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6th Grade ELA Workshop Writer Name ________________________ 

Peer Critique  
Partner Name _______________________ 
Q4 LT4: I can write narratives that develop a plot, conflict, character(s), and setting through techniques 
that show, as well as tell, a story. 
Exemplary  Proficient  Developing / Novice 

  The  introduction  begins with an   
engaging story lead and includes 
exposition on setting, character, 
  and circumstances at the 

  An organized  plot  unfolds in a   
believable way. Transition words 
establish the order of events and 
  show the cause and effect 
  relationships between key 
moments and consequences. 

  Narrative techniques including   
dialogue/blocking and descriptive 
language strike a balance 
  between showing and telling a 
  character’s experience(s) and 

  Conclusion builds on the events of   
the story and reflects on what is 
experienced, observed, and or 
  resolved over the course of the 

  The language used throughout the   
story has a consistent tone the few 
mechanical errors that may be 
  present do not take away from the 

Be Kind. Be Specific. Be Helpful. Try! 
Writer (before exchanging papers): What would you like your partner to focus on while they read? 

Warm Comments from Partner  Cool Comments from Partner 


Partner: What question(s) do you still have about this piece of writing after reading it? 
Partner: What can say in response to what the writer wanted you to focus on (at top)? 

Partner: What specific changes could this writer make to improve their work? 


Writer: Summarize the feedback you received from your partner. What are your next steps with this? 

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