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The Power of the

Paradigm Shift
It’s an “aha moment”
• An epiphany
• An attitude shift
• A mind shift
• A wake-up call
• An eye-opening
The light bulb goes off and …

.. you have a breakthrough

Now I get it!
A Paradigm Shift
• With a paradigm shift, you suddenly see
things differently.
• Stephen Covey’s presents an excellent
example in his classic book, The Seven
Habits of Highly Effective People.
• A man who is traveling in a subway sees
another man get on the subway with his
two sons.
• The two boys are completely out of control
- running all over the place and bothering
other people.
• The behavior becomes so annoying that
the man asks the father to “do something
about your boys who are out of control”.
• The father replied, “We just got back in the
hospital where their mother died. I don't
know how to handle it and they don't
• Suddenly the man saw things differently.
That’s what a paradigm shift is.
• The kids did not change their hollering and
• But, the man suddenly looked at them in a
different way.
Do you see an old woman
or a young woman?
If you look at the picture one way, you see an old
If you look another way, you see a young woman. How
You interpret the picture depends upon your paradigm.
And your paradigm determines what you are going to
say about that picture.
It all depends upon
how you look at things.

Our behavior is the result

of the way we see the world.
The Power of the
Paradigm Shift
You may be wondering ….
When changing an undesired behavior or
habit ….

… we work towards a “paradigm shift” …

… a change in a way that we perceive our

behavior and our attitudes.
This is an essential step in transforming
yourself from being a fat person to a skinny

… from being an overly anxious person to a

calm person…

.. from being a depressed, angry person to

being accepting and loving individual.
Before you can change your behavior ….

… before you change your bad


… you have to change the way you think

about yourself and the world.
It is like struggling
up hill. Before you
“get it”, maintaining
a new habit is hard work.

Before the paradigm shift --- like pushing a heavy ball up hill.
However, once you get to the
top of the hill, it gets easy. It
is fun and you coast.
There is a sense of
relief. Freedom. A
feeling that things
are going your

It many ways this is

similar to a paradigm shift.
If you have any questions about reaching a
paradigm sift, please give me a call. My
name is Dr. Phil Gardner and my phone
number is 267-235-6934.

E mail – it done

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