Success b2

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PROFICIENCY LEVEL : upper-intermediate
TOPIC : Success
LANGUAGE FOCUS :Introducing examples (For example /Such as /For instance
/Take, for example / To give (you) an example / To illustrate this)
PLACE : Classroom-TEDU ELS
SKILLS : Integrated Listening & Speaking

 Know using conjunctions.
 Know tenses (simple present tense, present continuous tense, past tense, past continuous
tense, future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect
continuous tense, present perfect, present perfect continuous tense, past perfect tense,
past perfect continuous tense)
 Know if clause types.
 Know noun clauses and relative clauses.
 Know introducing examples (For example /Such as /For instance /Take, for example /
To give (you) an example / To illustrate this)

Total class time: 50 minutes
Introduction: 5 minutes
Pre-listening activity: 15 minutes
While listening activity: 20 minutes
Post-listening activity: 10 minutes

The students will be able to:

 Practice introducing examples (For example /Such as /For instance

/Take, for example / To give (you) an example / To illustrate this) on
the meaning of success in their opinions with reasons.


 Identify the main ideas and details from the listening record about the
meanings and importance of success.
 Discuss different points on the meanings and importance of success
from the listening record by giving reasons and examples.
 Describe the most successful person they know with the process of
their success.

Activity Activity Description
The students go to their regular class. The teacher asks the students
Introduction how they are and adds whether they are stressful or not due to exams.

(5 minutes) To make a connection between the assumed (previous) knowledge and

the real situations, the teacher says their next exam is going to be on
20th May and they will be taking the exam at 1 pm. To make a
connection with the new topic (success) the teacher adds they will have
finished the exam by 3 pm and they need to practice more to be
successful. The teacher randomly asks what success means to a few
Pre-listening The teacher gives the papers involving the chart based on the means of

activity success. The sts will be pair. The teacher says each of them will choose
3 things that are most true for them, explain the reasons for their
choices by giving examples and discussing the aspects of each other. At
the end, the teacher randomly wants the students to share their ideas
(15 minutes) and the teacher also shares her/his ideas.

The teacher says they almost have an idea about success now. The
While listening teacher says they will listen to a record based on the beginning of a

activity lecture by a college professor. The teacher says she talks about the
importance of success and what it means to be successful. The students
(20 minutes)
will take notes while listening to the record and listen to the record
twice. Then, the teacher gives worksheet including questions
(true/false-multiple choices). The sts reply the questions with the help
of their notes. Then, they will compare their answers with pairs and if
there is any conflict, they try to be give feedback each other. Then, the


teacher will give the answers. If there is still any conflict, the teacher
will make it clear.

Post-listening The teacher will make groups with 3 students. The teacher will give the

activity cards including the questions. The sts will discuss them by giving
reasons and examples. The first question is whether they are agree with
the points the professor makes about success and why or why not. The
second question is who the most successful person they know is and in
(10 Minutes) what ways he or she is successful. The sts will share their opinions with
each other as a group. The teacher observes the sts through the activity.
Then, the teacher wants some students to share their ideas.
Homework: The sts will make a record with a successful person they
know by asking some questions about the process of his/her success,
then they will send it via e-mail to the teacher. Then, teacher will give
feedback to them.
Homework The teacher will assess the students by giving exams:
& Speaking exam: The teacher want the sts to answer the following
Assessment questions by giving reasons and examples.

 What is success for you?

 What is the most important success in life for you?
 What are areas you are successful?
 Who is the most successful person around you? Why do you
think he/she is the most successful?
 Is there any area-point you want to succeed? Why?

Listening exam: The students will have an exam based on true/false/not

given, multiple choices etc while listening to a record or a video.

Back-up Plans If the record does not work, the teacher reads its text loudly.
for technology
 Computer
Materials/teaching  Internet Connection
aids needed  Worksheets for listening


 The cards for speaking



Pre-Listening Activity

 Look at the questionnaire. Choose (✓) the three things that are most true for you.
Explain the reasons for your choices by giving reasons and examples to your pair and
discuss about the aspects of each other.


For me, success means

o Being rich
o Doing well on exams
o Having a job I love
o Enjoying a happy family life
o Being able to do what I
o Having lots of friends
o Enjoying good health
o Being famous
o Having a powerful or
important job


While-listening Activity
Listening Text:
Chasing Your Dreams
Professor: OK. So, last week we looked at various definitions of success, and common ways
people measure success through status, fame, money, possessions, and so on. Now this week I
want to expand on this and ask you to question the importance of success, and what it really
means to be successful.
We learn from an early age that success is good …. Something we should try to achieve
through a combination of hard work and determination. You all know the expression ‘ If at
first you don’t succeed, try, try again.’ Well, some research suggests that trying really hard to
achieve something might actually be the wrong thing to do. It all depends on whether your
goal is achievable. To give you an example, imagine a short, thirty year old man who smokes
forty cigarettes a day. Should he give up his job to take up basketball in the hope of becoming
a major basketball star? I don’t think so! So, the first point I’d like to make is that you need to
be realistic about what it is you want to achieve. Chasing an impossible dream, one that you
can never reach, is a frustrating waste of time and energy. Make sure the success you’re
aiming for is achievable. If it isn’t, then readjust your goals to something more reasonable,
something that you can achieve.
The second point I want to make is that of course success is good, but trying to become
successful shouldn’t take over your life. You shouldn’t become so determined to succeed at
something that it causes you stress or anxiety. People who put too much importance on
succeeding at something, and then fail, can have serious psychological problems.
This brings me to another point, which may shock you. Success isn’t always a good thing.
Success in one area can bring problems in others for instance, a successful career might result
in the end of a marriage. Good relationships take time and effort, and if someone is working
hard at developing their career all the time, then their family life and relationhips can suffer as
a result. Take for example, all the famous people we hear about getting divorced in the media.
These actors, pop starts, and so on are at the top of their profession, but they pay a price with
their personal lives. A close friend of mine from my high school days is a successful
businessman, but he got divorced last year. He says his career ruined his marriage. So, be
careful what you wish for, and make sure you know the downside as well as the up.
The final point I want to make in this introduction is that we need to remember that our
definition of success changes with age. What people want to achieve in high school is
different from what they want to achieve when they are 20, or 40, or even 70. So, for
example, success for my grandfather is getting out of bed in the morning! Be aware that our
goals change over time. You may want a big family car instead! It’s important to recognize
that our goals can chance, as our lives change.
Listening Questions:

Read the statements and use your notes. Write T (true) or F (false).


__ 1. This is the professor’s first lecture on success to the class.
__ 2. She says that with hard work and determination, it is possible to achieve anything you
__ 3. According to the professor, trying to achieve some dreams can be a waste of time and
__ 4. The professor says that trying too hard to be successful can cause problems.
__ 5. She argues that success can also bring failure.
__ 6. She gives an example of a high school friend who became very famous.
__7. She says that people often see success differently as they grow older.
Circle the answer that best completes each statement according to what the professor says.
1. To be successful, you ……………………………..
a. need to set achievable goals
b. should never stop trying to achieve your goals
2. Achieving your goals should be ……………………………
a. the most important thing in your life
b. one of several important things in your life
3. You should try to focus on ……………………….
a. only the positive aspects of success
b. both the positive and negative aspects of success
4. You need to ……………………..
a. keep the same goals throughout your life
b. change your goals to match different stages in your life

ANSWERS: FOR DETAILS: 1-F, 2-T, 3-T, 4-T, 5-T, 6-F, 7-T
FOR MAIN IDEAS: 1-a, 2-b, 3-b, 4-b

Post Listening Activity:

 Do you agree with the points the professor makes about success? Why or why not.
 Who the most successful person you know? In what ways is he or she successful?

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