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Project Name: SCI_Trio

Project Color: Salmon

Project Members:
Asawa Swapnil ​
Baikara Ainur - ​
Jain Abhishek - ​

The Problem:
Understanding the philanthropic activities of Melinda and bill gates and using that
knowledge to design a Decision support system for the foundation to analyse the
decisions of picking up the next challenge/task.

Significance of the problem:

Understanding this problem and building a useful decision support system for the
philanthropic activities can be of help to other individuals and companies who are
just starting their philanthropic activities or are looking to optimize/improve their
current philanthropic initiatives.
The donations can benefit differently and more impactfully in some projects than
others and there are millions of projects to choose from. The decision analysis
system could help choosing the better projects
more efficiently in lesser time.

Facts about the decision maker:

A typical decision maker for this system can be an individual or a group who are
looking to start or improve their philanthropic activities of their company.

The sources of uncertainty are: the shear number of possible projects, their
feasibility and common values/goals; feasibility of finding an acceptable solution
within the scope of a class project; project impact; impact on betterment of life;
short term and long term goals; the number of people benefitting and many more.
Here is the time frame we have set for this project:

What to Do Time Frame

Defining the problem 01.28.2019-02.07.2019
Literature Review 03.07.2019-02.28.2019
Start building the decision model 03.01.2019-03.31.2019
Testing the decision model 03.15.2019-03.31.2019
Revising the decision model 04.01.2019 - 04.07.2019
Submission of the project 04.15.2019

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