Week 7

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Week Seven – Filming


What did you learn from your What I learnt from filming this week was that that I need
filming this week? to make sure that I have all of the locations that I was
going to film on down ready before the day that I
planned to film because there was a scene at the
beginning and at the end of the film that I was unable
to film dew lack of the right location to film or to be
able to get there on time.

What issues did you encounter Issues that I encountered was that I didn’t have all of
and how did you overcome the locations that I needed to film at because the
them? location that I choose didn’t give off the right vibe that
I want for this type of scene and I didn’t have enough
time to get to the other location that I wanted to film

How did you ensure that you are I made sure that all of my batteries were charged and
prepared for filming? that I had back up batteries just in case anything ran
out of battery.
I also made sure that I had all of the props out so that I
could grab them when I needed them.

How have you ensured your Called them the night before to double check that
actors and crew will be they will be there at the right time for pick up in the
available? centre of henley.

How well have you been able to I have had all of the transport ready with no faults
organise locations and transport? everybody was picked up on time and was taken
home at the right time.
Locations for the most part was all good I had most of
the locations apart from the first and the last scenes I
didn’t have the right type of location for thought kind
scenes because I needed a prison scene at the end of
the film and I needed a a scene at the beginning of
the film where he lives in a really poor run down dodgy
area but I couldn’t find anywhere near enough to my
house to film because It didn’t match the effect that I
wanted to give off.

Are you on track for the week? If Just need to start on my ruff edit and trying to film the
not, how far behind are you? missing scenes.

What work do you need to Editing and little bit more filming.
complete outside of lessons to
stay on track?
High Grade Tips

Planning & Production

● ‘effective planning, organisation’ – your FMP Workbook will explain what you need
to do in the next few weeks to make sure all of your planning is completed, and
also how this will help you
● ‘efficient production against timescales’ – your FMP Proposal will clearly identify
how you intend to create your project before the deadline in May
● ‘commitment & subject engagement’ – all of the above referred to in your daily/
weekly reflections

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