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Nuclear Fuel Engineering

K. Idemitsu
• Introduction of nuclear fuels

• Performance of current nuclear fuels

• Heat generation rate and

temperature distribution in a fuel

• Restructuring of fuel during irradiation

• Behavior of fission products in irradiated fuels

and Small Test

• Introduction of nuclear fuels
Ca. 30 % of electricity is generated by nuclear energy in Japan.
Advantages of nuclear energy;
High energy density, low cost, no carbon dioxide release, etc.
Disadvantage;Radioactivity as by-product
Solar Heat
Ocean Temp. Diff.
Logshore current
Solar cell
Wind Power
Geothermal By fuel burning
Nuclear Power By others(construction etc.)
Hydro Power

Carbon release per unit electricity

• Introduction of nuclear fuels
Current nuclear fuel is made of UO2
or MOX(Mixed Oxide) :(U,Pu)O2

Nuclear Fuel Pellets



• Introduction of nuclear fuels
Upper plug

Plenum spring
Plenum is the spece for fission gas released from fuel
pellets in the rod.

Fuel pellet
φ 10mm x h 10mm Cladding
Zr based alloy
φ 8mm x h 12mm BWR Zry-2 (Zr-1.5 Sn - 0.12 Fe - 0.05 Ni - 0.1 Cr)
PWR PWR Zry-4 (Zr-1.5 Sn - 0.15 Fe - 0.00 Ni - 0.1 Cr)

Fuel rod Lower plug

• Introduction of nuclear fuels
Fuel Assembly

Fuel pellet Spacer grid


Fuel rod
• Introduction of nuclear fuels

Fuel Assembly

6 x 6, 7 x 7, 8 x 8

14 x 14, 15 x 15, 17 x 17
Reactor core -4m x h 4m
• Introduction of nuclear fuels
Disadvantage;Radioactivity as by-product
For the safety there are 5 containers in a reactor.

Pressure vessel
3rd container

Container vessel
4th container
5th container

Fuel pellet Fuel rod

1st container 2nd container
• Performance of current nuclear fuels in Japan
Low leakage of RNs from fuel rods into coolant by failure

20000 4000 50
3000 40 BWR
10000 2000
5000 1000 10 PWR
0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 1970 1980 1990 2000
No. of Bundles in core No. of Failures
• Performance of current nuclear fuels in USA

Failure cause
・Crud induced locallized corrosion
・Debris fretting
・Fablication failure
6 ・Pellet cladding interaction

1980 1985 1990 1995
• Performance of current nuclear fuels in Japan
Heat generation
Burn up ; how much energy produced per unit fuel
odometer of fuel
GWd/tU (30 to 50 GWd/tU in Japan)
%FIMA(Fission per initial metal atom)

Heat rate ; how much power produced per unit fuel

speedmeter of fuel
GW/m (30 kW/m in Japan)
Integral of thermal conductivity
Tcent K : thermal conductivity of fuel
K dT Tsurf : temperature of fuel surface
Tcent : temperature of fuel center
• Performance of current nuclear fuels in Japan
for example
Linear heat rate 30 kW/m
30kW/m x 4 m = 120 kW per fuel rod

120kW/rod x 63rods = 7.6MW per assembly

7.6MW/assembly x 400 assembly = 3 GWth per reactor

3 GWth x 0.33 =1 GWe

BWR 8 x 8 Fuel rod

Water rod
Burn up ; how much energy produced per unit fuel

%FIMA(Fission of initial metal atom)

When 1% of U fission, total energy will produce •••.
• 1t of U; 1,000,000 g/238 * 6.02 1023 = 2.53 1027
• fission ; 2.53 1025
• energy of fission; 200MeV = 3.2 10-11 J
• energy from 1t of U ; 2.53 1025 * 3.2 10-11 = 8.1 1014 J
= 8.1 1014 Ws /86400 s/d = 9.37 109 Wd
= 9.37 GWd

1 %FIMA = 9.37 GWd/tU

If you want to use GWd/t UO2 ,

you should use 270 instead of 238.
• Heat generation rate and
temperature distribution in a fuel

Simple calculation of T distribution in a fuel rod

• uniform heat generation per unit volume ; q (W/m3)
• temp. independent thermal conductivity;K (W/m/°C)
Heat generated in inner cylinder; πr2q
Heat flux through cylinder;
dr πr2q rq
r = (W/m2) = – K dT
2πr 2 dr
a a rq Tcent a2q Linear Heat rate
dr = K dT = = (W/m)
0 2 Tsurf 4 4π
• Heat generation rate and
temperature distribution in a fuel
a rq T(r)
dr = K dT = T (r) – Tsurf K
r 2 Tsurf

a2q r2q a2q r2

Linear heat rate r2
= – = 1– 2 = 1– 2
4 4 4 a 4π a

Parabolic distribution

Linear heat rate is determined

by center temperature
Tcent not by pellet diameter.

Tsurf Tcent
K dT = Linear Heat rate = Tcent – Tsurf K
Tsurf 4π
Linear heat rate is determined
by center temperature
not by pellet diameter.

• How high the center temperature in a fuel pellet

K = 2 W/m/°C, Linear heat rate = 30 kW/m
K dT = Linear Heat rate = Tcent – Tsurf K
Tsurf 4π

Tcent - Tsurf = 1200 °

Tcent = 1700 - 1800 °C

If linear heat rate = 50 kW/m,

Tcent = 2500 - 2600 °C
• Phase diagram of U-O system

Melting point of UO2 2840°C

Temperature (°C)
Why are fuel rods getting slim?
To keep 7.6MW per assembly
7.6MW/assembly ÷ 63 rod = 120kW/rod
120kW/rod ÷ 4 m = 30 kW/m
Linear heat rate 30 kW/m
BWR 6 x 6 BWR 7 x 7 BWR 8 x 8 Fuel rod

Water rod

Number of fuel rods 36 49 63

Linear heat rate (kW/m) 53 39 30
• Restructuring of fuel during irradiation

There is big temperature gradient in fuel pellet.

Central void
Columnar grain

Equiaxed grain
Undisterbed region

Rim region
• Behavior of fission products in irradiated fuels
94 136
Fission gas yields (%)
235 239
Isotopes U Pu
Kr 0.40 0.30
0.1 Kr 0.85 0.50
Kr 0.15 0.13
Kr 1.40 0.80
0.01 Total Kr 2.8 1.7
Xe 3.2 3.8
Xe 4.7 5.3
Xe 6.6 7.5
Xe 5.9 6.6
0.0001 Total Xe 20.4 23.2
mass number
Fission yields
• Behavior of fission products in irradiated fuels
aMO2 ∆G f
M + O2 ⇔ MO2 K= = exp –
aMPO2 RT a
∆G f = RT ln PO2 + RT ln a M
∆GO2 = RT ln PO2 :Oxygen Potenial


Temperature (K)
Oxygen potential of fuel ∆GO2 Formation energy of oxides

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