provided at top and bottom where the main
reinforcement bars are not provided. The amount @ 0.12 per cent comes to
0.12(1000)(557)/100 = 668.4 mm /metre. Provide 12 mm diameter bars @ 150 mm c/c (area =
753.33 mm /m).

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