The Most Beautiful and Economical Ways To Decorate Your Walls

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The Most Beautiful and Economical Ways to Decorate Your Walls

When most of the walls of your home are empty and you do not know what to
do to decorate them, we are here to give you the most beautiful ideas. Read
below and you will find 12 different ways that can transform most - if not all -
your walls.
Textile weaving / weaving
DIY Create Stamp: Use a square piece of wood and wrap it with string
Start by dabbing one side in color. On top of a cardboard, you dabble over the
color. Use it as a stamp on the wall. You will go horizontally, the other
vertically. This will create the effect of a woven fabric. In the bottom row, start
backwards. You can first test on a white cardboard.
DO NOT wrap the string completely aligned. For a more natural result, create
nasty gaps between the lines.
DO Use earth colors to enhance the intensity of the design, not the color.
DO Paint a wall in the hallway or at the entrance of the house.
DO NOT Avoid placing furniture and frames. It is already an intense
decorative element that we want to look at.
Do not dilute the paint with water.
Style brick
You will need a rectangular sponge like that which is for washing the car.
DIY Cut the sponge with a cutter if it is too large, in the size of a brick. About
20x9.5cm. Drop one side of the paint. Plate on a cardboard until the
unnecessary color disappears. Tap lightly against the wall. Next stroke 1 cm
more to the left, leaving a gap in between. In the bottom row, start by placing
the sponge waist underneath the white space of the upper row and again
leaving a gap.
Do not worry about being the same spaces all the same. This will result in a
more natural result.
DO Use shades of tile or apple rot. For more industrial result, use gray.
DO Paint the wall behind the couch or TV.
DO NOT For dark shades choose a smaller piece of wall to avoid visually
closing the space.
Do not dilute the paint with water.
ceramic tiles
DO Paint the wall by dressing it with retro tiles. Mix different patterns and
colors. A wall that has an entrance to another space of the house is ideal to
make the transition from one space to another, a pleasant experience.
Combine it ideally with wooden flooring.
DO NOT It is good not to have a tile on the floor to counter and not to remind
old kitchen.
DO For more direct and not permanent change instead of ceramic tiles, use
adhesive tiles to create a wallpaper with combinations that you like. It will cost
you much less and you will do it yourself in a matter of minutes.
DO NOT Do not mix bold colors and pale or faded. Depending on the style
you want to move on the same pattern for a consistent result.
Decorate with a three-dimensional geometric cardboard construction and
create a nice visual game as you enter the space.
DO You can do it over the console at the entrance or in the hall, over a shelf
or simply on the wall beside a monk.
DIY Print on cardboard in the color that you like ready-made template to
create triangles or draw on cardboard of 4 same size triangles leaving left and
right 2 small half-point "hoes". Fold in the triangle lines and place glue on the
shoes to stick it. Make enough of either the same color or different and stick
them with double-paste tape next to each other.
DO NOT Do not try to place them by creating a specific shape. It's more
interesting to be an irregular shapesheet.
Do NOT place a frame close to the construction. Follow a minimalist
aesthetics even with the decoration on the furniture.
Build a special library as a work of modern art
DIY You will need simple plastic bookbinders. You will screw one to the wall.
Place a book on top but with the back cover on one side of the booklet. Glue
the back cover onto the booklet with a double-paste tape. You already have a
shelf from a book that hangs invisibly on the wall. Fill the books until the
librarian is visually lost.
DO After the first book, place only one more perpendicular to hide the
bookbinder and place a decorative front. Do the same all over the wall
miserably at different heights.
Do NOT place books large enough to not protrude too much and avoid heavy
DO NOT Do not put the same number of books at all because the result will
be monotonous.
DO Collect the frames only on one side of the wall at the edge and place them
with no coincidence

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