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Ejemplo de conversación en inglés en un restaurante y

pedido de orden:

Laura: Hi, Tania, how´ve you been? It´s been so long.

Tania: Yes, I know! Im fine, what about you?

Laura: Fine too, you know..working, taking care of the kids, everything.

Tania: Oh, yes. I can imagine. How´s the baby?

Laura: He´s big and beautiful

Waitress: Hello, my name is Linda and I´ll be your waitress today. Can
I get you anything?

Laura: Oh, no thanks. We are waiting for someone else.

Peter: Hello, girls! Sorry I´m a little late

Laura: Don´t you worry! How are you?

Peter: Great! Working a lot and also having fun

Tania: Oh, yeah! I saw on Facebook that you went to Italy last month

Peter: Yeah! It was work related, but I also found the time to have fun
and get to now the city a little.

Laura: Do you guys wanna order now?

Peter: Yes, I am starving. I haven eaten anything since yesterday´s


Tania: Excuse me, Miss. Can you take the order now?
Waitress: Of course. What do yo want to drink

Peter: I would like lemonade, please

Tania: Me too

Laura: I want a soda, please.

Waitress: Ok, it will be just a second

Peter: But Laura, tell my about your kids, I can´t believe I haven´t met
them yet.

Laura: I know! You are a very busy girl, eh! They are fine, intelligent
and beautiful.

Tania: They drive Laura a little bit crazy

Laura: Haha, just a little bit

Waitress: Here are your drinks

Tania: Thank you very much. Do you guys want to order or do you want
to wait a little?

Peter: No, I would prefer to order now

Waitress: Ok, what can I get you?

Peter: I want a club sándwich, please

Tania: For me a fish steak

Laura: I just want a salad, please.

Waitress: Ok, I´ll be right back

Laura: Thank you.

Peter: Are you on a diet Laura?

Laura: yes, I am exercising

Tania: do you look thinner Laura

Waitress: your order ladies

Peter: Thank you

Laura: Thank you

Tania: Thank you

Waitress: Enjoy their meal, ladies

Laura: What are you going to do tonight, friends?

Peter : I will stay at home

Tania: University's homework

Laura: Today there is a party, you are invited.

Peter: I'll be there

Tania: I do not think I have time, I have a lot of homework to do

Waitress: How are you ladies? ,Do you enjoy their meal?
Laura: Yes, everything is delicious

Waitress: this afternoon the chef recommends his special cakes,

someone wants?

Peter: yes, I want a tray

Tania: If you keep eating like this, you'll get fat.

Laura: I also want, it sounds delicious

Tania: But Laura where is the diet?

Waitress: Do not worry, miss, they are zero calories

Tania: seriously? I also want a tray

Waitress: Your order comes out immediately

Peter: he is a very kind waiter

Laura: but your accent is particular from where you are?

Waitress: I am Colombian but I live in Peru for many years

Tania: oh my grandparents are Colombians

Waitress: really?

Tania: if we are compatriots

Waitress: I go for your order

Laura: okay
Laura: let's go and go to the party will be very fun

Peter: mmm I do not have much tasks

Laura: and your Tania you cheer up?

Tania: jajaja that insistent is fine I will go

Peter: I hope you have a lot of fun I will advance with my thesis

Laura: here are your special cakes

Waitress: Of course they are the chef's specialty

Tania: thank you

Waitress: they want something more to accompany their cakes?

Peter: Yes, yes a coffee please

Waitress: Yes, in a moment I bring them

Laura: oh no my kids will be out of school

Laura: I retire but Tania I wait for you at the party

Peter: goodbye and see you Laura

Tania: we should also go

Peter: waitress, the check please

Waitress: here it is
Peter: Thank you

Tania: What is your name

Waitress: Sofia

Tania: Nice to meet you Sofia

Waitress: happy to meet you

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