Maximal Hosting Capacity (ICA) : Pss®Sincal

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Maximal Hosting

Capacity (ICA)

Figure 2: Simulation concept

At a glance A correct network setup is very important;

The global trend for cleaner power, sup- the set-up must include a detailed model-
ported by new technologies (such as solar ing of separate loads and generators with
and wind farms, as well as affordable historic or forecasted behavior. Concern-
rooftop photovoltaic panels), has changed ing network layout, for instance, this data
the distribution system landscape. Power can be derived from a GIS system, or from
generation has become increasingly vola- MDM systems for prosumer behavior. Be-
tile and power flow is bi-directional. Net- sides full profile simulations (i.e over one
works are changing from passive to active, year with a one-hour time step), it is also
Figure 1: Network with interconnection power
and consumers to “prosumers.” The chal- possible to customize this evaluation time.
levels: blue= high; red= low
lenges are similar to those of transmission This is done in user-defined profiles with
networks but with a higher impact: these Our solution a minimal and maximal number of days,
grids are weaker, unbalanced and do not The new PSS®SINCAL ICA (Integrated or using special operation points, such as
have the control mechanisms a transmis- Capacity Analysis) module automatically minimum loading while maximum genera-
sion grid offers. determines the maximal generation or load tion is effective, or maximum loading
capacity that can be installed independent- while minimum generation, etc. For a
In order to ensure the stability of these ly at each point of the distribution system quick scan it is possible to only use the
systems, power system planners need to without violating user-given constraints. actual network state or complete a simple
know how much renewable energy infeed This enables a systematic and cost effec- load scaling with factors.
their distribution system can host in terms tive analysis.
of power quality and reliability without The user can also customize and define
needing to enhance the existing network. This module combines different calcula- the criteria the software needs to check.
tion engines like power flow and short This is of equal importance to the selec-
The challenge circuit with network adoptions within one tion of key network data.
Grid connection highly depends on the single workflow. This systematic and cost-
point of common coupling. Therefore an A wizard guides the user through the
effective approach allows a power system
assessment needs to be performed for eve- complete process and offers further inves-
planner to get results for the complete sys-
ry single installation to determine if the tigation methods in an interactive dialog.
network will still be without limitations. It allows a user to define the specific be-
The ever-increasing volume of distributed This approach takes into consideration the havior of the DER generators
energy resources (DER) interconnection existing penetration of energy generation
requests creates a need for new and inno- and load estimation over a reasonable time
vative engineering tools that allow speed- frame to put the results on a consolidated
ing up these requests by automatic pro- database, also for the future network. With
cessing. These should even allow custom- just a mouse click the DER under consid-
ers to evaluate if DER can be connected eration can be plugged into the network
without compromising the network’s reli- for further detailed evaluation, according
ability and power quality. to grid connection standards like BDWE
or NER.
(e.g. disconnection because of too high or The PSS®SINCAL report view provides a generated and customized by the user. It
low voltage or correct contribution to the quick overview for all nodes in a tabular shows the maximum hosting capacity at
short circuit) and to set the different pa- form with interactive links into the net- each node for the evaluated network to-
rameters for the assessment criteria. work map and various sorting, filtering gether with the individual constrains and
and evaluation features. The calculated the color-coded limited value and critical
generator can directly be added to the time stamp.
network with one click.

Figure 3: Sample mask of the ICA wizard Figure 7: ICA document report
The analysis uses the fully iterative meth- Figure 4: Interactive report view The new PSS®SINCAL ICA module ena-
od to evaluate the following bles the user to quickly and cost-
Results can be presented in an online dia-
criteria: effectively evaluate the best location of a
gram in several forms – e.g. by color cod-
• Thermal loading of all network equip- ing the network contour or only the nodes, planned DER. In addition, the module
ment in the full system, based on user- or by an overlay on top of an interactive helps to determine the generator or load
defined limit sets by device level or internet map directly in the PSS®SINCAL size which can be linked to the system
network area for all investigated time GUI. without the need for network enhance-
steps. ment. Thus it also supports the calculation
of a network benefit by deferral of an al-
• Voltage Limits –Power Quality ready planned network investment.
for each node in the system and each
evaluated time step, the steady-state
voltages are checked against the user-
defined min. and max. voltage limits,
e.g. 95-105%.
• Voltage fluctuation caused by sudden
fluctuations of the linked DER / load
are evaluated at each point of the net- Figure 5: Maximum power to be linked to each
node without violating any limit with additional
work against a user-defined limit of,
detailed evaluation
e.g., 3%.
This diagram illustrates the different inte-
• Short-circuit persistence of network gration capacity levels in the system at all
equipment is checked based on the de- locations. E.g. it is clearly visible that at
vice or network settings like peak and the end of a feeder the maximal hosting
breaking short-circuit currents all over capacity is reduced, either due to steady-
the network and in all time steps. state voltage, thermal limits or voltage Published by
Breakers are taken into consideration fluctuation. Siemens AG 2017
as well.
• Reverse flow through limiting trans- Energy Management Division
formers can be allowed or has to be Freyeslebenstrasse 1
blocked to ensure flexibility in network 91058 Erlangen, Germany
operation. If the reverse flow should be For more information, please contact
blocked the system calculates the pow-
er to each node that can be linked
without creating a flow through the Subject to changes and errors. The infor-
transformer. mation given in this document only contains
general descriptions and/or performance fea-
• Protection assessment is performed for tures which may not always specifically re-
the linked DER protection zone by flect those described, or which may undergo
short-circuit sweeps and different fault modification in the course of further devel-
scenarios. The zone factor for the limit- Figure 6: ICA within PSS®SINCAL on an interac- opment of the products. The requested per-
ing protection devices of the DER is tive internet map (e.g. Bing Maps ©) formance features are binding only when they
not allowed to fall below a user-defined are expressly agreed upon in the concluded
For proper documentation, a
value (e.g. 1.8). Also tripping due to contact
Microsoft® Word® report can also be
the normal power flow can be checked.

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