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v. Civil Action No.: _______





1. Bay Valley Foods, LLC (“Bay Valley Foods”), by and for its Complaint

against Defendant Golding Farms Foods, Inc. (“Golding”), alleges to the Court as



2. Bay Valley Foods is a company organized and existing under the laws of

the State of Delaware with a principal place of business located at 2021 Spring Road,

Oak Brook, Illinois 60523.

3. Upon information and belief, Defendant Golding is a company organized

and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina with a principal place of

business located at 6061 Gun Club Road, Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103.


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4. This is an action for design patent infringement arising out of Golding’s

unauthorized offering for sale and selling salad dressing bottles in violation of Bay

Valley Foods’ patent rights. Because this is an action for infringement under the patent

laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. § 271, et seq., this Court has subject matter

jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338(a).

5. This Court has personal jurisdiction over Golding in that at all times

pertinent hereto, upon information and belief, Golding has had systematic activities in

this Judicial District and has committed and/or is committing infringing acts in North

Carolina and this District. More specifically, upon information and belief, Golding has

offered for sale and sold certain bottles, including the accused bottles, in this Judicial

District. In addition, upon information and belief, Golding is a corporation incorporated

in North Carolina and does business within this Judicial District.


6. Venue is proper in this Judicial District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b)

because Golding resides in this District and has committed acts of infringement as well as

has a regular and established place business in this District.




7. Bay Valley Foods’ history dates back to 1862 with the formation of Alart

and McGuire, a pioneer in the pickle industry. Alart and McGuire later became known as


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Dean Specialty Foods. In 2005, Dean Specialty Foods Group, LLC, was spun off from

Dean Foods and became Bay Valley Foods.

8. Today, Bay Valley Foods is one of the nation’s leading suppliers of pickles,

soup, salsa, peppers, relishes, aseptic sauces, powdered products, marinades, sauces, and

spreads, and is the single largest supplier of private label salad dressing in the United

States. Bay Valley Foods’ customers include domestic and international retail,

foodservice, and bulk and ingredient companies.


9. Bay Valley Foods is the assignee and owner of United States Design Patent

No. D743,800 (“the ’800 patent”), which covers an original and unique bottle design.

The ’800 patent, entitled “Bottle,” was duly and legally issued by the United States Patent

and Trademark Office on November 24, 2015, from Application Serial No. 29/447,904,

filed on March 7, 2013. A true and correct copy of the ’800 patent is attached hereto as

Exhibit A.

10. Bay Valley Foods is the assignee and owner of United States Design Patent

No. D825,339 (“the ’339 patent”), which covers an original and unique bottle design.

The ’339 patent, also entitled “Bottle,” was duly and legally issued by the United States

Patent and Trademark Office on August 14, 2018, from Application Serial No.

29/546,538, filed on November 23, 2015, which is a Continuation of the application that

issued into the ’800 patent. A true and correct copy of the ’339 patent is attached hereto

as Exhibit B.


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11. The ’800 patent and the ’339 patent are collectively referred to herein as the




12. After significant engineering and development expense, Bay Valley Foods

introduced bottles having the novel and distinctive designs embodied in the Patents-in-

Suit. An exemplary Bay Valley Foods bottle embodying the Patents-in-Suit is depicted

below alongside certain of the embodiments depicted in the Patents-in-Suit:

Bay Valley Foods Bottle ’800 patent ’339 patent


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Bay Valley Foods Bottle ’800 patent ’339 patent

Bay Valley Foods Bottle ’800 patent ’339 patent


Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1 Filed 05/16/19 Page 5 of 13

13. Bay Valley Foods has extensively promoted its bottles, and as a result of

their unique and distinctive designs, the Bay Valley Foods bottles have become

successful commercial products.


14. Bay Valley Foods owns the exclusive right, title, and interest in and to the

inventions claimed in the Patents-in-Suit.

15. Notwithstanding Bay Valley Foods’ rights, Golding, without permission or

authorization, has offered for sale and sold and, upon information and belief, is

continuing to offer for sale and sell to retailer(s) certain bottles which infringe at least one

claim of the Patents-in-Suit. The following are photographs of a representative

Infringing Bottle sold by Golding:

Golding Bottle Golding Bottle Golding Bottle


Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1 Filed 05/16/19 Page 6 of 13

Bay Valley Foods Bottle Golding Bottle

Golding’s bottle and all other similarly appearing bottles are herein referred to

collectively as the “Infringing Bottles.”

16. Upon information and belief, Golding continues to offer for sale and sell

the Infringing Bottles and continues to deliberately and willfully infringe the Patents-in-

Suit in violation of Bay Valley Foods’ rights.



17. Bay Valley Foods repeats and realleges each and every allegation

containing in paragraphs 1-16, inclusive, as though fully set forth herein.

18. The ’800 patent is valid and enforceable.


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19. Bay Valley Foods is the owner of all right, title, and interest in and to the

designs covered by the ’800 patent, and Bay Valley Foods is entitled to receive all

damages and the benefits of all other remedies for Golding’s infringement.

20. Without permission or authorization from Bay Valley Foods, Golding has

offered for sale and sold and, upon information and belief, continues to offer for sale and

sell products including, without limitation, the Infringing Bottles, which infringe the ’800


21. Figures 1, 2, and 5 from the ’800 patent illustrate one of the claimed

ornamental designs for a bottle:

22. Golding’s Infringing Bottles contain each and every aspect of the claimed

designs in the ’800 patent.


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23. Golding’s Infringing Bottles have an overall appearance that is

substantially similar to the claimed designs in the ’800 patent.

24. Upon information and belief, Golding has had actual notice of the ’800

patent since at least May 13, 2019.

25. Upon information and belief, Golding’s infringement of the ’800 patent has

been and continues to be willful.

26. Golding’s conduct has caused and will continue to cause Bay Valley Foods

substantial damage, including irreparable harm, for which Bay Valley Foods has no

adequate remedy at law, unless and until Golding is enjoined from infringing the ’800




27. Bay Valley Foods repeats and realleges each and every allegation

containing in paragraphs 1-26, inclusive, as though fully set forth herein.

28. The ’339 patent is valid and enforceable.

29. Bay Valley Foods is the owner of all right, title, and interest in and to the

designs covered by the ’339 patent, and Bay Valley Foods is entitled to receive all

damages and the benefits of all other remedies for Golding’s infringement.

30. Without permission or authorization from Bay Valley Foods, Golding has

offered for sale and sold and, upon information and belief, continues to offer for sale and

sell products including, without limitation, the Infringing Bottles, which infringe the ’339


Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1 Filed 05/16/19 Page 9 of 13

31. Figures 1, 2, and 5 from the ’339 patent illustrates one of the claimed

ornamental designs for a bottle:

32. Golding’s Infringing Bottles contain each and every aspect of the claimed

designs in the ’339 patent.

33. Golding’s Infringing Bottles have an overall appearance that is

substantially similar to the claimed designs in the ’339 patent.

34. Upon information and belief, Golding has had actual notice of the ’339

patent since at least May 13, 2019.

35. Upon information and belief, Golding’s infringement of the ’339 patent has

been and continues to be willful.

36. Golding’s conduct has caused and will continue to cause Bay Valley Foods

substantial damage, including irreparable harm, for which Bay Valley Foods has no


Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1 Filed 05/16/19 Page 10 of 13

adequate remedy at law, unless and until Golding is enjoined from infringing the ’339



WHEREFORE, Bay Valley Foods respectfully prays for entry of a judgment and

relief as follows:

A. For a judgment that Golding has infringed the ’800 and ’339 patents;

B. For a preliminary and permanent injunction enjoining Golding and its

agents, officers, directors, employees, and all persons in privity or active concert or

participation with them, directly or indirectly, from infringing, inducing others to

infringe, or contributing to the infringement of the ’800 and ’339 patents;

C. For a judgment and award that Golding account for and pay to Bay Valley

Foods damages adequate to compensate for Golding’s infringement of the ’800 and ’339

patents, including lost profits, but in no event less than a reasonable royalty;

D. For a judgment and award of Golding’s total profits in an amount subject to

proof at trial, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 289;

E. For a judgment and award of any supplemental damages sustained by Bay

Valley Foods for any continuing post-verdict infringement of the ’800 and ’339 patents

until entry of final judgment with an accounting as needed;

F. For a finding that Golding’s infringement is willful and an award of

increase damages for willful infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284;

G. For an order finding that this case is an exceptional case under 35 U.S.C.

§ 285 and awarding Bay Valley Foods its costs, expenses, and disbursements incurred in

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this action, including reasonable attorneys’ fees as available by law to be paid by


H. For an award of pre-judgment interest, post-judgment interest, and costs in

this action; and

I. For an award of such other relief to Bay Valley Foods as this Court deems

just and proper.


Bay Valley Foods demands a trial by jury on all issues so triable.


Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1 Filed 05/16/19 Page 12 of 13

Dated: May 16, 2019
By: /s/ Andrew J. Gerber
Andrew J. Gerber
North Carolina Bar No. 16635
Gerber Law Firm, PLLC
102 W. 3rd Street, Suite 480
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Telephone: 336.773.1324

Of Counsel:

Kadie M. Jelenchick
Wisconsin Bar No. 1056506, special
appearance to be entered
Sarah E. Rieger
Wisconsin Bar No. 1112873, special
appearance to be entered
Foley & Lardner LLP
777 East Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202-5306
Telephone: 414.271.2400

Attorneys for Plaintiff Bay Valley

Foods, LLC


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(12) United States Design Patent (10) Patent No.: US D743,800S

Whisler et al. (45) Date of Patent: . Nov. 24, 2015

(54) BOTTLE D352,461 S 11/1994 Flanagan et al.

D365,752 S 1/1996 Flanagan-Boos et al.
D369,979 S 5/1996 Krampe et al.
(71) Applicant: Bay Valley Foods LLC, Oak Brook, IL D375,900 S 11/1996 DeVore
(US) D384,890 S 10/1997 Goldman
D405,000 S 2f1999 Mikol et al.
(72) Inventors: Randy Whisler, North East, PA (US); D416,791 S 11/1999 Albrecht et al.
Dan Vandenbeukel, Stone Creek CA D419,061 S * 1/2000 Croft et al. ..................... D9,542
(US); Michelle Joller, Cranberry (Continued)
Township, PA (US); Mark Beskid, Erie,
Lesley Corker, Atlanta, GA (US); CA 89.905 T 2000
(US);East Dy
Ryan Healy, Chicago, S.
IL (US) CA 90392(Continued)
9, 2000
(73) Assignee: Ryally Foods, LLC, Oak Brook, IL OTHER PUBLICATIONS
U.S. Appl. No. 29/447,897, filed Mar. 7, 2013, Beauchanpet al.
(**) Term: 14 Years (Continued)
21) Appl. No.: 29/447,904
(21) Appl. No 9 Primary Examiner — Dana L. Meyrow
(22) Filed: Mar. 7, 2013 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Foley & Lardner LLP
(51) LOC (10) Cl. ................................................ O9-O1 (57) CLAM
(52) U.S. Cl. We claim the ornamental design9. for a bottle, as shown and
USPC ............................................. D9/542; D9/563 described.
(58) Field of Classification Search
USPC .......... D9/516,530, 541-543,549–550,552, DESCRIPTION
D9/556, 558,563, 565, 569,571, 574, 715,
D97719 FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a bottle showing our new
CPC .......... B65D 1700; B65D 1/02: B65D 1/0223: design.
B65D 23/00, B65D 81/00, B65D 2501/00, FIG. 2 is a front view thereof.
B65D 2501/009; B65D 2501/0081 FIG. 3 is a back view thereof.
See application file for complete search history. FIG. 4 is a left side view thereof;
FIG. 5 is right side view thereof;
(56) References Cited FIG. 6 is a top view thereof; and,
FIG. 7 is a bottom view thereof.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The evenly-dashed broken lines in the drawings illustrate the
ck portions of the design that form no part of the claim. The
R; k s 38. Sins, Jr. .................... D9.529 dot-dashbroken lines in the drawings define the bounds of the
D262.778 S : 1/1982 Brittet al. ... D9/542 claim and form no part thereof.
D308,483 S 6, 1990 Weckman
D310,964 S 10, 1990 Weckman 1 Claim, 5 Drawing Sheets

Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1-1 Filed 05/16/19 Page 2 of 8

US D743,800 S
Page 2


U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS CA 91814 3, 2001
CA 91815 3, 2001
D427,914 S * 7/2000 Croft et al. ..................... D9,542 CA 91816 3, 2001
D428,342 S 7, 2000 Stoller CA 92.931 T 2001
D446,127 S 8, 2001 Adee et al. CA 113115 3, 2007
D446,128 S 8, 2001 Adee et al. CA 116375 7/2007
D446,730 S 8, 2001 Adee et al. CA 2592751 12/2007
D450,596 S 11/2001 Adee et al. CA 117863 1, 2008
D452,159 S 12/2001 Belser et al. CA 115690 4/2008
6,637,613 B2 * 10/2003 Shimada et al. .............. 215.382 CA 121716 5, 2008
D484,808 S 1/2004 Thierjung et al. CA 126O77 12/2008
D495,609 S 9, 2004 Wurster CA 127625 T 2009
D503,627 S 4/2005 Johnston et al. CA 132762 6, 2010
D526,569 S 8, 2006 Wurster et al. CA 132031 11, 2010
D529,814 S 10, 2006 Winkler et al. CA 132032 11, 2010
D536,619 S * 2/2007 Heisner .......................... D9,541 CA 135 004 11, 2010
D545,195 S * 6/2007 Costello et al. D9,516 CA 137855 6, 2011
D545,196 S * 6/2007 Costello et al. ................ D9,516 CA 1394.10 9, 2011
D546,189 S 7/2007 Costello et al. CA 1394.08 10, 2011
D555,500 S 11/2007 Johnston et al. MX 16570 T 2004
7,296,702 B2 * 1 1/2007 Tanaka et al. ................. 215,383 MX 23562 9, 2007
D556.578 S * 12/2007 Costello et al. . D9/516 MX 23.988 10/2007
D568,164 S 5/2008 Dodge et al. MX 24084 10/2007
D569,733 S 5/2008 Dodge et al. MX 31005 5, 2010
D584,634 S 1/2009 Perez et al. MX 31,144 6, 2010
D584,635 S 1, 2009 Mont MX 3.1497 T 2010
gomery MX 32.185 11, 2010
D585.746 S 2/2009 Dodge
9. et all MX 34344 B 9, 2011
D585,747 S 2/2009 Dodge et al. MX 35979 3, 2012
D585,755 S 2/2009 Dodge et al.
D598.292 S * 8/2009 Rivard et al. ................... D9.543 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
D611,347 S 3/2010 Dodge et al.
D611,820 S 3/2010 Dodge et al. U.S. Appl. No. 29/448,172, filed Mar. 11, 2013, Halloran et al.
D616,756 S * 6/2010 Schlies et al. .................. D9,542 Picture of Hidden Valley the Original Ranch Light Salad Dressing
D622,146 S 8/2010 Wheaton et al. Bottle, https://graphics. Sams
D626,002 S 10/2010 Charyszyn et al. 00071 10000607 L4.jpg, Aug. 4, 2009.
D642,066 S 7/2011 Kuzma et al. Photograph of Kraft Ranch Dressing and Dip Bottles taken at Foley
D645,356 S 9, 2011 Wheaton et al. & Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D649,060 S 11/2011 Wheaton et al. Photograph of Hidden Valley Ranch Old-Fashioned Buttermilk
D653,116 S * 1/2012 McMahon et al. ............. D9,542 Dressing Bottle taken at Foley & Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D653,555 S 2/2012 Kelly et al. Photograph of Kraft Creamy French Dressing Bottle taken at Foley &
D653,955 S * 2/2012 Labadie et al. D9,542 Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D659,544 S * 5/2012 Labadie et al. D9,542 “Introducing Amcor's Curvaceously New Lightweight,” advertise
D670,172 S * 1 1/2012 Bruscha et al. D9,542 ment regarding new 16oz Dressing PET Bottle, Amcor, Apr. 2, 2010.
D690,601 S. * 10/2013 Bryant et al. .. D9,542 Photograph of Kraft Creamy Poppysead Dressing Bottle taken at
D690,602 S * 10/2013 Bryant et al. ..................
D9,542 Foley & Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D697.415 S * 1/2014 Bryant et al. ..................
RE45,022 E * 7/2014 Graham et al. ................ D9,540 * cited by examiner

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U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2015 Sheet 1 of 5 US D743,800S

FIG. 1

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U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2015 Sheet 2 of 5 US D743,800S


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U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2015 Sheet 3 of 5 US D743,800S

FIG. 3

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U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2015 Sheet 4 of 5 US D743,800S

FIG. 4 FIG. 5

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U.S. Patent Nov. 24, 2015 Sheet 5 of 5 US D743,800S

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(ΐ2) United States Design Patent αο) Patent no.: US D825,339 S

Whisler et al. (45) Date of Patent: ** Aug. 14, 2018

(54) BOTTLE (56) References Cited

(71) Applicant: Bay Valley Foods LLC, Oak Brook, IL U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US) D234,911 S 4/1975 Stevens, Jr.
D262,356 S 12/1981 Kretz
(72) Inventors: Randy Whisler, North East, PA (US); D262,778 S 1/1982 Britt et al.
Dan Vandenbeukel, Stoney Creek D308,483 S 6/1990 Weckman
D310,964 S 10/1990 Weckman
(CA); Michelle Joller, Cranberry D352,461 S 11/1994 Flanagan et al.
Township, PA (US); Mark Beskid, (Continued)
Erie, PA (US); Edwin Li, Markham
(US); Laura Flanagan-Kent, Decatur,
CA 89905 7/2000
GA (US); Ryan Healy, Chicago, IL CA 90392 9/2000
(US) (Continued)
Brook, IL (US)
“Introducing Amcor’s Curvaceously New Lightweight,” advertise­
(**) Term: 15 Years ment regarding new 16οζ Dressing Pet Bottle, Amcor, Apr. 2, 2010.
(21) Appl. No.: 29/546,538
Primary Examiner — Dana L Meyrow
(22) Filed: Nov. 23, 2015 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Foley & Lardner LLP
(57) CLAIM
We claim the ornamental design for a bottle, as shown and
Related U.S. Application Data described.
(63) Continuation of application No. 29/447,904, filed on
Mar. 7, 2013, now Pat. No. Des. 743,800. FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a bottle showing our new
(51) LOC (11) Cl.................................................. 09-01 design;
FIG. 2 is a front view thereof;
(52) U.S. Cl.
FIG. 3 is a back view thereof;
USPC .............................. D9/516; D9/542; D9/563 FIG. 4 is a left side view thereof;
(58) Field of Classification Search FIG. 5 is right side view thereof;
USPC ........ D9/516, 530, 541-543, 549-550, 556, FIG. 6 is a top view thereof; and,
D9/558, 563, 569, 571, 574, 715, 719 FIG. 7 is a bottom view thereof.
CPC ......... B65D 1/00; B65D 1/02; B65D 1/0223; The evenly-dashed broken lines in the drawings illustrate the
portions of the bottle that form no part of the claim. The
B65D 23/00; B65D 81/00; B65D dot-dash broken lines in the drawings define the bounds of
2501/00; B65D 2501/009; B65D the claim and form no part thereof.
See application file for complete search history. 1 Claim, 5 Drawing Sheets

Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1-2 Filed 05/16/19 Page 2 of 8

US ϋ825,339 S
Page 2

(56) References Cited D744,348 S * 12/2015 Beauchamp ..................... D9/542

D758,873 S * 6/2016 Appendini D9/516
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS D'04.299 S * 8/2016 Appendini D9/530

D365,752 S 1/1996 Flanagan-Boos et al. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS

D369,979 S 5/1996 Krampe et al.
D375,900 S 11/1996 Devore CA 91814 3/2001
D384,890 S 10/1997 Goldman CA 91815 3/2001
D405,000 S 2/1999 Mikol et al. CA 91816 3/2001
D416,791 S 11/1999 Albrecht et al. CA 92931 7/2001
D419,061 S 1/2000 Croft et al. CA 113115 3/2007
D427,914 S 7/2000 Croft et al. CA 116375 7/2007
D428,342 S 7/2000 Stoller CA 2592751 12/2007
D446,127 S 8/2001 Adee et al. CA 117863 1/2008
D446,128 S 8/2001 Adee et al. CA 115690 4/2008
D446,730 S 8/2001 Adee et al. CA 121716 5/2008
D450,596 S 11/2001 Adee et al. CA 126077 12/2008
D452,159 S 12/2001 Belser et al. CA 127625 7/2009
6,637,613 Β2 10/2003 Shimada et al. CA 132762 6/2010
D484,808 S 1/2004 Thierjung et al. CA 132031 11/2010
D495,609 S 9/2004 Wurster CA 132032 11/2010
D498,680 s 11/2004 Cleary CA 135004 11/2010
D503,627 s 4/2005 Johnston et al. CA 137855 6/2011
D511,970 s 11/2005 Cleary CA 139410 9/2011
D526,569 s 8/2006 Wurster et al. CA 139408 10/2011
D529,814 s 10/2006 Winkler et al. MX 16570 7/2004
D536,619 s 2/2007 Heisner MX 23562 9/2007
D539,659 s 4/2007 Cleary et al. MX 23988 10/2007
D545,195 s 6/2007 Costello et al. MX 24084 10/2007
D545,196 s 6/2007 Costello et al. MX 31005 5/2010
D546,189 s 7/2007 Costello et al. MX 31144 6/2010
D555,500 s 11/2007 Johnston et al. MX 31497 7/2010
7,296,702 Β2 11/2007 Tanaka et al. MX 32185 11/2010
D556,578 s 12/2007 Costello et al. MX 34344 Β 9/2011
D568,164 s 5/2008 Dodge et al. MX 35979 3/2012
D569,733 s 5/2008 Dodge et al.
D584,634 s 1/2009 Perez et al.
D584,635 s 1/2009 Montgomery OTHER PUBLICATIONS
D585,746 s 2/2009 Dodge et al.
D585,747 s 2/2009 Dodge et al. Photograph of Hidden Valley Ranch Old-Fashioned Buttermilk
D585,755 s 2/2009 Dodge et al. Dressing Bottle taken at Foley & Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30,
D598,292 s 8/2009 Rivard et al. 2010.
D600,563 s 9/2009 Rivard et al. Photograph of Kraft Creamy French Dressing Bottle taken at Foley
D611,347 s 3/2010 Dodge et al. & Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D611,820 s 3/2010 Dodge et al. Photograph of Kraft Tartar Sauce Bottle taken at Foley & Lardner
D616,756 s 6/2010 Schlies et al. LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D622,146 s 8/2010 Wheaton et al. Photograph of Kraft Creamy Poppysead Dressing Bottle taken at
D626,002 s 10/2010 Charyszyn et al. Foley & Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D642,066 s 7/2011 Kuzma et al. Photograph of Kraft Ranch Dressing and Dip Bottles taken at Foley
D645,356 s 9/2011 Wheaton et al. & Lardner LLP prior to Sep. 30, 2010.
D649,060 s 11/2011 Wheaton et al. Picture of Hidden Valley the Original Ranch Light Salad Dressing
D649,473 s * 11/2011 Zach ................................ D9/563 Bottle,
D653,116 s 1/2012 McMahon et al.
0007110000607_L4.jpg, Aug. 4, 2009.
D653,555 s 2/2012 Kelly et al.
U.S. Notice of Allowance for U.S. Appl. No. 29/447,904, dated Jul.
D653,955 s 2/2012 Labadie et al.
23, 2015, 7 pages.
D659,544 s 5/2012 Labadie et al.
U.S. Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 29/447,904, dated Apr. 3,
D670,172 s 11/2012 Bmscha et al.
D690,601 s 10/2013 Bryant et al. 2015, 13 pages.
D690,602 s 10/2013 Bryant et al. U.S. Notice of Allowance for U.S. Appl. No. 29/448,172, dated Jul.
D697,415 s 1/2014 Bryant et al. 22, 2015, 7 pages.
RE45,022 Ε 7/2014 Graham et al. U.S. Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 29/448,172, dated Apr. 3,
D729,631 s =1= 5/2015 Kuzma ........................ ... D9/542 2015, 13 pages.
D737,682 s =1= 9/2015 Gutekunst .................... ... D9/522 U.S. Notice of Allowance for U.S. Appl. No. 29/447,897, dated Jul.
D740,125 s =1= 10/2015 Kuzma ........................ ... D9/542 23, 2015, 8 pages.
D740,677 s =1= 10/2015 Kuzma ........................ ... D9/542 U.S. Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 29/447,897, dated Apr. 2,
D742,748 s =1= 11/2015 Kuzma ........................ ... D9/542 2015, 13 pages.
D743,800 s =1= 11/2015 Whisler ....................... ... D9/542
D743,801 s =1= 11/2015 Halloran ...................... ... D9/542 * cited by examiner

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U.S. Patent Aug. 14,20ΐ8 Sheet 1 of 5 US D825,339 S

FIG. 1

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FIG. 2

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U.S. Patent Aug. 14, 2018 Sheet 3 of 5 US D825,339 S

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U.S. Patent Aug. 14, 2018 Sheet 4 of 5 US D825,339 S

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Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1-2 Filed 05/16/19 Page 7 of 8

U.S. Patent Aug. 14,20ΐ8 Sheet 5 of 5 US D825,339 S

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Case 1:19-cv-00514 Document 1-2 Filed 05/16/19 Page 8 of 8

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