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Parish Meeting 2018

The Parish Meeting was held on Thursday, 17th May 2018 at 7.00pm in Hanley Swan Village

1. Chairman’s welcome - The chairman welcomed all parishioners and Councillors to

the Annual Parish Meeting.

2. Apologies for absence - The Chairman accepted the following apologies : Becky
Abunassar (Clerk) Peter Goodyear (Parish Paths Warden) Graham Holmes (Playing
Field Warden) Andrea Morgan (District Councillor) Gigi Field (Pond Warden) and PC
Kevin Johns who was due to be there but was detained.

3. Open Forum – The Chairman invited the parishioners present to raise any
matters/issues relating to the parish, the following items were raised:

● It was reported that the caravans at Haylers End had gone but rubble that had
been put there to prevent further visitors was causing an obstruction to the public
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the Landowner to request that there is a
pathway made through the rubble.

● Gilberts End – side of the road had been damaged opposite Brinkley Drive.
ACTION: The Clerk to write to highways/planning to seek confirmation that it
would be put right once building had been completed.

● Thanks to Barney (from The Swan) for mowing the grass on the Village Green.
ACTION: The Clerk to write and thank Barney

● There had been speed monitoring strips in Hanley Castle

● Bus times had changed and there was no longer a stop or pick up at St Johns.
● Notification of a new bus route had been received, Ledbury to Cheltenham via
Hanley Castle and Hanley Swan.
ACTION: Cllr Adeney to investigate the changes to the buses.

4. Chairman’s Annual Report for 2017/18 – The Chairman’s report was received.

5. Reports:- Reports were received as per the agenda apart from Police and Parish
Paths Warden (PPW), but Marjorie Nelson reported that all was quiet and general
inspection and maintenance was currently ongoing. Additional points were raised in
relation to some reports as follows:

● Environment: Verges cut too early for wild flowers- needs reviewing
ACTION: The Clerk to write and thank Ann Tainton for all her hard working
picking up litter.
● Neighbourhood Plan: Vote of thanks given for Cllr Lamb’s work
● Pond: ROSPA report was read out.
ACTION: The Clerk to investigate signage as recommended in the report.
● Village Hall – Tony Atkinson reported that they had been painting barge boards and
the small hall; lettings were very buoyant; the WI exercise group had left and the Youth
Club had folded but new groups were in the pipeline, lettings took £13,000, 5% increase
in fees charged for lettings.
● Community Orchard – Malcolm Fare said they had focused on encouraging visitors.
Wassailing was successful although Cllr Adeney raised concerns regarding risk
assessments and safety regarding the Wassailing event. A possessory title had been
obtained and they were still awaiting the Parish Council’s decision regarding taking
ownership of the Orchard.
● No District Councillors/ County Councillor present

Meeting ended at 8pm and refreshments were enjoyed.

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