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Group Members: Hailey, Oscar, and Yessica

Goals (What Will Students Know, Understand, and be Able to Do?):

We​’l​l introduce the kindergartners to all the U.S coins with a worksheet. They​’​ll be able to understand the
value of every coin.

CA Standard: Kindergarten

4.MD 2

Driving Question (Essential Question):

How are coins used in the real world?

Performance Assessment Evidence: (Will students write? Create Graphs? Discuss ideas?)
(Link your rubric into this section)

Beginning Developin Proficient Advanced


Students Students Students Students

are​n’t​ able are only can are able to
to identify able to identify identify
the basics identify the every
of some majority of single
counting coins, but the coins coin, can
coins. can​’​t and can tell the
identify tell the difference
the value difference between
of every in value b the coins,
coin. etween and are
them. able to
the value
of the
coins to
the real
world and
outside of

- Worksheet
- Colors
- Pencil

Hook (Into Activity)

Give every student a penny, nickel, dime and a quarter and let them play around with them so that they can
get a good idea of what all the coins look like in real life.

The ♥​ of​ the​ Lesson​ (List​Learning​Steps):

- We’ll start off by handing out small cups with pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters in them and asking
the class if they know what was handed out to them. If anyone answers correctly we will proceed to
ask if they know the name and the value of the coins.
- We will later talk more about the value of the coins and how they are used in the real world.
- We’ll then pass out the worksheet packet and do the first page with them just so that they have a better
understanding of what is being asked of them.
- To conclude the lesson, we’ll have students explain what they learned about each coin.

Wrapping up the lesson:

- To finalize the lesson, there will be prizes for the students who can answer the trivia question: “How
many pennies/nickels/dimes/quarters do you need to make a dollar?” (There are several combinations
that can be made.)
- The final step will be to hand out a take-home worksheet.


Struggling: High Flyers:

- Check in with students who may be struggling - Encourage students to help those struggling
and help them one on one. around them if they have an understanding of
- Pair them with a high flyer. the lesson.

English Learners: Special Ed:

- Translate the lesson plan to Spanish and have - Sit with the kids who may need one on one
a person who speaks their native language sit help.
with them for extra help. - Don't call on them in front of the class.


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