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Name: Cora Kleber 

Period: 5-6  
Day: B

First Impression 
What is happening in the photograph? What objects, people, or structures are in the 
image? What details catch your eye? ​Looking More Closely:​ What clues in the image 
would help you guess when the photograph was taken (the year, time of day, the season of 
the year)? Why do you think the photographer choose this particular set-up (pose, angle, 
view, arrangement, lighting, location, etc.)? What do you think are the feelings of any of 
the people that might be in the images? ​Thinking Further:​ What does the image suggest? 
What questions do you have about the image? Create your own title for the photograph 
that is both relevant and appropriate? 

The first image (^^) and the second image (^^) are here.

In the first image, it looks like a family. I see a man, a women, and a child. The child is in
the women’s lap. The table that the man is leaning on is what catches my eye. The table has
multiple contents on it, maybe showing how he might be working on something. The man looks
exhausted, the women looks distressed. I feel like because these people are in a tent-like thing,
that it would be around the 1900’s. The way the picture was taken was to portray stress. It
doesn’t make these people look happy. It looks to be day time, in a yard. One question I have: I
want to know how those people are doing/going through. A title might be; exhaustion.

The second image looks like a couple of farmers on a field. I see five men looking for
something. One man is looking over the four men looking at the ground. I also see pumpkins
and leave-like things. These men look like they are also from the 1900’s. The outfits give away
an old kind of style. This angle make it look mysterious, because we don’t know what they are
looking for/at. This image suggests that the people are looking at/for something. A question I
have; what are they looking for/at? A title for this would be; lost and found committee.

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