Collaborative Problem Solving - Creativity Problem Definition Exp Pie

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Collaborative Problem Solving

Through Creativity in Problem
Definition: Expanding the Pie
Min Basadur, Pam Pringle, Gwen Speranzini
and Marie Bacot

The classic models of two party problem solving in situations of potential conflict are
reviewed and the growing impetus for a process that would encourage collaborative win-win
solutions is summarized. In is demonstrated that in-win collaboration requires innovative
thinking, and that a four stage process of deliberate creativity with a track record of success is
described. The process, called Simplex, emphasizes `out of the box' thinking in problem
defining (before solving) as the key to making a perceived `fixed pie' larger, moving beyond
the shackles of zero-sum, win-lose, compromise thinking. If a problem can be conceptualized
from a new angle in such a way that each party believes its resolution would provide a high
level of satisfaction, then the parties will be more likely to work together collaboratively.
This process uses four specific creative thinking skills. A case study is described in which the
Simplex process was used in union management bargaining. In the case study, when the
creative process was deliberately applied, success was achieved in building trust and
developing expanded pies and new solutions. However, when the process was abandoned,
the trust was lost, no creative solutions were developed, and a sub-optimal lose-lose situation
resulted. A two-dimensional diagnostic model which shows the relationship between skill
level in the process and motivation to use it is provided. This model defines four modes of
pure and mixed distributive and integrative bargaining.

Introduction developing a joint creative problem definition

which opens up room for new `win-win'

H andling joint problem solving between

two parties in situations with potential
for conflict is an important topic. Given
solutions. This new conceptualization of the
issue makes the so called `pie' to be split
larger. The Simplex process makes the col-
various names such as dispute resolution, laborative behavior orientation in Figure 1
conflict management, conflict resolution, un- (below) possible. Collaborative behavior is
ion management bargaining, alternative dis- the preferred choice but requires a new
pute resolution and negotiating in general, it process of thinking. In this case, new means
crosses the boundaries of many diverse fields different and superior to the traditional zero-
including industrial and organizational (I/O) sum movement up and down the bargaining
psychology; industrial relations; human re- line or sub- optimizing movement down into
source management; and social psychology. the lose-lose area below the bargaining line
In this paper, we will first review classic (see Figure 2 below). The new process of
models of conflict management and the thinking is learnable and can be deliberately
growing impetus for a process that would applied even in the most difficult of situ-
encourage collaboration. We will demonstrate ations. The more difficult the situation, the
that the Simplex process provides a viable higher the necessary skill in applying the
method for collaborative win-win problem process. We will focus particularly on union
solving through the deliberate use of creativ- management bargaining, a specific form of
ity. A key in this process is creativity in conflict management, and how the Simplex
Problem definition problem definition. This process focuses on process can be applied to it. We will demon-

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000. 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF
Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 and 350 Main St, Malden, MA 02148, USA.

strate the adaptation of the process to this people in North America do not know how to
forum, the training provided in advance, the deliberately apply a complete creative process
procedural checks used during the training to conflict management situations.
and the application of the process and the The creative process that will be introduced
outcomes. A case study is described in which in this paper simultaneously builds trust and
real world participants learned to use such a provides a pathway to collaborative, creative,
process. work in a way that is honest, above-board and
The fundamental purpose of our paper is to makes sense to any manager, union member
show how this expansion can be achieved or government person through its simplicity
using creativity deliberately in problem defi- and logical common sense. Skillful applica-
nition or conceptualization. This deliberate tion of this process produces a climate of trust
creative work in problem definition must not and collaboration. A simple problem solving
to be confused with attempting to be creative language is employed to enable the opening
in developing solutions to a narrowly defined, of minds in a non-threatening way. An example
preconceived problem. The process of cre- of how this process worked successfully in
ativity applied in this paper, called Simplex, a confrontational franchisee-franchisor situ-
has four sequential stages: problem gener- ation in a consumer goods company in North
ation, problem conceptualization, solution America is provided elsewhere in this paper.
optimization, and solution implementation. Although the basis for the conflict resolution
This is one of the reasons Simplex is called a models of Figures 1 and 2 is well known, the
complete process of creativity. Most people application of a creative process emphasizing
think of creativity only in terms of the third creativity in problem conceptualization as a prac-
stage. They tend to think of creativity as brain- tical, deliberate method for expanding the
storming solutions for solving a problem, not total satisfaction available (the size of the pie)
realizing that the previous two stages even and achieving super-optimization (as modeled
exist and are even more critical to the creative in Figure 2) is new and unique and is the basis
process. The conceptualization stage is the of our paper. In the case study presented in
key to making the pie bigger. By and large, this paper, when the creative process was

Figure 1. Orientations Toward Conflict Resolution

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


Figure 2. Beyond the Bargaining Line: Expansion and Contraction of the Pie

deliberately applied, success was achieved in model (Figure 1) of five different basic
building trust and developing creative solu- orientations toward conflict resolution involv-
tions for implementation. However, when the ing two parties. In Figure 1, the vertical axis
creative process was deliberately abandoned measures one party's concern for its own
in that case study, the trust was lost and no satisfaction on a scale from low to high while
creative solutions were developed and a sub- the horizontal axis measures its concern for
optimal lose-lose situation resulted. the other party's satisfaction. Within the
We will conclude with recommended future framework, high concern for one's own
steps both in terms of research and practical satisfaction coupled with low concern for
application of this process to conflict manage- the other's satisfaction indicates Competitive
ment situations. We strongly believe, and the behavior while the opposite is Accommodat-
research clearly indicates, that this process, ing behavior. Compromise behavior occurs
and the training necessary for using the midway and represents some, but incom-
process skillfully, is neither industry nor plete, satisfaction for both parties. Avoidance
culture bound. This process is currently being behavior occurs when there is low concern for
used across a wide variety of organizations in both self and other's satisfaction while Col-
many countries and in several different laborative behavior occurs when a party
languages. Because of its unique focus on experiences high concern for both its own
discovering and building upon the possibili- satisfaction and also for the other party's
ties in any given situation, it is ideally suited satisfaction.
to the arena of conflict management.
Fixed Pie Assumption ± Optimizing
The Classic Model of Conflict The straight line joining the Competitive,
Management Compromise and Accommodating behavior
orientations is called the Zero-Sum, Win-
Thomas (1976) adapted the work of Blake and Lose, Bargaining Line. When problem solving
Mouton (1964) and Hall (1969) to provide a orientations are confined to positions along

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


this line, the assumption is implicit that a optimized thinking. While the kind of think-
fixed amount of satisfaction (the pie) is ing employed is still zero-sum in nature, the
available to be split. Every gain made by size of the pie shrinks sometimes to zero.
one party results in an identical loss by the According to Godard (1994) the collective
other party. The goal becomes to find an bargaining process can become a forum for
optimal solution in which the entire fixed pie threats and innuendoes, thus escalating and
is split in a way that each party can agree to. accentuating the level of disagreement. He
Optimizing thinking assumes that the prob- goes on to indicate that this process is one in
lem to be solved has already been defined (i.e. which each side attempts to disguise its
how to split a fixed amount of satisfaction `Bottom Line'. Initial positions may bear little
between the two groups in such a way that resemblance to what it is that the parties will
both can agree). This is optimized Zero-Sum ultimately be prepared to accept (Stevens,
or Fixed Pie thinking and is sometimes 1963) This type of traditional negotiation can
referred to as distributive bargaining (Walton involve considerable bluffing, adversariness,
& McKersie, 1965). and outright deception, as each side attempts
An example of the use of the bargaining to convince the other that it is unable or
line is the traditional and relatively adversar- unwilling to make more than minimal con-
ial labor-management bargaining process in cessions (Walton & McKersie, 1991). In the
North America. Positions are taken by either lose-lose area each side is determined to
side and defended with selective information. reduce the amount of satisfaction experienced
Often negotiators become more committed to by the other party even if it has to give up
their position than to finding solutions to the some of its own satisfaction to do so. In other
problems. There is often a great lack of trust words, each party is willing to contract the
in the opposite side as each party seeks to amount of satisfaction available. A piece of
increase its power in order to gain greater the pie gets thrown away. Often this is
advantage over the other side. Conflict is manifested in the form of costly strikes which
often endemic to such situations (Craig & reduce employee incomes and company
Solomon, 1996). Both parties assume that revenues as well as good will with the public
there is a fixed amount of satisfaction avail- for both the union and management. During
able. The management side goes into the work stoppages, neither the company nor its
bargaining process determined to limit the workforce makes money. Both sides end up in
union to the minimum possible share of what the `lose-lose' area. In the worst possible
it perceives as the fixed amount of money and scenario, all the pie is thrown away: the
benefits it can afford. Meanwhile the labor company is dissolved and the Avoidance
side goes in determined to gain the maximum behavior orientation in the lower left-hand
share possible of what it perceives as the fixed corner of Figure 1 has been adopted (We both
amount of money and benefits the company lose). This may occur through bull-headed-
can afford. Because these are directly oppos- ness on either side. It may also result from an
ing goals (problem definition) little collabora- ulterior motive on either side such as the
tive problem solving is possible. Unless some company wanting to open up a replacement
process could be devised and applied which plant in another geographic area or employ-
would create a common agreed goal to ees secretly wanting to buy the company out
pursue or problem definition to solve, the of bankruptcy and run it themselves.
management-labor team is doomed to sliding Thus, the bargaining process as described
up and down the Bargaining Line until to this point (above) is some sort of a win lose
exhaustion, government intervention or pub- contest. At best, what one side wins, the other
lic outcry brings a final compromise position automatically loses and none of the fixed pie
somewhere on the line. This solution will is thrown away. This represents an optimiza-
indicate how much each side won/lost in the tion of sorts. At worst, when negotiations get
distribution of the whole pie. really heated and both sides fail to compro-
mise anywhere along the bargaining line,
Throwing Away Some of the Pie some of the assumed fixed pie is actually
(Sub-optimizing) thrown away. This is called sub-optimization.

Continuing to use the example of union Making the Pie Bigger (Super-optimizing)
management bargaining, sometimes no com-
promise is reached and some of the fixed pie The area above and to the right of the Win-
actually gets thrown away. The bargainers Lose Bargaining Line in Figure 2 is the Win-
get off the bargaining line into the lose-lose Win area. In this area, both parties' concerns
area which is to the lower left in Figure 2. This are considered valid and relevant. Both Sub-optimized
area demonstrates various degrees of sub- parties achieve a higher level of satisfaction thinking

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


than they believed possible and sometimes for managerial sins. North American indus-
the full satisfaction desired. The solution is trial relations are exceptional in the degree to
not on the bargaining line but rather, is which they are confrontational and exclu-
somewhere in the area above it. The colla- sionist, and that exceptionalism is to our
borative behavior orientation in the upper economic and political disadvantage. Godard
right-hand corner of Figure 1 (we all win) is (1994) believes that labor-management coop-
required to achieve this solution. To the eration is being held back by adversarial
extent that each party wants more than partial traditions and a high degree of distrust
satisfaction for itself and more than partial between parties.
satisfaction for the other party, collaboration The cooperative and collaborative ap-
is necessary. Full collaboration is necessary proach in many European countries is in
for both parties to achieve 100% satisfaction. stark contrast to the situation in North
Integrative This can be referred to as integrative bargain- America. From the early 1970s Scandinavian
bargaining ing or mutual gains bargaining. This system unions have been leaders in cooperating with
emphasizes (1) the need to focus on common management in order to reorganize work to
interests between parties rather than on make it simultaneously more satisfying and
positions; (2) the need to put oneself in the rewarding to the workers and more produc-
position of the other party and see things tive (Berggren, 1992). In Germany unions
from the other party's point of view; (3) the are also participating cooperatively in work
need to create options that will enhance the reorganization schemes (Jacobi, Keller &
mutual gains of the parties; (4) the need to Muller-Jentsch, 1992). The tradition in many
develop and use objective rather than selec- European countries is the tripartite process
tive criteria for evaluation of outcomes (Craig whereby management, government, and em-
& Solomon, 1996). Each side goes into the ployee representatives are willing to work
bargaining process with the same goal: How together for the common good and approach
to achieve full satisfaction for ourselves and at the bargaining process with a cooperative,
the same time ensure that the other party also collaborative mindset. Often the union in-
achieves full satisfaction? In other words: itiates problem solving with government and
How to ensure both parties experience full management. For example, in Germany when
satisfaction? In this collaborative approach east and west were unified into one country
the amount of total satisfaction expands and and a great deal of unemployment and other
makes the pie bigger than it was. financial malaise occurred, the union, instead
of simply demanding solutions, took the
Collaboration as the Preferred Approach initiative to work with government and
management to achieve ways to increase
Intuitively the collaborative approach seems employment. In these countries, there is a
the best way to go. However, many research- common approach that is based on trust
ers go beyond an intuitive argument to back among the three parties to solving problems
up the need for the collaborative approach collaboratively.
and the need for a process to allow it to Adams (1995) believes that a move away
happen. Adams, (1995), Pfeffer, (1994), Craig from confrontation is possible in North
and Solomon (1996), Kochan and Osterman America despite the long history of confron-
(1994), Godard (1994), Kochan and Piore tation. He stresses that the Swedes, during the
(1984) and Kochan, Katz and McKersie early 1900s were among the most quarrel-
(1986) have written extensively on the need some of peoples, but by the 1970s the world
for a more collaborative process for collective was acclaiming their propensity to find
bargaining. According to Adams (1995), ad- mutually acceptable solutions to difficult
versarialism is not in the economic interests of socioeconomic problems. In short, attitudes
any society and confrontational industrial and behaviors embraced for decades or even
relations systems are a drag on economic centuries can be changed. Magma Copper,
performance. Thus, it is in the interests of any fourth largest copper mining company in the
nation to pursue policies designed to elicit United States has been able to bring about
consensus. He suggests that articulated co- such a change. The details of how Magna
operation produces an economic synergy that achieved an end to the company's `us versus
is absent in confrontational societies. Adams them' adversarial relationship is documented
strongly believes that American legislation, in Pfeffer (1998). Magma's vice-president of
rather than stimulating labor-management human resources, saw old hostilities and
cooperation, further embedded adversarial- resentments preventing both sides from dis-
ism. Unions came to be considered not as cussing future possibilities without a drama-
social partners, as they were defined in tic breakthrough. A group of seventeen high
Europe, but instead as a kind of punishment ranking union and management personnel

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


was formed to develop, oversee and imple- how to do it and between knowing how to do
ment a process of cooperative labor relations. things more effectively and actually doing
The management and union jointly hired an things more effectively. Knowing `what' to
outside consultant to facilitate such a process do is necessary but on its own it is clearly
involving both sides. The process began with insufficient. What is required to close the
all group members venting emotions for a full gap is a clear cut implementable process for
day followed by a second day which was organizational creative or innovative think-
used to develop an implementation plan to ing, that is, skill in deliberately changing for
achieve cooperative labor relations. This plan the better how we do things. Basadur (1995)
was `jointly owned' by union and manage- suggested that, in order to achieve high-
ment. quality, innovative, creative results, an indi-
The new working relationship that devel- vidual or a group requires not only the
oped at Magma, inspired the company and appropriate content (i.e., the knowledge or
union to reconsider the contract they had the what) but a creative, innovative process
signed earlier. Both parties voluntarily agreed (the how) for working on that content, as well
to sign a new contract eight months prior to as sufficient skills in applying the innovative
the old one's expiration in 1992. They ap- process. These three components provide the
proached designing and negotiating a con- `quality results equation':
tract the same way they approached all other
Quality Results = Content + Process
work place issues: jointly, collaboratively, and
+ Process Skills
cooperatively. Magma `believes it enjoys a
substantial competitive advantage in the An important objective of this paper is to
mining industry due to its innovative high- introduce such a process and process skills
involvement human resource processes'. and demonstrate how they can be learned
Pfeffer (1998) wrote that many of the changes and applied.
made at Magma entailed a sharing of power
with employees that organizational leaders Trust as an Outcome of Collaboration
are often not willing to undertake, regardless
of the economic benefits from doing so. Pfeffer (1998) suggests that all workplace
practices and changes should be evaluated
Easier Said than Done by a simple criterion: to what extent do they
convey and create trust and respect among
In North America the collaborative approach people. The collaborative approach requires a
often fails when tried. This may be because serious commitment to doing things differ-
most North American organizations have ently. According to Adams (1995) collabora-
never learned how to innovate new manage- tion is based on mutual recognition and
ment processes that work permanently. North acceptance of the validity of the interests of
America is famous for the `Fad of the Month' each party. In Germany and Japan for
approach to learning how to manage better. instance, the key ingredient seems to be that
New `programs' such as TQM, quality circles, the parties are consulted about issues critical
and suggestion systems, make a lot of sense to their interests and there is a concerted
conceptually but they often fail because the attempt to achieve consensus before any
implementation is poorly understood and action is taken. As experience is acquired,
skills in making change are lacking (Basadur that their interests are not treated cavalierly,
& Robinson, 1993). For these new programs to labor and management become more willing
become permanently established, the way to commit themselves to positions that in
people think and behave needs to change. confrontational circumstances both would
This is very difficult and takes much time and automatically oppose. This suggests that
effort. North American managers tend to look union-management cooperation over a broad
for the `quick fix'; they do not usually take the range of issues helps to engender the trust
time to learn the necessary creative skills of necessary to produce employees highly com-
change making. Thus such programs come mitted to continuous improvements in quality
and go and are often derisively referred to as and productivity (Adams, 1995). For many
the latest `flavor of the month'. The problem is North American companies, this atmosphere
that the `what' is understood, but there is a of trust is considered highly desirable, but
lack of knowledge of the `how', the new, there is no method or pathway to achieving it. No pathway to
different behaviors and thinking skills to put It seems to be assumed that because such an trust
the theory into practice. According to Pfeffer atmosphere of trust does not already exist,
(1998) `smart people and organizations do therefore, collaboration is impossible, that is,
dumb things' because a profound gulf exists trust leads to collaborating. In this paper we
between knowing what to do and knowing propose that works the other way around,

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


that is, collaborating leads to trust. More (conceptualizing), solving them (optimizing),
specifically, we propose that the deliberate and putting good solutions into practice
application of the special creative process (implementing).
and process skills described in this paper Generating means continuously and delib-
leads to an atmosphere of mutual trust and erately discovering and surfacing new and
respect. useful problems to be solved. In organiza-
tions, this includes generating new products
or services by anticipating new customer
Simplex as a Tool for Conflict needs, by discovering ways to improve
Management ± Collaborative existing products, services, procedures and
Win-win Solutions Through The processes, or by identifying opportunities to
improve the satisfaction and well-being of
Deliberate Use of Creativity organizational members and pertinent groups
Creativity outside the organization. Conceptualizing
means keeping an open mind and defining
Moving beyond the bargaining line into the such new problems and opportunities (re-
`win-win' area of Figure 2 requires `out of the garding them as `fuzzy situations') accurately
box thinking', that is, `creativity'. However, and creatively to clearly visualize the big
the key is that creativity is needed most in picture and to identify more specific chal-
problem defining, not so much in problem lenges and insights and relate them to one
solving. What is needed is a process that another. Optimizing means developing new,
permits both sides to use their creativity in useful, imaginative solutions to these chal-
defining problems in new ways. Attempts lenges. Implementing means successfully put-
to categorize the study of creativity (e.g. ting such new solutions into action. Each
Murdock & Puccio, 1993) frequently empha- implemented solution leads to new, useful
size the four `Ps': product, person, press problems to be discovered ± hence the
(environment) and process. Most research circular process. Research shows that effec-
focuses on one category. O'Quin and Besemer tive organizations do what it takes to main-
(1989) and Jackson and Messick (1964), for stream such a process (make it an everyday
example, focused on understanding and habit among its members) for continuous
assessing the product of creative efforts. innovation and for intrinsic motivation
Meanwhile, one aspect of the `person' ap- (Basadur, 1993, 1997). Research also shows
proach has been identification: the develop- that skills in such a process can be deliber-
ment of cognitive and personality tests ately developed (Basadur, 1979, 1994). To
capable of identifying more or less creative make the process work, skills in sequential
people. Dunnette (1976), Gough (1976), Roe diverging and converging thinking (defined
(1976) and Torrance (1974) provide com- below) are necessary within and between the
prehensive reviews of this identification stages. In practice, the process is represented
movement. Guilford's work (1968) is among as eight diverging-converging steps within
the best-known in the cognitive realm and the four stages as follows:
MacKinnon's (1962, 1977) in the personality . Generating: problem finding and fact find-
realm. Kirton (1976) and Myers (1962) ad-
dressed the relationship between personality . Conceptualizing: problem definition and
and creative behavior, and Guilford (1968)
idea finding
addressed the cognitive aptitudes and abili- . Optimizing: idea evaluation and action
ties associated with various kinds of (poten-
tially creative) thinking. The study of environ- . Implementing: gaining acceptance and im-
mental `presses' has been pursued by Amabile
and Gryskiewicz (1989), Andrews and Farris
(1972), and Baker, Winkofsky, Langmeyer These eight steps make up the complete
and Sweeney (1976), among others. circular Simplex innovative thinking process
shown in Figure 4.
The Process Approach to Creativity Building upon the work of Parnes, Noller
and Biondi (1977), Basadur, Graen and Green
The focus on the fourth P is apparent in (1982) identified a two-step mini-process
research that models creativity as a process. called ideation-evaluation in which diverging
For example, Basadur (1979, 1982, 1992) and converging thinking occur sequentially
portrayed individual, team and organiz- (see Figure 5). Ideation-evaluation occurs with-
ational creativity as a dynamic, circular four in each of the eight steps of the Simplex
stage process (Figure 3) of continuously find- process. Ideation, or active divergence, is the
ing good problems, (generating), defining them generation of options without evaluation

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


Figure 3. The Four Stages of the Innovation Process

(deferring judgment). Evaluation, or active A fourth skill, the vertical deferral of

convergence, is the application of judgment judgment is also vital. It operates between
to the generated options to select the most the steps or stages of the process to prevent
significant options. Separating active diver- unconscious leapfrogging and short circuiting
gence from active convergence is a vital the process. This skill is described in more
aspect of this mini-process and must be detail below. The four necessary process skills
executed skillfully within each step of the of the Simplex process can be summarized as
eight step process. The skill required to follows:
separate active divergence from active con-
vergence is called deferral of judgment. As . Active divergence B the ability to asser-
depicted in Figure 6, deferral of judgment tively generate a variety of options.
skill balances active divergence and active . Active convergence B the ability to evalu-
convergence by separating them. Both active ate and choose from among options and
divergence and active convergence are essen- advance the process.
tial to creativity but must not be done at the . Deferral of judgment B the ability to
same time. Instead, they are used sequen- separate active divergence from active
tially. convergence.

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


Figure 4. How the Four Stages Correspond to the Eight Steps of the Simplex Innovation Process

. Vertical deferral of judgment B the ability especially in the conceptualization stage of

to avoid unconsciously leapfrogging past the creative process. The conceptualization
steps or stages of the process. stage emphasizes creativity in problem de-
Why Problem Definition is So Important
Vertical Deferral of Judgment
Asked what he would do with only one hour
to save the world, Albert Einstein said, `I Not only does deferring judgment mean
would spend 55 minutes defining the pro- delaying and separating evaluative, conver-
blem and then five minutes solving it'. He ging thinking and behavior from non-evalua-
believed that the best problem solvers were tive diverging thinking and behavior within
Problem definition those who could define problems in new each stage, it also means delaying moving to
ways. The same belief has been expressed by the next stage of the process until each
many famous problem solvers such as Polar- previous stage is complete. The fourth skill,
oid inventor Edwin Land who said `If a vertical deferral of judgment, must be ex-
problem can be defined, it can be solved' ercised from stage to stage. Skipping in and
and the famous educational psychologist John out of different stages at random must be
Dewey who wrote `A problem well stated is avoided. This skill means avoiding the urge to
half solved'. Getzels (1975) conducted a field leapfrog over different stages of the process.
experiment linking problem definition em- For example, many people lack the patience
phasis to creative performance. to fact find, preferring to jump straight to a
Tables 1, 2 and 3 list the specific skills solution before the problem is well defined.
required for good diverging and converging Others jump even further and want to plan
thinking and for the separation of the two for or even take action immediately. A

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


Figure 5. The Ideation-Evaluation Process

Figure 6. Balancing the Process Skills of Active Divergence and Active Convergence Using the Process
Skill of Deferral of Judgment

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


Table 1: Specific Skills for Deferring Judgment Especially in Conceptualization

. Avoid making premature, negative judgments of fledgling thoughts (both when working
alone and with others)
. Visibly value, appreciate, and welcome other points of view as opportunities to strengthen
thinking, rather than as a threat to one's ego
. Patiently maintain an awareness that some facts are more difficult to perceive (more invisible)
than others
. Question assumptions for validity and search out hidden, unconscious assumptions which
may be unwarranted
. Tackle problems with an optimistic `can do' attitude rather than prematurely concluding that
it `cannot be done' because `I can't see how'
. Tend not to jump prematurely to a conclusion as to what the `real problem is' in a situation
. Avoid attaching negative connotations to problems; such prejudgment may bias fact finding
. Visibly stay open-minded to others' versions of the facts
. Often pause deliberately to try an unusual approach to define a problem instead of
automatically relying on an old approach
. React positively to new radical thoughts as opportunities to build fresh new thinking

Table 2: Specific Skills for Active Divergence Especially in Conceptualization

. Search out many different facts and points of view before attempting to define a problem
. Define problems in multiple and novel ways to get a variety of insights
. Clarify problems by breaking them down into smaller, more specific subproblems and also
by opening them up into broader, less limiting challenges
. Deliberately extend effort to create additional unusual, thought provoking potential ways of
defining a problem
. Give credit for divergent thinking by others; praise others for alternative viewpoints and try
to build upon and strengthen such alternatives to increase variety of choice
. Turn premature, negative evaluations of ideas into positive challenges to keep the creative
process flowing; that is, change negative `We can't because. . .' thoughts into positive `How
might we. . .?' thoughts
. Share information and ideas freely with other people and departments hoping to build
understanding of problems
. Get teams to formulate problems in ways which transcend individual and departmental

problem solving group must ensure that its group's own capability to use the process.
members are moving through the process one Group members are encouraged to remain
step at a time and diverging and converging open to and seek out fresh points of view
together within each step. Skill in vertical while diverging, and to apply objectivity and
deferral of judgment is essential to allow a good judgment while converging.
group to work through the Simplex process
together and to knowingly adapt the flow as Importance of Deferring Judgment
circumstances suggest. A process facilitator
should be used to synchronize a group in its Obviously, crucial to the success of Simplex is
flow of sequential diverging thinking and this thinking skill of `deferring judgment'.
converging thinking. The facilitator models The ability to defer judgment in the two ways
these thinking skills (and the supporting described above is the gateway to the cre-
attitudes and behaviors) and builds the ative, collaborative development of multiple

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


Table 3: Specific Skills for Active Convergence Especially in Conceptualization

. Take the time to select, clarify and focus upon the most significant facts available prior to
attempting to define a problem
. Recognize and accept the critical few best problem definition options in terms of `broadness'
vs `narrowness' of focus and insight provided
. Open-mindedly develop and use multiple, unbiased criteria for selecting from among
problem formulation options, rather than letting preconceptions or hidden motives sway
. Take the risk of failing or being criticized for being different for selecting novel problem
. Be willing to accept and participate in consensus decisions about problem formulation and
move on decisively in the problem solving process
. Do not wait for the `perfect' option to emerge; instead take reasonable risks to finish the
problem formulation stage

points of view and new and different per- definition in the Simplex process is that
spectives. If analysis and evaluation of fledg- problem definitions are always forced into
ling thoughts and different points of view are an optimistic format beginning with the
deferred skillfully, multi constituency partici- words `How might we. . .?' People tend to
pation and problem defining and solving is dislike negative problems, but they are
made safer. Under such conditions, team quite positive toward opportunities and
members are less fearful advancing fledgling challenges. The `How might we. . .?' is a vital
points of view and less likely to feel they must and powerful phrase. The `How might
be constantly `on guard' to protect parochial we. . .?' question replaces the negative `We
interests. Breakthroughs are more likely to can't because. . .' statement which is fre-
occur under this process which encourages quently heard in organizations.
different points of view and relaxed suppor-
tiveness. Skills, Behaviors And Attitudes Are Needed
Skill in deferring judgment permits extreme
emphasis to be placed upon the first two
to Make The Process Work
stages of the Simplex process. The essence of Basadur and Finkbeiner (1985) identified
the generating stage is to surface new specific attitudes that enhance the process
problems and information as positive oppor- skills described above. They suggested that,
tunities for improvement and innovation. In unless the ideation-evaluation process is
the union-management context this would accepted attitudinally, then the process will
be equivalent to looking forward to the next not likely occur. Thus, the process skills have
bargaining session as an opportunity to both attitudinal and behavioral components.
improve the quality of work life and company Basadur, Graen and Green (1982) reported a
performance. In Japan, this is commonly field experiment which tested the effects of
called `looking for the golden eggs' (Basadur, training the complete Simplex process in an
1992). This orientation permits safe, open- applied setting. They expected that the train-
minded, fact finding to occur. The essence of ing would improve creative performance on
the conceptualization stage is to raise insight- the job only if a positive change in attitudes
ful challenges that are sparked by the key and behaviors occurred. That is, the training
facts discovered in the generation phase and had to motivate participants to accept the
create a common and fresh understanding of value of separating diverging and converg-
the problem as a whole. Creativity in problem ing thinking and to deliberately apply the
defining often provides the road to a break- ideation-evaluation process if innovative
through. . . looking at the problem from a new performance were to be improved.
angle. Too often we rush into developing This belief was based on Basadur's (1979,
solutions without determining a good prob- 1994) analysis of previous laboratory and
lem statement. Many unwarranted assump- field experiments on the value of providing
tions are made. For example we assume the creativity training of any kind. In virtually all
problem definition is clear to all parties of this research, the extent to which the
involved and that it is the same as our own participants were actually skilled in the cre-
perception. An important aspect of problem ativity techniques that they were asked to use

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


in the experiment was never measured. For in creativity training had addressed the
example, although `brainstorming' is a cre- intermediate steps in Kraut's model. Their
ative thinking technique based on deferral of research attempted to measure and under-
judgment and active divergence, none of the stand to what extent changes in acceptance of
brainstorming research ever attempted to (attitude) and practice of (behavior) ideation-
measure to what extent the subjects accepted evaluation might actually result from training
the value of and employed the skills of deferral and accompany changes in performance
of judgment and active divergence in the (results). As described above, this link be-
experiment (or more importantly, back in the tween training and changes in acceptance and
real-world setting). In other words, many practice of the fundamental ideation-evalua-
earlier research studies provided no more tion process had simply been assumed to occur
training than `giving brainstorming instruc- in previous research.
tions' (as if this were sufficient to effect Basadur and Finkbeiner (1985) established
sudden changes in brainstorming attitudes a questionnaire to measure two specific atti-
and skills). In contrast, Basadur, Wakabaya- tudes that make up acceptance of ideation-
shi, and Graen (1990) stressed the importance evaluation: the preference for ideation (active
of building significant skills through at least divergence) and the tendency to (not) evalu-
two days of hands-on practice on real-world ate prematurely (preference for deferral of
problems. Basadur and his colleagues also judgment). They suggested that these two
suggested that compared to simple brain- attitudes enhance and encourage the practice
storming, a complete process such as Simplex of the two related behavioral skills. Encoura-
is likely to be perceived as more useful and ging active divergence leads to generation of
more credible among participants from real- more options and deliberate development of
world business and other organizations and many points of view. Encouraging avoidance
less subject to the skepticism that often of premature convergence reduces the urge to
plagues attempts to `train creativity' (Basadur prematurely judge or analyze a fledgling
et al, 1982; Basadur, Graen, & Scandura, 1986). thought. Basadur and Finkbeiner also sug-
Basadur, Runco and Vega (in press) modeled gested that a low tendency toward premature
how real improvements in the acceptance of convergence would trigger a high preference
ideation-evaluation related to improvements for active divergence. That is, the former,
in its skillful application. One reason why so more passive attitude is a prerequisite trigger
many new management techniques earn the for the latter, more active attitude. When
ironic label of `flavor of the month' is that people become skilled in reducing premature
managers are unaware that fundamental new convergence and increasing active diver-
thinking attitudes and skills must be learned gence, they create more, higher-quality op-
and applied to make using the new tech- tions. These two measures of the acceptance
niques permanent. Basadur and Robinson, attitudes are used in the research reported in
(1993) and Basadur (1997) provide complete this paper as explained later. Measures of the
analyses of what it takes to make permanent behavioral skill (practice of the ideation-
changes in how organizations think and how evaluation process) are also described later.
perpetuation of this `fad' approach to man-
agement can be avoided. 'Out of the Box' Thinking Is Critical in
All Four Stages
Measuring the Needed Skills, Attitudes
Out of the box and Behaviors For many people, `out of the box' thinking is
thinking much more difficult in the earlier stages of the
Basadur et al (1982) systematically measured creative process, especially conceptualization,
for the first time the impact of training in a which involves discovering good questions
complete process of creativity on individuals and challenges prior to creating good answers
both immediately after training and after their and solutions. Applying Simplex helps people
return to work. They expected that perform- uncover specific challenges that they face,
ance would be improved only if significant relate strategic and tactical challenges to one
gains in the acceptance and practice of the another, and understand a situation both
ideation-evaluation process were achieved. from a big picture (forest) and a specific
These expectations are consistent with (trees) standpoint. The Simplex process is
Kraut's (1976) traditional industrial/organiz- designed to facilitate an individual, group
ational psychology training model: Training or whole organization to discover, think
must go beyond understanding to change through, clarify and define complex, ambig-
attitudes and to change behaviors in order to uous, or strategic issues by placing maximum
achieve superior results. Basadur et al stressed emphasis on the skills of problem generation
that essentially none of the previous research and conceptualization prior to solutions and

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


implementation. This special skill is not challenges placed lower. When moving down
taught in school. On the contrary, students the map from the top, the questions `What's
become totally immersed in learning various stopping us?' and `What else is stopping us?'
solutions for presented and structured pro- are used to elicit specific impediments and
blems and when they begin their jobs find create additional previously undiscovered
that these solutions often do not match the challenges. Conversely, when moving up the
ill-structured problems that they either en- map, the questions `Why?' and `Why else?'
counter or must seek out for themselves are asked to identify previously undiscovered
(Livingston, 1971; Leavitt, 1975; Levitt, 1963). goals and broader challenges. Because this
The most important skill they need seems to mapping process relates all of the challenges
be finding the right problems to work on, and created by the team to one another both
this includes increasing the size of what at strategically and tactically, when completed it
first glance seems to be a `fixed pie'. represents many ways in which the pie can be
enlarged. Judgment and analysis are deferred
Formulating Creative Challenges to while the map is being built, permitting new
and sometimes hidden or unexpected chal-
Make the Pie Bigger lenges to be discovered in both directions.
The first three steps in the Simplex process of The simple three-step questioning process in
Figure 5 are concerned with creativity in Table 4 is used to create and place each new
terms of problems not solutions. Once a challenge.
problem or opportunity has been sensed (Step The group then selects the challenges from
1), participants in a Simplex creative problem the map that are believed especially critical
solving application session deliberately view and merit solutions and action plans or
it as a `fuzzy situation' requiring clarification. further fact finding and more detailed explor-
Fact finding follows (Step 2). Participants ation. If further fact finding and exploration is
share perspectives and stretch their thinking decided, for each of the selected challenges
to generate information about what they the major impediments preventing its solu-
know or think they know, what they don't tion are identified by asking the questions
know but wish they knew, what they may be repeatedly: `What's stopping us?' and `What
needlessly assuming, what would be different else is stopping us?'. This results in additional
if the situation were resolved, and what they challenges to add to the challenge map. The
have already thought of or tried. Participants top challenges are then selected from the final
then choose key facts to create specific map to enlarge the pie. A more extensive
challenges they need to confront. Formulating description of the challenge mapping and
these challenges in an imaginative way is problem formulation methods above are
called problem definition (Step 3). The key provided in Basadur, Ellspermann and Evans
facts are used for divergent generation of (1994).
concrete, specific, simply worded challenges
each beginning with the words, `How might
we. . .?'. Participants defer judgment and Examples of the Power of Problem Definition
avoid prematurely assuming what can and Irish Spring
cannot be done. Each `How might we. . .?'
represents a unique challenge. By discussion A research team at Procter and Gamble was
and consensus, the group then chooses a given the directive to develop a bath soap
small number of challenge statements they which could compete in a superior way
consider as the more important ones. Next, against the newly launched competitor prod-
using the selected challenges as starting uct `Irish Spring'. The team had prematurely
points, the group creates a Challenge Map, defined the problem in the following way:
with broader (bigger picture) challenges `How might we produce a better green
placed higher and more specific (tactical) striped bar of soap?' After several months of

Table 4: The Simplex `Why What's Stopping?' Creative Analysis

Step 1. Ask the complete question: `Why. . .?' or `What's Stopping. . .?' of the selected challenge.
(Also, ask `Why else. . .?' and `What else is stopping. . .?').
Step 2. Answer in a complete simple sentence.
Step 3. Transform the answer into a new challenge.

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


solution generation they were unable to de- was unnecessary. Rather than argue and dis-
sign a green striped bar of soap which tested agree over solutions which appear to conflict
superior to Irish Spring. They had rushed into because they address two different challenges,
solving a poorly defined problem. By asking the creative process resulted in a new
some good fact finding questions, creating a expanded challenge that encompassed both
divergent list of `How might we. . .?' challenge original challenges. In the union-management
statements and deliberately applying the bargaining context this would be an example
`Why-What's stopping?' analysis, a new, of making the pie bigger, where many more
broader and more creative problem definition and more creative solutions could be gener-
was developed. This powerful statement of ated to the expanded problem definition.
the problem was `How might we produce a Some of these solutions would be capable
more refreshing bar?' One team member of providing complete satisfaction to both
immediately pictured freshness in the form parties.
of fluffy clouds in a blue sky while another
member said freshness made him think of the The Necessary Creative Process and
sea coast. In a very short time frame a new
and very successful product was conceived:
Facilitation Skills Can Be Acquired
Coast bath soap. The key to the team's success Learning the creative process and skills
was a less restrictive, broader problem defini- involves participation in a workshop setting
tion. The `pie' was made bigger: better green followed by the completion of a program of
stripes was only one way of achieving better activities in the work setting. The intent is to
refreshment. The refreshment pie was bigger acquire the skills, attitudes and behaviors
than the green-striped pie. necessary for achieving successful creative
outcomes each day in day to day working and
Lay the Bags Flat living.
Simplex training workshops are intensive
Another example of broadening the problem, and practice oriented. Learning experiences
increasing the pie and increasing the amount include a series of diverse tasks that encour-
of total satisfaction available is a Frito-Lay age participants to discover concepts not
packaging dilemma. An interfunctional team considered before such as the value of
had been formed to reduce costs and was deferring judgment and of divergence in
bogged down solving the challenge `How thinking. For example, participants define
might we reduce packaging department problems then compare definitions with other
costs?' The team's manufacturing members participants, discovering that the same prob-
had identified a new packaging system which lem can be viewed in many different, yet
saved enormous amounts of time and money. fruitful ways. Importantly, the emerging
The individual bags of potato chips were skills are applied to real-world problems as
Transference of being packaged standing upright in larger part of the learning experience. This promotes
skills boxes for delivery to customers. The new idea transference of creativity skills and concepts
involved laying the bags on their sides in the to personal frames of reference. A supportive
boxes. The sales department team members climate is developed and participants are
were not at all satisfied with this solution encouraged and rewarded for displaying the
because on delivery, customers open each box necessary attitudes, skills and behaviors.
and count the bags before signing the receiv- Participants are provided many opportunities
ing documents. Thus the new idea would for discovery that such attitudinal and cog-
result in extra time and frustration for the nitive skills do work.
customer and slow down the salesperson
who would make fewer sales calls per day. Results of Training the Necessary Creative
Obviously, an important challenge for sales
was `How might we continue to make our
required quota of sales calls per day?' By Research and experience strongly indicate
working together with the attitude of achiev- that the Simplex skills for innovative thinking
ing full satisfaction for both sides, and by can be learned, nurtured, and managed
following the discipline of the Simplex cre- within organizations through experiential
ative process, a new problem definition was and practice-oriented training (Basadur,
identified. `How might we lay the bags flat 1994, 1995; Basadur, Wakabayashi, & Takai,
yet still allow the customer to quickly know 1992).
how many bags are inside the box?' Several Basadur et al (1982) demonstrated that such
solutions immediately became evident, includ- training among participants from an indus-
ing providing each customer with a weigh trial research organization yielded several
scale so that opening the box and counting improvements including:

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


. more likely to pause to try new, unusual coincide with that seen by workers and union
approaches; officers. Conflict occurs when one party does
. more open-mindedness to new ideas; not achieve its desired satisfaction level in
. deferral of premature critical judgment; relation to the other party. Bargaining is an
. less time spent in negative evaluation important kind of conflict management. It has
during idea generation; become part of life in the work environment.
. increased quantity and quality of problems It also can obviously lend itself to improve-
found; and ment.
. more different problem definitions devel- The case study below used the Simplex
oped; four-stage, eight-step creative process as a
. less likely to jump to conclusions about the deliberate tool to implement collaboration in
nature of a problem; a real-world labor-management collective
. better skilled in evaluating ideas. bargaining session. A genuine need provided
an opportunity in a real life setting for some
Basadur, Graen, and Scandura (1986) found research and also an opportunity to develop
that training effects on manufacturing engin- a practical method for application to a wider
eers persisted back on the job, particularly range of situations. The results were used
when they were trained in teams. Other to develop theory integrating creativity, the
organizational field research demonstrating bargaining process and conflict resolution
the results of training in specific thinking and explaining why successful application
skills, attitudes, and behaviors for both would be situational.
individuals and teams is summarized by
Basadur (1987, 1993). Top management can
also be trained to apply these skills in their Case Study Application
work as individuals and as members of In this North American corporation, the
executive teams. Furthermore, they can be historic relationship between management
taught how to model and encourage the use and the union can be characterized as
of these new skills throughout the organiza- definitely confrontational. Four times in the
tion. Top managers must lead by learning and past 11 years, resolution of the collective
visibly using the creativity skills and change- agreement had involved work stoppages.
making process. They must also develop This time both parties thought that it was
specific strategies to maintain the use of the timely to explore a more collaborative ap-
process and the thinking skills (Basadur, 1993, proach to bargaining a new agreement.
1994) on an everyday basis. During the past decade there had been a
slump in the industry and revenues were de-
creasing. Neither the company nor the union
Union Management Bargaining: relished the acrimony and non-productive
A Special Subfield effort that appeared to be inseparable from
their traditional bargaining, especially in
A special and very important category within these difficult times. It was agreed to try to
the field of conflict management is union- apply the Simplex creative problem solving
management bargaining. An effective method methodology to the bargaining process to try
for achieving collaboration and integrative- to achieve more of an integrative win/win
ness would be very valuable to this category solution.
because much acrimony is still associated
with it. One tends to think of agonizing, pro- Training to Build Attitudes and Skills
longed strikes causing loss of worker income
and company profits, and nerve-wracking How the training works is modeled in Figure 7
brinkmanship in highly confrontational meet- (as discussed earlier with respect to Kraut,
ings between union leaders and company 1976, etc). For training to be effective in
bargainers sitting on opposite sides of a long achieving improved creative performance it
narrow table. The meetings last all night and must first achieve a change in attitude, that is,
all day for weeks on end with news blackouts an acceptance of the four process skills (active
and adversarial posturing by both sides. divergence, active convergence, deferral of
Stagner and Rosen (1965) describe the judgment, and vertical deferral of judgment).
bargaining process as beginning when one This then, must lead to the application of
side attempts to communicate to the other these four process skills to real world work
its perception of the work situation and to which in turn should result in improved
induce a change in the situation. They go on creative performance in terms of finding and
to say that bargaining is necessary because defining good problems and creating and
the situation as seen by management does not implementing good solutions.

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


Figure 7. How Simplex Training Works: Attitudes to Behaviors to Results

A special 12 day training session was the same company but for different purposes.
devised for the 14 member negotiating team According to Table 5, the training was likely
to build the attitudinal and cognitive skills successful in achieving a `take'.
described above. The team was comprised of The bargaining team and the control group
seven members from each side. The level of both made significant improvements on both
such skill can be expected to be proportional attitudes. The magnitude of the changes is con-
to the amount of training provided (Basadur sistent with previous research. After training,
1994). The impact of training in this case was a the two groups improved on both attitudes
compromise between the level of skill needed, and also both attitudes scored very similarly
time available, and risk. (As will be discussed (17.8 vs 18.3 for premature convergence and
later, this level of skill was not sufficient to 23.8 vs 22.2 on active divergence). While the
handle all the articles to be bargained. The magnitude of improvement on premature
monetary article was considered too difficult convergence was even higher (6.3) for the
to risk the new approach.) A procedural check control group than for the bargaining team
was made to ensure a training `take' had been (3.3), this was probably due to a lower start-
achieved. The questionnaire measuring the ing point (21.1 vs 24.7) before training and
two attitudes connected with deferral of judg- was not considered an important difference.
ment and active divergence skills described This indicates that the training was successful
above (Basadur & Finkbeiner, 1985) was in at least influencing attitudes toward in-
administered before and after the training. novative thinking in the correct direction and
The results were compared to a control group to a similar degree as other training groups.
(n=99) comprised of members who had Furthermore, the same analysis was con-
undergone the same training previously in ducted for the two sub teams (union and

Table 5: Attitudes Associated with Creative Thinking Skills Before and After Training

Preference for Active Tendency toward Premature

Divergence Convergence

Before After Change Before After Change

Training Training Training Training

Union-Management 20.5 23.8 3.3* 21.1 17.8 73.3*

Bargaining Team (n=14) (3.4) (3.4) (3.3) (5.5) (4.0) (3.2)
Control Group 19.3 22.2 2.9** 24.7 18.3 76.3**
(n=99) (4.0) (3.9) (4.3) (5.8) (5.7) (6.1)

* p5.01
** p5.001
Standard deviations are provided in parentheses ( ).

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


management (n=7) each) and scores for the Implementation and Results on All 25 Non-
sub groups were similar to each other and Monetary Articles
similar to the team as a whole.
During a three month period, the process was
Action Plan for Ensuring Application of the applied to all 25 non-monetary articles. An
outside facilitator was not used; and the team
New Attitudes and Skills facilitated itself. Each contract article in turn
At the end of the training, the team created an was considered a fuzzy situation (step 1).
action plan to ensure that the four process Each party read its opening position concern-
skills in Figure 7 were applied and practiced ing the article, then expanded and elaborated
in the upcoming application of the Simplex on their view of the fuzzy situation to its
process. The plan comprised of specific heart's content while the other party relaxed
implementable actions to help the team and listened non-judgmentally (to the best of
deliberately use their new skills and avoid its ability). Second came an actively divergent
falling back into old habits. For example, a fact finding period (step 2). Any kind of fact
bell would be purchased to be rung every finding question without limits was enter-
time premature judgment was used by any- tained. In addition, special questions to probe
one to squelch a fledgling thought. Nominal for deeper facts were also deliberately em-
fines would be imposed for interruptions ployed. For example, `What do we know or
and poor listening behaviors. Also included think we know about this fuzzy situation?'
in the action plan were a bias board and `What don't we know but wish we knew
some techniques for avoiding bogging about this fuzzy situation?' `I wish I knew. . .?'
down. `I think I know. . .' and `I firmly believe
that. . .'. The teams interacted freely with each
Bias board other and, as people thought up fact finding
questions or answers, these were written up
To capitalize on the Simplex process's em- without judgment or argument onto large
phasis on creativity in fact finding and pieces of newsprint posted on the wall. Many,
problem definition, the team created a `Bias many such pieces were posted. Consensus The Bias Board
Board'. The purpose was to help push fact was then reached on the most relevant facts
finding way beyond superficial and obvious through active convergence. The team
information. Each side's biases were to be worked hard to evolve expressions of these
`dug out', identified and recognized as legit- facts in ways that were satisfactory to both
imate starting points rather than remaining sides. For example, opinions were stated as
hidden. The fact finding that followed the `all of us are of the opinion that. . .' or `some of
training used the `Bias Board' to permit both us are of the opinion that. . ..' This way beliefs,
parties to deliberately and openly share their opinions and feelings could be identified as
key biases as simple facts to be started with, such and expressed as statements of fact. (E.g.
not to be hidden, ignored or used later to `The union believes that supervisory skills are
`kill' new approaches. Such sharing of pre- inadequate but management feels most
conceived notions was rewarded with posi- supervisors have skills above the industry
tive feedback and recognition by other average.')
members. Using these key facts as the base, the group
used active divergence to generate many,
Avoiding bogging down many thought provoking `How might we. . .?'
Whenever the group would lapse into old challenges. Why ± what's stopping? question-
adversarial tactics, however unintended or ing was used to further improve and clarify
disguised, it learned to employ a technique these challenges. The group then converged
called `debriefing' (Basadur, 1994). In debrief- on those challenges with the most promise for
ing, a group pauses to self-correct by exam- making the pie bigger (step 3).
ining its behaviors and processes and For each selected challenge (problem defi-
intercepting any slippage. Furthermore, when nition) for each article, the two step mini
the team found itself `in a loop' where no new process of ideation evaluation was used in
ground was being broken, they would en- steps 4, 5 and 6 to create and select ideas,
tertain what they called a `free wheeling' criteria for evaluation, and action plans for
period. By permitting each person to talk in a article revision. Actions taken included pro-
very unstructured way about anything that viding instructions to the language committee
might in any way be related to the issue, the for changing the contract and in some cases
team developed new insights that permitted specific workplace changes were imple-
it to evolve new words and approaches to mented. These changes were assigned to
bridge differences. members of the team with a specific timetable

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


for completion. Where members felt they Discussion of Results and Future
needed help in gaining acceptance (step 7) Steps
for the changes from either constituency, the
members of the team created ideas to help. In Simplex Successful with Non-Monetary
either case, individuals who were assigned Items
tasks of implementing the changes (step 8)
would report back to the group on their From the results above, it appears that
success at the next meeting. Simplex Creative Problem Solving skills were
successfully applied to resolving all the non-
monetary issues. Subsequent interviews with
Monetary Article Bargaining
members of both teams indicated a lot of
Senior management had been planning to optimism for the new approach. Importantly,
increase organization wide application of the the process allowed the team to get to the
Simplex process to improve the company's underlying causes instead of recurrent symp-
operations in general in addition to union toms. There was a feeling that a great deal of
management bargaining. It wanted to expand progress had been made on learning a new
this application slowly and deliberately. They process that is useful in the bargaining
feared risking failure so were hesitant to context. There was also a feeling that the next
employ the process directly on the monetary time around it may very well be time to try to
article until further skill and experience was increase skill in the process to the point that it
achieved. Unfortunately, they did not advise could be experimented with on the monetary
the members of the team of this decision until article as well. The Simplex process was
it was too late. Instead, as soon as work on successfully applied to develop a much more
the twenty fifth article was complete, an harmonious and co-operative constructive
awkward attempt was made to apply the atmosphere around all of the bargaining
process indirectly. The senior management of process until the monetary issue hit. It was
the company advised that `it wished to table firmly believed by both sides that the atmos-
its monetary package in full'. This was a phere was very productive and well worth
surprise to the entire fourteen member team. repeating in the future. The rest of this section
A management communique stated: `At this will deal with some explanations of the
Monetary and non- point discussions have just begun on the apparent differential ease of application to
monetary issues monetary items. In a manner consistent with monetary and non-monetary issues and
our approach to these negotiations, we have suggest future research.
tabled our full mandate.' Apparently, this
represented a conscious belief by senior Concerns Precluding Application to
management that to put out all of their
Monetary Article
predetermined monetary package (facts) as a
whole and not emit it in `dribs and drabs' as The subsequent interviews with both sides
in the past was a move forward toward open indicated that on the monetary article there
and honest sharing of information in the spirit were three concerns that tended to preclude
of the creative process. In retrospect, it seems the effective use of the Simplex process by the
that the atmosphere of trust and collaboration company at this stage. The monetary article
that had been built so far had lulled senior was perceived to (1) be more complex (2) be
management into a false sense of security that more emotional and (3) involve higher per-
this indirect approach would be understood sonal risk. The first two can be grouped as a
by the union in the way that it had been skill issue and the latter can be classified as an
intended. However, a union communique the organizational climate/motivational issue.
next day indicated that the union had not These two issues are interrelated and suggest
perceived the company's move of putting two integrated explanations. The monetary
its full mandate on the table as an open article was considerably more complex from a
disclosure of the facts. On the contrary, content point of view and also evoked much
instead it was perceived as a return to the more emotion than the non-monetary articles.
old adversarial bargaining approach. This The monetary issues would require much
communique stated `. . .the company finally more trust about very intimate motivations
tabled its offer' and `. . .it is a pity that that neither party would be willing to open
the company has reverted to the standard up about at this stage. For example, what if all
method of bargaining and so forces the union the real facts were portrayed fully and
to do the same'. Thus bargaining on this resulted in the team deciding that the union
single monetary article began without appli- should agree to a 10% pay cut? How would
cation of the newly adapted Simplex creative this sit with the membership? Conversely,
process. what if the bargaining team concluded that

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


senior management should double their offer using the process and detach it from content
based on the `real' facts and yet the budget as needed.
had already been approved by the Board? The
inner motivations of both sides on the team
would certainly be at odds with such poten-
tial results with severe implications for
members of both sides. Clearly with the back-
drop of past mistrust and adversity prior to
these negotiations, such a trust level was not
yet present.
For each non-monetary issue, emphasis on
creating an expanded problem definition
which incorporated high concern for satis-
faction for both parties led to creative, inte-
grative solutions. However, on the monetary
issue, there was no effort devoted to creative
problem definition. The team reverted to Figure 9. Relationship of Problem Difficulty to
zero-sum thinking and there was no oppor- Level of Creative Process Skill Required to
tunity to create a bigger pie. The likely Achieved Creative, Integrative Solutions
relationship between the amount of emphasis
placed on problem definition and the degree
of creativity of the solutions and the degree of Motivation to Use Simplex: Non-Monetary
integrative bargaining is shown in Figure 8.
vs Monetary Articles
In this case, the perceived risk of using the
Simplex process caused the company to
succumb to the old habits and negative
reactions to change that had been built up in
the organization over the years. In the well
known equation, P = M H A, (performance
equals ability times motivation), performance
is zero if either the skill or the motivation to
use the skill is zero. Thus, in the more general
case, if traditions are more secrecy than
openness, more adversarial than co-operative,
more withholding than sharing, then no
matter what the skill level, on certain articles
of discussion a team may still not be able to
Figure 8. Relationship of Emphasis on Problem perform well even if given the chance, due to
Definition to Creative, Integrative Solutions a low motivation level. Such a low motivation
level might occur, for example, if team
members are thinking `I don't think we
Skill Levels Required to Use Simplex: should use this process because I'm not sure
Non-Monetary vs Monetary Articles it will lead to success in the eyes of my
members (or my hierarchy)'.
It is probable that the skill level of the
company as a whole in applying the creative
Bringing the Two Explanations Together
process was sufficient to handle problems
only to the level of difficulty demanded by The two potential explanations above provide
the non-monetary issues. As problems get the basis for a two-dimensional model of
more difficult (emotional and complex), more Distributive-Integrative Bargaining. The level
skill is needed (see Figure 9). With inadequate of motivation of a bargaining team to use the
skill, quite possibly the team would have Simplex creative process can be plotted on
become more and more engrossed in the one axis and the skill level of the bargaining
content and forgetful of the process in team in the process on the other as shown in
tackling the more difficult monetary article Figure 10.
even if it had the opportunity to apply the In area 1, the team is low in both creative
creative process. Such higher skill in Simplex process skills and in motivation to apply
can be achieved through more extensive them. Thus, it resorts to purely distributive,
training or by employing a highly trained uncreative, adversarial bargaining on all
facilitator who can manipulate the team into articles. In area 2, the team believes strongly

# Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000 Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000


Figure 10. Skill ± Motivation Model for Applying the Simplex Creative Process to Bargaining

that the Simplex process is important and identified that mediate the application of the
wants to apply it but is somewhat frustrated process to union-management bargaining:
because it does not have sufficient skill to use complexity of the issue, emotionality of the
it well on all articles. On the less difficult issue, and motivation to apply to the issue
articles they use it to achieve integrative bar- given the organizational climate. It would be
gaining. In area 3, the skill is high but the worthwhile to get additional organizations to
motivation to apply creativity to the articles is attempt to use the Simplex creative process
low. Thus, for articles which are perceived as in their bargaining on monetary and other
relatively non-threatening and non-risky in more complex, emotional issues and conduct
the organization context, the Simplex process research to understand better what it takes
is applied and they are handled integratively. to get a very integrative mode (area 4 in
However, for articles which are perceived as Figure 10) in force in such organizations.
risky, the team either just `goes through the In the future, the model of Figure 10 could
motions' or does not even try to use the be used at the beginning of any experiment
technology. Instead, it handles these articles with using the Simplex process to improve
quite adversarially in a manner that has been bargaining between two parties. During a
expected by their constituencies in the past. In pre-consultation, both sides could assess
area 4, the team is both highly skilled in the themselves to what extent the organization's
creative process and has a high motivation to atmosphere/climate would permit creative
use it. Every article, regardless of complexity, problem solving technology to be used. They
emotionalism or riskiness is handled cre- would also be able to make a good decision as
atively. There is a trust that the respective to what skill level they would need. This
constituencies will understand new creative, would be tied into what extent they would
unusual solutions in a spirit of co-operation desire to attempt distributive bargaining. For
and experimentation. Thus, very integrative example, would there be certain articles on
bargaining on all articles results. which they felt the motivation would be high?
What skill level did they think was necessary
Future Steps to achieve on which articles? Which articles
would they feel it would not be fruitful to
This paper has endeavored to explain how attempt such a process either to the skill level
the Simplex creative process can help achieve needed or consistent with the organizational
collaborative win-win solutions through the climate prevalent?
deliberate use of a creative process empha- The organization could also make decisions
sizing problem definition. Three factors were about long range plans to improve organiz-

Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000


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Volume 9 Number 1 March 2000 # Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000

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