Equipment Effectiveness: OEE Revisited: A. J. de Ron and J. E. Rooda, Member, IEEE

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1, FEBRUARY 2005

Equipment Effectiveness: OEE Revisited

A. J. de Ron and J. E. Rooda, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a metric Based upon the concept of overall equipment effectiveness as
that has been accepted completely in the semiconductor industry. proposed by Nakajima [5], Semiconductor Equipment and Ma-
OEE is simple and clear, and standards and guidelines have terials International (SEMI) has developed a standard for def-
been developed. Nonetheless, literature indicates imperfections
in applying OEE with regard to time base and rate efficiency. As inition and measurement of equipment productivity. The stan-
literature lacks a basic framework for OEE, effectiveness has been dard is directed to measuring the effectiveness of equipment.
approached systematically that resulted in a new equipment effec- SEMI calls this metric overall equipment efficiency (OEE). This
tiveness . The main difference between OEE and concerns the metric is expressed entirely in terms of time. The standard has
choice of the time base. OEE does include equipment-independent been described in [6] and uses definitions as laid down in [7].
conditions, such as lack of input items. This condition is not caused
by the equipment but by the environment of the equipment. A guide to apply OEE is described in [8]. Currently, OEE is a
has been defined to get a performance measure that is related to metric that has been widely accepted in the semiconductor in-
equipment-dependent states only, viz. effective state consisting of dustry. As OEE is a simple and clear overall metric, managers
productive state, scheduled down state, and unscheduled down appreciate such an aggregated metric instead of many detailed
state. Because of the stand-alone condition, the equipment effec- metrics.
tiveness expresses the (equipment) internal losses, while utilization
expresses the external losses. By using , equipment can be Huang et al. [4] write that the concept of OEE is becoming
compared and improved. It can be concluded that the advantage increasingly popular and that it has been widely used as a quan-
of over OEE is that real equipment effectiveness is measured as titative tool essential for measurement of productivity in semi-
the influence of utilization (equipment-independent conditions) is conductor manufacturing operations, because of an extreme ca-
eliminated. pacity constrained facility investment. They state that traditional
Index Terms—Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), overall metrics for measuring productivity, throughput, and utilization
equipment efficiency, performance measures, semiconductor in- are insufficient for identifying the problems and underlying im-
dustry, state model. provements needed to increase productivity.
Several observations concerning the application of OEE have
I. INTRODUCTION been reported. They are directed mainly to the considered time
period, the application of rate efficiency, and some more general

I N LITERATURE, authors proclaim the importance of mea-

suring performance of processes in order to be able to per-
form improvement activities based upon these measures. There
With respect to the considered time period, Ljundberg [9],
who uses OEE for TPM activities, concludes that it is more ap-
is no doubt about the importance of performance measures. It is
propriate to consider the available time as basis for the time mea-
reported that hundreds of performance measures are being used.
surement than the loading time as suggested by Nakajima [5].
Managers want to have one clear metric and dislike this plurality
Gouvêa da Costa and Pinheiro de Lima [10] observe a
of information.
common mistake with respect to the definition of the theoretical
It is clear that performance measures should be created on a
cycle time in the OEE description (should it be the theoretical
well-defined basis, in order to get the right improvement activi-
cycle time, the one specified by the machine, or the planned
ties. If the performance measure is not the right one, the set point
cycle time, the one calculated by the industrial engineering
or benchmark value may be wrong and, as a result, the control
department for the operation?). They conclude that it should be
or improvement will not perform satisfactorily.
the planned cycle time. The authors use OEE for monitoring
A further development of performance measures needs a
and controlling performance of machines and processes in the
common basis as is underlined by remarks in earlier publi-
automotive industry in Brazil. They mention more misunder-
cations. For instance, Neely [1] has written that performance
standings in the use of OEE, e.g., using OEE to measure the
measures are poorly defined and Lebas [2] says that few people
capacity and using OEE to identify bottlenecks.
agree on what performance really means. Flapper et al. [3]
Jonsson and Lesshammar [11] present three case studies
write that performance indicators are created on an ad hoc
which illustrate how OEE is used in industry. After executing
basis; no or hardly any attention is paid to relations between
measurements to determine OEE, they remark that performance
performance indicators.
was measured by quoting actual speed and optimum speed.
The optimum production speed differed between each profile
(measurement run) and was sometimes difficult to define.
Manuscript received March 1, 2004; revised June 16, 2004. They remark that it is important to use the same speed for a
The authors are with the Systems Engineering Group, Department of Me- specific profile at every single measurement. Otherwise, it is
chanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB, Eind-
hoven, The Netherlands (e-mail:; not possible to compare measurements over time. They con-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSM.2004.836657 tinue to state that a relevant variable was “minor stoppages.”
0894-6507/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

Data showed that these stoppages amounted to 20%, and short for improvement activities in relation to these quantities. Inspec-
periods up to 49%, of total stop time. They notice that it is tion of the components of OEE shows that some components
rather difficult to assess the time length of stoppages and that are mutually dependent, viz. operational efficiency and rate ef-
there exists no clear limit between short downtime stoppages ficiency. This means that an improvement of the rate efficiency
and minor stoppages. Ljundberg [9] has found cases of positive results in a decrease of the operational efficiency and visa versa.
cycle time losses, which means that the process is run at a The foregoing observations made in literature are directed to
shorter cycle time (or higher speed) than nominal. It originates definitions and measurement of components of OEE. It can be
in many cases from a too low calculation of nominal speed. In concluded that these observations indicate that a further specifi-
this way, some minor stoppages or time losses are hidden in cation is needed for the application of OEE and its components.
shorter cycle times or positive speed losses. The aim of this paper is to develop a systematic approach
Leachman [12] expresses rate efficiency as the ratio of the regarding equipment effectiveness as a contribution to a further
theoretical time to complete the reported work and the reported specification of definitions and application of it.
(measured) production time. He remarks that machine speed Section II contains, for the sake of completeness, a concise
may vary in different instances of the same processing oper- description of OEE in accordance with SEMI [6]. In Section III,
ation, either because of differences in operator handling and OEE is revisited and a systematic derivation of equipment effec-
preparation time or because of brief machine stoppages not re- tiveness is presented. Similarities and differences of OEE and
ported as “down” time or because of not reported brief idle pe- are discussed and illustrated in Section IV. Conclusions are
riods that are considered as production time. He continues by given in Section V.
stating that even with no variation in machine speed, faithfully
reporting all down time and all idle time depends upon the man-
ufacturing organization. II. OEE
Chand and Shirvani [13] introduce two alternatives for the In [7], six main states of manufacturing equipment are de-
OEE. The authors suggest that the OEE is not an exact mea- fined; see Fig. 1.
sure of equipment effectiveness as setups, changeovers, and ad- The states are described as follows.
justments are included. They define a so-called total equipment
1) Nonscheduled state: Equipment is not scheduled to be
productivity, which is OEE related to loading time. That means
utilized in production, such as unworked shifts, week-
that they exclude nonscheduled downtime in this measure. To
ends, and holidays (including startup and shutdown).
exclude setups, changeovers, and adjustments the net equip-
2) Unscheduled down state: Equipment is not in a condi-
ment effectiveness is defined as the true quality and effective-
tion to perform its intended function due to unplanned
ness measure of equipment when running.
downtime events, e.g., maintenance delay (mainte-
Dal et al. [14], who report about the use of OEE, not only
nance is waiting for personnel or parts), repair, change
as an operational measure but also as an indicator of process
of consumables or chemicals, and out-of-spec input.
improvement activities, remark that OEE provides an excel-
3) Scheduled down state: Equipment is not available to
lent perspective on production improvement but should be bal-
perform its intended function due to planned downtime
anced by other, more traditional operational measures, thereby
events. This state includes the following activities: pro-
retaining an overall perspective of the manufacturing environ-
duction test, preventive maintenance, and setup.
ment. It should be noted that OEE is best suited for environ-
4) Engineering state: Equipment is in a condition to
ments of high-volume process-based manufacturing where ca-
perform its intended function but is operated to con-
pacity utilization is of a high priority and stoppages or disrup-
duct engineering experiments. The engineering state
tions are expensive in terms of lost capacity.
includes activities as: process engineering, equipment
Ljundberg [9], Dal et al. [14], and Jeong and Phillips [15]
engineering, and software engineering.
emphasize the need for accurate measures in the determina-
5) Standby state: Equipment is in a condition to perform
tion of OEE. Most factories in the semiconductor industry do
its intended function but is not operated. The standby
not undertake a careful measurement of OEE and their strategy
state includes the following activities: no operator
for computing overall efficiency must be considered in relation
available (including breaks, lunches, and meetings),
to the factory’s capabilities in data collection [12]. Konopka
no items available (including no items due to lack of
[16] remarks that an increase of output by just a few percent
available support equipment), and no support tools.
would contribute significantly to the semiconductor manufac-
6) Productive state: Equipment is performing its intended
turer’s ability to recover overheads in the estimated 5 years de-
function. The productive state includes activities as:
preciation time allocated to a fab. So, the measurement system
regular production (including loading and unloading of
should be able to measure this few percent.
units), work for third parties, rework, and engineering
Leachman [12] remarks that just knowing the overall effi-
runs done in conjunction with production units.
ciency score is insufficient for identifying the underlying im-
provements to increase OEE. A breakdown of the overall effi- In [6], the following definition of overall equipment effi-
ciency into its many components is required to focus and priori- ciency OEE is given:
tize improvement efforts. These components are diagnostic per-
formance measures as they do not indicate the status of equip- theoretical production time for effective units
ment but the status of some detailed quantities and can be used OEE
total time

Fig. 1. OEE equipment states. Fig. 2. Equipment states.

The OEE is built up by means of availability efficiency (AE), is not caused by the equipment, while the absence of an oper-
operational efficiency (OE), rate efficiency (RE), and quality ator is an equipment-dependent operation as the system is not
efficiency (QE) prepared to perform the intended function. Blocking is another
example of an equipment-independent operation as no output
OEE AE OE RE QE items can be released because of lack of buffer space. In gen-
eral, equipment-dependent operations can be eliminated by re-
pair, improvement, or redesign of the system.
equipment uptime In the sequel, we use the word equipment not only when we
total time mean equipment but also if we mean system.
production time In Fig. 1, some states contain equipment-dependent events as
equipment uptime well as equipment-independent events. In order to create states
theoretical production time for actual units that are related to equipment-dependent events only or to equip-
production time ment-independent events only, equipment states have been re-
theoretical production time for effective units defined as illustrated in Fig. 2. In this figure, preventive main-
QE tenance at scheduled intervals based upon equipment cycles or
theoretical production time for actual units
equipment conditions is an equipment-dependent operation that
In these definitions, theoretical production time means pro- is included in the scheduled down state. The classification of
duction time at strictly theoretically efficient rates without setups can be argued. Setups result from scheduling, which is
efficiency losses. an equipment-independent activity. The way setups are carried
out and time equipment is nonproductive depends on how easily
III. OEE REVISITED setups for the particular equipment can be carried out. Setups
The description given in [6] is directed to equipment, but it have been classified as scheduled downtime because downtime
is noted that OEE is impacted greatly by factors beyond the periods during setup depend upon equipment.
equipment itself, including operator, recipe, facilities, material We have assumed that (un)scheduled down states only can
(input items) availability, scheduling requirements, etc. As this occur during an equipment-dependent state.
impact may result in OEE values that show the influence of The definitions of the states are as follows.
factors beyond the equipment instead of the equipment itself, 1) Nonoperational state: Equipment is not scheduled to
we make a distinction between stand-alone equipment and in- perform its intended function. This state includes un-
tegrated equipment. OEE is directed to equipment integrated in worked shifts, weekends and holidays (including shut-
a manufacturing environment so that OEE includes influences down and startup), and engineering activities (process
of this environment. We prefer a metric directed to stand-alone engineering, equipment engineering, and software en-
equipment in order to be able to compare and to improve equip- gineering).
ment itself. 2) No-input state: Equipment is in a condition to perform
To specify equipment effectiveness we consider the equip- its intended function but is unable to operate due to a
ment as a manufacturing system, consisting of a system and a lack of input items.
system environment. The system performs the manufacturing 3) No-output state: Equipment is in a condition to per-
function. To be able to perform the manufacturing function the form its intended function but is unable to release items
system must fulfill conditions enforced by performing the func- due to a lack of buffer space.
tion, e.g., skilled workers to operate the equipment, consum- 4) Unscheduled down state: Equipment is not in a condi-
ables, supporting tools, and so on. Equipment-dependent oper- tion to perform its intended function due to equipment-
ations are related to the system, while equipment-independent dependent unplanned downtime events. This state in-
operations are related to the system environment. For instance, cludes repair and verification runs, no operator avail-
lack of input items is an equipment-independent operation as it able, and no support tool present.


Fig. 3. State relations.

5) Scheduled down state: Equipment is not available to

perform its intended function due to equipment-de-
pendent planned downtime events. Preventive mainte-
nance at scheduled intervals based upon equipment cy-
cles or equipment conditions is included in this state as
well as change of consumables and setups.
6) Productive state: Equipment is performing its intended
function. This state includes regular production, re-
work, and work for third parties.
Fig. 3 shows the relations between the states. The figure is
presented in a notation as described by Harel [17]. In this figure,
a distinction can be noticed between equipment-independent
states: nonoperational state, no-input state and no-output state;
and effective state consisting of equipment-dependent states:
scheduled down state, productive state, and unscheduled down
state. The equipment-independent states are initiated by activi-
ties not related to the equipment.
The state transition table, showing previous state, trigger, and Fig. 4. Equipment-independent losses.
next state, is given in Table I.
To get a metric related to the stand-alone equipment, a sepa-
ration between equipment-dependent losses and equipment-in-
dependent losses has been made. Fig. 4 shows the reduction of
total time into effective time . Total time contains equip-
ment-dependent and equipment-independent states while effec-
tive time includes only equipment-dependent states. The ef-
fective time is the time base for the determination of effec-
The ratio of number of qualified items and effective time
Fig. 5. Manufacturing equipment.
is actual throughput of qualified items

Nonproductive downtime losses result in a reduction of the

(1) time that the equipment can perform its intended function,
caused by the equipment itself. Sources for unavailability have
To evaluate the performance we distinguish three types of to be looked for within the equipment itself. The time that the
losses: nonproductive downtime losses, rate losses and quality equipment is really performing its intended function, produc-
losses, and an ideal transformation; see Fig. 5. tion time , is a fraction of effective time . This fraction is

availability that is the long-term fraction of the time that the interest and other equipment. Metric measures the effective-
equipment is not down for repair [18] ness of stand-alone equipment in order to monitor the status of
the equipment itself.
(2) The difference between OEE and can also be expressed
by the choice of the time base. Nakajima [5] takes the loading
The ideal transformation does not contain losses as these are time as time base, being the available time per day, which is de-
concentrated in the nonproductive time losses, rate losses, and rived by subtracting the planned downtime from the total avail-
quality losses. This transformation results in the maximum able time per day (or month). From observations in literature, it
number of items obtained during production time . has been remarked in the introduction that total available time
This results in maximum throughput should be used instead of loading time. In [6], total time is used
as time base, which is defined as all time (at the rate of 24 hours
(3) per day, seven days per week) during the period being measured.
In general, the time base should be the time period that equip-
Equipment rate specification will be in accordance with max- ment is enabled to perform its intended function without being
imum throughput. If equipment manufactures items in accor- limited by circumstances from outside. That means that only
dance with specifications but at a lower rate, equipment is in failures caused by the equipment should be accounted for by the
the productive state. For the lower rate the output will be equipment. The equipment is not responsible for equipment-in-
items during production time . is a fraction of the max- dependent failures. If, for instance, item supply to the equip-
imum number of items . This fraction is called rate factor ment is not possible, e.g., because of scheduling requirements,
this failure is not caused by the equipment. In this case, the fab
conditions may require such a scheduling but it should not be
(4) put on the account of the stand-alone equipment. Therefore, by
using the time base should not include idle time caused by
The output of the transformation process is further reduced be- lack of input items or any other equipment-independent failure.
cause of quality losses resulting from items that do not fulfill This time base is the effective time.
specifications. The fraction of total items that are qualified is Another result is that does not depend upon utilization,
known as yield . This is the definition according to [8]. Yield as OEE does, but is measured directly by production time and
includes rework and scrap. Leachman [12] remarks that line effective time. Utilization is defined as the time fraction that the
yield is the product of the scrap rates of the process steps in the system environment allows the equipment to fulfill its intended
flow. In [6], this percentage is called quality efficiency. Yield is function. Having effective time as base time means that is
expressed by based upon a measure that includes all time losses due to down,
setup, or rework caused by the equipment itself. Sattler [20]
(5) defines effective time as all cycle time except waiting for another
lot, which includes waiting for machine downtime and operator
Now, the relation between actual throughput and maximum availability and a variety of other activities.
throughput can be derived, using (1)–(5) Therefore, if different equipment types are compared by
using OEE, they might have the same value of OEE although
their values for equipment effectiveness differ. On the other
hand, two identical machines having identical equipment
The effectiveness is the fraction of maximum throughput that effectiveness may have different values for OEE. This is
the equipment is performing its intended function, i.e., to caused by the utilization of the equipment types that is included
produce qualified items. The derived equipment effectiveness, in OEE. Equipment effectiveness is more appropriate to
called , can be expressed by compare equipment.
The differences and similarities between OEE and can be
(6) illustrated by some examples. Table II shows measured data.
The results for OEE and are given in Table III.
If measurements are not yet available, equipment effective- As expected, the results show that the OEE assesses the effec-
ness can be estimated by using the planned value for tiveness much lower than the equipment really performs. This
. is caused by the no-input time, which results in a fraction of
total time that the system is enabled by the environment to per-
IV. OEE AND : SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES form (utilization); the value of this fraction is –
The main difference between OEE and is the approach of . So, in this case the value of OEE is determined for 57.1%
equipment: integrated or stand alone. Metric OEE measures the by the equipment environment and for 42.9% by the equipment
effectiveness of equipment including effects from other equip- itself.
ment in front of and at the end of the equipment of interest. In the next example, we illustrate the influence of utilization.
This means that OEE does not monitor the equipment status Utilization is changed by reducing no-input time. The effect of
but a status consisting of effects caused by the equipment of this change is that the production time increases. As we consider




where the equipment is assumed to operate in an ideal condi-

tion. In [8], a somewhat different definition is used for theoret-
ical time per item: equipment supplier specification for machine
production time per item, as best determined by experience or
time study measurements.
In equipment effectiveness , rate factor expresses rate
TABLE IV losses. The equipment manufactures items in accordance with
MEASURED DATA the specifications but at a lower rate. The rate factor is calculated
by choosing the maximum number of manufactured items in
accordance with the throughput as specified by the equipment
supplier. This approach is according to [8].

The objective of the OEE is to have a metric based upon mea-
surement of equipment states. SEMI defines OEE as the ratio be-
tween theoretical production time and total time, which means
that production time is not measured but calculated. As a result,
OEE is more an index than a performance measure.
only operation-dependent failures, the total down time increases OEE is not directed to equipment itself but includes effects
too. The measured data are given in Table IV. The results are of the environment of equipment too. This is caused by viewing
given in Table V. time losses because of lack of input items or no buffer space
Comparing the results, as given in Table V with the previous for items in the time base although this no-input or no-output
results given in Table III, shows that equipment effectiveness situation cannot be put on the account of equipment.
does not change while OEE changes because of an improved op- The derived system effectiveness includes only events that
erational efficiency. The influence of utilization is shown more are caused by the equipment itself. As a result, the time base for
particularly in Table VI. Equipment effectiveness does not measuring equipment effectiveness is the effective time. As a
change because no-input time is related to the equipment envi- consequence, does not depend upon utilization, which means
ronment and not the equipment itself. The value of OEE changes that is a real equipment metric.
because the equipment environment changes.
In Section I, remarks about the application of rate efficiency ACKNOWLEDGMENT
RE are given. In [6], RE is defined as the ratio of theoretical The authors would like to thank H. Niesing and R. M. M.
production time for actual items and production time. Theoret- Notermans for their contribution to the discussions.
ical production time for actual items is the multiplication of the-
oretical production time per item and number of actual items.
Theoretical production time per item is defined as the minimum
time to complete processing on one item of production assuming [1] A. Neely, “The performance measurement revolution: Why now and
what next?,” Int. J. Operations Production Manage., vol. 19, no. 2, 1999.
no efficiency losses are present. The determination of theoret- [2] M. Lebas, “Performance measurement and performance management,”
ical production time per item is based on continuous operation, Int. J. Prod. Econom., vol. 41, no. 1–3, pp. 23–35, 1995.

[3] S. D. P. Flapper, L. Fortuin, and P. P. M. Stoop, “Toward consistent per- [19] Sematech Official Dictionary—Rev. 5.0-Technology Transfer
formance management systems,” Int. J. Operations Prod. Manage., vol. 91 010 441C-STD, 1995. Sematech.
16, no. 7, pp. 27–37, 1996. [20] L. Sattler, “Using queueing curve approximations in a fab to determine
[4] S. H. Huang, J. P. Dismukes, J. Shi, Q. Su, M. A. Razzak, R. Bodhale, productivity improvements,” in Proc. 1996 IEEE/SEMI Advanced Semi-
and D. E. Robinson, “Manufacturing productivity improvement using conductor Manufacturing Conf. Workshop, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 1996,
effectiveness metrics and simulation analysis,” Int. J. Prod. Res., vol. pp. 140–145.
41, no. 3, 2003.
[5] S. Nakajima, Introduction to TPM: Total Productive Mainte-
nance. Cambridge, MA: Productivity, 1988.
[6] Standard for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Produc-
tivity, Semiconductor Equipment and Material International (SEMI)
A. J. de Ron received the B.Sc. degree in electronics
E79-0200, 2000.
and M.Sc. degree in applied physics from the Delft
[7] Standard for Definition and Measurement of Equipment Reliability,
University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands,
Availability, and Maintainability, SEMI E10-0701, 2001.
and the Ph.D. degree in industrial engineering and
[8] V. A. Ames, J. Gililland, A. Konopka, and H. Barber, Semiconductor
management science from Eindhoven University of
manufacturing productivity; Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
guidelines, 1995. Technology transfer 950 327 443 A-GEN, Revision
For more than ten years he worked in industry, first
1.0. Sematech.
as a Director of Research and Development and later
[9] O. Ljundberg, “Measurement of overall equipment effectiveness for
as Managing Director. Currently, he is an Associate
TPM activities,” Int. J. Operations Prod. Manage., vol. 18, no. 5, 1998.
Professor in design and innovation of manufacturing
[10] S. E. G. da Costa and E. P. de Lima, “Uses and misuses of the ‘overall
systems at Eindhoven University of Technology. He
equipment effectiveness’ for production management,” in Proc. IEEE-
has published various papers and books in the field of remanufacturing and sus-
SEMI Advanced Int. Semiconductor Manufacturing Sci. Symp., 2002,
tainable production. His research interests include the performance of manufac-
pp. 816–820.
turing systems.
[11] P. Jonsson and M. Lesshammar, “Evaluation and improvement of man-
ufacturing performance measurement systems—The role of OEE,” Int.
J. Operations Prod. Manage., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 55–78, 1999.
[12] R. C. Leachman, “Closed-loop measurement of equipment efficiency
and equipment capacity,” IEEE Trans. Semiconduct. Manufact., vol. 10,
Feb. 1997. J. E. Rooda (M’02) received the M.Sc. degree in
[13] G. Chand and B. Shirvani, “Implementation of TPM in cellular manu- food technology from Wageningen University of
facture,” J. Mater. Processing Technol., vol. 103, pp. 149–154, 2000. Agriculture, The Netherlands, and the Ph.D. degree
[14] B. Dal, P. Tugwell, and R. Greatbanks, “Overall equipment effective- from Twente University, Enschede, The Netherlands,
ness as a measure of operational improvement,” Int. J. Operations Prod. in 1971 and 1978, respectively.
Manage., vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1488–1502, 2000. From 1971 until 1985, he was an Assistant Pro-
[15] K.-Y. Jeong and D. T. Phillips, “Operational efficiency and effectiveness fessor and was active in the area of internal trans-
measurement,” Int. J. Operations Prod. Manage., vol. 21, no. 11, 2001. port systems of the Mechanical Engineering Depart-
[16] J. M. Konopka, “Improvement output in semiconductor manufacturing ment, Twente University. In 1985, he became a Full
environments,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Industrial Engineering, Ari- Professor in systems engineering, Department of Me-
zona State Univ., 1996. chanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Tech-
[17] D. Harel, “A visual formalism for complex systems,” in Science of Com- nology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. His research interests include modeling
puter Programming 8. New York: Elsevier, 1987. and analysis of discrete-event and continuous-time systems with a concurrent
[18] W. J. Hopp and M. L. Spearman, Factory Physics: Foundations of Man- behavior.
ufacturing Management, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. Dr. Rooda is a member of ACM, IFAC, IIE, and SCS.

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