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Subject: Energy and Process 1 part 1 (EP1t1)

Examination: Regular
Date: November 2015
Time available: 100 minutes
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Number of pages: 4
Class: EW1G, EW1H
Teacher: Psn

Data concerning educational tools to be used

Paper O x Yes, namely x scrap paper

x lined paper double
Calculator O x Yes
Readers x No O
Books x No O
Laptop/PC x No O
Other educational tools x No O

Exam papers hand in after the examination: Yes

Assessment : Please indicate the assessment for each assignment

Assignment 1: 10+18 points

Assignment 2: 12 points

Assignment 3: 17+18+15 points

Grade : Final grade = score assignments (1+2+3) + 10 bonus points

Remarks: If answer sheets available please use them in the proper way

- ID card and student card on your table

- Work neatly and use a clear handwriting.
- All answers need to have calculations and/or argumentations. If absent, the answers will be
assessed with 0 points.
- Other examination rules are written down in the Study Progress Guide.

Do not forget to fill in your name, student number and other relevant data of each paper.
------------------------------------------------- Formula sheet -----------------------------------------------

Pressure, the manometer, the barometer and atmospheric pressure

Pgage  Pabs  Patm
Pvac  Patm  Pabs
P   gz
P  Patm  gh

Conservation of mass

 m   m
in out

The Bernoulli equation, energy analysis

P V2
  gz  constant
 2
P  gz  constant
Pstag  P  
2 2
P1 V1 P2 V 2
  gz1  w pump,u    gz 2  wturbine,e  e mech loss, piping
1 2 2 2
P V 2  P V 2 
m  1  1  gz1   W pump,u  m  2  2  gz 2   W turbine,e  E mech loss, piping
 1 2   2 2 
   
E  m e
W pump,u  η pump W pump,shaft
W turbine,shaft  ηturbine W turbine,e
P V2
  gz  constant
 2

Problem 1

Water flows through a pipe at velocity V1. The diameter of the pipe is 6 cm. To measure the flow
velocity in the pipe, 2 measuring instruments are mounted on the pipe: a static tube (piezo meter)
and a pitot tube. Both metering tubes are at the top open to atmosphere. The atmospheric pressure is
1013 mbar. The fluid in these tubes is water. The static pressure at point 1 is 102.3 kPa (absolute
Water density is 1000 kg/m3 and gravitational acceleration is 9.81 m/s2. Conditions are steady and
frictional losses can be neglected.

a) Show that the static pressure in point 2 = 103.3 kPa

b) Determine the volume flow of water in the pipe in liters per minute.

Problem 2

A reservoir is filled with oil and closed-off at both ends by a piston. The pistons can move without
any friction. The diameter of piston 1 is 50 mm. The diameter of piston 2 is 20 mm.
Piston 1 moves at a speed of 0.1 m/s.

Determine the speed of piston 2.

Problem 3

A fireboat is to fight fires in coastal areas using seawater. The water intake point of the pumping
system is (of course) below the water level. The water discharges through a hose nozzle at an
elevation of 3 m above the water level. The volume flow of water is 6.1 m3 per minute.
At the water intake point the static pressure in the pipe is 2.0 kPa-gage and the flow velocity is
4.0 m/s. Total frictional losses in the piping are 16 J/kg.
The shaft power of the pump is 105 kW and the efficiency of the pump is 75%.

The density of the seawater is 1025 kg/m3. Atmospheric pressure is 100.0 kPa. The gravitational
acceleration is 9,81 m/s2. Conditions are steady state.

Attention: when using the Bernoulli equation or the general energy equation, always add a
sketch of the system concerned, number the 2 reference points and mark the zero level of

a) Show that the useful work of the pump = 756 J/kg

b) Determine the outflow velocity from the hose nozzle
c) Determine the vertical distance between the intake point and the water level


Assignment 1:
a) Static pressure at point 2= 103262 Pa
b) Volume flow = 238 l/min

Assignment 2
Velocity = 0.625 m/s

Assignment 3:
a) Useful pump work = 755.7 J/kg
b) Outflow velocity = 37.7 m/s
c) Vertical distance = 1.01 m (below the sea level)

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