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“ Field Trip” 4/12/19

I think I would prefer to Fresno Pacific because it is more relaxed and easy to get
around campus. My favorite thing about Fresno Pacific is that everyone seemed
very nice and friendly. Something I did not like about Fresno State is how there
wasn’t a lot of outside seating because there’s so many people. I would apply to
both of the colleges because they are very close to home. Something new that I
learned was that Fresno State has a large Agriculture department. I would rate this
field trip a 4 because it all seemed to go well and it was very interesting.
“Self- esteem” 1.23.19
I think self-esteem builds competence because having high self- esteem makes
you more confident in what you are doing and allows you to do things some
people with low self esteem wouldn’t do because they lack a sense of confidence
and motivation.
“Socratic Seminar Reflection” 1/18
I didn’t participate today in the socratic seminar. I didn’t participate because I felt
like we all had the similar ideas that were all being said. The most interesting thing
that was said I think was when we were talking about the American Achievement
gap because together we were able to figure out what paragraph 10 was saying. I
wished I would have added how that if things come out of us we will take it more
seriously and try to achieve more.
“Memory” 1/8/19
I don’t consider myself to have good memory because I always tend to forget what
I was doing or I forget what I had learned about. An example of me forgetting is
when my mom tells me to go do something and I when I go to do it I forget what
she has told me. Having a good memory can be helpful because it can help on
tests or to find location. Memory tricks I try to use is that I try to make notes on
what I need to do and using repetition.
“Semester Review” 1/7/19
My greatest academic strengths last semester were in my Spanish and history
class. I think I was successful in Spanish because I have background knowledge
of what we previously learned. I also have been able to stay organized by keeping
my agenda updated. I should focus more on managing my time and staying
focused on the things I struggle with.
“3-2-1 Argument” 11/30
Which Is More Important: Talent or Hard Work?

What I know about my topic is that some people are skilled and naturally talented
at one thing more than others. And other people have to work extremely hard to
get to where they want to be.

Why are people with talent recognized more than the people who put in more

I think hard work is more important because those people who put in the work take
time from there scheduled to try and be the best they can be but most times aren’t
recognized for the things they do.
“Field trip” 10/10
The campus I preferred was CSUMB I liked this campus better because the
environment was calm and there was less students. My favorite about CSUMB
was how the classes were about walking distance and how they had the scooters
as a way of transportation and it was very convenient. What I didn’t like about Uc
Santa Cruz was how far apart the classes were and how long it takes to get from
class to class. Yes, I would consider applying to both of them because them seem
like schools I would enjoy going to it’s just the size difference between the two.
Something I learned from the the trip was that
9/14 “Dream Job”
My dream job would be working inside but not in such a quiet office type area. I
would like to work with people. And I would rather not work with numbers but if I
have to I would, but I would much rather work with people instead. I would like to
work in a small town because you can get from your home to work quicker and if
you wanted to go out for lunch things wouldn’t be so far away.
“Commitment” 8/20
I would define commitment as someone who is willing to be dedicated and put forth the time into
something they truly want. A time in my life I have shown a deep level of commitment into something is for
basketball. I think I was able to show commitment because I wanted to improve and get better and in
order to do so I have need to put in more times than others.

After viewing the clip an example of commitment to me would be my grandparents and how even though
our families argue and have disagreements with each other we don’t give up on one another. Because at
the end of the day we all come together as one and solve the situation and move forward with life.
“Field Trip” 4/30
My favorite thing about the campus was how close everything is to each other.
Something I didn’t like about the campus was how quiet it was. Yes this would be
a school I would apply because I enjoyed the environment and the size of the
campus. Something I learned was that students get assigned cadavers for their
“College Choice” 3/7/18
If I had to choose a college to go to I would go to UC San Diego. I would go to UC
San Diego because because I like the environment there and the campus.

UC San Diego did meet most of my requirements but 2 of them which were a
suburban area and the population. The population at UC San Diego is about
32,906 students and I wanted to go somewhere with the population of 10,000. But
it has things such as a diverse environment.
“Future” 4/9
Fast forwarding fifteen years I hopefully will be living in around this area but not so
close. I would be married by then and may have one child. The car that I would
have is a lexus.
“Mandala Reflection” 3/2/2018
The thing that makes me most proud in my writing is how I was able to come up
with many different ways to show how each symbol is important to me. Problems I
see in my piece are I feel like I didn’t have really good transitions going into or
ending a paragraph. I am least happy with the way I ended my essay because I
feel like I could have found a different way to end my paper then how I did.
“Synergy” 1/29/18
To me this quote means that if we were more united and stand by each other
through thick and thin. An example would be like the geese how they are always
there to support each other and they are always there for each other.

The type of team member I am is a harmonizers because I always try and make
sure everyone is getting along and everyone is heard. I also wish I was more like
the plodder because I want to start getting work done right away without
“Semester Review” 1/8/18
My greatest academic strengths last semester was maintaining A’s in almost every
class. I was successful in these areas because I understood the lesson in my
classes and passed quizzes we had. I should focus on my math during this
semester because I am wanting to get a better grade than last semester.
“Procrastination” 12/11/17
When not getting work done things that keep me from it is using my phone and
talking to my family about things that have happened. I think I procrastinate
because I get easily distracted.

Out of the 10 tips the most helpful to me is “Do two minute tasks”(3) and “10 and
2”(4) these are helpful to me because I tend to put things to the side and instead
text my friends.
“Class project” 11/27/17
The strengths that I can bring for the Children’s Hospital is donate some of my old
stuff animals and toys I may have. A weakness is that I can grow attached to
someone and may never see them anytime after the project.
“Rock Reflection” 12/6/17
This relates to me because shows me how I choose to spend my time and how I
should changes some things. Some stones in my life are school, basketball, and
family. Some examples of are pebbles, friends my phone. My sand is netflix and
social media. I tend to fill my jar with more stones rather than pebbles and sand.
“Community Service” 11/17/17
To me community service is when you or anybody helps out around your
neighborhood or in the community. Helping doesn’t always mean just cleaning up
but it means can also me helping someone out with problems and showing your
compassion for them.
“Field Trip” 10/27/17
My favorite thing about the campus was the green area and all the nature around
the school. What I didn’t like about the campus is how quiet the campus was. This
would not be a school I would apply to because I feel that the school doesn’t really
fit my personality and the things I enjoy doing. Something new I learned that
Charles Shultz gave money to build the new library. His wife also attended school
there. On a scale of 1-10 I would rate the field trip a 4 because I wish that they
would have taken us inside more building to view.
9/11/17 “Club presentations”
A club I am interested in is FFA. I am interested in FFA because enjoy being
around animals. I think that FFA could help interact more with animals and I will be
able to learn more about agriculture. All in all I am really interested in FFA.
9/11/17 “Binder checks”
During the past couple week my scores on binder checks have been 19 ½ . These
have been my scores because I am still use to keeping my papers in a pocket. I
can improve my grade by removing my work from the pockets. I was not happy
with my score of 19 ½ because I could have received 20/20 by just taking out the
papers. On my half it was a very dumb mistake that I know I won’t repeat.
8/29/17 “Tutorial”
So far in the year the subject I find the most challenging is math. I find it hard
because I am still very use to the way my 8th grade teacher would explain the
lessons to us. I also find it hard because I am more of a visual learner and likes to
see examples instead of learning off definitions. Tutorials will help me in math
because I can get help on my poc and my peers will be able to show me the
corect way to complete the hw and things similar to this. All in all it will take some
time for me to adjust to my math class I think I will be just fine.
8/21/17 “First Week of HS’’

My first week of high school went very well for the most part. I really enjoyed seeing who was in my class. It turns out I have
at least one friend in every class. I so far am enjoying my classes because my teachers are very nice and are willing to work
with everyone's schedule.

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