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Shot list 2.

Scene Shot Shot Type/ Movement Subject Description Int/Ext Time

Angle of
8 1 Close up Still Shaun’s A shot of Shaun’s eyes in Int N/A
Eyes normal lighting then Shaun then
closes his eyes when he opens
them the light disappears and is
replaced with fog and a light
blue light.
8 2 Mid-shot Still Shaun Shaun as he looks shocked and Int N/A
looks around as he realises
where he is until he looks to the
right as if hearing a voice. Shot
from right centreish 45 degrees
8 3 Mid/wide Still Silhouette Shauns silhouette shrouded in Int N/A
shot fog making only his outline
visible with the rest of him
being black and out of focus
(also have the lights change
with his emotions, Dexter will
get it)
8 4 Mid-shot Still Shaun Repeat shot 2 “What? Who are Int N/A
8 5 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 “Now that’s a Int N/A
shot name I remember”
8 6 Mid shot Still Shaun Shot of Shaun from the Int N/A
complete right “I swear if
you’ve done anything”
8 7 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Similar to shot 3 but from a Int N/A
shot slight 45 degree angle from the
8 8 Wide shot Still Dean’s A wide shot of Dean’s body Int N/A
body lying on the ground.
8 9 Mid/close up Still Shaun An upward looking shot of Int N/A
Shaun as he looks over Deans
Dead body “Get up! Get up!
8 10 Mid shot Still Dean Over the shoulder shot of Dean Int N/A
as he bursts to life “Y..Y..You did
8 11 Close up Still Shaun Shauns face from over the Int N/A
shoulder of Dean as he reacts to
what Shaun is saying.
8 12 Wide shot Still Shaun Repeat shot 9 Int N/A
8 13 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 “Do you see what Int N/A
shot you’ve done”
8 14 Close up Still Shaun Repeat shot 11 as Shaun looks Int N/A
up to the right to the silhouette
8 15 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 “What you’ve Int N/A
shot caused”
8 16 Close up Still Shaun Repeat shot 11 “No, no I would Int N/A
never—what do you want from
8 17 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 “oh poor sweet Int N/A
shot Shaun”
8 18 Mid shot Still Shaun Repeat shot 2 “I don’t know” Int N/A
8 19 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 “All you have Int N/A
shot to…”
8 20 Mid shot Still Shaun 45 degree angle from the left of Int N/A
Shaun “What no I’m not going”
8 21 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 “If you’d just Int N/A
shot listen”
8 22 Mid/close- Still Shaun A shot from the complete right Int N/A
up of Shaun “No, you listen to
8 23 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 but have the Int N/A
shot silhouette look angry as the
blue lights turn into a dark red
as the figure makes erratic
movements “Fine then, stay
here repeating the same loop”
8 24 Mid/close- Still Shaun Repeat shot 22 “You stole Int N/A
up everything from me”
8 25 Mid/Wide Still Silhouette Repeat shot 3 but the red from Int N/A
shot shot free becomes an even
darker red before suddenly
becoming the light blue again to
symbolising calming down.
8 26 Mid/close- Still Shaun Repeat shot 22 “Wait how do I Int N/A
up get out of here”
8 27 Wide shot Still Shaun A of Shaun as he falls to his Int N/a
knees yelling before being cut
off by darkness from straight
ahead making him in the centre
yet bottom of frame.

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