AC105 ASSIGNMENT-2 Spreadsheet Excercise

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1. You are required to work in MS Excel 2007 but save your final spreadsheet in MS
Excel 2003 format

2. Include your GroupNumber-StudentNumber, e.g. HACC1-G05-R856773T at the

top of your spreadsheet

3. Temporarily save your work in My Documents using the file name format
GroupNumber-StudentNumber, eg. HACC1-G05-R856773T

4. Upload your saved spreadsheet to e-learning under Assignments, Assignment-3.

5. Delete the files in My Documents when you finish uploading to e-learning.

6. Answer ALL Questions


Type in the following spreadsheet, and format it to look like the sample below.


1) Create the formulae to calculate the cost of sales in cells F5 to F9.

2) Create the formulae to calculate the Profit before tax in cells G5 to G9.

3) Create the formulae to calculate the “Corporate Tax” in cells H5 to H9.

4) Create the formulas to calculate the “Profit after Tax” in cells I5 to I9.

5) Create formulas to calculate totals in cells B10 to I10.

6) Enter the formula to calculate the average sales in cell C12.

7) Enter the formula to calculate the Standard Deviation in cell C14.

8) Enter the formula to calculate the highest sales in cell C16.

9) Enter the formula to calculate the lowest Sales in cell C18.

10) Format all the amounts to show the currency in $.

11) Apply shading (blue colour) in cells B10 to I10.

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