Interview Logistics Questions 1

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Your research paper must include at least one primary source in the form of an interview. Use this page to help
you prepare for your interview.

Interview Logistics 

Who: Jacquelyn Gosse

When: Thursday, February 28, 2019

Where: Jaci’s home, 1202 7 Street NW, Dodge Center, MN 55927

Interview Questions 

1. What is your current position/job title? Education Program Manager, Kern Center for the Science of Health
Care Delivery, Mayo Clinic

2. What is your education/background?

Bachelor of Arts, Winona State University, 1995, Mass Communication-Journalism/English-Creative Writing
Master of Arts, Saint Marys University, 1999, Health and Human Services Administration
Master of Arts, Saint Marys University, 2000, Management

3. Do you have any special skills/experiences relating to Real Colors Personality Test?
I have taken personality inventories before, including the Myers Briggs. Real Colors is the personality test that
Mayo Clinic endorses for its employees to take to understand how to work with other employees and teams.

4. When you took the Real Colors Personality Test what results did you receive?
That I am overwhelmingly Orange, which means the following: Immediate, generous, witty, spontaneous,
trouble-shooter, optimistic, eager, charming, courageous, independent, willing, reactive, fearless, excitable,
enthusiastic, adaptable, easy-going, mechanical, compromising. I am fun-loving by nature. I have lots of
energy to try new and exciting things. I am comfortable performing in front of others and love the opportunity
to show what I can do. I am talented and skillful. I am easily bored and grow restless with routine and
structured jobs or activities. I need the freedom to go and do what I want. I love to use tools that make my job
easier. I have a hard time following rules and regulations or respecting authority. Neatness and tidiness aren’t
my greatest strengths. I love relationships where I can enjoy my favorite activities and interests and where we
can explore new things together. I am bold and seek physical contact and competition. Physical relationships
are very important to me. I love to surprise those I care about with extravagant, off-the-wall things. I especially
love to be spontaneous and do things on a moment’s notice. I learn by and through my experiences. I would
rather figure it out myself than ask for help. I constantly look for excitement and I love to be in places where
there are lots of exciting people.

The descriptors of Orange personality that I don’t fit me are: I see life as a big game or party and I want to make
sure that I can take in as much excitement as possible, wild and crazy, competitive
5. How do you believe the results you received from the Real Colors Personalities Test helps you in your job
and when communicating with others?
My direct supervisor is a green and I’m pretty sure my husband is a green. The attributes that helped me
understand my husband better are:

She is independent and because of this people often think that she is impersonal. The truth is that she is more
comfortable with things than people. She does not like to talk about feelings. She strives to keep her head in
charge of her heart. When her emotions begin to control her, she becomes uneasy. Relationships are important,
but once they are established and feelings are expressed, it is time to move on to the more important business of

6. Why should other people take the Real Colors Personality Test?
People are not what they appear to be from the outside or based on your judgements. For example, there are
some people that I’ve always thought just don’t like me because they don’t smile or aren’t as outgoing or
“friendly” toward me as I am. This test helped me realize that they may not even think about those things as
much as I do, they are more focused on their work or a problem they are trying to figure out. Additionally, I
realized that my Green colleagues are always early for meetings and I always arrive right before they start. I
have changed my approach when meeting with these people so I, too, am early so they know I respect their
“color” and value their time.

7. What kind of people should take this test?

All individuals should take this test, it could help with parent/child relationships, teenagers, colleagues, group

8. Do you believe the test is accurate?

Amazingly accurate and extremely insightful.

9. Do you believe you belong in the color group you were placed in?
Yes. Almost all of the keywords and colors relate to me. During the small group conversations, I felt like
everyone that was in my group thought about problems/topics the same way as I.

10. What are the positives and negatives when taking the Real Colors Personality Test?
Positives: Team building
Recognize strengths and weaknesses of other people
Listen to how other colors respond to questions presented

A lot of people were talking about the results to people who weren’t in the class. If you didn’t participate, you
wouldn’t know how to interpret some of the conversations and they could be taken out of context. The ground
rule “make is safe” and the importance of confidentiality need to be respected even after the class is complete.

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