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Hello there, everyone.

My name is Michael Chief and I’m going to teach you

how to have incredible first dates. So incredible,
newspapers will write about it the next day. Okay, I’m
joking, but you get the idea.
Before we get into the nitty gritty aspects of
incredible first dates, let’s discuss something about
the other thing you signed up for: the emails.
While this guide will be very helpful, it’s the emails
that will make the most difference in your dating life.
And it’s easy to see why. We’re only talking about
first dates in this guide, but we’ll cover so much
more in the emails, like beating approach anxiety,
getting your calls and texts answered, what you need
to know before you enter a relationship and so on,
You should expect such an email every 4 - 5 days,
with the exception of the first few emails which will
come more frequently.
And yes, I do have something to sell (big surprise!)
But don’t worry, I’ll only try to sell you my stuff every
second or third email. Plus, these pitches will only
take up a small part of the email, so you’ll never
receive a pure sales email. And of course, you’re not
forced to purchase what I sell in any way.
With this out of our way, let’s begin exploring the
wonderful realm of first dates, shall we?


The Time Distortion.…………….….…5



Spark and Maintain

Intense Attraction…………..…..……..18

Physical Intimacy
and “LMR”..…..………………….……….23

The 5 Keys to a Successful
First Date

So, you get a cute girl’s phone number, you call her
up, you ask her out on a date, and she says YES.

What next?

Where will you take her? What kind of things will you
talk about with her? How will you ensure that she has
a good time? How will you get physically intimate
with her? How will you take her home? What moves
do you need to make in order to make your date a
successful one? How can you ensure a second date?
// Page 1
My name is Michael Chief and I’m what people call a
“dating coach” or “pickup artist instructor.” I help men
just like you find success with women and dating.
Whether my students have wanted one night stands,
friends with benefits, girlfriends, or happy marriages,
I’ve been helping them achieve their desires with
surgical precision for several years now.

In short, you can think of me as a magic genie who

can grant your every wish related to dating,
attraction, seduction, and even finding love!

However, I can only point you in the right direction

and show you every step of the way. It’s up to you to
actually take those steps.

The information in this book may seem a bit

overwhelming to some. If the contents of this book
seem overwhelming to you, relax! Just take it one
step at a time. No matter what you do, you’re
inevitably going to have some better results after
reading this book even if you screw up everything.

With that said, let’s jump right into it.

There are 5 essential keys to a “successful” first date.

First of all, though, what does it mean to have a
successful first date?

Simply put, it means you get what you want out of it.
// Page 2
Before going on, you must first figure out and decide
what you want from a first date with a girl. Do you
just want sex? Do you want to see if you can
establish an exclusive long term relationship with
her? Do you want a friend with benefits? Are you
looking for a potential wife?

Some of you might say, “I just want to have fun!”

Well, how do you want to have fun? It’s good to be

unattached from any certain outcome, but you still
need a general sense of direction.

Also, if your goal is to find, date, and marry just one

girl, you need to keep this in mind:

In order to gain the real wisdom that it takes to have

the most genuine relationship possible, you first need
to experience dating many, many women.

I know that might seem like a really intimidating idea

to some of you. You might be thinking:

“There’s no way I could date many women. I can’t

even get ONE! I’d be lucky if ANY woman were
willing to date me, so I’m going to hold on tight as
soon as one shows me any interest…”


// Page 3
Ironically, the more you focus on attracting and
holding on to just one girl, the more likely she’s going
to run from you as fast as she can.

Women can smell desperation from a mile away, and

it smells really, really bad.

The more you adopt an “abundance mentality,” the

more attractive you will be!

Date as many women as you can. Get in the practice.

Even if getting just one date is hard right now, start
small and work your way up toward as much
abundance as possible. It gets easier. I promise.

And, armed with the knowledge of the following 5

keys to a successful first date, things will be much,
much easier for you than if you had tried to figure
out all this stuff all by yourself.

So, without further ado, here’s the first key:

// Page 4
The Time Distortion

When most people think of a “date,” they usually

envision going out to some nice restaurant, getting
to know each other through conversation, and
maybe going to a movie afterward.

Don’t be “most people.”

The first rule to follow when going out on a first

date is to go to many places during the same date.

// Page 5

Going out for dinner and a movie? Alright, but plan

on taking her somewhere before and after that, too.
Always aim for three or more locations. The more,
the better.


Spending time together in multiple locations in one

meeting creates what’s called a “time distortion.” It
gives both you and the girl the impression that
you’ve spent more time together than you actually

And, if she thinks you’ve spent more time together

with you, the more comfortable she will be around
you. You’ll naturally have more rapport. You’ll have
more trust. You’ll be more familiar with each other
and, as social psychology has shown, that will lead
to her liking you more.
// Page 6
If you follow this rule, you don’t even need to put
any extra effort into standing out from the crowd. A
lot of people will say that going to the movies for a
date is a bad idea. Besides, everyone does it and it
won’t make you stand out enough, right?

It’s true that you can stand out better if you do

something cool and unique during your date, but
you can still get great results even if you go to the
movies as long as you create time distortion.

Get familiar with your city. Where are some nice

places to go? Is there a park? How about a
playground? Is there a coffee shop near your place?
Are there any museums? Do you know a good place
with unique desserts? What historical sites does
your city have? Is there a beach nearby? Are there
any cool stores with fun things in them? How about
some nice bars or lounges?

Also, search for “attractions” on Yelp to see what

other cool things your city has. You’re likely to find
a lot of great gems there.

Once you’ve got a good list of places to go, you

have to plan out the actual logistics of the date.

// Page 7


Yuck. Sounds like such a boring and lame word,

doesn’t it?

Well, don’t be intimidated by any fancy

terminology here. “Time distortion” was simple
enough once you learned what it was, right?

Logistics is also pretty simple.

// Page 8
In the context of dating and seduction, logistics is
all about mentally organizing where and when to

So, you’ve got a list of places to go on your date,

right? Do you have an idea of how to transition
smoothly from one place to the other? Do you know
how to make going from the museum to the bar
feel natural? More importantly, do you know how to
take her back to your bedroom by the end of the
date while making it feel perfectly normal?

To set up your logistical plan, you should first think

of your end-game. For example, if you’re looking to
have sex at the end of the date, imagine the end of
the night when you’re having sex. Now, how did
you get there? What did you do right before having
sex? You pulled out a condom. Good. Now, where
was the condom?

Oops! Did you forget to put a condom in the right

place? Do you even have any condoms? Better go
buy some new ones.

Imagining the results of your end-game and

working your way back mentally will help you plan
and prepare your entire game plan.

Let’s continue with this mental visualization.

// Page 9
You’ve brought her to your bedroom. Where were
you right before this and how did you get her to
agree to come inside your bedroom?

Perhaps you suggested that she come inside your

home for some nice wine that you recently bought.
Or perhaps you invited her in to meet your dog. Or
perhaps you’ve enticed her to play a fun video
game like Mario Kart together.

Plan out your entire date logistically like this from

the end to the beginning.

Granted, there are other skills you must know

before you can have an optimized logistical plan
that actually works well with smooth transitions
between every location. It’s OK if you have some
blank spaces in your transitions here and there for
now as long as you improvise and learn from your

So, don’t aim for perfection right off the bat. Since
your goal is to date many, many women anyway,
you’re going to make mistakes. This is good
because you can learn from said mistakes.

// Page 10
For now, just have a basic outline like this:

Coffee Shop
Near Your Place

Your Place

Other location

Other location

Other location
3, etc.

Your place

// Page 11
1. Coffee shop near your place:

The first thing you want to do on a date is go to a

coffee shop to chat a little bit while drinking
something that has either coffee or chocolate.
The caffeine from coffee or chocolate will
release dopamine and will contribute to the two
of you being more attracted to each other.

Whether you buy coffee for her or she pays for

herself is up to the two of you, but offer to pay
as a default since that’s just common socially
accepted courtesy. Whether you pay or not has
little to no effect on attraction in either direction,
so don’t get too hung up on this detail.

After the coffee shop, bring her back to your place

for just a minute.

2. Your place (the first time):

Before leaving to meet her at the coffee shop near

your place, prepare a reason or excuse to bring
her back to your place for just a minute. For
example, I sometimes intentionally left my
watch at home so that I could say, “Oh, I forgot
at home. It’s right around the corner so let’s
stop by for just a moment before heading off to

// Page 12
If you bring her to your place very casually for just
a minute before the main part of your date, she will
feel more comfortable about the idea of going back
to your place later since it is no longer unfamiliar
territory. Bringing her to your place for just a
minute is essentially priming her to lower her guard
in a way, for lack of better words. I’m not
suggesting that dating is adversarial in any way.

3. Other Locations

After spending a comfortable amount of time

chatting a little at the coffee shop and just a minute
at your place, it’s time to head on over to multiple
other locations. Remember: the more locations you
can squeeze in, the better! However, if you don’t
have a ton of time then just two other locations (for
example: restaurant and then a bar) should be fine.

4. Your Place (again)

After your final “Other Location,” use some sort of

plausible deniability to bring her back to your place
again. In plain English, give her a reason other than
sex to go back to your place even if sexual tension
between the two of you is so high that there’s a
clear, tacit, mutual understanding that sex is

// Page 13
You’ll want to give her some plausible deniability
like “Let me show you this cool souvenir I got from
my hometown” or “Let’s play Mario Kart” or “Let’s
go smoke my hookah” so that she doesn’t feel like a
slut for going to your place at the end of the night.

“Let’s go watch a movie on my laptop” was the go-

to plausible deniability to bring girls back to my
dorm room back when I was in college. Everyone
used that one and it worked pretty well back then.

Keep it simple.

Be sure everything is ready for seduction at

your place before going out on your date.

Clean your room(s). Clean your bathroom. Have

condoms ready. Have multiple possible things for
plausible deniability ready.

Clean your room(s) again. Seriously. Us dudes are

dirty and we don’t even know. Get female friends to
help you clean if you can. You really have no idea
how dirty you are. I still have no idea how dirty I
am. Women generally have a better sense of smell
than men. On top of that, you’re used to your own
stink so you’re far less aware of how your place
smells to other people. Clean your place!

// Page 14

Having a fun, engaging conversation is all about

being genuinely curious about the other person
and making an effort to discover more about each
other. This applies to every conversation, not just
conversations that you have on dates.

// Page 15
To have the best conversations with women you
date, first think about what kind of women you’re
looking for. Sit down and write or type a list of
qualities you look for in a woman aside from her
physical beauty. For example, here’s a sample list
that I’ve written before, in no order of importance:
• Open-minded
• Adventurous
• Respectful
• Caring
• Compassionate
• Forgiving
• Feminine
• A little weird
• Likes music and dancing
• Able to live in the moment
• Not a communist
Try to come up with a list of ten characteristics.

These will essentially be your conversation topics.

You’re going to talk about her.

You’re going to explore her. You’re going to try to

discover the above treasures you seek within her.

You’re going to ask her questions, but instead of

just asking the same lame questions everyone else
asks, you’re going to dig deeper.

// Page 16
Instead of asking for simple technical information
like, “What do you do for a living?” you need to dig
deeper in order to discover her motivations and

“Why do you do what you do for a living?”

Your ultimate goal in these conversations you have

while you’re on dates is to see if her values align
with what you’re looking for.

The first item that I had on my list on the previous

page was “Open-minded.” To find out whether or
not a girl is open-minded, I might start a
conversational thread simply by asking, “Are you
open-minded?” Or, even better, “I can tell that you
are a pretty open-minded person.”

From then on, her response will contain several

other points you can comment on or empathize

That’s pretty much the gist of date conversations,

but of course there can be much, much more to it.

// Page 17
If you’d like to learn more about how to master
conversations with women, check out my mastery
training program Seductive I ntrovert :

to check out

// Page 18
Spark and Maintain
Intense Attraction

To have a successful date, you must continually

build attraction.

Sparking or building or maintaining attraction can

actually be a pretty simply process. Lots of “gurus”
from my industry overcomplicate it with
unnecessary fluff like “negging” and “DHVs.”

There is absolutely no need to overcomplicate

// Page 19
In my ten plus years of studying and practicing
everything the pickup artist community has to offer,
I’ve discovered that there are seven effective ways
to spark and build attraction.

For the sake of brevity, in this eBook I will tell you

how to use just one of them during a date:

Contagious Emotions (Sex ual State )

Emotions are contagious.

Thanks to the mirror neurons in our brains, human

beings are exceptionally empathetic. This means
that whatever you feel, people around you feel
some degree of the same emotion. Whatever
people around you feel, you’re going to feel some
degree of their emotions.

This is why women feel awkward and

uncomfortable around you if you feel awkward and
uncomfortable. On the flip side, women will feel
more relaxed around you if you feel relaxed.

Even if your depressed friend pretends to be happy,

you’re going to feel like something is off. This is
because you feel some of their sadness rubbing off
on you. So, no matter what someone shows on the
outside, what they actually feel will project through
// Page 20
whatever masks their trying to feign. So, remember
this as a rule of thumb:

Whatever you feel, she feels.

This concept also applies to sexual attraction and

arousal. If you put yourself into a sexual state
(making yourself horny by thinking dirty thoughts),
the girl you’re talking to will start feeling more
aroused and sexually attracted to you, given that
she’s already comfortable and relaxed around you.

The beautiful thing about this is that you don’t even

have to talk about anything sexual for this to work.
You can be talking about something as boring as
the weather but, if you’re projecting sexual state,
those emotions will automatically rub off on her and
create sexual tension between the two of you.

Like I said before, though, she has to first be

relaxed and comfortable with you for her to have
enough empathy with you to fully feel what you
feel. So you must first make yourself relaxed and
comfortable until she feels relaxed and comfortable.
If you don’t already have enough rapport (which
you can build through some nice conversation)
before going into sexual territory, she’s going to feel
creeped out.

// Page 21
If you’d like to learn all 7 of the most effective tools
to build attraction, check out my eBook Attraction
Arsenal :

to check out

// Page 22
Physical Intimacy and
“Last Minute Resistance”

The most important aspect of any seduction is

touch. If for any reason you don’t want to have
sex with your date, skip this chapter. However,
know that physical intimacy solidifies attraction
and, without it, there’s a very real possibility of her
losing interest in you very quickly.

If you’ve got any hang-ups about physical intimacy

and being touchy, it’s time to let go of all that
baggage. You’re a man. She’s a woman. Being
physically intimate is only natural, given that you
make her feel relaxed and comfortable.
// Page 23
When should physical intimacy begin?


The best case scenario is that you’ve already been

touchy with her the first time you’ve met her.

Does this mean you should start groping every

woman you talk to on the street?


Think of physical intimacy as an escalation that

begins with any light, noninvasive touch. This could
be anything from a simple handshake to lightly
touching her arm to emphasize a point during a

As long as she doesn’t subcommunicate any

discomfort, keep being touchy. This might go
against everything you’ve been taught while
growing up in relation to sexual harassment
awareness but you should know that, if she’s on a
date with you, she’s at least interested in you
enough that she would be OK with you touching

In fact, she most likely wants you to touch her. She

wants to have physical intimacy with you.
// Page 24
“Then why doesn’t SHE initiate physical contact with
ME more?” you might ask.

That’s because she doesn’t have balls.

It’s the man’s role and responsibility to take the

initiative and risk getting rejected. It might not
seem fair but, the sooner you accept that, the

It’s the man’s responsibility to bear ALL risks in the

male-female dynamic. We human beings have
evolved so that men are to protect women. We
protect them from all physical harm as well as any
and all risks. This includes the risk of getting
rejected in any sexual advance. If you demonstrate
that you’re willing to bear all of those risks, she’ll
see you as more of a man and, in turn, become
more attracted to you.

Therefore, YOU need to be the one initiating all the

touchiness and physical intimacy. YOU need to be
the one leading the escalation.

If you sense that she’s uncomfortable with any of

your touchiness, all you need to do is NOT touch
her and everything will be fine. So there’s really
nothing to lose in terms of initiating physical contact
and being the one who starts being touchy.

// Page 25
If you’d like to learn and master every step of how
you can transition from shaking a woman’s hand to
becoming more physically intimate to the point of
having sex, check out my mastery course,
Seductive I ntrovert :

to check out

Another important issue to address is called Last

Minute Resistance, or LMR for short.

Last Minute Resistance

LMR is when you’re getting hot and heavy in the

bedroom and she suddenly stops you, saying
something along the lines of “We can’t… It’s too
soon… I don’t want you to think that I’m easy…

// Page 26
LMR is any resistance you get right when sex is
imminent. You see, both men and women are raised
to believe that women who have a lot of sex are
somehow less valuable than virgin women.

I hope you can understand how this is a very

messed up view of humanity.

Human beings, no matter if they’re men or women,

have inherent infinite value.

However, because of the sexual double standards

borne from our patriarchal society, many women
believe that they have to protect their sexual purity,
even if they’re not virgins.

The best way to overcome LMR is to flip the script.

Before she gets a chance to raise any objections,

stop making out with her and say something like
“Wait, we can’t. It’s too soon. I don’t want you to
think I’m easy!”

I call this the LMR Vaccine. Now you’ve flipped the

script so that she can let her LMR guard down. Now
she’s the one who feels compelled to move things
forward. Now she’s the one seducing you.

Then keep escalating. Use a condom.

// Page 27

Congratulations. You now know the 5 keys to

having a successful first date. However, knowing is
only half the battle.

Actually, knowing something is pretty much useless

without application and practice. So get out there
and have some fun dates!

Before you head out, though, I’d like to tell you

something else. I want you to really know that
women are human beings who deserve your love
and respect.
// Page 28
There’s a lot of misogynists out there who want to
dominate or hurt women. Don’t be one of those
guys. Be one of the good guys who spreads love
and selfless intentions. Focus on making other
people feel good and karma will repay you with
happiness and endless satisfaction.

We have a saying in the pickup artist community

that goes, “Leave her better than you found her.”

The details of this saying are debatable. It can raise

a lot of questions such as “Who are we to decide
what is better for another person?” and other
similar philosophical criticisms. However, I believe
that if we try hard to act in a way that aligns with
good intentions, we can make the world a better
place. Try to leave every woman you date better
than you found her, whether you do it by being a
good example of a positive change that she can
make for herself… or even by just giving her
pleasure for one night (without bragging about it to
all your friends!).

By now you might be curious about what else you

can learn about dating and seduction. Maybe you’re
not happy with where you stand in your love life but
you’ve realized that you can make a change. I hope
you’ve become more optimistic about your potential
future with women and dating because the truth is
that you really do have a lot of potential to improve.
// Page 29
If you’re an introvert who wants to turn himself into
an incredibly potent seducer, I can turn you into
exactly that in just one year. Give my Seductive
I ntrovert program a shot:

to check out

Or, if you’d rather have a quick crash course on how

you can spark and build attraction with women, I’ve
written a guide on how you can do exactly that.
Check out Attraction Arsenal here:

to check out

Michael Chief
// Page 30

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