Text 1 The Legend of Malin Kundang: Text 1 Is For Number 1 - 7

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Text 1 is for number 1 - 7

A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra lived a woman and her
son, Malin Kundang. Malin Kundang and his mother had to live hard because his father had passed
away when he was a baby. Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually
went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would bring it to his mother, or sell the caught fish
in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship being raided by a
band of pirates. With his bravery, Malin Kundang helped the merchant defeat the pirates. To thank
him, the merchant allowed Malin Kundang to sail with him. Malin Kundang agreed in the hope to
get a better life. He left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and a lot of crews
who worked loading trading goods. He was also married to a beautiful woman. When he was
sailing on his trading journey, his ship landed on a coast near a small village. The local people
recognized that it was Malin Kundang, a boy from the area. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin
Kundang has become rich and now he is here”.
An old woman, who was Malin Kundang’s mother, ran to the beach to meet the new rich
merchant. She wanted to hug him to release her sadness of being lonely after a long time. When
his mother came near him, Malin Kundang who was with his beautiful wife and his ship crews
denied that she was his mother. She had pleaded Malin Kundang to look at her and admit that she
was her mother. But he kept refusing to do it and yelling at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her
“Enough, old woman! I have never had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that he
ordered his crews to set sail to leave the old woman who was then full of sadness and anger.
Finally, feeling enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn’t
apologize to her. Malin Kundang just laughed and set sail. Suddenly a thunderstorm came in the
quiet sea, wrecking his huge ship. He was thrown out to a small island. It was really too late for
him to avoid his curse; he had turned into a stone.
Taken with adaptation from: http://understandgtext.blogspot.com/2009/05/

1. What is the type of the text above?

a. Narrative text
b. Recount text
c. Descriptive text
d. Report text
2. What is the social function of the text?
a. To entertain people
b. To describe about Malin Kundang
c. To inform readers about Malin Kundang
d. To explain reader why Malin Kundang had turned into a stone
3. Based on the text above, what made an old woman get angry at Malin Kundang?
a. Because Malin Kundang’s father had passed away
b. Because Malin Kundang was a healthy, diligent, and strong boy
c. Because Malin Kundang had a huge ship
d. Because Malin Kundang denied that the old woman was his mother
4. Which one of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. Malin Kundang and his mother had to live hard
b. The merchant allowed Malin Kundang to sail with him
c. Malin Kundang and his mother live happily ever after
d. Malin Kundang turned into a stone
5. “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is here”. (third paragraph)
the underlined word is closest meaning to?
a. Wealthy
b. Strong
c. Diligent
d. Healthy
6. What is the moral value of the story?
a. We should not hurt our parents, especially our mother
b. Just believe what you hear
c. It is worth it in the end
d. Love is the most powerful magic
7. The generic structure of the text is?
a. Orientation >> Complication >> Resolution
b. Resolution >> Complication >> Orientation
c. Complication >> Orientation >> Resolution
d. Identification >> Description

Text 2 is for number 8 – 10

The Rabbit Revenge
Long ago, a rabbit and lion were neighbours. The lion was very proud, and was fond of
boasting about his strength. And thought they were such close neighbours, the lion looks down
upon the rabbit, and use to bully and frighten her. Finally, the rabbit could stand it no longer and
wanted to get her own back.
One day she went to the lion and said,” Good day, respected elder brother. Image it, I met
an animal over there who looked exactly like you, and he said to me, ‘Is there anyone in the
world who dares stand up to me? If there is, let me come and have a duel with me. If there is no
one, all of you have to submit to my rule and be my servants!” “Oh, he was an intolerable
braggart! He is so puffed up with pride that his eyes can’t even light on anymore!” added the
“Oho,” the lion said. “Didn’t you mention me to him?”
“Yes, indeed, “the rabbit replied. “But it would have been better if I hadn’t. When I
described how strong you were, he just sneered and said dreadfully rude things. He even went so
far as to say that he wouldn’t take you for his attendant!”
The lion flew into a rage and roared, “Where is he? Where is he?” Soon the rabbit took
the lion a hill and, not going to near herself, pointed to a well from a distance, and said, “He is
down there, in the well.”
The lion hastened to the well and glared angrily into it. Yes, there was his rival who even
glared back at him angrily. The lion roared, and his enemy roared back. The lion become so
furious that his hair stood on end. So did his enemy on the well. The lion shows his teeth and
lashed out with his paws to scare his rival and his enemy in the well retaliated! In a fit of anger,
the lion sprang into the air with all his might and then flung himself at the enemy in the well. The
result was that the proud lion was instantly drowned.

8. The type of the text above is called?

a. Recount text
b. Narrative text
c. News item
d. Descriptive text
9. What can we learn from the story?
a. Be a good neighbour.
b. Don’t be so arrogant.
c. We must help each other.
d. An enemy can be a good friend.
10. “and was fond of boasting about his strength” (paragraph 1)
The word “strength” can be replaced by?
a. Strong
b. Most
c. Power
d. Sturdy
Text 3 is for number 11 – 16

JAKARTA: Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus, a car and a truck on
Dipenogoro street at 10:35 p.m. last night. The dead were all the passengers of the car. The
police believed the car had been trying to overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming
from the opposite direction. The driver of the car might not be using his lights, as the truck driver
said he did not see the car approaching.
The police said the car should not have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not
allowed on
Dipenogoro street. In addition, the police report that the car, a small Japanese car, should not
have been carrying more than five people. If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the
police would have identified the names of the victim easily.

11. The type of the text is called?

a. Recount
b. Narrative
c. Procedure
d. News item
12. The text mainly reports that there was/were?
a. The function of an identity card.
b. Victim of an accident.
c. A car accident.
d. Careless driver.
13. What was the cause of the collision?
a. The car carried more than five people
b. The truck driver didn’t use his lights
c. The truck driver didn’t see the car
d. The car tried to overtake the bus
14. “If the passengers had brought their identity cards, the police would have been easy to
identify the names of the victims.” (The last sentence)
The sentence above means?
a. The victims’ names were not known
b. The victims were easy to be identify
c. The passengers brought their identity cars
d. The police had no difficulty in identifying the victim the victims
15. Who said that the accident was caused by the car?
a. The truck driver
b. The police
c. The passengers
d. The victims
16. Seven people were killed in a collision between a bus… (paragraph 1 line 2)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
a. Feeble
b. Sufferer
c. Scene
d. Crash

Gua Tabuhan is a lively unique cave
In the cave Nyi (mrs) Kamiyem and Ki (mr) Padmo sit on a stone. Nyi Kamiyem will
sing a song and Ki Padmo will beat the drum. Joining them are people called wiyogo which are
drummers and other gamelan musicians.
What makes this unique is that they mix gamelan with the sound of nature. The visitors
dance, forgetting all problems.
Many tourists go to this cave. Maybe you are interested in going there too. But you don’t know
where it is. Gua Tabuhan is located near Pacitan in east java. It is situated in a lime hill called
Tapan, in Tabuhan, Wareng village. The route is easy. Along the road there is beautiful tropical
scenery to enjoy-rice fields, coconut palms and birds.
East of the cave peddlers sell souvenirs. The drink and food peddlers are on the north.
People sell agates on the cave terraces. Somehow, it is like a fair.
It is said that the cave is the only place where nature produces sounds like the music of
gamelan. Nyi Kamiyem, the well down pesinden (traditional Javanese singer) from the village of
gabuhan, who often sings in the cave, does not doubt it.
Gua tabuhan did not use to welcome visitor. According to Kartowiryo (90), village elder,
gua tabuhan used to be a hiding place for robbers. It was believed to be a sacred place. No one
dared go inside. However, Wedana (chief of a district) Kertodiprojo, went to the cave to find out
what was wrong. He found out that the cave was inhabited by the annoying evil spirits. The
people chased the spirits away.
The cave is dark, so people need light, and a local guide will lead the way. Sometimes
visitors bump their heads against the sharp rocks on the ceiling.
Inside the cave there is a plain. Big stone which is believed to be the prayer mat of
Pangeran Diponogoro, one of the Indonesia heroes who fought against the dutch. It is said that
Pangeran Diponegoro used to seclude himself in the cave. Some people now use the place for
meditation. There is a stream in the cave, in the east corner, which can only be seen outside.
However, it can be heard from inside.
Besides the cave, Watukarang, a beach nearby, is good to visit. By the way, want
different souvenirs? You can find them in Donorodjo village where agate craftsman work. So,
have a nice journey.

17. What do people need to enter the cave?

a. Light and local peddlers
b. Local musicians and agate craftsman
c. Chief of district and local guide
d. Local guide and lights
18. Which statement is true according to the text?
a. To reach Wareng village the visitors get troubles
b. The inside of the cave is like a fair because visitor and peddlers bring light if they
come in
c. Wedana Kertodiprojo found out that the cave was inhabited by the annoying
evil spirit
d. There is only one tourist resort around Wareng village
19. Sometimes visitors bump their heads against the sharp rocks on the ceiling What is the
synonym of the underlined (paragraph 7 line 2)?
a. hollow place in the side of hill
b. keep apart from others
c. place on which Muslim kneel when praying
d. strike something with a hard blow
fill in the blank the following lyrics with the proper words
(song by Maher Zain)

I (20) ____ a foolish little child

Crazy things I used to do

And all the pain I put you through

Mama now I'm (21) _____ for you

For all the times I made you cry

The days I told you lies

Now it's (22) _____ for you to rise

For all the pain you sacrificed

Oh, if I could turn back time rewind

If I could make it undone. I swear that I would

I would (23) _____ it up to you

Mum I'm all grown up now

It's a brand-new day

I'd like to put a smile on your face every day

Mum I'm all grown up now

And it's not too (24) _____

I'd like to put a (25) _____ on your face every day

20. …..
a. Is c. Was
b. Are d. Were
21. …..
a. Here c. near
b. Hear d. fear
22. …..
a. Right c. Time
b. Line d. Now
23. …..
a. Make c. Mad
b. Made d. Fade
24. ….
a. Lead c. Let
b. Late d. Yet
25. ….
a. Face
b. Pen
c. Small
d. Smile
26. Which word best describe the singer’s feeling?
a. Sad
b. Regretful
c. Happy
d. Proud
27. The word “foolish” (verse 1) is closest meaning to?
a. Stupid
b. Stubborn
c. Bad
d. Crazy
28. “if I could make it undone, I would make it up” (chorus)
What does the underlined words mean?
a. To cancel all the crazy things, he used to do
b. He is grown up
c. He was a foolish
d. To sacrificed
29. What is the correct message of this song?
a. This song is talking about a simple thing
b. This song is talking about someone who wants to satisfy his mother
c. This song is talking about places
d. This song is talking about someone you missed
30. “For all the times I made you cry”
The underlined word is referred to?
a. Sad feeling
b. Satisfy felling
c. Happy feeling
d. Fantastic feeling
31. Didit : Who is that girl, Irfan?
Irfan : She is my cousin. Why?
Didit : She plays the guitar so well, _____?
Irfan : Sure, she plays it every day.

The right question tag to fill in the blank is?

a. hasn’t she
b. is he
c. don’t she
d. doesn’t she

32. Bima : Where were you last night, Alwan?

Tito : I was in my bedroom.
Bima : You cleaned your bedroom at night, ______?
Tito : How do you know?
Bima : I heard the noisy sound from your bedroom.

The right tag to fill in the blank is?

a. do you
b. didn’t you
c. doesn’t you
d. wasn’t you

33. Fakhry : Roby was sleeping in English class, last Tuesday, _______?
Ryan : Yes, you’re right, He always sleeps in every lesson.
Fakhry : We all know. He is a sleeper.

The right tag to fill in the blank is?

a. didn’t he
b. was she
c. won’t he
d. wasn’t he

34. The police arrested the men

The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
a. the men are being arrested by the police
b. the men were arrested by the police
c. the men was arrested by the police
d. the police has been arrested by the men
35. The newspaper is being read by him in the living room
Change the sentence into active voice!
a. my aunt is reading the newspaper in the living room
b. my uncle is reading the newspaper in the living room
c. my father reads the newspaper in the living room
d. my grandfather red the newspaper in the living room

36. Mr. Frank and my uncle are fixing the cars in the garage now.
The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
a. the car will be fixed by them in the garage now.
b. the car is had been fixed by them in the garage now.
c. the car was being fixing by them in the garage now.
d. the cars are being fixed by them in the garage now.

37. Somebody open the school gate every morning

The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
a. the school gate is opened by them every morning
b. the school gate is opened every morning
c. the school gate is opened by somebody every morning
d. the school gate is being opening by somebody every morning

38. They translated some old documents last week.

What is the passive form of this sentence?
a. some old documents are translated by them last week.
b. some old documents have been translated by them last week.
c. some old documents were being translated by them last week.
d. some old documents were translated by them last week

39. We can see many beautiful paintings in this exhibition. They were ______ by famous
Indonesian painter.
a. Painting
b. Painted
c. Paint
d. Be Painting

40. Two tents for our camping would …….. by my mother.

a. Being bought
b. Been bought
c. Be bought
d. Bought

Long long time ago there (1) ______(live) a couple in the village near the top of mount
Bromo. Joko Seger is his name. He lived peacefully with his wife Roro Anteng. But they were not
happy because after some time they did not have any children. Then Joko Seger meditated in mount
Bromo asking for god to give them children.
Sometimes later Joko Seger had a dream. In his dream he was told that he would have
descendants but on one condition. The god asked him to sacrifice his children to the crater of
mount Bromo. If he refused to sacrifice, then the god will be angry. Without thinking twice Joko
Seger agreed to the condition.
After that every year Roro Anteng (2) _____(give) birth to twenty-five children. They were
very happy and they loved their children so much that they were reluctant to sacrifice them to the
crater. They did not give anything to the crater. Then something happened.
One day there was a big eruption of mount Bromo. Smoke, fire, hot cloud of ash (3)
____(come) out of its crater. The earth was trembling. The sky was dark. Animals ran away from
the mountain. People were very scared since some of them became victims of the hot cloud.
Joko Seger and Roro Anteng (4) ______(remember) their promise to god. He realized that
god was very angry. So, he decided to sacrifice one of his sons. Then he went to the crater with
his youngest son Kusuma. Because Joko Seger did not really want to sacrifice his son to the crater,
he (5) ____(try) to hide him. But suddenly an eruption began and made Kusuma fall. Afterwards,
Kusuma, who had fell to the crater, gave a voice, "I have to be sacrificed by my parents so that
you will all stay alive. From now on, you should arrange an annual offering ceremony on the 14th
of Kesodo (the twelfth month of Tenggerese calender.)"
Since then on Joko Seger and Roro Anteng gave offerings to the crater. Every year on the
14th day of the month of Kesada the people of Tengger held a ceremony to give offerings.

1. Lived
2. Gave
3. Came
4. Remembered
5. Tried

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