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To complete the P.O.W I must find the total amount of eggs that were broken.

I know
that when the total amount of eggs was divided into groups of 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 all left one left
over, with otherwise even groups. When they were divided into groups of 7 it came out even.

This means that the total amount of eggs must be divisible by 7, and the previous
number (x), or the total (e) minus 1 (e-1=x). “X” must be evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. 2 is
one of those, so I know “x” must be an even number. This means the final digit of “e” must be 1,
3, 5, 7, or 9. “x” must also be evenly divisible by 5, so that narrows it down to 1. This is because
6 was ruled out before, as it is an even number. To find the final answer I will go through the
multiples of 7, and use the equation e-1=x on all of the answers that end in 1 and divide that by
2, 3, 4, 5, and six to determine the final answer, which will be the “e” in that situation.

This process left me with a final answer of 301. I used the above tests to determine the

301 is evenly divisible by 7, and the previous number, 300, is evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4,
5, and 6. Dividing 301 by any of those numbers would leave a remainder of 1, fitting in with the
base problem. Therefor one of the answers is 301.

I think the problem was worthwhile because it made me think about methods and
possible answers, and other people got the same or different answers with different methods. I
also feel that this problem was too easy because after I had figured out of the necessary details
there was nothing but using a calculator to find and check possible answers. Commented [1]: This all looks great! Nice work, and
thanks for presenting. And if a problem is too easy, you
can also work on extensions. In this situation, the book
also asks if this is the only answer. If so, or if not, how
do you know? Some possible extensions from there:
what are other possible answers? Is there a pattern
you can identify in order to predict additional answers?
Realistically, how many eggs could she have actually
dropped/had on her, based on egg weight and size?
How much $ could she ask for from the insurance

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