BSC Botany M Sem 4 Paper M 4.2 2015

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3 (Sem 4) BOT M2


Theory Paper : M-4.2

Full Marks - 60

Time - 2% hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

fbr the questions.

l. Answer the following : lx7:'l

(a) Define the teim 'Androgynophore'.

(b) What are Operational Taxonomic Units

(c) Define Dendrogram.
(d) Ditrerentiate sub-species and variety.

(e) What are Cleistogamous flowers ?

[Turn over
(0 Name ttrre t-vpe of androecium found in the (d) How is cluster analysis used in numerical
family Cucurbitaceae and Asteraceae. . taxonomy to make classifications ?

(g) What type of inflr:resoence is found in the (e) Why the {amlty Abteraceae is
regarded as
fanily Euphorbiaceae ?
highly evolved family among Dicotyledonae ?

2. Answer the following : 2.x4:8

4. Answer any three questions of the following :
(a) Differentiate between Fhenetics and Cladistics. 10x3:30
(b) Narne the difl'erent kinds of nomenclatural (a) What are the different systems of
fypes recognised by ICBI.,I. classifications ? Give an outline of any one
Phylogenetic system of classification. Discuss
(c) Write the differences between the lat"rellurn
found in family Orchidaceae and in brief the advantiiges and disadvantages of
Zingiberuceae. the system. 2+6+2:IA

(d) Describe the floral structure of the family (b) Describe the principles, rules and
Fabaceae. recommendations of ICBN. 4+4+2:IA

3. Answer any three questions of the following : (c) With the help of suitable examples, explain
the use of embryological characters in solving
(a) Describe briefly the Biological concept of Taxonomical problems. 10
(d) Compare the floral characters ofAcanthaceae
(b) Write the aim and objeotives of Plant
and Larniaceae. Which of these fwo families
is more advanced ? Give reasons.
(c) State the principles of Biocode. $+/:10

2113 (Sem 4) BOT M2 (2) 2ll3 (Sern 4)BOT M2 (3) [Tum over
(e) Write the most important distinguishing floral
characters along with floral formula and floral
diagram of the following families : 5x2:10

(i) Solanaceae and Rubiaceae

(ii) Malvaceae and Verbenaceae.

(0 Give an account of the family Poaceae and

discuss its phylogenetic relationships.

2113 (Sem 4)BOT M2 (4) 2000(G)

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