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1. Circle the correct one. (Doğru olanı 4. Reading (Parçayı okuyup soruları
yuvarlak içine alınız.) 20p cevaplayınız.) 5 * 4 = 20 p.

Remember Me
Mauslos was a great Persian king. After he died, his
wife, Artemisia, wanted him to live in the memory. She
decided to build a huge tomb for him. She ordered the
most skillful craftsmen in the country to build it. They
started building the tomb in 353 BC. Two years later
Artemisia died but they continued to work on the
structure one more year. They used fine sculptures inside
and outside of the mausoleum. The ancient historians
agreed that it was one of the most beautiful structures at
those times. Unfortunately, between the 12th and 15th
centuries strong earthquakes destroyed the wonderful
2. Circle the correct one. (Doğru olanı yuvarlak tomb. It is in ruins today but its name “mausoleum” still
içine alınız.) 10p.
lives today.

1. Why did Artemisia decide to build a tomb for her husband?

a) to make him happy b) to make him memorable

2. What does ‘they’ in line 4 in the story refer to?

a) the craftsmen b) the king and the queen

3. How long did it take to build the tomb?

a) 3 years b) 2 years
3.Complete the text using the given verbs.
(Verilen fiillerle parçayı tamamlayınız.)
4. What is the main idea behind the story?
+3+3+2=20p a) how to build a wonder b) different ways to show love

5. What happened to the tomb?

a) Fire destroyed it. b) Earthquakes destroyed it.

(tomb: mezar, memory: hatıra, craftsmen: usta, structure: yapı,

sculptures: heykel, historian: tarihçi, ruin: kalıntı-harabe)
5. Vocabulary ( Kelimeleri cümlelere yerleştiriniz ) 2*10=20p

alien work out into scared ancient

amazed share almost ordered national

1. Dad……………….a pizza for lunch yesterday.

2. This time it was to the…………….city of Pompeii near Naples.

3. His painting was brilliant. She was …………………

4. We need to look………..why he’s homeless.

5. There was a strange noise outside the house. We were a bit……………………

6. 23rd April is a ……………………… in Turkey.

7. Ben finds a strange watch and puts it on.Suddenly he is an……………………….

8. We really love Greg and all the problems he has with his great ideas that never

9. The children also bring in their favourite food to………………………with their friends.

10. The people finished building the house on 17 September, ……………………seven weeks
after they started.

6. Writing “A Blog Post” 10p

Think about a holiday that you went on and write a blog post about your holiday
using the questions. ( Verilen soruları cevaplayarak gittiğiniz bir tatil hakkında blog
yazısı paragrafı yazınız)
Where did you go? Who did you go with? What did you do that was very special/
different? What did you like/not like about the holiday?
What was boring/exciting/amazing/interesting/annoying about the holiday?

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