Case Study - Assessment 2

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Case Study – Assessment 2

Due 7/11/2017

Case Study 1

* Mrs Salakas is 84 with diabetes & osteoporosis

* From Greece over 40 years ago
* Can speak fluent greek
* Lost contact with other greek friends & community
* Has mobility difficulties

1. Identify and describe 2 Strengths of Mrs Salakas
 Cooks Traditional greek meals
 Fluent in speaking greek

2. List the issues that potentially limit Mrs Salakas’ independence

 She isn’t very mobile and is further hindered by living in an apartment
that is only accessible by stairs
 Not being very social could result in a loss of social skills

3. Describe the role of the ACAT team in assessment of eligible services

4. Describe how residential and HACC services are funded?

a. Define Accreditation

5. Identify a Home and Community Care service which could assist Mrs
Salakas to maintain her quality of life in a culturally appropriate manner.
a. Describe how this service could support Mrs Salakas to improve
her quality of life in a culturally appropriate manner?
b. Research, identify and provide details of a Sydney based
organization which could provide the above listed HACC service
for Mrs Salakas, Include:
i. Organisation Name
ii. Services provided by organization
iii. Evidence of organisations capacity
iv. Location
v. Website
vi. Contact Number
Case Study 2

1. List and explain five potential reasons for the change in Mr Hills behavior.
Include (physical, psychological aspects of ageing, and changes associated
with ageing)

2. What role and responsibility of the workers in this situation?

3. How can we support the rights of Mr Hill whilst also protecting the rights
of the workers?

4. Outline 3 Strategies you could us to empower mr Hill in regard to his

service requirements.

Aus Unity
Baptist Care
Oxley home care
ADS Care
Kin Care
Northwest Disabilty

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