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Exam Number:___________________

Ladybridge High School

Unit B562 Fieldwork Focus
Theme 4
Economic Development
How has an economic activity created
conflict in your chosen area?
Economic development:

“How has tourism created conflict in the Castleton

area of the Peak District?”
Organisational structure of Fieldwork Focus:

This is the first part of your fieldwork focus and is approximately

a 1200 word report worth 15% of your final mark. You have 10
hours to complete the write-up in controlled conditions. The final
deadline is Friday 5th November. Along with your “Geographical
Investigation” (800 word report and 10% of final mark); they both
will be submitted to the OCR exam board by 10th January 2011.

Your Fieldwork Focus should show the following structure:

Cover Page Well presented cover

page. Show all info as
shown on page 2.
Choose a photo or map
Introduction sets the scene and
to highlight your topic.
context. It introduces the key Introduction – setting the scene
question & gives a brief
background to the investigation
– include a well annotated map This is a short section
showing location. Data Collection which identifies &
discusses the methods
of data collection.

This is where you

present, describe & Data presentation and analysis
explain the data that you
have collected.
This is where you use the
Conclusion information that you have collected
to answer the original question.

This is where you comment on

how well your Fieldwork Evaluation
Investigation worked and how it
could be improved and
This is a list of the resources that
Bibliography you have used, including books,
articles, websites..etc..
Introduction ( 200 words max)

Introduction sets the scene and context. It introduces the key question & gives a brief
background in to the investigation – include a well annotated map showing location.


 Set the scene describe the aims of your study

 Geographical location – a well annotated map which describes the site &
situation and some reference to Peak District National Park.
 Geography of the Castleton area of Peak District – Human features: population,
employment & economy; Physical features – Landscape, geology of the area
 Brief historical outline of the area- a timeline of key events?
 Description of Castleton being a honeypot location - What are the main
attractions who are they targeted at? E.g Limestone caves & caverns such as
Treak Cliff Cavern is used by educational groups and families
 Key word box
Methods of data collection ( max 200 words)

This is a short section which identifies & discusses the methods of data collection.

 Briefly describe what you collected, how you collected it and why
 Use the tables that you filled in on the field visit to outline what you actually
collected and how it relates to the “geographical fieldwork focus question”
 Use the map of the Castleton area to show exactly where you collected data
Data presentation and analysis (500 word max)

This is where you present, describe & explain the data that you have collected:

 Choose an appropriate data presentation technique – graphs, tables, maps,

 For each piece of data presented provide a description and explanation of what it
shows and how it may be used as evidence to prove or disprove the key
geographical fieldwork focus question.
 You will need to do some additional research of secondary sources and
evidence to support your understanding of the key question
Conclusion and (200 words max):

This is where you use the information that you have collected to answer the original

 Summarise what you have found out

 Bring all primary and secondary source data together – look for inter-
relationships between data
 Use wider research and learning of conflict issues within the area around
Evaluation and limitations (100 words max)

This is where you comment on how well your Fieldwork Investigation worked and how it
could be improved and developed.

 Was the data that you collected good enough to support your answer?
 Counter –argue the key question- Is there conflict in the area?
 Where there any constraints or limitations to your study? How could you
improve or do things differently in order to support

This is a list of the resources that you have used, including books, articles,

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