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Week of 1/21/19

This semester I have the same mentor and I am planning on building a more professional with my
mentor to have more knowledge over my next project topic. My first day back was awesome. I got to
see some circumcision being done which I haven’t seen since my first-time last semester and was able to
help out by calming the newborns during the procedure and redressing them and wrapping them up in
the blankets after they were done.

Week of 1/28/19

This semester I plan on doing the effects of drug uses during pregnancy and the affects after the baby is
born. I think my mentorship will be very helpful for my topic because it is a issue right now and there is a
lot of information over it. I am thinking about doing a pamphlet on the dangers of using drug while
pregnant and while breastfeeding. I am thinking about doing this project different by making it more of
an informational for upcoming mothers.

Week of 2/4/19

My mentor played a big part in deciding my project topic. I have three things I wanted to do for my
project, and she told me to go with the drugs effects on newborns one, then she gave me a bunch of
information about taking drugs when pregnant and what each drug can do. This week I did not go to my
mentor ship but am planning on going this weekend.

Week of 2/11/19

Something new I did at my mentorship this week was to follow another pedantic nurse practitioner
instant of my assigned mentor. My mentor had to leave early the day I went to the hospital so to get
enough hours in that day I followed someone else. I found this very interesting because I got to see the
way the other nurse practitioner does her job. Between my mentor and the other nurse practitioner the
way the worked was a different, because one she is a little more comfortable talking to the people and
the other, she really tries to make sure I learn what she is doing. Although I didn’t work with the other
nurse practitioner for very long and did not do all the same things I have done with my mentor, but it led
me to be more open to learning from other people. I for sure want to work with the other nurse
practitioner again and see more of how she does the job then my mentor. For the next time I go I want
to go really early in the morning to see the difference from morning/mid-day to early mornings and
what is done then that isn’t done when I am there.
Week of 2/18/19

On my mid-term presentation I think I put a good amount of effort in to it. Some of the sides I put more
as a place marker to expand on for my final presentation. I made a new power point rather than using
my last one because I did not have the mid-term presentation because I made it in to the final
presentation. I didn’t mind making a whole other presentation because I just went on to my weebly and
used the outline of that to make my new mid-term presentation. My mentor didn’t really have any input
on my mid-term presentation because I did not see her this past weekend and have not showed her my
presentation yet. For my final draft mid-term presentation, I will be able to finish quickly because I have
a lot done already and all I need to do is fill in the place markers that I put blank slides for. For the first
draft of my mid-term presentation I didn’t do some of the things that were on the rubric, but I think I
have all the slides that I need to finish. This coming week I need to get 7 hours of mentorship hours, so
that should be fun.

Week of 2/25/19

What interested me the most about my field is how much goes in to being a pediatric nurse practitioner
and all the responsibilities they have. This time a mentor ship I went a little more earlier then I usually
do and I saw a lot of different things. I saw more of the morning routine and how many babies they
check up on again the next day. About my project topic it really interests me about all the effects the
drugs have on the babies in and out the womb. It’s kind of sad that a mother would do that to the baby
knowingly that they are hurting them. I found it really surprising to me that only in a few states it counts
as child abuse to take drugs when pregnant. Three new things a learned about the field is how
complicated the hospital working life is with a bunch of new rules that not everyone knows and how
hard commination is between two areas. One other new thing I learn is how different everyday can be
and no day will be the same, you will always have something new. Also I learned that two different
nurse practitioners have different techniques for how they do thing.

Week of 3/18/19

I think my greatest strength is how interested I am over my project topic. I want to know a lot about my
project topic because it is such a huge deal in the world today, as I am doing my research it is so
surprising to me of how it is such a problem. I think my biggest weakness is my procrastination to get my
work done. I am going to try to start dedicating a certain time to do my project work and make sure it
gets done and to dedicate myself in my plans to go to my mentorship. This will help me get my hours in
and get more done each day. To strengthen my weakness, the most I need to put my school stuff in
order, not only ISM but all my classes, so I plan out when and how long it will take to complete.
Week of 3/25/19

I did not go to my mentor this past week but while doing my research I have learn a lot about the drug
use of pregnant women and breastfeeding women. Something new that I have learned is that the
different ways of the drug getting in your system can affect the baby in different way as well, like if it
goes straight to your bloodstream it will go to the placenta to the baby, but if it is a pill it does not go
straight to the baby but eventually will. This is helpful because it is something I can talk about in my final
presentation. Learning about what all the different drugs do to the baby in the womb could help me
later in life when I assist a patient that is pregnant that took drugs during pregnancy. I like learning
about this stuff because it is very interesting to me how much it can affect the baby.

Week of 4/1/19

During my mentorship this year I think the most enjoyable thing is working with the babies. When I am
at my mentorship sometimes, we go to the newborn intensive care unit and I get to help feed, wash,
change, and hold the babies back there. I also enjoy just being at the hospital itself, the environment
and vibe it brings. Usually I don’t like hospitals, like ER rooms makes me shaky, but the neonatal floors I
just love because of the newborns of course. I think my least enjoyable thing in mentorship is the slow
days. As much as I love being there, when there’s nothing to do but chart, which I can’t help with, it gets
a little slow, but I always think of it has it just part of the job. And my mentor is so sweet and tries her
best to keep things interesting. Overall, I love mentorship and will miss it very much when its over.

Week of 4/8/19

This week at mentorship I did a lot. I followed another nurse practitioner because my mentor was not
there this weekend, so I went in a little earlier then I usually do, and I got to see the morning rounds
which was pretty busy. After that there wasn’t too much for me to do with the other nurse practitioner,
so I went to go see what one of the neonatal nurse practitioners does, which I learned what total
isolation is for a baby so that was pretty cool to be able to see. After that I went to the see what labor
and delivery nurses do and they do a lot and are constantly on their feet all the time and have a lot to
deal with at a once. I then went to the pediatric floor to spend time with the sick kids they have there,
and they were so cute. For my presentation I do still need to put a little more together and for my
product I need to finish it up and have it printed. For my presentation date I need to sort out the extra
stuff like snacks and what I am going to say.
Week of 4/15/19

In my most resent mentorship experience I learned a lot about breastfeeding and what lactation nurses
do to help the new mothers. I learned that most women have the same problem with breastfeeding
because they don’t know the basic of breastfeeding. I also learned about how induced labor or early
labor affects the baby on how they breastfeed because they are less mature, and the mother’s milk
might have not come in yet, so it is difficult to breastfeed. I also learned that the nurses make the first
few appointments for the baby, and if the baby was breeched, they see an orthopedic after 6 weeks of
life to make sure their hips are in place. This time at mentorship I was able to see another C-section and
a few more circumcision. I also saw the importance of knowing the mothers medical background for the
baby’s health. This time at mentorship I went for 8 hours which was a lot and very tiring. I didn’t expect
it to be so tiring, but it was. This was also my last time at mentorship because it is the last week of
mentorship and I wasn’t gonna be able to go this coming week or weekend, so I completed my hours.

Week of 4/22/19

Unfortunately, I was unable to go to my mentorship this past week because my mentor didn’t work over
the weekend. But overall I think this semester went very well, I feel like this semester I was really able to
plan out when I was going to mentorship better than last semester. This semester I wasn’t able to learn
as much about my project topic as I was last semester over that project topic, but I was still able to learn
a lot from my mentor. Overall, I was able to learn a lot about what my mentor does and how to get to
that points. I learned that this is really something I am interested in doing as a career when I get older. It
really aloud me to figure out what I need to do after high school and what schooling I need to do to
become a pediatric nurse practitioner.

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