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Transporting the critically ill 543

BENEFITS OF PRE-HOSPITAL each year (Mackenzie et al., 1997). The increasing tendency
EMERGENCY TREATMENT to concentrate specialist services such as trauma, neurosur-
The provision of pre-hospital emergency medical services is gery, plastic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, nephrology and
of proven value for victims of a cardiac arrest provided that intensive care in regional centres is likely to increase the
cardiopulmonary resuscitation is initiated by a bystander, demand for secondary transfer of the most seriously ill
the paramedics arrive at the scene within a few minutes and patients (Wallace and Lawler, 1997).
the patient is rapidly transferred to hospital for definitive
care. The benefits for trauma victims are less clear, except PRINCIPLES OF SAFE SECONDARY TRANSPORT
when a coordinated approach from primary transport to (Tables 21.1 and 21.2) (Australian and
specialized trauma centres is established (see below; Biewener New Zealand College of Anaesthetists, Joint
et al., 2004). Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, Australasian
College for Emergency Medicine, 2003; Intensive Care
Society, 2002; Wallace and Ridley, 1999;
SECONDARY TRANSPORT Warren et al., 2004)
Optimize patient’s condition before transfer
Considerably fewer seriously ill patients require secondary Prior stabilization is fundamental to the safe transfer of
transport, although in the UK it is thought that at least critically ill patients – the ‘scoop and run’ approach descri-
10 000 critically ill patients require interhospital transfer bed above for primary transport is not appropriate in this

Table 21.1 Transporting critically ill patients: a checklist

Administration Equipment
Establish effective communication between transferring and Provision of respiratory support and monitoring
receiving hospitals and ambulance authority Equipment for airway management
Gas supply: oxygen ± air
Notify and explain reasons for transfer to relatives
For the conscious patient, explain the reasons for the transfer Portable liquid oxygen containers
Air compressor
Collect together patient records to accompany patient
Portable ventilator
Ensure appropriately experienced and qualified staff accompany Heat and moisture exchanger
patient Suction apparatus
(Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation)
Select most appropriate mode of transport: surface ambulance,
Airway pressure gauge
air transport (fixed-wing, helicopter), sea
Pulse oximeter
Before transfer, receiving location confirms that they are ready Capnography
to receive the patient
Provision of cardiovascular monitoring and support
Document reasons for transfer in medical record Fluid administration: infusion pumps
Vasoactive agents and inotropes: syringe pumps
Preparation of patient
Portable defibrillator
Optimize patient’s condition Continuous electrocardiogram monitoring
Circulating volume Continuous direct intra-arterial pressure monitoring
Haemodynamic support (Pulmonary artery pressures)
Respiratory support (Intracranial pressure)
Appropriate monitoring (Cardiac output)
Evaluate need for sedation, analgesia and muscle (Intra-aortic balloon pump)
relaxants (Continuous haemofiltration)
Rarely need surgery before transfer
Underwater seal drains: do not clamp or lift above patient Resuscitation drugs
Nutritional support: if this is discontinued, beware of
Muscle relaxants
Maintain body temperature (warming blanket) Crystalloids/colloids
Investigations Mobile phones
Radiographs to confirm position of endotracheal tube,
intravascular cannulae and chest drains

Table 21.2 Principles of safe transfer ble patients must, however, be accompanied by an appropri-
ately trained doctor. In some countries (e.g. North America,
Experienced staff Australia and France) comprehensive transport systems have
Appropriate equipment and vehicle been developed, but in the UK the provision of specialist
services for secondary transfer remains poor and around
Full assessment and investigation
90% of patients are accompanied by staff from the referring
Comprehensive monitoring hospital. Not only does this deprive the base hospital of on-
Stabilize patient before transfer call staff but the accompanying clinical team will usually
have only limited experience of transferring critically ill
Reassessment before transport patients.
Continuing care during transfer This may partly account for the observation that medical
Direct handover
care during transfer is often deficient. In a series of 50 mainly
postoperative patients, for example, 7 developed life-threat-
Documentation and audit ening complications, including obstruction of an endotra-
cheal tube, respiratory arrest, unrecognized disconnection of
arterial and central venous cannulae and severe hypotension
situation (Gebremichael et al., 2000; Uusaro et al., 2002). A (Bion et al., 1988). This study also suggested that patients
detailed systems-based assessment of the patient’s condition under the care of experienced anaesthetists deteriorated less
should be performed before instituting measures to prepare during transport than those supervised by other medical
the patient for transfer. Most will require optimization of specialties (Bion et al., 1988). It is therefore recommended
their circulating volume (hypovolaemic patients are intoler- that the patient should be accompanied by an experienced
ant of transfer), as well as institution of mechanical ventila- doctor competent in resuscitation, airway care, ventilation
tion and appropriate monitoring if these are not already in and other organ support. This doctor, usually an anaesthe-
progress. Needless to say, reliable venous access must be tist, should preferably have received training in intensive care
established. Because endotracheal intubation in transit can and should ideally be trained and have experience in trans-
be extremely difficult it is advisable to intubate those at risk port medicine (Koppenberg and Taeger, 2002). The doctor
of developing a compromised airway or respiratory failure should be assisted by another doctor or a nurse, paramedic
before departure. Intubated patients should be mechanically or technician familiar with intensive care procedures and
ventilated. equipment, although in many countries staff shortages mean
It is important to ensure adequate sedation, analgesia that this ideal is not always achieved (Wallace and Ridley,
and, when indicated, muscle relaxation before moving the 1999). A service for transporting extremely ill patients has
patient. A few may need surgery before transfer (e.g. to been described in which the team consists of an attending
evacuate an acute intracranial haematoma). Investigations physician with critical care training, a critical care nurse
may include radiographs to confirm the positions of the and a respiratory therapist. Even the driver has expertise and
endotracheal tube, intravascular cannulae and chest drains. training in respiratory therapy, critical care medicine and
These must be securely tied or sutured in place before transport physiology (Gebremichael et al., 2000).
moving the patient. Underwater seal drains should not be Personnel involved in patient transfer should not be
clamped or lifted above the patient during transfer. It is prone to motion sickness, should not have ear or sinus dis-
important to appreciate that abrupt cessation of glucose orders and should have no difficulty with working in a con-
administration (e.g. if parenteral nutrition is discontinued) fined space. Although in general the patient’s condition
may precipitate dangerous hypoglycaemia. A nasogastric improves after initial resuscitation and, with careful medical
tube should be inserted in those with an ileus or intestinal care, does not usually deteriorate further during transport
obstruction and in patients requiring mechanical ventila- (Bion et al., 1985), invasive monitoring, including pulmo-
tion. Measures should be taken to maintain body tempera- nary artery catheterization, has clearly demonstrated that
ture. If the patient is conscious the proposed transfer and all transport can sometimes adversely affect even patients who
that is entailed should be explained to him or her. have been adequately resuscitated.
The use of a specialist transfer team has been associated
Maintain a high standard of care during transfer with significantly improved acute physiology of critically ill
In general there should be no reduction in the level of care patients on arrival in the receiving unit and may reduce early
during transport; it is strongly recommended that a mortality (Bellingan et al., 2000). Certainly critically ill
minimum of two people accompany all critically ill patients. patients can be safely transferred provided that those
Medically qualified personnel are nearly always involved in involved are appropriately trained and equipped, with fewer
secondary transport, although occasionally it may be accept- than 1% dying during transfer and only 3% dying within 12
able for a stable patient to be transferred by an experienced hours of arrival in the receiving unit (Bellingan et al., 2000;
critical care nurse with another non-physician member of Markakis et al., 2006). Even the most seriously ill patients
the critical care team (e.g. technician, paramedic). All unsta- with severe, unstable respiratory and circulatory failure can
Transporting the critically ill 545

be safely transferred over long distances by a dedicated duration, and are satisfactory for the majority of patients.
transfer team using a customized, fully equipped ground Despite recent improvements in the design of standard
transport vehicle (Gebremichael et al., 2000; Uusaro et al., ambulances, however, unmodified multipurpose vehicles are
2002). It is even possible to transfer patients safely with not ideal for transferring critically ill patients. On the other
severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) without hand, purpose-built mobile ICUs (MICUs) or critical care
major complications (Gebremichael et al., 2000; Uusaro ambulances are expensive and inflexible.
et al., 2002) and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation The advantages of surface ambulances include:
has been used during the transfer of hypoxaemic patients
■ rapid mobilization,
with severe ARDS (Rossaint et al., 1997).
■ door-to-door service;
■ no requirement for landing zone or runway;
Communication and cooperation
■ little or no restrictions due to weather;
Communication and cooperation between the transferring
■ in an emergency the vehicle can be stopped at the road-
and receiving hospitals, as well as close liaison with the
side to facilitate performance of procedures;
ambulance authority, are fundamental to the success of sec-
■ can divert to the nearest hospital if the patient deterio-
ondary transport. A decision to transfer should be made by
rates or supplies are exhausted;
senior clinicians only after a full assessment and discussion
■ relative ease of personnel training,
between referring and receiving hospitals, taking into
■ low cost.
account the balance of risk and benefit. The receiving unit
should be informed of the estimated time of arrival. Conti- The main disadvantages of surface transport include:
nuity of patient care must be ensured by effective commu-
■ long journey times, especially when there is traffic con-
nication between medical and nursing staff at the referring
gestion, poor road conditions, inclement weather or
and receiving institutions. Changes in the patient’s condition
and response to treatment during transfer should be recorded
■ the uncomfortable rough ride, ‘sway and bounce’, vibra-
and this, together with a written summary of the patient’s
tion, repetitive acceleration/deceleration;
history (including the results of relevant laboratory investi-
■ motion sickness;
gations and imaging), and initial treatment and the indica-
■ limited accessibility, poor lighting and limited power;
tion for transfer, must be handed over to the receiving staff.
■ difficulty gaining access to remote or restricted areas.
When transfer is urgent, however, the preparation of written
records should not delay departure – necessary documenta-
tion can be delivered later. AIR TRANSPORT
The main advantage of air transport is the shorter journey
time; it is therefore used more frequently in North America
MODES OF TRANSPORT and Australia where patients often have to be transported
over long distances. Air transport may also be used to achieve
Selection of the most appropriate mode of transport should rapid delivery of paramedics and doctors to the scene of the
be individualized and requires consideration of the incident (see above). Elective movement of patients between
following: hospitals by air may also be preferred because of the reduc-
tion in journey times. Generally air transport should be
■ the patient’s diagnosis and the possible effects of trans-
considered for journeys longer than about 80 km (50 miles),
port on his or her condition;
although the apparent speed often has to be balanced against
■ the degree of any instability;
organizational delays and the need for transfer between
■ the urgency of the transfer;
vehicles at the beginning and/or end of the journey.
■ the level of medical care the patient is receiving;
Secondary transportation of trauma victims by air fol-
■ the level of medical care the patient requires;
lowing stabilization at the receiving hospital can be per-
■ the availability and experience of staff,
formed safely and many consider this to be an important
■ the distance and duration of the journey;
aspect of regionalized trauma care. Some authors (Moylan
■ the methods of transport available;
et al., 1988) have demonstrated improved survival of trauma
■ the weather and traffic conditions;
victims transported by air rather than surface ambulance,
■ cost.
although the efficacy of air transport may depend on local
As a general principle transport should be performed geography, since in an urban setting the use of a helicopter
smoothly, rather than at high speed. appeared to offer no advantage compared to a sophisticated
paramedic-based system of pre-hospital care (Schiller et al.,
SURFACE AMBULANCES 1988). Certainly in the immediate vicinity of a trauma centre
Surface ambulances are probably the most practical and effi- there appears to be no advantage of a helicopter emergency
cient means of transport within urban areas and for jour- medical service (HEMS) as compared to ground ambulance.
neys not exceeding 40–80 km (25–50 miles) or 2 hours’ Further, even when the accident is a long distance from the
References pp 543 - 545

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ill patients undergoing transport. British
Medical Journal 291: 432–434.

Bion JF, Wilson IH, Taylor PA (1988)

Transporting critically ill patients by
ambulance: audit by sickness scoring.
British Medical Journal 296: 170.
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Gebremichael M, Borg U, Habashi N, et al. rights reserved.
(2000) Interhospital transport of the
extremely ill patient: the mobile intensive
care unit. Critical Care Medicine 28:

Intensive Care Society (2002) Guidelines

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Koppenberg J, Taeger K (2002)

Interhospital transport: transport of
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