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SPE 14853

by Huan Guanren
Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum Exploration & Development
(The author is not available, thus this paper Is not to be presented
at the conference)

Copyrqht WM. Sometyof Petrofeum Engineers

This paper wc presented at the SPE 1SSSIntematiinal Meeting on Pelrdeum Engmwrmg held in Eeiiin9, China March 17-20, 19S6. The materialis
,-. to. correcibn
aubti . . -. --,.bv the author. Permission10cooYia restrictedto an abstractot notmore than 300 words.Write SPE. P.O. Sox SSSS36,Richardson,
Texas 7S0SS403. Tebx: 7S0SSSSPE DAL. “

ABSTRACT oil contact on the other. The conventional black oil model Is one
with three components (water, oil and gas). It can not be realistically
In a real black oil reservoir, especially in a heavy oil reservoir, used to simulate the above mentioned phenomenon and the
the density, viscosity and other fluid properties of the oil vary both behaviour of heavy oil reaewoirs.
horizontally and vertically from point to point in the formation. For We have presented a paper describing a new approach of black
example, formation oil viscosity may vary several times and even oil model at the Eighth SPE Symposium on reservoir simulation’.
more from the top of the formation to the water.oil contact. This The advantage of this approach is that it can be ueed not only to
phenomenon is due to the variation of crude oil composition. In a solve the crossing bubble point pressure problem in black oil
heavy oii reservoir, due to the gravity segregation and the difference simulation, but more importantly to simulate a reservoir with more
of the oxidation of water to oil, the asphalting and gel content of the components after the unknowns In the equation are changed.
oil varies with depth and the distanca to the waterail contact. The In thks paper, we still use the same approach. First of all, we
above mentioned phenomenon and the behaviour of that type of consider the oil as a mixture of the two pseudcr%omponents. Then
reservoir cart not be realistically simulated by the conventional we can write four equations based on the material talance
black oil model with multipool approach. principles, and construct the fifth equation using expansion
This paper suggests a black oil model with four components, relationships iteration increments of the new unknown. In the
which uses a twepseudcr-component.mixture concept to solve the ‘Flash calculation’, consideration on the variation of stock tank oil
above mentioned simulation problem. In this modal, oil Is density is added.
considered as a mixtura of two pseudo oil components with the
different asphalting and gel contents. Irr this case, the properties of
the mixture will be dependent on, In addition to the pressure and FLUID PROPERTIES
temperature, the maas fraction of each pseudo component in the
mixture. In this model, the oil is considered as a mixture of two pseudo
The paper uses the ‘flash’ approach in pape~” to solve this components. The variable x is defined as mass fraction of the first
problem. In tha model, the pressure and the four components pseudo component in the mixture.
(water, gas and two pseudo oil components) masses per unit
formation volume are considered ae basic unknowns to be solved.
Though more complicated conaideratlona are included, the model
= FJ”f%
still uses the PVT data of conventional black oil, and the computer In the laboratories, we can obtain a set of PVT relationships
time would not be increased too much, as the Sequential Implicit with different stock tank oil densities. In that case, we assume the
method is applied for the numerical solution. two stock tank oils, which are upper and lower limiting cases In the
given reservoir, as two pseudo oil components, and other stock tank
oils with different densities will be considered as their mixtures.
lNTRODUCTfON Specifying those two extreme stock tank oil densities aa P ostcl
and p ostc2, we ca<rrwrite the intermediate stock tank oil density
Moat of the reaewoirs” ia the eaat of China are heavy oil formula based on the simple volume mixture principle as
resewoirs. The difficulty in reeewolr simulation is how to simulate
the vartatkxr of density and viscosity of crude oil with depth and P*!O = Xale “ ?0,1.1+ (1 -X,,c)” pm,=z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2)
horizontal position in the resewoir. In heavy oil reservoirs, the high Then, we can obtain the relationship between mass fraction of
content of aephaltine and gel content of the oil give strong in. the first pseudo component and the stock tank oil density, as
fluences to the properties of crude oil. In some cases, the viscosity
% “ ANICI = Po*tcl(
Poalc- PW)
may vary eever:d times and even more from the top of the reservoir x = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3)
to the water-oil contact. The cause of this phenomenon is that the
Pwtc (
POstc Poslcz)
Postc! -

fraction of asphalting and gel in the oil increases with the depth After substituting pMCby x, we can consider the fiuid Properties
under the action of the gravity segregation on one hand, and the for a given oil as functions of P, P, and x.
oxidation of waler to oil intensifies when it gets closer to the water. In the threephaae state (oil, gas and water)



&(P, x).. .#!c. c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(4) divide the resewoir fluid into four components in the model, we can
still apply three component relationship for common black oil in the
4= &( P,x).. .o . . . .. o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(5)
flaeh calculation, Here, the oil, being a mixture of two pseudo
h =~(p, x), . . . . .. c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(6)
components, ia considered aa one component, just for the
In the two-phase state (oil and water) convenience of calculation. The concept of ‘Flash’ means
instantaneous phase equilibrium.
d= &(P*, x)(l+co (P,! x)(P-pJ . . . . . . ., . ...(7)
In the flash package of compositional model, pressure,
d= ~(P,, x)(l+co (P,, x)(P-PJ) .4........,.(6) temperature and mass or mole fractions of the component are
k sh(p,, x)+c~p,, x)(p-PJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(9) alwaya considered as input data. In the same manner, we use such
So all of the relationship listed above come from conventional an idea to solve black oil problem. Here, pressure, temperature and
black oil PVT tests, and the only difference in that of the stock tank two masa fractions of the three components are considered as
oil densities which is described by Eq. (3). input data to the flash calculation. The mass fractions can be
calculated through RW,R. and R~as:
. . . . . . . . . ,., ,. . . (26)
The model consists of our masa-balance equations for water, co = . . . . . . . .. (27)
RW+Ro+R~ ““”’”””””””””””””””
gas and two pseudo 011components and one associated equation,
which will be described later in the seotion of the fifth equation. The where
mass.balance equations are written in the finite difference form for R. =RO, +R02 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (26)
each grid block as:
In addition to the above mentioned relatlonehips, mass fraction of
v the first pseudo component is also defined as an input parameter in
~TWA.@W+ qW = ~ o6R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (10)
the flash calculation by appiylng Eq. (1),
The procedures of the flash calculation are as follows:
ATOIA*O + qO, = ~c6R0, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (11)
1. To determine phaae state of the system.
We can judge whether the . II phase is saturated or
LTO#O + qOz=~S6ROa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (12) undersaturated by comparing the gas.oil mass ratio with the
ratio of solution gas density to oil density in the saturated
M@40+a T,##g+#+q Q=~ .6R~.........., (13) condition.
where if+= A(P, x)
three-phase state.
K o #@”(P,x) ‘
TW =YJ=PW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (14)

Km If ~ 2-, two.phase state.

TO, = y~xpoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15) % P@O(p,x)
SYT(l_X)poO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (16) 2. To calculate bubble point pressure.
For the two.phaae state, the bubble point pressure can be
K calculated through the gas.oil mass ratio, It is well-known that
- $g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17) both partial densities for solution gaa and oil are functions of
bubble point pressure and masa fraction x. So we can use that
~ J$Q- ‘.......
=Yhl% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18) relationship to determine bubble point pressure inversely:
In solving these equations the oil phase pressure P, and four /#(P, x) . &
components contained in the unit formation volume RW,RO,,ROZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (29)
Pw”(p, x) R.
and RQ are considered as basic unknowns. In fact, the mass
unknowns are 3. To calculate densities.
RW =I$PWSW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (19) Knowing the pressure, temperature, bubble Point
pressure and masa fraction x, we can easily calculate the
R,l =6X PO’’SO
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (20) densities for different phase states.
Rm =(1- X)dpo%o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (21) 4. To ctlculate saturations.
R~ = f$fi%o+ oPgsg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (22) A?!er the calculations of bubble point pressure and
densities, the saturation calculation listed below will be kept in
The model is full implicit, so our notation is, for,any unknown X
the completely same form as those in the paper’”. We
6X =Xn+l-Xn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (23) calculate saturations with different formula for different phaae
6X =XL+l - XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (24) states, respectively.
(1) Two.phase state
where superscript n denotes time steps and superscript L denotes
iteration number. Since
Ths time difference can be approximated by: c pwsw
<= po’%$ ““”’”””””’”’”””””””’”’”””” “:
6X =XL-X” + 6X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (25)
In the model the unknowns to be solved directly in the iteration the water saturation can be written as:
level are 6P, 6RW,13R0,,6ROZand 13RW 1
Sw = . . . . . . . . . (31)
COFW ““’””””””””””””
* :0°
(2) Three.phase state
This section is very similar to that in the paper”). Although we Since

Huan Guanren j
SPE 14S53

,4Wsw Rewrite Eq. (43) as

Cw = ......... (32)
Pwsw+ bo”+ Paso + Pg% 6S0 = bO + b,6P + bz(tiRo, + /IR02)+ b3&x. . . . . . , , (45)
POQSO (33)
co = where
pwsw+(poO+P$)so+Pgsg ““”’””+”’”
(Rot + Ro2) _ S
the water and oil saturations can be written as: b. = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . (46)
(0 PoO)
%Po” Pa Is
SW= .(34) b, =-— —
a(op’’o), ..,.,.... . . . . . . . . . . (4T)
pwp~o+ co Pw(Pg– PoO- 73 + t% /’0°(#g - d (~ Po”) 0 ap

PwPoO +
COPW(P* - PoO - Pa + CWPOO(PQ - Pw)
.(35) bz = –~
. . . . . . . . . . . .. l . . . . . ..!...... ... (46) I
soa PO”
As mentioned above, we can see that the output results ba = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (49)
from the flash calculations are the phase state of S)KWFI,
bubble point pressures, densities and saturations. substituting Eq. (45) into Eq. (44), we can rewrite Eq. (44) as
&s. = Co + c,13P + CZ(6R0,+ 6RW, + CJRg + C46X . . (50)
As mentioned above, we have four equations with five
co = ~(R~ - -$(Ro, +RJ)-s~c, ... c.,.,.(51)
unknowns, so it is necessary to complement one more equation. We (@Pg)
can find the relationship of 6 RW,6 R,,,,6 ~ and b R. with 6P, 6 Sw, + s * ?~ a(op:)
6 So, 6 S~, 6 P,, and 6 x from the expansion of Eq. (19) – (22) and Eq. c, = _ L(SO* — (52)
(0 Pg) g dP -Zs’l ap ““
(1) in L+ 1 iteration level.
The expansion of summation of saturation equation can be c2 =-— ..............................(53)
written as
6 Pg00”
15Sw+aso+asg= o.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (36) C3 =—. ... ... .. .. .. ... . .. .. ... .. ... .. . .. (54)
With the normal chain rule, the expansion of Eq. (19) can be so a p: ~{ a Po”
written as c4=– —(—-— —
Pg ax Poo ax ‘--o o-. -oo”ooo (55)5)

RW+RW= Substituting Eq. (42) into Eq, (50) to eliminate 6x, and
(* P.S.) + SW4$Q6P + (@Pwww . . . . . . . (37)
subatltuting Eq. (36), (4S) and (ELI)into Eq. (36), we can obtain
Eq. (37) will be rewritten as: the fifth equation (56) as follows,
as. =~+a,6P +aJRW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (38) ~ + A,6P ‘+ A~RW + AJRO, + A4b~ + A~6Rg= 0. (56)
where where
R ~=~+bo+ co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (57)
a= . . . . . . . . . (39]
G- S*”””””’””””’””’”””’”””””” A, =al+b, h cl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (56)
~$ lPW)SWd(~fi) Az = az . . . . . . . . . ., .,,..,, ,,, ,, ..., . . . . . . . . . . (59)
a,=- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (40)
1 A3 =b2+cz+ (b~+cJ(~; ~02) ... ... . . . . .. (60)
az=— ~dpw) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (41)
A, ‘bz+cz– (bs+cf)(Rol; Ro2). . . . . . . . . . .. (61)
Note, the superscript L in all terms In Eq. (37) — (41)and subsequent
formulas are dropped for clarity.
%=cs .............. ................ (62)
The expansions of Eq. (20) — (22) will be written in accordance
with the different phase states, Here, It is noteworthy that the
solution gas and oil densities wilt be dependent not only on 2. Two.phase state
pressure and bubble point pressure, but also on mass fraction x. In the two=phase state the oil and the solution gas
The iteration increment of x can be obtained from the densities are dependent not only on pressure P and mass
expansion of Eq. (l). fraction x but also on bubble point pressure P,, thus:

=FJ&~’- RO,;ROZRM’ ””””””’”’””””
. . . (42) (Ro, + Ro,) + 6R0, + 6R02= (O/~SJ + (@P/)&So
+ So~~6p
Eq. (42) can be used for eliminating 6 x from the expansions of Eq. + (@SJ~~X + (@@$p, (63)
(20) – (22). Q
a(d P$ 8P + (0 fi~~bx
1. Three-phaee state Rg + bRC= (6P$W + (@ p9S0 + ‘O ap
In the three-phase state the oil the solution gas densities a p;
are dependant on pressure P and mass fraction x, thus +(@J-@P, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . .. (64)

Reconstructing Eq. (63) and (S4)to eliminate d P,, we can

+ (&#6x . . . . . . . . . (43) a;: ., ~
((~) - ‘(% + Ro, - 0 Po”So) - (~) (R -0 %&))
R. + 6R~ = ($PSO + f4P,sJ + (@P9~o + (4 Pg)fJ3, s s
aroO ,., a(opoo) a;! ~..,- 6P
.-s~(~~-(~ ap


and 6RQfrom Eq. (73) — (76) explicitly, Then the flash calculation is
ap: -, apt .,ap:
+ (~)-’(6R01 + 6R02)– (~) 6R~ – (0%)((——
8P,) ax operated following the above step. Using the current values of
3 saturations, bubble point pressure and other parameters calculated
ap: ,ap: ap:.1 by the flash calculation, we can recalculate the equation
- (@ X6X - 6( PO”(*)-’ – Pg(~) PSO = O * (65)
coefficients for the next iteration. In that manner, the iteration
sequence is carried out until the convergence of iteration ia
Since in the two.phase state
6s. = -6sw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...(~)
Then, substituting Eq. (36) into Eq. (65),we can obtain the same
form of the fifth equation (55)for the two-phase state, only with
difference in different coefficients as follows:
We have chosen a cross.section model with 8 x 5 grids in the
k = ((~)-’(Ro, + !%, - I$A)OSO) - (~)-’(Rg - @P$w
X and Z plane for testing of the method presented above. The key
8P: , Rw parameters of that example were chosen from a real reservoir in
+ d(po”(~)-’ - ~%@- )(= – SJ . . . . . . (67) eastern China. In the example we can see that for this heavy oil
reservoir, the density and viscosity of oil vary with depth of the
apoo , a(OPo” ap: , a~p:
A, = ‘0((~)- — ap - (@-~) formation. For the study of its mechanism, the producing well is
located on the higher side of the cross section to produce lighter oil
_ ~ .w#4p00(=-
ape* , ap:
_p:(=)-). ,
., . . ..!(@ at first, and the water injection well is set on the lower side to
maintain the pressure of the reservoir and to displace more heavy
ap~ , oil from 011.watercontact to the producer,
A2 = JJpo”(~)-’ _Pg(W)- ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (69) The PVT data of the reservoir fluids, speoial core analysis data
and the other basic parameters are tabulated in Tab, (1) - (5), and
- x) apz .Iafl:
A, = (~)-’ - (~~~~ RU’( —
8P,) —
8X - (#J-’g) . (70) the results of calculation were shown in Tab. (6) and Fig. 1.
s The results of calculation show that the produced stock tank
—-— ‘ad~” - (~)-’$$ . (71) oil density increases with increasing water injection volume,
A, = (~)-’ + (Ro;~~RozM(~;~)
especially in the first stage. In the vicinity of producing well, the
stock tank oil density in the upper part of the formation is higher
A, = _(#)-’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (72) than that in the lower part after 2 PV of water haa been injected. The
last phenomenon can be explained by the fact that the displaced oil
volume passed through upper part of the formation is aiways more
than that passed through the lower part at the final stage of water
flooding. As a result, the heavier oil usually remains in the upper
part of reservoir.
In the sequential scheme of this model, the solution of each
iteration is divided into two steps. First, the pressure is calculated
implicitly, that ia, by solving a system of linear algeb~ic WJationat
for each grid block, with one unknown, 6P. Secondly, the unknown
component mass fractions can be calculated explicitly based on
English Lettem
the pressure solved in the same iteration level. In this scheme,
aithough the transmissibilities, capillary pressures and gravity CO compreseibitity of undersaturated oil
terms of the interlock flow vary with iteration, they are held CW,Co Mass fractions of water and oil components respectively
constant over the given iteration level. Therefore the material c“ Viscosity compressibility of undersaturated oil
balance equations can be written ax k Relative perhreability of phase p
$ Oil phase pressure
ATWA*W + q. + L.TWL8P = ~(6RW + Rw - R;) . . . . . (73) PCW,PC@Water.oil and gaa-oil capillary pressures, respectively
Bubble point pressure
LJTO,~+. + qo, + &Tol ,LdP = X6
At(% + Rot - WI) . . . (74) qp Injection or production mass rate of component c in
phase p
+(6R02 + Ro, -%2).. The mass of component c per unit formation volume
~To2 A*O + qo2 + LTOZ ~bp = .(75) $
Saturation of phase p
Ln MO + ;Tg J“.+. + ~ + qg + Am + TJA6P f Transmissibility of component c in phase p
v“ Grid block bulk volume
= *(6R, +R, -R3 . . . . . . . . . ..0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (76) x Mass fraction of the first pseudo oil component in the
total oil component at reservoir condition
Substituting Eq. (73) — (76) into the fifth equation (65), we can Volume fraction of the first pseudo oil component in the
obtain the equation with only one unknown 6?. total oil component at stock tank condition
i>.(A2Tw + AITol + AdTo2+ A5TJ~’~6P+
-@p Greek Letters

= Az(~(RW - R:) - .:.T@.”.4W- qW) + A,(~(RO, - w,) ; Difference operator In space

,.. Time step
7$ Time difference operator
- ,“..To,.“.*O - qO,)+ A4(~(RW - R;J -. .TOZ,’.IPO
- qozl ~ Iteration difference operator
&v @p Viscosity of phase p
+ AJ:(Rg - R~ - ,:.Tq.”.@q– qQ) - ~ . . . . . . (77) ~; Density of component c in phase p
#. ..
?0s,. Stock tank oil density
Based on the solution of 6P, we can calculate 6RW,6R0,,6R02 Stock tank oil density of the first pseudo oil component
Postc 1

A.. - , .“--
Huan Guanren 5

Pmtc 2 Stock tank oil density of the second pseudo oil TABLE 1 - MODEL DESCRIPTION
component (Depth of the grid system, m)
#, Potential of phase p
@ Porosity
M= 123456 78
r Constant portion of transmissibility
L1= 1660 1660 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000
Difference Notation 2 1862 1682 1802 1922 1942 1962 1982 2002
~T~X = AXTX.LXX+ 2YTYLYX + LZTZ2ZX 3 1664 1S84 1904 1924 1944 1964 1964 2004
~XTX:XX = TX,,+,,I(X,+, - X,) - TX,- ,/t(Xi – X,. t) 4 1866 1686 1905 1926 1946 1966 1986 2006
where T,., +,,, is x-direction transmissibility for flow between grid 5 1668 1666 1908 1928 1948 1968 1988 2006
blocks i and i + 1

9 Gas phase or gas component (for RJ
o Oil phase or oil component (for RJ
w Water phase or water component (for RJ
01 The first pseudo oil component
02 The second pseudo oil component


9 Gas component
L Iteration number WATER-OIL FUNCTIONS
n Time step number s. kW k row P.Owlat
o Oil component 0.22 0.0 1.0 0.4763
w Water component
0.228 0.0 0.99 0.4700
0.30 0.07 0.40 0.2722
REFERENCES 0.40 0.15 0.125 0.2041
0.50 0.24 0.0649 0.1701
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GEOMETRY Stock Tank Oii Saturation

Depth m Temperature C
Grid number in X direction and Z direction 8x5 Density gicm3 Pressure ata
Net vertical thickness of layers, m 2
H Posto T P,
Grid size in X direction, m 500
1850 0,8955 74 159
Rock compressibility, at., 5.878 X 10-5 1900 0.9120 f6 140
Water compressibility y, at-’ 4.409 x 10-5 1.950 0.9285 78 120
Compressibility of undersaturated oil at-’ 1 x 10-’ 1980 0.9385 79.2 118
Viscosity of reservoir gas, cp 0.02 117
2010 0.9400 80.4
Viscosity of reservoir water, cp 0.98
Viscosity compressibility of undersaturated oii, gas and water,
at-’ 0.0
Stock tank water density, g/cm3 0.99536
Porosity at reference pressure, 1 ata 0.3
Horizontal permeability, md 4000
Verticai permeability, md 4W

lNITiAL Conditions
Depth of gas.oii contact, m Non
Depth of water-oil contact, m 2010 TABLE 6 - RESULTS OF CALCULATION
Capiliary pressure at water.oil contact, ata 0.0
initiai reservoir pressure, at 19S0 m, ata 198 Water Saturation in Grid Biocks
WELL DATA initiai
Grid location of the producing weil in X direction 1 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.3377 1.0 1.0
Grid location of the injection weli in X direction 8 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.3739 1.0 1.0
Perforation in producer and injector, In Z direction 1-5 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.2334 0.4203 1.0 1.0
Annuai fluid production rate, PV (fraction of resewoir pore 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.2438 0.4928 1.0 1.0
voiume) 0.02 0!22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.2541 0.5653 1.0 1.0
Annuai water injection rate, PV 0.02
After 2 PV of Water Injection
Totsl injection voiume, PV 2
0.3615 0.3716 0.3797 0.3911 0.4139 0.4815 1.0 1.0
0.4113 0.4279 0.4406 0.4604 0.4889 0.5524 1,0 1.0
0.5027 0.5136 0.5225 0.5385 0.5635 0.6219 1.0 1.0
0.5938 0.6003 0.6049 0.6167 0.6378 0.6902 1,0 1.0
0.6855 0.6875 0.6877 0.6850 0.7118 0.7570 1.0 1.0
TABLE 4- PVT PROPERTIES Stock Tank Oii Density in Grid Blocks
Stock Tank Saturation Oii Soiution Gas Oii
0.8988 0.9054 0.9120 0.9186 0.9252 0.9318 0.94 0.94
Oii Density Pressure Density Gas Density Density Viscosity
0.8994 0.9060 0.9126 0.9192 0.925S 0,9325 0.94 0.94
glcm3 ata glcm’ glcm3 glcm3 cp
0.9001 0.9067 0.9133 0.9199 0.9265 0.9331 0.94 0.94
kc P, l%” ?: P* Po 0.9007 0.9073 0.9139 0.9205 0.9271 0.9338 0.94 0.94
0.8014 0.9080 0.9146 0.9212 0.9278 0.9345 :.94 0.94
0.89 1 0.86408 0.0 0.00129 11
11 0.S3568 0.00888 0.01423 7.5 After 2 PV of Water Injection
51 0.80689 0.02346 0.06599 5.0 0.9174 0.91S4 0.9216 0.9248 0.9281 0.9320 0.94 0.94
101 0.78070 0.04370 0.13069 4.5 0.9100 0.9164 0.9202 0.9241 0.9282 .0.9327 0.94 0.94
201 0.73859 0.08000 0.26009 3.2 0.9098 0.9148 0.9193 0.9238 0.9285 0.9334 0.94 0.94
0.91 1 0.88781 0.0 0.00129 45 0.9092 0.9142 0.9180 0.9238 0.928S 0.9340 0.94 0.94
11 0.86093 0.00812 0.01423 32.5 0.9085 0.9138 0.9187 0.9238 0.9289 0.9344 0.94 0.94
51 0.83105 0.02127 0.06599 15.5
101 0.80889 0.03853 0.13069 13
201 0.76858 0.06995 0.26009 8
0.94 1 0.92611 0.0 0.00129 70
11 0.80385 0.0056 0.01423 60
51 0.87851 0.01875 0.08599 39.5
101 0.84738 0.03325 0.13069 26.5
ml 0.82747 0.08094 0.26009 14

00 %

Water Cut

f 75


7= 50

Stock Tank Oil DenSitY

. 25

I (t
0.90’ 1.5 2.0-
0.5 11

Water Injection Pore Volume

Fig. 1 VariationRelationships of Stock Tank Oil Density,

Water Cut and Oil Recovery With Water Injection Pore Volume


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