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(1am doing and | do) hold offer organise _pesiorm play sing Cae ey What's on in Hampton this week? Thoatre Royal Te Haran Drama slaty (3) sf Like oy iam Sree, \Wocnentoy-Satuny 7:30 pn. ‘The City Concert Hail ‘Sino Lee and Marv Glassen 2) ‘sar fom eps by Waza. ran Pac on Fide pn. ‘Hampton Sports Stadium ‘The cole octal vam (3) as ‘gana ting eam fom Geran at 2 oon Sed Market Square al os) omy mak ts Sy fom 10 a 2 pn, ‘Shopping Mall ‘totes sos 8) ‘scouts o Shoppes bere 1221 ery day hs week, City Museum ‘The education deparerert 6) {hae spec chiens dos ~ on Tuesday, Wednesdoy and Tursy—for 8 to 12 yer oo Formore dca, phone te Oy Iformaton ortce 292936 ther (you / wait) for the London train? (eet) my mother off the train from Bristol ——~ (my radio / disturb) you? (enjoy) the musi. — {anyone / se} this room today? (have) a meeting (chose people / shout)? (demonstrate against low wages. (you / apply! for the manager's job when he —- (consider) it, but I haven't decided yet. (Jane /Yeave) work ently today? (fly) ro Brussels at five o'clock. (you come) to the party on Thursday? A WENDY: Hi, Janice. Janice: Hello, Wendy! 1) si wexpy: No, ba Baan on 3a : gnu: No, not ar all. 1) et Cows a i Huis: The marketing managers bere this aftemoon, but it's free this morning. Dox Why Gaarinnt They E ex: s a a retire cous oe . sau: a sens Yes, she 112 Gane a bu: No, fd) ctanimiii (work) late, unfortunately. What is an eclipse? {heppen) when the moon A solar eolipse (pass) in front of the sun. This only (take) place when there is a new moon he (last) for up to 7.5 minutes. During a solar eclipse, itis dark. The birds 1s ss (keep) still and quiet (not sing), and animals A solar eclipse 1 people i straight at the sun. If you » (not happen) very often, and most (enjoy) seeing one. However, i's important not to look (not remember) this, you can damage Alunar ectipse 10 (occur) when the earth's shadow (fall on the moon. The moon im untit it 9 (come) out from the shadow. (Which day of the week (you / go) to yoga class? SUthe post / con Yes, Lcan give you her number vou / see) your brother? Because 1S cheaper than the trai, pone Feta her your secretary / keep) th box beside the printer. > (you / want) a cold drink? [Beetham ee fost hia one 7 How many hours you / work) in a week? (Gbourthiny-five, usually. > (Atleast one hour every evening. >> (es, you can ger some paper shop / sell) st Choose the correet al pS SSS SSS ag Pedro Martinez g) Karen Miller LI ‘Tip to Englone | 4, Karen ‘Xmhaving / Lhasa a great tme here in England. My caliege term (2) ln’ starting / doesn’t start unt rext month, so 3) im Raking /1 take the opportunity to earn some moriey. 4) m staying / stay with my English friend, Robbie, Fis parents) are owning / enn 8 sofware Business. In the ‘evenings 6} Im deving [drive ito London with Robbie to go eudbing. >) Em-making / Leake @ Jot of new mangs. \) Lihunk {11m thinking my pronunciation Is much better than when I arrved, and © understanding /1 uncrstand almast everything now. On weekdays (10) !mhelping /1 help Robbie's dad. At the moment il) he's working ne works en a new weosite ang 12) he's needing / he-neads help with RT's guite tring work, but) Ln king / Like and 4) Cm learning tars some really useful stuff about the Web. 15) Bo vou come / are you coming to wist me soon? (1s) im spending / Leper the winter heli here at Robbie. His parent °) are wanting / want ta meet you and there's plenty of space, But you must bring your warmest clothes. 1s) I's getting / I: gsts very cold hee inthe winter Let me know as soon as I>) youre ceciing / you decide. and tell me whet 0) you're dona / iio these days. Do you miss me? Love Pero continuous or present simple and any other words you need, 1 Mybest friend Myboss My boyiriend My classmates. My fan | My father My wife None of my friends Our children | Our next-door neighbour Our teacher Several of my colleagues seufriend. is, studuing. for his final exams this term. er _dgesn't, 4 te. cea very aften, oe nee FABRE NOW this year covery week. ——at the moment, - ~~ this year a= at weekends. on this teem, . . - - nos Fight now.

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