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Star Reporter John Escott

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4 Match A with B to make complete sentences.
a The story takes place in America. A

b Marietta is tall with black hair. 1 Marietta needs film . . .
c Marietta falls into the fountain. 2 Steve needs to take his books . . .
d Steve crashes his car at the gas station. 3 The children are waiting in the library . . .
e Some books fall on Steve’s head. 4 Steve drops his drink . . .

f Steve’s father needs a story for the Cado 5 Steve wants to meet Marietta . . .
Star. B
g Marietta wants to write a story for the a because he is looking at Marietta.
Cado Star. b because he thinks she is beautiful.
h Steve tries to rescue a cat from a tree. c because her camera is empty.
i Mr Ritchie helps Steve out of the water. d because his mother asks him.
j Steve and Marietta become good friends. e because they want to listen to a story.

20 marks 25 Marks

2 Match a word from A with a definition from B. 5 Fill in the gaps using: falls, friends, gives, is climbing,
A sees, sells, visit, write
1 reporter At the end of the story, Steve goes to ................
2 editor Bud Ritchie. Steve wants to ................ a story
3 newspaper about his travels. Suddenly, in the middle of Bud’s
4 library stories, Steve ................ a cat up a tree. It can’t
5 sell get down. Steve wants to help it. But when he
B ................ up the tree, he ................ into the pond.
a something where you can read about the things Marietta helps Steve to get out of the water. She
that are happening every day ................ the photos to the Cado Star and he
b give someone something, and get money for it ................ his father a story for the newspaper.
c someone who gets a newspaper ready to read Marietta and Steve are now good ................ .
d someone who writes for a newspaper
e a place where you can borrow books 25 marks

10 marks
Total marks

3 Who says this? Who do they say it to? Ned, the reit
family, Marietta, Steve, Mr ritchie, Pattie
a ‘Ted Seymour is ill. He can’t work this
................ says this to ................
b ‘Next time look at your drink…!’
................ says this to ................
c ‘Do you buy photographs for the
................ says this to ................
d ‘Now I’m back in dear old Cado again.’
................ says this to ................
e ‘You’re not having a good day!’
................ says this to ................

20 marks

oxford bookworms library StArter 11 © oxford university press photocopiable

Star Reporter John Escott

Setting 15 Marietta is _____, with red hair and a nice

Choose the best answer.
a F old b F new c F interesting d F tall
1 Joe and Steve are _____. 16 Marietta wants _____ to buy some photographs.
a F brothers b F friends c F librarians a F Steve b F Ned Reit c F Mr Ritchie
d F editors d F Mr Pickett
2 Tom Seymour can’t _____ this week. 17 Bud Ritchie is Marietta’s _____.
a F work b F talk c F wait d F read a F father b F editor c F friend
3 Steve thinks Marietta is very _____. d F reporter
a F old b F interesting c F beautiful 18 Bud Ritchie is _____.
d F new a F a writer b F a reporter
4 The horses are _____. c F an editor d F a librarian
a F interesting b F old c F exciting 19 _____ brings Steve an orange juice.
d F beautiful a F Marietta b F Mr Pickett c F Joe
5 Ned Reit wants something _____ for the d F Pattie
M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E

newspaper 20 Mr Ritchie tells _____ about his time away.

a F interesting b F happy c F old a F Marietta b F Steve c F Ned Reit
d F beautiful d F Mr Pickett
6 Steve needs some _____ for the car.

a F orange juice b F photographs 20 marks

c F film d F gas
7 Marietta needs some _____ for the camera.
a F gas b F film c F newspaper Dialogue
d F photographs
Who says this?
8 The librarian is reading to the _____.
21 ‘Listen, there’s a new girl in town!’
a F reporters b F children c F editors
a F Joe b F Steve c F Mr Pickett
d F teachers
d F Bud Ritchie
9 The Cado Star is Cado’s weekly _____.
22 ‘I need to find something interesting for this
a F newspaper b F library c F book
week’s newspaper.’
d F car
a F Joe b F Marietta c F Ned Reit
10 Marietta wants to sell _____ to the Cado Star.
d F Pattie
a F gas b F horses c F photographs
23 ‘I don’t like this. My jeans are wet.’
d F cars
a F Joe b F Marietta c F Steve
20 marks d F Ned Reit
24 ‘Who is that boy?’
a F Mr Pickett b F Joe c F Steve
Characters d F Marietta
25 ‘Can I take some pictures?’
Choose the best answer.
a F Marietta b F Steve c F Joe
11 Steve is _____. d F Ted Seymour
a F an editor b F a reporter 26 ‘Hi, Pattie. Bring me an orange juice, please.’
c F a librarian d F a writer a F Steve b F Marietta c F Joe
12 Steve and _____ are best friends d F Mr Pickett
a F Pattie b F Marietta c F Joe 27 ‘By tomorrow.’
d F Mr Ritchie a F Steve b F Ned Reit c F Marietta
13 Ned Reit is Steve’s _____. d F Joe
a F father b F friend c F reporter 28 ‘Who’s that girl?’
d F mother a F Marietta b F Joe c F Mr Ritchie
14 Ned Reit is the _____ of Cado Star. d F Steve
a F librarian b F editor c F writer
d F reporter

oxford bookworms library StArter 40 © oxford university press photocopiable

Star Reporter John Escott

29 ‘What are you? A newspaper reporter?’ 42 Ted Seymour is the only _____.
a F Ned Reit b F Marietta a F librarian b F reporter c F editor
c F Mr Ritchie d F Steve d F friend
30 ‘I think I’ve got a good picture.’ 43 _____ wants to get some good pictures.
a F Mr Ritchie b F Steve a F Marietta b F Joe c F Ted d F Steve
c F Mr Pickett d F Marietta 44 _____ wants to find something interesting for
the newspaper.
20 marks a F Steve b F Ted c F Joe
d F Mr Ritchie
45 Mr Pickett shows Steve some _____ Stars.
Vocabulary a F old b F new c F beautiful d F dear
Choose the best answer. 46 Steve wants to make Dad _____.
31 the thing you put in a camera to take a F happy b F old c F wet d F dry
photographs 47 Steve asks Mr Ritchie for _____ and pen.
a F library b F gas c F film a F photographs b F newspapers

M U LT I P L E - C H O I C E
d F newspaper c F paper d F orange juice
32 someone who writes for a newspaper 48 Steve gets the _____ down from the tree.
a F reporter b F girl c F boy a F camera b F librarian c F horse
d F librarian d F cat

33 paper where you can read about the things that 49 Marietta takes _____ photographs.
happen everyday a F good b F old c F world d F bad
a F book b F town c F shush 50 Steve gets _____ and the cat stays dry.
d F newspaper a F dry b F wet c F old d F gas
34 when you give someone something, and get
20 marks
money for it
a F buy b F sell c F talk d F read
35 you put it in a car to make the car go Total marks
a F sell b F newspaper c F gas d F film
36 to want something to happen later
a F hope b F buy c F sell d F fall
37 suddenly come down
a F shush b F fall c F know
d F something
38 a person who works in a library
a F librarian b F editor c F reporter
d F Dad
39 not wet
a F dry b F shush c F film d F world
40 this person’s work is to get a newspaper ready to
a F reporter b F librarian c F Dad
d F editor

20 marks

Choose the best answer.
41 Joe is going away for _____ days.
a F one or two b F two or three
c F one or three d F three or four

oxford bookworms library StArter 41 © oxford university press photocopiable

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