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TRELECTRA Gott. DESIGN OF WELDED STRUCTURES BY Omer W. Blodgett aoe 4 19 JUL 2004 Published ata Service Education by THE JAMES F. LINCOLN ARC WELDING FOUNDATION i it Pointing S00 Sune 166 "Toeh Prag Marc 198 Special acknowledgments herewith made to Watson N. Nordquist, who has contributed much tothe elting and organization of the ante fom which his anal hs ben prepared Trustees of the Foun EB Drees, Chain Columbus, Ohio. TV. Koyhia, Partner, Arter and Hadden, Cleveland, Ohio RC Palmer, Vice President, Central National Bak, ‘Cleveland, Ohio The Ohio State University, Officers: Seeretary—Richard'S. Sabo, Cleveland, Ohio brory of Congress Catalog Card Number: 65-29123 Printed in U.S.A. Permision to rpteduce any atrial contained herin willbe granted upon request, Brovided proper credit is given to The James F.Linctt Are Welding Pouncann, PO. Bor 17035, Cleveland, Oho, 44117 Copyright 1966 by The James F Lincoln Are Welding Foundation ‘The servicebilty of «product oF structure ulizing this type of information is and ‘must be the sole responsibility ofthe bulder/ser. Many variables beyond the conte of The Jes F: Linco Are Welding Foundation fect the results obtned i sping this ype ofinfrmation These variables include, bt are not ited to weldaey oe dure, plate chemistry and temperature, weldment design, fabrication meted ec) service requirements. PREFACE WELDED STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS have long been wed in. the suction of uilings bridges, and other structure. The fst welded builings ‘Sure erected inthe ‘ste greatest spplicaton being in low-level buldings of Taany pee The American Welling Society fst published! specifctions for trelded Bridges in 1996. But early progress came slowly. Daring that year, 1906, The James F. Lincoln Are Welding Foundation vas crated by The Lincoln Electrle Company to help advance the progress in Welaed desig and construction, Theough its award programs and educational TWevitie the Foundation provided an exchange of experience and gave impetus to the growing application of welding ‘Thus, within the last decade and particlary the past few yearn unitized welded design has become widely accepted for highse buildings and bridges sPReler proportions in adition fo the oad base of more modest structures ‘Now, the Foundation publishes this manual for further guidance and challnge to architects, structural engineers, fabricators and contracts who ial build the sructares of tomorrow and tothe educators who wall prepare Jone people for these professions ‘This material represents an interpretation 2m Pi accumulstcd experience of all who have participated in prior Foundation activities, The author has coordinated this with continuing study TTrcarent wing research conducted both in the United States and Europe Sie asain © background of prtcipation on various code-weiting commutes, Mach ofthe direct instructional information that resulted has Deen protested JNover 10 structural seminars attended by over 4000 engineers, “The production of this manual has spanned several years during which constant for was tae to eliminate eors. The author will appreiate having SSUST"0o hi stenton aay errs that Ive escaped his attention end tavites ‘Bre pavdence on subjects about which the reader may have questions. Nether the athor nor the publisher, however, can assume responsibility for the results (ansigners using Yalus aod formulas contained in the mansal sine s0 many wasablesalfact every design. ne “The James F. Lincoln Are Welding Foundation June 1968 CREDITS hr and the publi satel akg th pn isto le arto pee a Ali St Cogerton Nun N.Htian ion Se iC Hose Donan Bory Alon Sturt Sel Co, Iran Se Copan Aner ‘edge in, Stoo 4 Norn ro, US Sud Capertee ‘tel Enger tn Csr, fs ‘Aen tte of Se Contin Ker Stel ory ‘imme Sel tae Kms Cy Stu Stel Co. fern Welig Sc Fae M. Kens, Cooling Ener Iie Sage tin thigh Comtacton Corpus Isin'F Betsey Coston Co, Legh Use. Ptr Engng Labrtay ‘Bahnhom Fabisetng Go ober Charts aver arbace een Se Corton BC Noten Compas ftir Cony Nei ii ck on Te Galeri Nid Se ow Wes ier Site Bisson of Highways Naor Stl Weng Dinan ‘Son ely age ‘Geary nds ERCeapst chet ‘New England Consruton Magee tae Fest C'S Co Dinwale Constocton Company, Pits CurerOsbor, fc Beinn Ber Cony a eutshDe Na Stl Co RM Doran © ast Pert of New York Authority Deer Seta Se Go TrotectEapneing Magee ‘Bhmindsn,Kocendore & Kenedy epee Set Eng Epo Cony Mentone F Sue Eat Fist Sua Corporate Scie Sea Coston ae Fra Ses Company ‘Se foot latte Genel tee Cony, “Temmee Cu Pie Co “ntl Hewtng Bt Unita Ste Ste Caeatin eat R Gaon € Antes Vermin Seta See Ga ine Ste roc a, Rec Weidinger, Canaing Paina ity, listen Cont & Sion, Ine Wane gece Magne vera Go Wing Rocars Cin Hote Avocet Wot Cae Se eck wee Rb ae ‘Minor Yams Sith Hlacnan& Go {pcertin ijt ret th mer hs made gations wrk done by earlier investigators, to wit: a tah Be 5. Tino “hens Sonat of Metal Steere “Tier af Esti” MeGrowHll Book Got New Yon NY McGraw Hl Book Ca, New Yok Raymond Roxie 5 Toten ad. Woinway Kr “Formas fr Soy and Sis” “tery af Pater sl tte” MeGrll Boot Cor Now York N.¥ McGrew ta Book Ca, New Yk. ¥. ER Shnly $.Timsiolo snd Janes Gore ‘Surme of Mati” “rhe ef Huse Sabi” MeGriw Hit Book Go, Now Yosk, N.¥ MeGenw I Hook Cos New York. ¥, ‘ee puberty amine fom this and woud recite big adv abot ante eee at Other Books Published by THE JAMES F. LINCOLN ARC WELDING FOUNDATION Metale ond How to Weld Them. This dual parpose textbook and Teference manval clearly describes the internal stucure of metals and its relation to mechanical and physical properties and weldabity. The book thorougily dlacuses the metallorgial aspects of welding various rmotas used in Industry, desenbing welding processes and procedares that are applicable in each case. 400 pages, 198 utrations. $200 U.S.A. postpaid Modem Welded Structures, Vol. A behind the-cenes look at how noted architects, engineer and designers chose welded design to conomically improve the fonction and esthetic appeal of varied struc ture, Adapted from oustanding papers subaitted in the 1902 Awards Program for Progress n the Design of Are Welded Structures sponsored by The James F Lincola Are Welding Foundation, Each study relates the design peoblem, then tells and explane the solution found with sre-welded see. 150 pages, 39 illustrations. $200 U.S.A, postpaid, Modem Welded Structures, Vo. I. Welded design aspects of 64 exc. ing projects developed by some of the county's Jeading architects and tigjhco are described inthis book, These me tell you in their own ‘words how they approsched the design problem and solved it; how they Tpplied the latest cnoepts and techniques in arc-welded design snd construction to improve function, add beauty, lower costs, Stadies are ‘Sdapted fom the best entries in The James F. Lincoln Are Welding Foundation’s 1964 Awards Program for Progress in the Design of Are ‘Welded Stroctures. 280 pages, 358 lastrations. 8280 US.A., postpaid, Design of Weldments. Authoritative combined textbook and reference ‘manual describer in deta many design techniques for creating machin- ‘Gy designs in arcwelded stecl Much of this material not avaiable ‘BRowhere, Theoretical analysis and problem-solution examples explain how to design machinery components for manufacturing, ecopomies tnd improvement of product performance. 404 pages, 923 ilstrations, ‘pomographs and charts. §500 USA. postpaid. Overseas and Quantity Prices Available Upon Request The James F Uncala Aue Welding Found P78 toe 3638, Cleatnd, hi, 44107 TABLE OF Part One INTRODUCTION Part Two LOAD & STRESS ‘ANALYSIS Part Three COLUMN-RELATED DESIGN Port Four GIRDER-RELATED DESIGN CONTENTS WELDED-CONNECTION DESIGN Part MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURE DESIG! rt Seven JOINT DESIGN AND PRODUCTION rt Eight REFERENCE DESIGN FORMULAS LIST OF SYMBOLS AND DEFINITIONS saul aceon (calns/s) ‘lod unis of team curate (oot form tae 4 = bependlrdecton (in), bending (44) shew : ‘utara cpt or otto fn.) ‘shear sean Uin/an) Fecson to (tee 03 uml): anit ‘hear fice legs flee wel (in), ate of angle ton abot nr (nen) ‘St angular tw (ales Ich; ‘ted angle mle of voaton ‘al suey, tee or compreive (et: tong (pe) Bes) ae of aon (ane), ape tSpred gies any speed age rs of weton been lane where ri Ase‘ apt. ln; Tong of pate {in)e acedenton o delet (On If car dance btn ese steer‘ de in) 1 = ih ef etn in) dita ofr cone {er of ryt tlre a in| © = Gitano sestal ae fo exteme Ber (inj dance fe otro = dip f secton (a); moment arm force (i, die) ane wen {eof panty ot gine fangs (i) thar dance btwee gr Bag (i, ‘scmirty of sped ind in) ft ca {in (in), moment a of fe lo ieee ath (hero Fm pen we ind i = fre pe ln wad (I): hace ‘atl shear fre (Ibi): (vee) ‘ant ore (yi); allwebe tengh ‘lyn impreie sreagth of cnet (et) ‘oskeation of gry (388675) oe he a Soon on pene se ‘Sy teed etn ampli fate ‘Be ate moment of tanec cos of tion (a); He (mn); ne er (or) meray Femle modulus of sentence (ont) ; tin) arm ied oud (ye ich) Seek meat wm cet ‘sho entre wetion Cin} s(n); les of cotig ‘hy spe eonsant ‘med ely oso (pate volt te (ot) eh fect n shea (8) See dls ae) 1 = pal moment of ina (in); bet apt Tale wats) K = roel nina teem od fates = re leg of clans Tring meet (i) ‘reins pee nt = mb of sens ele mining Sen bas a cat in) ‘= toured ned (hs) ‘he etre! moment of cove plate Stes abe etal xo covered bay = fst (Bs): tonal etn of mem ts (in) lenges) Stee md (an) = He eer tig mas etm Sorel ‘ret ther aed (I): namo ‘ely; slime re seo (ai) sa) wg) el wih in) ‘ive bearing leh en tse slate (in) Piste ston ele int

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